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Student: Sir! I find it difficult to concentrate on NAMASMARAN amidst the cacophony of election fever!
Teacher: The elections and the people involved in them directly or indirectly are doing their job according to their perceptions and their capacities. We should do our job according to our perceptions and our capacities!
Student: But I get disturbed because; it appears to me that I am not getting involved in the process of ushering in the golden age for India!
Teacher: The process of NAMASMARAN is central and crucial to golden age! In absence of it the ‘golden age’ would become sectarian and subjective!
Student: Are you sure?
Teacher: I am cent per cent sure!
Student: But why does the practice of NAMASMARAN appear irrelevant?
Teacher: That is because we are still far away from our inner ocean of light and power - the NAMA! We need victorious and steadfast efforts to practice and propagate NAMASMARAN!
Student: Thank you Sir! I shall try my best!

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Student: Sir! When I get up there is a lousy feeling. I don’t feel fresh! There is a strange kind of boredom, in which I drowned!
Teacher: This is a common complaint.
Student: What is the cause; and what is the cure?
Teacher: Neither the animals nor the emancipated individuals are bored! But majority of us are overwhelmingly dragged by our basal instincts; and we are crippled due to being starved of our innate nectar - the ambrosia.
Hence the cause of the boredom is the deprivation from our ambrosia and the cure is to drink the ambrosia incessantly through the practice of NAMASMARAN!
If we try to practice NAMASMARAN continuously, then the days, nights and the mornings would be increasingly (not completely and suddenly right from the outset!) vibrantly buoyant, dynamic; and the boredom would gradually disappear.
Student: Would this free us from the feeling of vanity?
Teacher: Yes! NAMASMARAN would free us from the feeling of vanity, which arises due to the repeated experience of hollowness inbuilt in mere gratification the basal instincts.
Student: But aren’t the basal instincts inbuilt in life? How and why should we hate and try to escape from them?
Teacher: Is it not true that along with the basal instincts; the innate ocean of the ambrosia is also inbuilt in life?
Student: Yes; it appears to be true.
Teacher: It is; cent per cent true. Therefore at least those of us; who ascertain the vanity of gratification of mere basal instincts time and again; should practice NAMASMARAN i.e. imbibe the innate ambrosia and share our fulfillment with others! Don’t you agree?
Student: I tend to agree; but I don’t know how to convince myself to get rid of the temptations which we come across every now and then! Abstinence is painful and indulgence is hollow!
Teacher: I don’t get into the dilemma of abstinence and indulgence! All these are peripheral things and fall apart in the course of time if we remain stuck to the central and crucial point; of trying steadfastly to be in NAMASMARAN and sharing it with others!

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The animals don’t seem to think about what, why, how, where, when where etc. A new born baby also does not seem to think that way.
But for some reason or the other; many of us are drowned in such questions for their life time! In fact; these questions are considered to be the backbone of learning. Even the fine arts, which otherwise seem to require no questions; on keener observation; are found to be enriched through these questions.
In short; human civilization and its development would not have been what it is today; in absence of these questions.
But interestingly, in the process of getting answers to many questions; we get entangled in newer questions; in the field of technology, science, art, ethics, philosophy and son!
The when the universe originated, why it originated, till where it extends, how it functions, what its purpose is; are all unknown. Naturally there are some efforts to provide answers, but they are obviously unsatisfactory.
All questions and answers; born from our instincts, feelings and thoughts even though unavoidable; are incomplete and do not yield ultimate fulfillment.
The past, present and future of “me”, every living being and the infinite universe are not known. There is a frightening and unending dark vacuum. But NAMASMARAN takes us to a realm of questionless completeness and fulfillment viz. NAMA, our Guru. He encompasses our past, present and future and is our final destination; contingent in whom is the creation and destruction of “me” and everything else.

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How can we define the power?
Is it the ability to implement our ideas?
Often we think that way!
That is why; when we are able to implement our ideas; we feel all powerful and that is also why; we feel weak, helpless and miserable, when we cannot implement them!
This is also why; we seek political power, money power, muscle power, brand power etc!
But strangely; even if we are able to implement some of our ideas; through such powers; later we feel deceived, drained, repentant or frustrated! Conversely; even if we fail to implement some of our ideas; due to lack of such powers; we feel happy and relieved for having averted unforeseen deadly consequences of our ideas!
In view of this; is it not true that we need to conceive and implement ideas, which would never let us down and would surely fulfill us?
The greatest ever power is the ability to conceive and implement such impeccable and satisfying ideas! It is said by the great people that such greatest power is inbuilt in NAMASMARAN.

