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Category : All ; Cycle : August 2009
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The need of beliefs is probably as old as history of life. This is clear from the beliefs seen in animals!

The beliefs can be instinctual, emotional and intellectual. These beliefs determine our behavior and make restless and even miserable in their absence.

The term instinctual is used here to indicate inexplicable primitive emotions. Just as we are dependent on food, sexual respite and other instincts, similarly we are dependent on emotional solace of being loved and wanted. All this goes unnoticed as it is taken for granted.

The individual horizons broaden through emotional maturation and intellectual profundity. The nature of beliefs is replaced by “evolved” beliefs. But their scope is restricted by sensory input (even if immensely multiplied by technology) they receive!

Theories such as “big bang” or “organic evolution conceived by Charles Darwin” are intellectual beliefs termed “scientific”. They are based on the observations of linear progress in many apparent aspects of nature; especially from conception to death!

Such theories based on apparent progress are subjective illusions fondly harbored by many as scientific “truths”! Often this makes them inconsiderate.

Not merely, science and technology but even the ultimate thoughts in philosophy are lame in terms of capability to live without any beliefs and/or so called convictions! Beliefs of some kind or other; whether called superstitions, faiths, convictions, theories or principles are crutches the mankind has been used to and dependent on. This human frailty is biological, physiological and psychological and hence need not be condemned.

Instead of harboring condescending attitude the literates should realize this fact of “crutches” and become humble.

Uncertainty is difficult to fathom and to live with even for a great scientist or a profound philosopher. It is almost incompatible with life of sanity!

Hence the only answer to overcome superstitions and the prejudices born out of them is to live beyond the realm of senses.

Is this possible? Self realization is said to make it possible and free you from any kinds of dogmas (leading to discord) that you would otherwise depend on and get crippled by. Self realization and consequent empowerment of this kind is said to be possible through NAMASMARAN. One can try it and verify.

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Following are some protective measures, which I feel can help. If you agree, you may kindly share them with your contacts.
6. PRACTICE OF KAPALBHATI (ACTIVE ABDOMINAL EXPIRATION WITHOUT DISCOMFORT). Make sure you don't have trauma, surgery, hernia of any kind and pregnancy and any other wound on abdominal or related regions.
10. Take a capsule of multivitamin capsue such as Becadexamin and Bcomplex such as Becosule.
11. Wash hands fequently (Suggested by Dr. Alka Halbe)
12. Avoid lifts (elevators) if and when possible
13. Avoid excessively crowded and/or centrally airconditioned places such as railway stations, cinema halls, theatres, malls.
14. Consume juice of aloe vera (korphad i.e. kumari) and tinospora cordifolia (giloy or gulvel i.e. guduchi) in addition to holy basil, neem and bel. Promote planting of these medicinal herbs.
15. Add jaggery, pepper (kali mirch) and ginger in your tea (if and when you take it)

For additional details you may refer my books and articles available for free download on

Best wishes and warm regards.
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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The saints have often exemplified their capacity to remain undeterred in a variety of disturbing situations. This state of equanimity amidst different tormenting circumstances is held in high esteem in Bhagavad Gita.

I failed to appreciate and admire and aspire for a state of mind akin to endogenous depression, total surrender to situation and/or indifference.

Now it is becoming clear that the state held so high is not a state of depression, surrender, or indifference. It is the state where one has risen above the deceptive/disturbing influences of one’s perceptions resulting from general and special senses, endocrine and neuroendocrine systems, autonomic nervous system, and limbic system. This is called VIDEHI AWASTHAA (trans-physical, trans-physiological and trans-psychological) state of consciousness.

This state is a state when the individual appears to be unaffected and hence unresponsive in every possible way. The smile on his/her face never fades!

But even as it is true that he/she does not get affected as an individual (because of having risen above petty interests and superficial considerations), he/she does interact with a situation in a trans-physical, trans-physiological and trans-psychological way. But because the vehicle or the medium through which it gets manifested is human body, this interaction can be in the form of articulation e.g. Gita or physical (DHARMA-YUDDHA).

In any case and in any form it is the cosmic wisdom that manifests through him or her!

In many instances the actions are not at all apparent in any form and hence called mystical.
It is not wonder that a vast majority of even otherwise kind hearted and/or brilliant people can not experience or appreciate this state of existence and hence ridicule even a reference made to it.

The point I learned and wish to share, here; is cosmic consciousness and its manifestations are infinite and subtle (and many times beyond one’s capacity during different developmental stages; to appreciate, admire or aspire for).

The unconditioned happiness is also infinite, subtle and a hallmark of evolved consciousness and not of indolence or ignorance!


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Many people related to the field of education keep talking about VALUE BASED EDUCATION as a panacea to all the problems in the world.

The idea of value based education is probably well intended in case of some of the proponents, but ….

