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Dr. Vinod Chandel's Profile
Laser Use in Dentistry
Lasers are now part of our lives in many ways. They are in our computer printers and compact disc players, they record prices at the supermarket check-out, they light up rock concerts, and they guide weapons and measure distances between planets. Lasers have also revolutionized many surgical procedures, minimizing bleeding, swelling, scarring, and pain. And now they're beginning to blaze a new trail in dentistry. The potential benefits of laser use in dentistry include procedures done on soft tissues of the mouth. Because laser techniques cause less pain than traditional methods, they are also likely to reduce the fear that many people have of the dentist. At the very least, lasers in some dental applications would eliminate the noise of the instruments that to some patients are nearly as disturbing as the physical discomfort. Dentists are using lasers to treat:
1. Tooth fillings
2. Root canal treatment
3. Gum disease (flap & implant surgeries)
4. Biopsy or lesion removal
5. Teeth whitening
How Do Lasers Work?
All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. When used for surgical procedures, the laser acts as a cutting instrument or a vaporizer of tissue that it comes in contact with. When used for "curing" a filling, the laser helps to strengthen the bond between the filling and the tooth. When used in teeth whitening procedures, the laser acts as a heat source and enhances the effect of tooth beaching agents.
Advantages compared to the traditional dental drill to lasers:
1. May cause less pain in some instances, therefore, reducing the need for anesthesia.
2. May reduce anxiety in patients uncomfortable with the use of the dental drill.
3. Minimize bleeding and swelling during soft tissue treatments.
Disadvantages of lasers are that:
1. Lasers can't be used in many commonly performed dental procedures. For example, lasers can't be used to fill cavities located between teeth, around old fillings, and large cavities that need to be prepared for a crown. In addition, lasers cannot be used to remove defective crowns or silver fillings, or prepare teeth for bridges.
2. Traditional drills may still be needed to shape the filling, adjust the bite, and polish the filling even when a laser is used.
3. Lasers do not eliminate the need for anesthesia.
4. Laser treatment tends to be more expensive since the cost of the laser is much higher than a dental drill.

Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Wedding Dentistry
Nothing is more stunning than a beautiful bride in a beautiful dress with a beautiful smile. If you are getting married, what better way to prepare for your big day than having your teeth whitened or smile designing if needed? Remember…those photos will last forever. Here are some of the most common dental procedures brides-to-be can consider;
• Smile designing using Bonding or Laminates
• Porcelain Crowns
• Teeth whitening (Zoom!)
Composite restorations and bonding Procedures in which decay is removed and the tooth is repaired with a material that closely matches your natural tooth color. Bonding is an effective method used to correct a malformation of otherwise healthy tooth structure.
Porcelain Veneers A custom-made porcelain sheath that is attached directly to the facial surface of teeth. Veneers are extremely effective in producing a uniformly white smile. Veneers are used to mask misshapen, stained, chipped or cracked teeth.
Zoom! Teeth whitening If you tired of your not-so-white teeth? The latest procedures are virtually pain-free, fast and easy. The most common procedure for brides looking for a quick fix. Teeth whitening is one of the hottest cosmetic dental procedures today. The Zoom! Whitening system, as is a good example of a product that ranks high in all of these areas. Zoom! has been proven to make your teeth about eight shades whiter in as little as 45 minutes, and the results are long-lasting.
Crowns and Bridges Sometimes one or more teeth are diseased or lost and need to be extensively repaired or replaced. A number of materials are available to meet each patient’s aesthetic and budgetary requirements. Recent launch for crown and bridge is LAVA (All- ceramic) for best strength, fit and esthetics.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Solution for Blackening at the Gum Line & Unnatural looking Dental Crowns?
A black line at the gumline or a tooth that looks fake because of a flat, bright un-natural color or a tooth that is too bulky compared to the adjacent teeth are sure indications of a crown that is an esthetic failure. With appropriate materials, procedures, and skill lifelike crowns will blend in naturally with adjacent natural teeth.

What Causes the Dark Line?