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Student: Now I can somewhat understand your peaceful dynamism!

Teacher: It is a great solace to be ever aware of the fact that Guru takes care of us like our mother! In fact Guru is our eternal mother! Just as our mother nurtures us in her womb for nine months; our Guru nurtures us through all our lives; through all the circumstances! Like our mother He delivers us at appropriate time; to the realm of immortality; His abode! This is the ultimate victory called GURU-BHET (being one with true self) and GURU KRUPA (the awareness of His most fulfilling benevolence and bounties)!

Student: Sir! Even though I understand what you say and would not like to refute it; isn’t it difficult; at least initially; to believe that Guru does everything; including whatever we can or cannot witness?

Teacher: This question does arise initially! It is because; we have not yet experienced the total control of Guru! Even if we repeatedly reiterate that our Guru is none other than the Almighty Himself; we are always influenced by and involved in; His personal life, His nature, His charisma, His feelings, His articulate preaching and His supernatural and superhuman feats; all embodied in His human form! This is our view about other mystics, prophets and incarnations as well! All of them; while extraordinary, superhuman and supernatural; still have limited capacity; as individuals. Since in their human form; they don’t govern; the complex scientific inventions, rapidly developing intriguing technology, world wars, earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and several cosmic phenomena, we find it difficult to believe in “Guru does everything”!

Student: In other words; we find it difficult to believe in supreme control of Guru; because; we identify Guru or prophets with their human forms!

Teacher: Yes! They appear to be the contingents in the cosmos; to us. The events in the universe appear to be either the products of the concerned individuals or teams; or impersonal, unplanned and automatic. They do not appear to be under the control of our Guru or any other prophet!
Actually; the Guru, mystics, prophets and incarnations of God in human form “do not do” (and do not say; “they do”). They know that their human forms actually “do not” do anything! Their human forms are merely the peripheral instruments through which the activities are executed not caused, designed or controlled! They are aware of the fact that the essence or root of all them as individuals; is the invisible supreme controller; the Mahakaran, the NAMA!

Student: I remember many saints saying that God does everything!

Teacher: Moreover; when it is said that Guru ‘does’; it does not imply an action such as driving a car, delivering a speech or cooking. Here doing implies ultimate control. An inexact analogy is that of superliving space-time! In absence of such superliving space-time; nothing would exist; nothing would work!

Student: This is rather difficult to comprehend! I will just restate and confirm! Firstly; the human forms are not doers; and secondly the expression “Guru does everything” actually implies a supreme and inevitable control! Am I right?

Teacher: Yes! Exactly! Even; all this “writing” and “I” are contingent amidst the eternal kingdom and supreme reign of my Guru i.e. NAMA. “SHRIRAM SAMARTH” also implies the same as “Guru or NAMA does everything”! To put in other way; what we perceive, feel and respond to; constitutes; changing, dependent, deceptive and limited “effects” and NOT the self controlled, independent causal reality. We are merely the instruments, the puppets! Whether great or small, wise or stupid and good or bad; we are puppets! Puppets may blame or adore other puppets just as a sword may blame or adore another sword; for some heinous or noble act respectively.
The controller of all this; is NAMA or Guru; the truly independent causal reality. It is eternal and super controlling cause of all this! It is the ‘field’, in which everything else is a ‘function’ or ‘contingent’. It is the ultimate controlling reality beyond time, space and human consciousness. It is also termed SHRI RAM. The supremacy of this; in every respect is implied in “SAMARTH”! SHRI RAM SAMARTH is simply; the reiteration of this fact and reminder or reorientation to NAMASMARAN and NAMA!

Student: Now I am also experiencing; at least to some extent; the vibrant quietude that has filled you! RAMA KARTA also must be implying the same; isn’t it?

