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Do feel Free to contact me any time for any Guidance or Discussion about Homoeopathy, its role in Psychiatric conditions,or any other issues about Medical science or spritual Healing, SRT (Spirit Releasement therapy), PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy).I assure you will make all my best efforts to clear your Doughts,and if cant will definately guide to appropriate fratrenity,Individual,Doctor as per my Knowledge.
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You are unique. There is no one else like you in the entire universe. In honor of your unique self, it is good to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are. One way to do this is to not compare yourself with other people.

It is human nature to want to see how we measure up in comparison to others – especially if we think that they are better than us or have more of something that we want. Yet the truth is that it is not a good use of time to compare ourselves with others because there is no one like us and this makes us incomparable. It is sometimes almost easier to look outside of ourselves and feel like we are deficient in comparison to other people rather than taking responsibility for our own progress in relation to the fulfillment of our life purpose. It actually takes more courage to be self-referential and look at ourselves to see whether we are measuring up to our standards or meeting our full potential. Each of us has very special gifts, and we are here for very specific reasons. We each have a life purpose to fulfill and with this come the lessons that we must learn and the circumstances that we must go through in order to evolve as spiritual beings. To compare our lives to other pe! ople’s lives when we have no idea of what they are here to learn or fulfill doesn’t benefit anyone – especially you.

Instead, if we can accept ourselves, appreciate the special talents and qualities that we alone possess, and realize that each of us is going through certain kinds of experiences for a reason, we are less likely focus so much on what other people have or are doing. Realizing and valuing our uniqueness enables us to bring out the best in ourselves so we can get on with living rather than preoccupying ourselves with meaningless comparisons. Try to not compare yourself to others, and you will see how much you have and how special you are.

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The Ethics of Emotions
In order to purify our minds we need to consciously choose pure emotions over impure ones, by rising above conditioning.

In cultivating a saumya personality, we need to start working consciously and conscientiously on purification of the mind and emotions. We need to learn to choose purer emotions. How do we determine what are the purer emotions?

Psychologically speaking, if a certain emotion causes pain in our minds and its expression evokes a painful feeling in those who are in relationship with us, these emotions are not pure ones. If an emotion leaves a smile in our or another's mind, then it is a pure emotion. Spiritually speaking, the emotions that are conducive to enlightenment are the pure ones.

It must be remembered that our emotional choices are learnt ones; they are habits we have formed. In the same situation, one has access to multiple emotional choices. A brave man sees a tiger in the wild and his hunting instinct is activated. A coward sweats with fear and flees. A yogi stays neutral or is filled with non-violent, loving feelings for his fellow living being.

The reaction we choose is from the habits created by our culture, education or personal circumstances.

Here is an example from world cultures. Let us take anger. In certain schools of modern psychology, a therapist works on bringing to the fore our hidden anger and suggests to the client that he give himself permission to express anger. The question of the ethics of emotions plays no part in this. In India we are often advised to control our anger, but display of anger is still commonplace. In the cultures of SE Asia, anger is particularly frowned upon. You arrive after a long flight to a hotel where you had made a reservation and even reconfirmed it, only to be told by the receptionist that you have not made a booking. If, in your state of exhaustion and frustration you display anger, you will be completely ignored. No one will talk to you till you calm yourself down and become civil and gentle.

These are examples of culturally and educationally generated emotional habits. But at a certain time in our lives we begin to examine ourselves. We can make conscious choices, which may be different from those of general culture or family patterns.

or example, boys often see their fathers abusing their mother. As a child the boy's sympathy is with the mother. But as he grows to manhood, he identifies more and more with the father and emulates him.

But one may choose to take a different path internally. One may dig deep and bring to the conscious mind, the unconscious memory of how painful it was, as a young child, to watch his mother being hurt; here one taps the 'son'-personality rather than the 'domineering, insensitive and cruel male' personality.