The dark line is associated with an old porcelain crown. The dark line originates from the edge of the crown where the porcelain and the metal meet at a knife-edge at the gum line. At the knife-edge, a very thin amount of the metal always shows. One of the illusionary techniques dentists have used was to hide the thin dark line under the gum line. Over time, the gum tissue would recede and expose the dark line. In some patients the dark line would show through the gum and make it appear dark as well.

How Do You Get Rid of It?

The only way to eliminate the esthetic problem is to replace the crown. The most beautiful crown for a tooth is, without question, all-porcelain or all-ceramic. With porcelain fused to metal crowns, there has to be an opaque layer put over the metal to block out its color. This makes it impossible to have a translucent restoration that mimics the translucency of natural teeth. Only with pure porcelain or pure ceramic can you have such translucency. And these three basic categories of crowns for front teeth: bonded all porcelain, extra strength all porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal.

Bonded all porcelain - It is made entirely of porcelain or other ceramic material. Now the type of porcelain used for crowns for teeth by itself is not very strong. The way a cosmetic dentist will handle this is he or she will bond the crown to the tooth, thus giving it plenty of strength to function.
This type of crown has the nicest appearance. It mimics the appearance of nature to the point where it is difficult to tell that it is not a natural tooth. An all porcelain crown costs more than a porcelain fused to metal crown. And while an all porcelain crown is strong enough for front teeth, it may not be strong enough for some back teeth in some patients with an extra strong bite.

Extra strength all porcelain - There are some new ceramic materials that have extra strength - so much so that they don't have to be bonded. However, they aren't as esthetic as the bonded all porcelain crowns. Some brand names of crowns that are this type are Procera crowns, InCeram crowns, Cercon Zirconia crowns, Lava crowns, and Cerec crowns. While they don't have an opaque metal core, most of them have an opaque white core, so they aren't as esthetic for front teeth. They don't tend to develop the dark black line at the gumline that porcelain fused to metal crowns do, but they can still reveal a sharp color difference where the crown meets the tooth. They also tend to be a little more abrasive on the opposing teeth that chew against them.

Porcelain fused to metal - This style of crown is referred to as a porcelain fused-to-metal crown because it uses tooth-colored porcelain on the outside and it uses metal under the porcelain for strength. A black line at the gumline of a crown is caused when the underlying metal framework supporting the porcelain shows through. A properly done crown with an acceptable margin should have no black line. They tend to have a very fake-looking opacity, and they will tend to get a black line at the gumline after a few years. This line may not show when the crown is first placed but shows later, as the gum recedes. But porcelain fused to metal is substantially stronger than the all porcelain crown. Further if ever you need a crown discuss all the possible options and get more natural smile. Like to seek a consultation , contact our dental office.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Smile Designing
A beautiful smile can dazzle and sparkle, charm and entice. It says let's talk - I care - Cheer up. A smile communicates your feelings about yourself and others. Like the lines, colours, and shapes in a painting, your teeth should work together to produce a pleasing effect. A bright smile projects warmth, approval, or self-confidence.

Are you satisfied with your smile?

When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? If you answer yes to any of these questions, it's likely you can benefit from cosmetic dentistry:

Do you have any stained or discoloured teeth or fillings?
Are any of your teeth crowded, overlapping, or crooked?
Are your gums red, swollen, receded, or bleeding?
Are you missing any teeth or do you have large gaps between any of your teeth?
Do any of your teeth have uneven shapes due to chips, fractures, or rough edges?
Do your teeth seem out of proportion because they are uneven in length?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it is likely that you have a dental problem that can produce a dull smile.
Changes Possible to Enhance your Smile

Stains: old fillings, an injury, smoking, or some foods may cause stains. Brown or grey teeth, in particular, are often a side-effect of medications taken in childhood. These stains can be got ridden off easily by cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Discoloured Teeth: They will tend to stand out and the entire attention of the person speaking to you will be directed to that one tooth.

Crooked teeth: may develop during early childhood. Not having enough space to accommodate your teeth is most likley the result of your genetic heritage.

Red gums: inflammed, puffy, red gums may bleed and pull away from the edges of your teeth. Unhealthy gums are often caused by inefficient or inadequate cleaning.