Teacher: Yes! It also implies the same. Looking at it little differently; we are some specific ‘engines’, with some specific energies, specific powers, specific capacity and differing versatilities. This probably holds true for all living, nonliving and other possible entities inside and outside. During our primitive states of evolution and during embryonic life, childhood and even latter; we are not aware of this! That is phase of ignorance.
At some later time; appropriate for us; we become aware of ourselves as “we”! We get charged with our instincts, emotions, thinking, perspective; and some pursuit or another. We begin to be flooded with and enthralled by urges! The urges when in the unconscious realm simply keep manifesting; resulting into temporary pleasures or pains. When we are in conscious realm; the urges prompt us that; “we have to do it, we cannot do without it, we are doing it, we will do it; or we cannot do it”; and give us the associated pains and pleasures; and agonies and ecstasies! Thus our life gets unfolded in the form of all varieties of actions inside and outside.
At some time appropriate for us we realize that everything in our life and the universe is the supreme orchestra of our Guru, who is beyond time and consciousness. RAMA (Guru) and KARTA (the ultimate supreme master implies that)! He is the supreme controller every entity and every event in universe! We also realize that the increasing emergence of NAMASMARAN i.e. reorientation to NAMA i.e. Guru in our life; is His bounty, His Krupa!
We become increasingly grateful as we begin to get an increasing and pleasant assurance from Him that He is always; literally always; with us; nurturing and blossoming; us in as much as the whole universe!
By now; it must have been clear to you; that this is a matter of study, practice and experience; and not of casual or cursory belief or disbelief.

Student: Sir, I have begun to experience the victorious revitalization! I thank our Guru immensely and whole heartedly; for initiating, enlivening, empowering and enlightening me; to be involved in His greatest ever bounty viz. universal mega process of NAMASMARAN and Total Stress Management; through you!



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Student: Can you explain this point further?

Teacher: Yes! Universalization of NAMASMARAN embodies SAMASHTI YOGA. SAMASHTI is the universe and YOGA is unity. This is also is a contingent in the omnipotent reality.

Student: What would be the contribution of different spiritual leaders?

Teacher: All the efforts, which appear diverse are inevitably conducive to; and hence are harbingers of Total Stress Management.

Student: Why don’t you establish your organization with these ideas?

Teacher: I visualize an organized universe. Hence I don’t think of any “other organization” that would invite a “separate identity”! That would entail a division!

Student: OK! Can you elaborate further about the peace?

Teacher: Yes! Of course! Look at the animals! They “do” things without thinking that “they” are doing. We do things; assuming that “we” are doing! In the course of ascendance from individuality and subjectivity; we realize; that the perception of “we” “are” “doing”; is a transient experience at a certain stage of development. This experience is; neither present; before (when we are unconscious about self); nor latter (when we transcend the individuality and subjectivity; and merge in impersonal objective consciousness)!

Student: Sir, do you mean to say that we are also conscious automatons?

Teacher: Yes! Precisely! But it is only in the course of development that we appreciate that ‘we’ (our bodies, instincts, emotions, intelligence and perspective and our behavior); are mere dependent transient peripherals of the impersonal and eternal objective consciousness (NAMA), who is the only absolute and immortal reality; and hence a “doer”; albeit indirectly!
We realize that NAMA “plans” beyond our concept of planning; and “brings about “earth quakes, tsunamis; scientific inventions; and the multitude of mundane activities; and actually everything including “our activities”, which are “executed” through its peripheral instruments!

Student: It is difficult to imagine peace that you experience!

Teacher: This feeling of peace is similar to; but far more intense than the peace with which the passengers sleep with trust in the driver! The awareness that NAMA is in total charge of everything; makes us humble as well as peaceful!
This awareness develops unconditioned acceptance of our own as well as others’ limitations as individuals; and reduces grumbling and complaining. It also reduces the sense of guilt or pride about vices and virtues, ignorance and knowledge, slumber and awakening and failures and successes! It also reduces the anxiety and impatience about our failure or success to merge with HIM, the OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT also called the Mahakaran, or the cause of all causes!

Student: This is similar to the serenity of a child in the lap of a mother!

Teacher: Very true! That is exactly how the peace dawns! This realization taught me that “I” did not “own” the “appraisal” or “fate” of NAMASMARAN and its product; the Total Stress Management!
Actually; as you rightly pointed out; we are automatons (with our control elsewhere), who are having a delusion that we are independent individuals. The activities going on in this delusion; irrespective of our age, sex, occupation, position and even state of evolution; constitute PRAPANCH. As and when the cosmic trans-temporal reality, the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent truth pervading every particle, every dimension of space and every moment of time; and every bit of consciousness (God, Guru, BRAHMA or NAMA); reveals to us; our oneness (although in glimpses and far from complete) with Him; the PARAMARTH begins. This is usually coupled with faint glimpses of future and recognition of the purpose (although indistinct) of our life and the activities appropriate to it! This activity in my case happened to be getting involved in the study and practice of NAMASMARAN and Total Stress management!

