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In this such developed nation list where our government spent crores the Plight of Contractual Employees of Health Sector of India , who are working on Meager Salaries , from the last 5-25 Years , in NACO, NRHM, RNTCP etc government giant welfare government health programmes is well known.
Surprisingly,It is a matter of great Pity that Health sector Employees of India are still working on Contract basis at the Grass Level throughout India on Various Positions , on meager salaries , from the Last 5-25 Years ,without having any Medical Facilities/Benefits, D.A ,HRA & Other Allowances like Health & Risk allowances & Govt. of India has totally failed in considering their long pending demands of Regularization of their Jobs. This is all because Govt. of India , Health Ministry,Central Govt. at the Centre & the Corrupt & Selfish Bureaucrats in the concerned Health Ministry , lacks the necessary Will & Willpower ,to regularize these Contractual Employees Permanently , although there is no Deficit of any Revenue & Necessary Budgetary allocations to Health sector of Govt., Of India.Central Govt. is totally Anti-People & Anti- Employee & all its Ministers & Selfish Bureaucrats are very adamant & reluctant to accept the genuine demands of Contractual Employees of Health Sector of India till today. The Formula of Equal Work & Equal Pay must have been implemented for Contractual Employees in Health Sector of India ,But the Present Gov.has adopted divisive ,Discriminatory & Stigmatic policy towards Contractual Health Sector Employees.They donot consider equality at all and see these employee as second class and treat them below the other staff in Health sector and senior officers.

It is a fact that Contractual Employees of National AIDS Control Organization under DAC( Ministry of Health & Family welfare ),Govt. of India (as NACO Programme has been implemented throughout India from the last 10 Years,NRHM,RNTCP RUNNING SINCE LAST FEW YEARS) serve to the needs of all HIV /AIDS,TB,HEPATITIS ,STDs AND OTHER SERIOUS PATIENTS WITH OPPURTUNISTIC INFECTIONS Patients in various ART Centers ,throughout the entire Length & Breadth of this Country.Apart from the ART Centers,LINKED ART CENTRES Various ICTC Centers,STDs centres,BLOOD BANKS,ANTENATAL CENTRES,NRHM,RNTCP etc. have been functioning in various Civil Hospitals ,Govt. Medical Colleges, Medical Research Institutes & Various Centre of Excellence in various states of India. But the Employees working in these ART Centers ,ICTC Centre’s, Concerned All SACS,EMPLOYEES OF NRH,RNTCP AND OTHER HEALTH PROGRAMMES OF GOVT,Employees in various States at the facility level/Grass Root level,from the last 5-10 years ,are still working on meager salaries on contract basis without any Medical Benefits/ Insurance Benefits , HRA, D.A & Other Risk Allowances ,even in a very High Risk Environment , of getting infected with HIV,IDS,HEPATITIS,STDS,TB OR OTHER SERIOUS DISEASE INFECTION just TO SERVE SUCH SERIOUS PATIENTS,even though NACP-IV has already started from the last year.But the Bureaucrats ,All Officers & Higher authorities of NACO have increased their Salaries to a very high Level,without considering the Increase of Salaries of the Senior or Junior Employees who have been working on various Positions at the Grass root level/ Facility Level in All ART Centre’s, ICTC Centers, Various SACS etc. It is morally & Ethically applicble, that the Salaries of Senior and Junior Employees at the grass root level/Facility level should have been increased to a High level as many administrative Bureaucrats and senior monitoring and Regulatory Doctors and other officials did in NACP-IV.But instead ,the Govt. of India has again adopted here divisive & Discriminatory policy for Grass-root Level Employees butr they have increased the salaries of Higher officials , who have to do nothing concrete just supervision,always sit in aircondition rooms,enjoying seminars in big hotels in India and abroad with free air journey of family members and visit to foreign countries,so many senior bureaucraats join NACO TO AVAIL SUCH FACILITIES AND REMAIN HERE ONG TO GET GOOD ENJOYMENT OF NOT ONLY OF THEM BUT THEIR WHOLE FAMILY ,enjoying with Bolywood stars in name of HIV/AIDS AWARENESS. This NACO programme is becoming successful only because of Employees working at the grass-root/facility level & not because of higher officials.Why NACO is not considering seriously to recruit Manpower at the grass –root Level/Facility level,where work load is increasing day by day,Instead they are wasting the Precious Money of the Public in increasing the posts at the supervision & Higher Levels ,who have to do nothing concrete, rather they are becoming burden for the NACO. Although Representation has already been given to the Higher NACO Authorities regarding the Genuine Long Pending Genuine Demands of contractual NACO Employees by The All India AIDS Control Employees Association many a times ,but nothing concrete decision has been taken by theHealth Minister & NACO Authorities . Rather they are just following the dilly dallying Policies. If the Govt. fails to listen to the voice & genuine Demands of the Contractual Employees , then the Employees will not have any way,rather to go in for Strike/Protest ,against the unwilling & Reluctant higher Authorities, till their Genuine demands are accepted as being observed at JANTAR MNTAR,AND AT DIFFERENT SAC'S OFFICES IN VARIOUS PART OF COUNTRY,FEW EMPLOYEES ARE SERIOUS TOO BUT OUR GOVERNMENT IS DEAF AND DUMB HARDLY CAREFUL TO LISTEN TO THEM FORCING THEM TO GHERAO GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND HOUSE OF BIG POLITICIANS IN COMING DAYS.

Un-availability of All Basic Medicines/ Clinical Medicines, Anti Cancer Medicines free of cost to the needy poor patients --- It is a great Blunder that Govt. of India is still not thinking seriously to provide All basic Medicines/ Clinical medicines/ Anti -cancer medicines free of cost to the needy poor patients in all Civil Hospitals/Civil Dispensaries/ Medical Colleges/ PGIMER etc . About 40-60% of the Income of Common man is spent on his/her health care needs here in India. How will he survive if such a large amount of their income gets wasted on keeping them healthy, for purchasing medicines ,because these medicines are not available free of cost in Govt. Hospitals. It is the Moral Duty of the Govt. of India to Provide free of cost healthcare to all Indian Citizens, especially Poor Needy patients & also as per the suggestion of W.H.O.

For All Indian Citizens & N.R.I of India---I Think , If I am not wrong , all the concerned Citizens of the India & N.R.Is , should raise their voice & support the cause of Poor patients & To put Pressure On the Central Govt. to make ensure the availability of All Basic Medicines/ Clinical Medicines/ Anti-Cancer Medicines in all Govt. Hospitals free of cost ,in the Interest of Poor & Needy Patients & Also should support whole heatedly the cause of Contractual Employees working in Health Sector in India & to Press for their Regularization in the larger interest of patients & Society at large.

Emergency Alert—If the Present Congress Govt. at the Centre failed to solve the above stated Problems till today , than that day will not be too far , when the common man of this country will not excuse them for their faults/ Non-Governance, Anti- People & Anti-Employee Policies & they will raise their voice to change the existing corrupt, Reluctant & unwilling system & will definitely find an alternative honest Political Party & Subsequently Honest & People Friendly Govt. at the Centre ,who will whole Heartedly cater to their genuine demands & needs in the Near Future & also will opt for that Govt. , Who will provide All Basic Medicines/ Anti-Cancer Medicines/ Clinical Medicines free of cost to the suffering & Poor Patients community at large.

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