In USA and other western countries where jurisprudence increasingly takes into account the principles of psychology, it is common for the attorneys to argue that a certain person has abused and hurt his child helplessly because he was conditioned to do so through his own psychological trauma when abused and hurt as a child. The spiritual argument, however, would be based on an extension, a deepening, of the principle of free will. One is free to make one's choice if one is spiritually awake, to go beyond this psychological conditioning.

One may thus make a conscious choice. One may make a resolve to cultivate within oneself the emotional states that create a saumya personality, generating a non-painful feeling and evoking the same in the person(s) in our relationship and opting for that which leads to enlightenment.

Even if we ignore this last goal, the other three are worth pursuing in our quest for purification of emotions, bhava-sam-shuddhi.

Thus we need to begin to look at our emotions not as something that renders us helpless, whose 'accidental' presence we have no choice over, but rather as acts of volition and we choose them on the basis of some moral principles. There you have an ethics of emotions.

As one grows spiritually, one frees oneself more and more from psychological, educational and cultural conditioning. One no longer acts adversely towards women because 'everybody does so'. One does not cast aspersions at people of other ethnic, religious or caste groups just because one is conditioned to believe that he is the best, the highest and the noblest. Spirituality supersedes psychology.

As we have shown, we then choose the noble emotions. We change our past habits and learn to react differently. Part of our spiritual journey consists of emotional de-conditioning of the ignoble and re-conditioning towards the noble. Spiritual guides have employed many internal tools to accomplish this purpose.

Here is just a short explanation of the concept of the ethics of emotions. All through the history of philosophy, sages and philosophers have spoken of three levels of actions: mental, vocal and physical, from manas, vak and kaya, respectively.

In the Zoroastrian tradition we are taught the same: manashni, gavashni, kunashni - to think, to speak and to act in a noble and peace-generating way.

Mental acts are expressed in speech and physical actions. A majority of our mental acts are emotional ones, based not on logic but on feelings and conditioning. This is where the ethics of emotions begins, to discern between right and wrong mental acts and thereby heal your own mind

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"Sex and Mind"
Q1) Can you explain how sex (mind) thoughts come in brain

1. our body secretes sex hormones. These are hormones that cause sexual changes in our body.
testosterone is male hormone, estrogen is female hormone.

when we are exposed to sexually arousing material. either visually, touch or even auditory.. these hormones start acting.

2. sex is one taboo topic in the society. Its also one which causes maximum gratification in the shortest span of time.
because of this taboo, the restless brain looks to think about it more and more, as the sense of gratification is easier.
unfortunately the guilt associated with it, causes more restlesness.

Q2) How it affects brain having sex thoughts

ANSWER - people with excess thought about sex either have extreme anxiety or obsessive compulsive thought problems regarding the same.
many of them also carry an inferiority complex, a shyness or extreme need to break free from society in their mind.

Continuous thinking about the same leads to increased restlessness. As the thought give rise to guilt in many cases.

A person needs to consult a proper counselor/psychiatrist to prevent his brain from continuously thinking about the same through out the day.

In many cases between 16-25yrs of age, men/women both are so engrossed about sex that they started relying on myths about it.

This creates a very negative picture of sex in their mind. This negative picture can lead to commit actions like, - multiple sexual partner, rape, having sex with more than one person at the same time, seeing sex only as the way of happiness. Thinking sexually about everyone they meet.

Q3) When Psychiatric medicine (please don't discuss other medicine concentrate only on psychiatric medicine) are taken, how do they effect sexual thought and sexual organs.

ANSWER - psychiatric medicines act on the part of the brain that is concerned with sex. and also the sexual organs.

a. many times, psychiatric medicines tend to decrease the restlessness and stress levels in the brain. so a persons improves in his/her sexual performance.

b. in many cases they increase the desire of having sex in both men and women.
as the desire might is sometimes masked by altered thought process.

c. medicines also help stop dangerous thoughts in individuals involved in sex with more than one partner at a time, individuals addicted to having sex, individuals who have altered sexual desires like anal sex, or hurting each other during the act.

d. in some cases psychiatric medicines might block some of the sexual sensations one gets, and this causes delayed ejaculation. this might be pleasurable for some.. and not for others.