1. The influence of value system of the society (now global values) (which does not come in the purview of any formal education) influences ideas and behavior of the students and every one connected with education tremendously.
2. Common men follow the celebrities in different fields, in the world. The celebrity status is decided by the global value system and the media hype in accordance with it! Today, all of us in the world are suffering with the disease of “individualism, superficiality and pettiness”. Interestingly, it is disguised in glamour, glitter, hype and glorification! We have become caricature of ourselves. We are unable to think and behave conducive to our happiness and that of others.
3. The value system (enlightenment and inclusiveness or otherwise) of the constituent assemblies decide the contents and drafting of the laws.
4. The laws (whether they represent the noble aspirations of the millions or not) and the legal system (whether it provides any kind of assurance, support or solace against being subjected to injustice and/or crimes) influences common man’s (and hence of every one related to the field of education) beliefs and interactions.
5. Our listlessness and emaciation to rise above individualism, pettiness and superficiality and our sectarian and fragmented perspective and thinking (the cause of global problems) are because of getting disconnected from our powerhouse (our true self)! NAMASMARAN can reconnect us with our powerhouse. In other words, this is like watering our roots!
6. In absence of NAMASMARAN, arbitrary teaching of some arbitrary values, become pitiable and utterly ineffective in serving the purpose viz. providing any kind of solution to global or individual problems.
7. One need not believe in this, but think over the issue and verify the empowering and rejuvenating experience of cosmic benevolence of NAMSMARAN and its byproducts.


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There is always a struggle probably within every person, who can feel and think about “what is” and “what should be” or “what should have been”!

The restlessness is born out of the tussle between the prevalent sensory input and its interpretation and the prevalent feeling of wants, deficiencies or demands (many times wrongly interpreted and felt) of the individual.

Not merely a common man is restless because of wants and unfulfilled desires, but even if you are a leader in some field including intellectual and philosophical, you are restless and hence intolerant about “what should be”! You seem to be oblivious to “my problem”!

“My problem” is a global problem. How much ever I am brain washed, I can not be noble hearted. I can not be generous. I can not be selfless. Being “better” is not as simple and as instant as “merely changing clothes or washing make up”! Whenever I seem to have “improved”, I come across a situation that bares open my meanness. “My problem” is difficulty in voluntarily blossoming and becoming buoyant, generous, loving and benevolent to all.

You can punish me, torture me or kill me but cannot transform me into unprejudiced and innocent individual. Can you? You can force me to pay tax but can not motivate me to be selfless! You can emotionally influence me to donate but can not inspire me to voluntarily stop exploiting! You can force me to behave in a gentle manner. But you can not erase the sexual, infatuative, and other bizarre ideas, whims and fancies from my mind! Can you?

“My problem” is a global problem.

For me to blossom, you have to blossom yourself. You have to create an environment of a holistic perspective of globally beneficial policies, plans, laws, rules, regulations, conventions and fashions, which in turn would be conducive to my blossoming. Can you do it? You would (if you are frank) admit that you can not do it!

That is because “my problem” is “your problem” also! “My problem” is universal!

Hence, let us be considerate to every one including ourselves. Tolerance is not gullible stupidity. It is the wisdom born out of experience and honesty. It gives accuracy to conceptions and expressions. It makes you appropriate and effective. It gives globally beneficial dimension to every activity of yours. You can give justice to your job, through such considerate and tolerant attitude!

But is this possible? Even this is not possible! This is not possible by your voluntary efforts and/or your authoritative and apparently intellectual rhetoric (if you are a so called leader) in the presence of sectarian and mean ambience, in and out.

But this can be possible through universally practicable practice of NAMASMARAN.


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FAQ about hearing loss
How do I know if I have a hearing loss?

Hearing loss occurs to most people as they age. Hearing loss can be due to aging, exposure to loud noise, medications, infections, head or ear trauma, congenital or hereditary factors, disease processes and many other causes.

You may have hearing loss if...
•You hear people speaking but you have to strain to understand their words.
•You frequently ask people to repeat what they said.
•You don’t laugh at jokes because you miss too much of the story or the punch line.
•You frequently complain that people mumble.
•You need to ask others about the details of a meeting you just attended.
•You play the TV or radio louder than your friends, spouse and relatives.
•You cannot hear the doorbell or the telephone.
•You find that when people look directly at you while they speak to you, it makes it easier to understand.

What do I do now??

If you have any of these symptoms, you should see an audiologist to get an "audiometric evaluation." An audiometric evaluation is the term used to describe a diagnostic hearing test, performed by a licensed audiologist. An audiometric evaluation allows the audiologist to determine the type and degree of your hearing loss, and it tells the audiologist how well or how poorly you understand speech. After all, speech is the single most important sound we listen to and the ability to understand speech is extremely important. Your ability to hear and understand speech in quiet and in noisy situations are important indicators, and they can be accurately tested by your audiologist.
The evaluation also includes a thorough case history (interview) as well as visual inspection of the ear canal and eardrum. The results of the evaluation are also useful to the ear, nose and throat doctor, in the event the audiologist concludes your hearing problem may be treated with medical or surgical alternatives.

What are the common types of hearing loss?

The external and the middle ear conduct sound. When there is a problem in the external or middle ear, a conductive hearing impairment occurs. When the problem is in the inner ear, a sensory neural loss is the result. Difficulty in both the middle and inner ear results in a mixed hearing impairment (conductive and sensory neural impairment).