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Student: What do you think about the future?

Teacher: As regards the future of NAMASMARAN; the inner prompting suggests that the practice of NAMASMARAN would spread in all the continents, nations, provinces, cities, villages, homes, institutions, industries, hospitals, farms and every nook and corner. Further; this practice would not be aimed at petty gains! It would be selfless and would blossom into holistic perspective, policies, plans and programs and their implementation! The spiritualism and materialism, theism and atheism would be culminated in holistic renaissance! Individualism and socialism would be culminated in; Self realization and SAMSHTI YOGA; respectively!” By SAMSHTI YOGA, I mean reorientation and reconnection of at least a vast majority with cosmic consciousness i.e. NAMA!

Student: How would this happen?

Teacher: Just as 75 trillion cells unite and live in unity, complementarity and harmony; by participating their own well being as well as homeostasis i.e. well being of all other cells in the individual; every person; from every nook and corner of the world; would participate simultaneously and inseparably; in his/her own well being as well as that of the others inhabiting the universe!

Student: This cannot be disputed; but appears to be very optimistic!

Teacher: It is optimistic and subjective too! Hence; having said all this; I have to add; that the real peace did not descend on me from this subjective vision; but it dawned over me from the more recent realization of the ultimate control of the uniting, underlying as well as controlling entity; investing the universe and the myriads of events and transactions in it viz. NAMA!

Student: What exactly do you mean?

Teacher: This is a realization of the universal control of the divine presence beyond human consciousness, beyond time and beyond space. It is the same; as Ishwar, Brahma, Purushottam, Paramatma, Guru, God, true self, cosmic consciousness, SACCHIDANANDA, the absolute truth; and the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent reality, Mahakaran, the supreme controller, supreme orchestrator NAMA! It produces and destroys billions of events and things; ranging from cosmic phenomena, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis! The space and time are contingent in it! It produces, evolves and destroys the mass consciousness and mass conscience! It generates and destroys the colossal creativity, noblest thoughts, genuine feelings, burning passions and human behavior! It brings about the rise and fall of empires! It flares up wars and cataclysms; and it brings end of them and ushers in the peace! This NAMA “produces” the global mega process of orienting billions of us to it; through the practice of NAMASMARAN!

Student: How does this realization bring peace sir?

Teacher: That is a good question! This realization has given me a greater awareness that the process of NAMASMARAN going on for millennia; produces; myriads of concepts, ideas, revelations and motivations; including the concept of Total Stress Management ! Thus whatever we discussed are mere effects, functions, contingents or products of the supreme viz. NAMA!
I see clearly that neither the development nor the fate of Total Stress Management belong to me! Since I have no control on its development and its fate; the worry about its future and anxiety of every kind begins to disappear; and peace begins to prevail!

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Student: Sir, I am convinced about NAMASMARAN. But do you think your prescription of NAMASMARAN is equally applicable to children? Should they also practice NAMASMARAN?

Teacher: It is better to start it as early in life as possible. As you must have thought; and correctly so; children would get bored initially. But why children; initially; all of us get bored by NAMASMARAN. This is because; we all have a natural tendency to be lethargic and lazy. We “enjoy” (although temporarily) being inert and “feel at ease in the entropy”; even as it separates us from our true self and creates painful bondage later! NAMASMARAN is a dynamic activity that opposes the entropy and hence we are not at “ease” in NAMASMARAN!
But life (and hence stress also); is like an unavoidable and frequently disturbed river full of whirlpools! NAMASMARAN is a process of reestablishing this river to its calm flow on one hand; and training, empowering and enabling us to swim; on the other! Hence like swimming, NAMASMARAN has to be started as early as possible in life. In fact; here it is a far bigger challenge! It is a challenge of swimming across the ocean of life; the BHAVASAGAR!
Coming to boredom; to avoid boredom; we can do it together; do it with music and start it in small but frequent doses.

Student: Would this act as a vaccination; a preventive measure!?