(its important to understand that psychiatric medicines are not sleeping pills because its well known that many porn stars take psychiatric medications to improve their sexual performance... as viagra only causes erection.. but not pleasure)

Q4) Whether these medicine affects sperms in male or ovule in female or whether it affects the neuro transmitor which controls the sex thought

ANSWER - no effect on the sperms, ovum or sex organs.

Q5) What type of sexual problems Married couples have -

i normally get to meet couples with following problems -
a. male having erectile problem - so he cannt have proper ejaculation or ejaculate to early. Hence they are not able to perform in bed.

b. female having lack of sexual desire - females are afraid of sex, or have decreased sexual desire. Leading to lack luster performance in bed, and husband feels the act is not complete.

c. males having altered and aggresive sexual desires -
altered sexual tendencies like hurting the wife/husband during sex or after sex.
wife/husband swaping
anal sex
taking drugs like (cocaine, marijuana, or alcohol) before having sex

d. males or females with high sexual activity or sexual addiction - such individuals normally have more than one sexual partner. So they are not faithful to their spouses.
The need for sex is so high, that they spend time, money and emotions just to get as much sex as they can.
it is widely present in both males and females.
And soliciting comerical sex workers (male/female prostitutes) and having unprotected sex is leading to sexually transmitted disease.

e. males/females without knowledge of sex - they dont enjoy the procedure of sex as they have never been educated about the same. - they are just having sexual intercourse - not understanding the other phases of sex. hence soon they loose interest.

f. lack of sexual desire by both men and female.

g. male/female addicted to masturbation not interested in intercourse.

h. homosexuality in both males/females which is secretly explored creating a bi-sexual profile.

i. Sexually transmitted disease causing sexual performance issues. These disease are mostly contracted by multiple outside relationship sexual encounters.

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"HOMOSEXUALITY" - A social reality.
“ My parents want to get me married to a girl of their choice. The problem is that I have homosexual preferences. What should I do?” – 25yr, Businessman.

“I am ashamed doctor. My son has disgraced my family. 5 months ago we got him married. For so long he never touched his wife. Yesterday we found out he is gay!!! My son’s gay!!!! I am shattered!!! My name in the society is all gone now!!!” – 58yrs govt. Employee

“I got married 3yrs ago, but have never been happy with my husband. I am into a relationship with a building friend of mine. She and me are like soul-mates, now my husband wants to move away, I am so fearful of losing her” – 25yrs, Housewife

“Hello doctor, I have a dark secret which I haven’t shared with anyone. I am gay. I don’t know how I got this disease. Please help me” – 24yrs, Executive in MNC.

These are real life examples of individuals I have met in my clinic over the last few years.. Few out of the hundreds people who have consulted me secretly because they emotionally fail to battle the social stigma attached with their sexual orientation.

The Indian society is one that is evolving.
Thou over the years we have managed to battle many of our “illogical” orthodox belief systems, same-sex relationships are probably the biggest barrier that “neo” thinkers and social reformist face.

Science has already proved homosexuality to be a personal choice that doesn’t account for any mental illness.

What is homosexuality?
Medically - Homosexuality is a emotional and behavioural pattern defined by sexual, romantic or affectional attraction between members of the same sex/gender.

Popular view - Its one of the greatest sins one can create.

Is homosexuality more common in men?
Medically - Homosexuality is equally present in men and women.

Popular view - people only concentrate on male homosexuality, forgetting about female behavior.

Is it a disease or mental disorder?
Medically - No It’s nor a disease nor a disorder in case of pure homosexuals.
But in many it can be a psychological adaptation due to the environment.
Thousands of psychological studies, CT-scan, MRI-scans have proven that homosexuality is not a disease or disorder.

