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Pancratic Diseases

What Are The Causes Of Pancratic Diseases?

Some of the causes of pancreatic disorder are:

  • Underlying medical conditions : Several underlying medical conditions result in pancreatic diseases. The patients with infection, gallstones, high level of triglycerides, and metabolic disorders are at increased risk of developing pancreatic diseases.
  • Medications: There are several drugs that causes pancreatic diseases as their side effects. Some of them are estrogen, corticosteroids, antibiotics, diuretics, and medicines for autoimmune diseases.
  • Trauma : A trauma to the pancreas causes pancreatic injury and may cause pancreatic dysfunction. Trauma may occur during vehicle collision or when hit by a blunt object.
  • Surgery : In some cases, the post-operative complications may result in hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
  • Hereditary disease: Certain hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, may result in pancreatic diseases.
  • Prolonged consumption of alcohol: People who consume excessive alcohol for a prolong period are at high risk for developing pancreatic disease.
  • Family history : People with the family history of pancreatic disease are more vulnerable to developing the pancreatic disease.

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