Teacher: Yes! NAMASMARAN not only acts as rectifying or curative measure; but also acts as a preventive measure!
Our consciousness is raised by NAMASMARAN! Our mind becomes sharp and alert! We are therefore not taken by surprise, not baffled, not shocked, not shattered, not destabilized, not collapsed; by any sudden or protracted stressor!
This is because; it boosts the process of negentropy; the process opposite of entropy!
Life, of which we are a part; is like an electric circuit, which gets disturbed from time to time! NAMASMARAN is like checking it regularly; as well as correcting and systematizing the electrical connections with the power house so that the bulbs of our life; emanate light according to our potentials! NAMASMARAN is like an antivirus program. It checks as well as removes the virus.
NAMASMARAN is the reversal of our forgetfulness and disorientation into reorientation with our ultimate powerhouse, our arsenal, our fire power, our knowhow, our radar, our captain, our Guru, true self! It is the process of reversal of the root cause of stress, before it is clinically evident!

Student: I see! Should everybody practice NAMASMARAN? Are you not satisfied with the NAMAJAP performed in huge numbers in different cities?

Teacher: I do not have the right, authority or intention to preach! I can only give my opinion. Whether everybody should practice or not; that is what everybody has to decide!
But in my opinion; NAMASMARAN is not a “bulb” or a “candle”; useful merely for an individual or a family. It is not a glass of water, useful for a person or persons. Like Sun rays and Sun light; or like rain, it is inevitably benevolent to billions! It is a mega process of individual and universal blossoming!
As regards the NAMAJAP weeks, or days celebrated enthusiastically by millions; I congratulate and thank their organizers earnestly; as they have preserved this vitally essential aspect of life viz. NAMASMARAN in the form of a tradition of NAMAJAP weeks and days! It is because of them, who practiced, promoted, propagated and enjoyed NAMASMARAN in several ways; that many of us become aware of NAMASMARAN; in spite of the fact; that it is not a part of any curricular study and practice; in the mainstream education system.

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Student: Sir, I am convinced about NAMASMARAN. But do you think your prescription of NAMASMARAN is equally applicable to children? Should they also practice NAMASMARAN?

Teacher: It is better to start it as early in life as possible. As you must have thought; and correctly so; children would get bored initially. But why children; initially; all of us get bored by NAMASMARAN. This is because; we all have a natural tendency to be lethargic and lazy. We “enjoy” (although temporarily) being inert and “feel at ease in the entropy”; even as it separates us from our true self and creates painful bondage later! NAMASMARAN is a dynamic activity that opposes the entropy and hence we are not at “ease” in NAMASMARAN!
But life (and hence stress also); is like an unavoidable and frequently disturbed river full of whirlpools! NAMASMARAN is a process of reestablishing this river to its calm flow on one hand; and training, empowering and enabling us to swim; on the other! Hence like swimming, NAMASMARAN has to be started as early as possible in life. In fact; here it is a far bigger challenge! It is a challenge of swimming across the ocean of life; the BHAVASAGAR!
Coming to boredom; to avoid boredom; we can do it together; do it with music and start it in small but frequent doses.

Student: Would this act as a vaccination; a preventive measure!?

Teacher: Yes! NAMASMARAN not only acts as rectifying or curative measure; but also acts as a preventive measure!
Our consciousness is raised by NAMASMARAN! Our mind becomes sharp and alert! We are therefore not taken by surprise, not baffled, not shocked, not shattered, not destabilized, not collapsed; by any sudden or protracted stressor!
This is because; it boosts the process of negentropy; the process opposite of entropy!
Life, of which we are a part; is like an electric circuit, which gets disturbed from time to time! NAMASMARAN is like checking it regularly; as well as correcting and systematizing the electrical connections with the power house so that the bulbs of our life; emanate light according to our potentials! NAMASMARAN is like an antivirus program. It checks as well as removes the virus.
NAMASMARAN is the reversal of our forgetfulness and disorientation into reorientation with our ultimate powerhouse, our arsenal, our fire power, our knowhow, our radar, our captain, our Guru, true self! It is the process of reversal of the root cause of stress, before it is clinically evident!

Student: I see! Should everybody practice NAMASMARAN? Are you not satisfied with the NAMAJAP performed in huge numbers in different cities?