Popular view- Yes

How does one become homosexual?
Homosexuality is a personal choice, but how has the choice come into effect makes difference in entire profile of an individual.

1. Genetics – A pure homosexual individual, is one who is born with genetic code which directs the brain to follow homosexual relationships.

2. Childhood experience – sexual abuse or multiple episodes of same sex sexual interactions in childhood can condition the mind to favour same sex relationships.

3. Adolescence Curiosity – curiosity might lead an individual to read or watch materials related to homosexuality. This might leave an impact on the mind, creating a source of never ending thoughts related to the same. Constantly thinking about the same might ignite desire to experiment.

4.Living or Working Environment – an environment which is devoid of contact with the opposite sex makes expression of normal sexual desires difficult.
Single sex dominated environments like boys/girls Hostels, closed enclosures, working places (ships, oil rigs, military, construction), etc.

Even Peer group pressure for same sex relationship is observed.

5.Failed relationships – A major failed relationship might imprint hatred against the opposite sex. Same sex relationships are seen as more comforting and understanding.

6. Poor Heterosexual sexual experience – Sexual intercourse is closely linked to the ego of an individual. Fear to perform, a poor or painful sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, might create extreme fear within an individual. This fear might promote an individual to go for same sex relationships.

We need the society to understand that Homosexuality is a sexual preference.
That doesn’t make a person different from any other individual. He/She has the same emotions and physical desires as any other person.

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"Talking About SEX"
As a Psychiatrist and Relationship Counselor I get the opportunity to meet a lot of people who are gracious enough to share with me, their deepest secrets.

SEX is one issue where both men and women are always hesitant to talk about.

Most of them, want to talk about it, but take sometime to be comfortable and open up their inner mind.

Restless thoughts regarding sex are like a monster that keeps eating the peace of mind, and that's why I encourage talking about your inner sexual feelings

The following statistics are a proof of how much Emotional Pain we could save the society from if we just spoke about SEX in a progressive way.

1. 54% men and 25% women think about sex on a daily basis. - Unable to express these thoughts leads to restlessness, anger and decreased concentration.

2. Average Married Indian couple has sex about 70-90 times a year.

At 1/3 of these encounters are a complete disaster with either one or both partners not being satisfied.

3. More than 80% women think of sexual activity as activity to prove they are loved.

4. More than 50% of women have fake an orgasm, just to keep their husband happy.

Many of these live under the "delusion" that they are able to satisfy not only their wife, but also go ahead and give wrong advice to other man

5. Lack of sexual satisfaction makes a woman feel unwanted, hopeless, restless and depressed.
Its one of the most common reasons for Clinically high levels of depression among married woman.

This is also one of the prime reasons for woman looking to have extra-marital relationships.

6. 80% of Men doubt their sexual capacity at least once in life. Most of them are not happy with their sexual performance, but scared to talk about the same to a professional.
Majority of the advice they get from friends, family or wife increases their restlessness.

7. 2/3 people feel they don't have enough satisfying sex. But lack of proper emotional communication leads to the same.

8. A great majority of men use sex as a way to show their "macho" or "male" supremacy over their female partner.
Henceforth sexual activity becomes a ego tussle.

9. Mutual respect plays a vital role in a satisfying sex life.
82% of sexually satisfied say they feel respected and loved by their partner during sex.

59% are looking for more love and romance in the act.

10. A great majority Indian males and females only focus on the sexual intercourse phase of sex.
Build-up, Fore-play, after-play, experimentation phases are never talked about.

Sex is a beautiful and divine activity. It's a gift of god to increase happiness, increase body immunity, decrease body pains provided it has the right mixture of LOVE to it..

If an individual is not Lovingly Sexually satisfied he/she will fall prey to psychological problems like restlessness, depression, sleep disturbance, body pains, masturbation addiction, pornography (both visual and reading) addiction, increased need to seek satisfaction outside relationship.

Dont just have sex... HAVE LOVING SEX.....AND ENJOY IT COMPLETELY.....

for any further query feel free to email me....

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