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1. This isn't the first time the public has been warned about Swine Flu. The last time Swine Flu pandemic was predicted and warned about was in 1976. It resulted in the massive Swine Flu vaccine campaign. Several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome after they were injected with the swine flu vaccine. Even healthy 20-year-olds ended up as paraplegics. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths. And the swine flu pandemic itself? It never materialized. It is very difficult to forecast a pandemic, and a rash response can be extremely damaging.
2. One Australian news source states that even a mild swine flu epidemic could lead to the deaths of 1.4 million people and would reduce economic growth by nearly $5 trillion dollars. During the present H1N1 epidemic, as on August 13, 2009, 74 countries have officially reported about 226,038 cases of H1N1 infection and 1,882 confirmed deaths in the entire world from this illness are reported. India has reported 1,193 cases with 18 confirmed deaths.
3. Virus H1N1 is not new. It was first detected in 1987.
4. Infective stage of H1N1 flue is 5 days - 1 day before and 4 days after onset of symptoms.
5. The best way to prevent it spreading is asking patient having symptoms of flu like fever cough and running nose to take rest at home for 4 days so he does not transmit it.
6. Masks are of limited value if any, in this disease, it can spread through droplets on your skin, through contact etc. We see that the masks are worn as ‘fashion statement’. While walking on road we see people wearing masks coming out for a morning walk with their dogs! Many wearing masks around their necks, and so on, in fact these masks shall act as the vehicles to carry H1N1 and other viruses; instead, avoiding crowded places or cinema halls or malls where air conditioners are on, is advisable, because you get re-circulated air, where the virus density multiplies.
7. Swine Flu is a WEAK Virus. The mortality is less than 0.01 percent of those affected, that means may be 1 in 10,000 affected is likely to suffer the life loss. Death after H1N1 flu is not common, in fact infections like measles is taking toll of thousands more every year, and we are oblivious of the facts. Malaria kills 3,000 people EVERY DAY, and it's considered "A Health Problem"! Swine flu is being blown out of proportion by media trying to create ‘hysteria’ among lay people.
8. It is important to note that nearly all suspected new cases have been reported as ‘mild’. Preliminary scientific evidence is also pointing out that this virus is NOT as potent as initially thought. Wired Magazine reported on May 4 that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computer scientists did not find similarities between swine flu and historical strains that spread widely, with catastrophic effect. Their findings are based on just one complete sample and several fragmentary samples of swine flu, but fit with two other early analyses.
9. Two years ago SARS was blown out of proportion, what happened? Humans develop immunity to the virus, the same is going to happen, we develop immunity in due course of time, the virus is in the air, you can not stop it, our body is already developing the immunity, so there is nothing to panic.
10. We need to take care of children and elderly who have less immunity and do not let them go to crowded places.

Tamiflu is NOT a safe drug. When Tamiflu is used as directed (twice daily for 5 days) it can ONLY reduce the duration of your flu symptoms by 1 to 1˝ days. Serious side effects include convulsions, delirium or delusions, and even deaths in children and adolescents as a result of neuro-psychiatric problems and brain infections have been reported. Tamiflu went through some rough times, as the dangers of this drug came to light when, in 2007, the FDA finally began investigating some 1,800 adverse event reports related to the drug. Japan actually banned Tamiflu for children in 2007. Additionally common side effects of Tamiflu include Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Cough, Dizziness, Headache and Fatigue. These are the very symptoms we are trying to avoid. Making matters worse, some patients with flu are at HIGHER risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu; and secondary bacterial infections were the REAL cause of the mass fatalities during earlier Flu pandemics!

We must start this campaign of not being afraid of this flu and let your daily work continue as normal. No masks for ordinary citizens. Health care workers or those who are specifically exposed to a lot of crowded environments may be benefited, though it is not proven.

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Immunization from Swine Flu
Does my subject Sounds rickity?
It must be as we all have been nurtured under a similar commercialised health world. We are not aware of the inner powers of ourselves and specially the power of Sub- Conscious Mind. Lets make it a bit easy. Take for example, you are suffeing from fever. I tell you that I have a special medicine imported from America which costs Rs. 5000/- and will cure in 2 hours. I give you that medicine. What will happen? If you know the answer its good. But if you dont, then try it out on somebody. Your mind will accept my challenge and presentation and will regulate your Sub- Conscious mind and then there will be a lot of Chemical and Hormonal fundas in your body and you will cure sharp within 2 hours.

That's the power of Sub- Conscious mind.

Similarly, in Swine flu, we can enhance our Immnization and prevent it from effecting us and cure it if we are effected. It will take no more than 3 days for you as a starter, to learn the technique and art of self curing and healing. Swine Flu like other diseases, induces some alienated subjects like Virus, Bacteria, Fungi etc in our body and from that perticular moment, our body starts reacting to it. Its a trigger situated in our Sub-Conscious Mind which starts the reaction of Body prevention from all diseases. If the efficiency of Sub- Conscious Mind is enhanced, it would work in a much better way and a proper tuning of this part of brain through Meditation, will obviously make our immune system as unscratchble.
You all can do it. You just need to learn it.

Courtsey: Cosmic Healing Foundation

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