Teacher: I do not have the right, authority or intention to preach! I can only give my opinion. Whether everybody should practice or not; that is what everybody has to decide!
But in my opinion; NAMASMARAN is not a “bulb” or a “candle”; useful merely for an individual or a family. It is not a glass of water, useful for a person or persons. Like Sun rays and Sun light; or like rain, it is inevitably benevolent to billions! It is a mega process of individual and universal blossoming!
As regards the NAMAJAP weeks, or days celebrated enthusiastically by millions; I congratulate and thank their organizers earnestly; as they have preserved this vitally essential aspect of life viz. NAMASMARAN in the form of a tradition of NAMAJAP weeks and days! It is because of them, who practiced, promoted, propagated and enjoyed NAMASMARAN in several ways; that many of us become aware of NAMASMARAN; in spite of the fact; that it is not a part of any curricular study and practice; in the mainstream education system.

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Student: Sir! This is wonderful! Now I am beginning to understand; how NAMASMARAN is crucial to Total Stress Management i.e. the process of conquering DEHABUDDHI!

Teacher: This is how; though it took decades; I conceived the holistic concept of Total Stress Management in terms of simultaneous individual and global blossoming; and NAMASMARAN as the inseparable source or core of it!
NAMASMARAN is not an idle activity as it appears. Actually; when we see NAMASMARAN being practiced; we see; only external appearance accessible to our own limited, subjective and deceptive perceptions; and not the reality!

Student: Sir! I am almost with you! But I still have a doubt! How can we practice NAMASMARAN; when we are involved in intellectual (and not merely physical) work?

Teacher: The answer can be obtained, if we find out the root of the question! The root of the question is in our goal!
We are usually involved in an intellectual activity with a specific goal. This goal may be; conscious or subconscious. But it is inseparable from our activity. We may call it our expectation from our intellectual activity. It may be passing in examination, competing in an interview, getting promotion, proving or disproving a hypothesis, or for that matter; achieving any target in a given deadline.
NAMASMARAN would certainly come in the way of our intellectual efforts associated with such a goal or expectation
But we have to realize that all intellectual efforts and all the goals remain subjective and individualistic if they are not coupled with a process of being objective. Purified and exalted intellectual efforts and goals; inevitably culminate in self realization and universal welfare, but in absence of this; they degenerate into sectarian, divisive and destructive results.
NAMASMARAN chastises our efforts and our goals. In absence of this process of being one with our core; every action, proves to be unsatisfactory! This is because; even if we try to nullify our subjectivity arbitrarily; that arbitrariness itself traps us; in further subtler subjectivity. Hence we become further alienated from the objective core of ourselves and the satisfaction. Thus; if we try to catch hold of our core voluntarily; then we usually land up in despondent depression or maniacal behavior. This makes us either listless losers or arrogant achievers! Thus through ‘our’ efforts; we tend be entangled in; melancholy or morbid obsession; at our own cost or that of others!
In both cases we remain far away from our true self and the fulfillment!
NAMASMARAN does consume some of our time. It does reduce the involvement in intellectual efforts. But this is essential for purification of the efforts and the goals. This ensures the culmination of our intellectual efforts and our goals; into individual and universal emancipation.

Student: Can we compare this albeit inexactly; with the process of consumption of food, which has to be; for optimal benefits; digested, absorbed and assimilated, even if that consumes (additional?) time?

Teacher: Yes! NAMASMARAN; begun with a practice of 5 minutes per day; even if it is without any understanding; gradually reduces the time; of our intellectual, emotional and instinctual involvement; in subjective pettiness and superficiality; and transforms; our individualistic (and fragmented and sectarian) perspective, thinking, feelings and instincts; into holistic or objective. This marks the beginning of our ascent towards our true self; to finally become one with it!
In the course of time; as we ascend up; we start getting the glimpses of our immortality; and begin to realize how “our” goals and “efforts” have reached to their appropriate culmination. In fact; we begin to understand that everything in the universe; including our intellectual efforts and goals; were the “functions or effects; called parinam” of the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent reality called Mahakaran! This is because the entrapment in subjectivity becomes weaker; while the involvement in NAMASMARAN and hence the process of becoming objective becomes stronger! NAMASMARAN empowers us to see, feel and act appropriately! It wakes us up to NEW AWAKENING! In fact; we begin to be restless; without NAMASMARAN. We begin to feel secure and comfortable in NAMASMARAN and be a part of universally benevolent spiritual dynamism!
At this point we begin to understand; why our Guru preached NAMASMARAN; with so much of intensity!

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