Gaps: missing teeth, gum disease or teeth too small for your mouth can produce gaps between your teeth.

Rough shape: injury or daily wear and tear can cause chips and fractures. A worn, flat look may result from grinding your teeth.

Improve your smile

Dental laminate / veneers is often a thin shell of composite or ceramic material that's bonded to a tooth, generally covering only its front and top. Dental veneers have become more popular as a relatively quick way to cosmetically improve one's smile, just like many film stars have done this too. Veneers can beautify your smile by improving the position, color and shape of one or more of your teeth. This process removes less tooth structure than doing a crown, but depends upon sound tooth being there as they are not as strong as crowns. Veneers can be used to close spaces between your teeth, lengthen small, protruded teeth, or whiten darkened teeth. And if your teeth are chipped or beginning to wear, veneers can protect them from damage and even restore their original looks.

If teeth are really dark, they can be bleached lighter first, so Veneers don't suffer from "Dark" shine through!

The Veneer is only as good as the tooth to which it is being bonded. If the underlying tooth is weak or compromised, this is obviously more likely to have problems than a strong, sound underlying tooth. A heavy bite may also fracture a Veneer during use, but this may only be discovered after "functional" chewing usage. Many patients are willing to risk this, knowing they can usually progress to a stronger crown if needed, but not committing to crown preparations with the greater tooth removal, in the first instance. Where many filled teeth are in a heavy chewing forces, then it is wiser to go for the crowns. Specific procedures for correcting each of these defects - tooth whitening, veneers, crowns, bridges, bonding, etc.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Say Goodbye to Loose Dentures : Computer Guided Dental implants
Dental implants have revolutionized Dentistry, making it possible to replace a single tooth or all teeth in as little as an hour or two.
Computer Guided dental implants can improve your appearance, restore your smile and confidence, and allow you to eat the foods you like, without worrying about your teeth. Computer guided implant placement allows us to create an exact replica of your jawbone on our computer screen. This allows us to see all the structures such as nerves and sinuses. Thus, we can safely avoid the structures when planning and ultimately placing the implants. With the conventional method of placement the measurement is taken from a flat or one dimensional x-ray. This leaves us guessing in the other two dimensions.
Quick And Convienent
We all lead very busy lives in this day and age. Using computer guided treatment drastically reduces the amount of visits to the dentist. At the completion of the surgery you will be able to function immediately with your new teeth.
No stitches or incisions – Immediate Function
We all know that pain and recuperation are always a big concern. With computer guided placement there are no stitches or incisions. This conservative approach drastically diminishes pain and healing time.
Three Methods of Implant Denture Replacement
1. Mini-Implant Dentures - "Snap In" Dentures
This type of implant denture is an economic alternative for those who cannot afford conventional implants or the available bone is too sparse for conventional implants.
• Mini-implants can are used even when there is very little bone structure.
• Although this is a great alternative mini-implants may not last as long-term as conventional implants.
• Mini-implants cannot change the tightness or holding power of the denture as can conventional implants.
• A snap down denture is still a denture, meaning it still rests upon the gums.
• Although the chewing force achieved is much better by adding the snap down implants, it is still much less than your natural teeth.
• When economics is a major concern this method is the best choice.
2. Conventional Implant Dentures - "Snap In"
This type of denture is very similar to the mini-implant snap down denture. There are several fundamental differences.
• There is an abundance of documented research that shows these implants to have long term stability.
• The holding power of the snaps used can be adjusted to be weaker or stronger by switching out the retentive inserts.
• The larger diameter makes for a stronger implant.
• The cost is more than the mini-implant solution
• There must be adequate bone structure.
3. Implant Bridge Dentures
This by far is the best solution if you want to chew as well as you did with your natural teeth. This type of implant replacement does not rely on your gums for support. The entire bridge/denture is supported solely by the implants.
• The bridge/denture is permanently attached to the implants.
• There is no need for removal.
• They are brushed and flossed similar to your natural teeth.
• The chewing power is similar to your natural teeth.
• The cost is considerably more than the other two solutions
• There must be adequate bone
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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