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Dr. Vinod Chandel's Profile
Look younger - Feel better with Full mouth rehabilitation
Imagine being able to turn back the clock 20, 30 years or more. Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a comprehensive and complex process that involves restoring the teeth, bite, and muscles back to their natural looking and youthful feeling condition. Look younger - feel better. Today, you do not have to continue to be dissatisfied with the look and feel of your smile. You do not have to continue to experience discomfort when chewing, or be unable to eat hot or cold foods.

Full mouth rehabilitation may be the answer to many of these problems. This practice is reflective of modern dentistry that relies on the most innovative techniques, and of all the things that we can do for people, the process of full mouth rehabilitation has perhaps the most amazing and far reaching benefits. It requires an advanced treatment procedure delivered by a specialist (Prosthodontist) who uses state-of-the- art technology. A goal of treatment is to the rebuild damaged teeth and properly align them. Jaw position is typically corrected using a durable materials like ceramic/metallic caps that fits over the top of the teeth. Teeth can also be restored with veneers or onlays.

Full mouth rehabilitation corrects imperfections in bite position and enhances the appearance of the smile, like wornout, broken,discolored or chipped teeth. Full Mouth Rehabilitation creates a smile that is functional, comfortable and beautiful.. Once determined, the jaw position is corrected with the use of an splint (a virtually invisible appliance that fits over the top of the lower teeth, gently repositioning the jaw).

How ?
The dentist will decide whether to treat with an splint, or to fit the patient with dental restorations. Patients who have their bite repositioned with the use of splint under the dentists care from six weeks to six months. This splint slowly repositions the bite, creating a naturally comfortable position. The gums may be tender for a couple days after restorations are placed on the teeth. To counter the discomfort anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, can be used.

After the splint has been worn for several weeks to several months, the jaw naturally drops into its most comfortable position. Only then can the doctor begin to restore the bite. He will use beautiful porcelain restorations that can raise or lower the bite to achieve the most comfortable jaw position. With this correction, patients experience decreased or eliminated pain and discomfort, and better overall health.

When to go in for the comprehensive treatment?

Teeth are worn, chipped or cracked.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome)
Frequent headaches or migraines.
Dental restorations frequently crack, chip or break.
Pain or soreness around my jaw joints.
Clicking sounds in jaw joints.
Limited jaw movement or have locking jaw.
Unexplained congestion or stuffiness in ears and vertigo.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Dental Implants - The Natural Solution
There is a certain feeling each of us has when we look into the mirror and feel really confident about our appearance. It "sets the mood" for our day or social function. Simply stated, our personal confidence can dramatically affect our lives.

Unfortunately, missing teeth, medically known as edentulism, keeps many people from "feeling their best". Edentulism not only affects your self-confidence, but also has a dramatic impact on the quality of your life.

Edentulism may limit your choice of foods and therefore your nutrition and general health.
Can make you feel isolated either socially or on the job.
Can effect relationships with loved ones.
Also leads to bone loss making the "fitting? of traditional dentures difficult or impossible
If not treated, partial edentulism, that is missing some of your teeth, can place stress on the remaining teeth requiring them to "do more work". This can lead to further tooth loss.
For years the best solutions for missing teeth were bridges, removable partial or full dentures. For centuries man has endeavored to find a more natural replacement for missing teeth. Modern, space age materials have allowed that quest to become a reality. Todays dental implant is possible because of these materials combined with years of research and clinical trials. The dental implant is truly the most natural solution for missing teeth.

But what exactly is a dental implant?

Implants are artificial tooth root that is made titanium, which is placed into your jawbone to hold a replacement tooth, or bridge closest is shape and size to the natural tooth root. After application of anesthesia, your dentist will expose the area of the jawbone to be implanted and prepare the bone to accept the implant. The number of incisions and bone preparations depends upon the number of implants (and teeth) being placed. The implant is carefully set into place and the gums are closed with several stitches. The healing period usually varies from as few as 3 to 6 months or more. The bone grows in and around the implant creating a strong structural support. When healing is complete, your implant is uncovered and an extension is attached onto which your new tooth or teeth are attached. Implants restore proper chewing function and so you can enjoy food.

You feel confident that your replacement teeth won?t move or loosen.
You regain the closest thing to the look, feel and function of your natural teeth.
Forget about unsightly partial denture clasps, which place damaging pressure on remaining natural teeth.
Eliminate irritated and painful gums.
Improve your speech by eliminating or reducing the "fullness" of full or partial dentures.
Replace missing teeth with the look and feel of natural teeth without having to "cut down" healthy teeth.
Dental implants help stop the progressive bone loss and shrinkage of your jawbone by "mimicking" the roots of natural teeth.
Dental implants are clinically proven with a success rate in excess of 90%.
Clearly dental implants are one of the finest treatment options dentistry has to offer. With their ability to improve the quality of your life and health it's easy to understand why they have become the accepted alternative to traditional methods of replacing missing teeth.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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Artificial Tooth Replacement - Know about Prosthodontics
Now a day?s dentistry has progressed that even a person at the age of 90 years can have full compliment of teeth. The branch of dentistry dealing with artificial teeth and any missing facial parts such as eye, ear, nose or lips is called as Prosthodontics. Your missing teeth can be replaced by an artificial removable or a fixed prosthesis. Well, both these prosthesis are made as per your own personal, aesthetic and functional preference.

Why a Prosthodontist?
They provides an extremely high level of care for patients who have missing teeth or have significant damage to their existing teeth. Training includes crowns, bridges, dentures, cosmetics, tempromandibular joint dysfunction, maxillofacial prosthesis and Dental implants. They also deal with congenital defects as well as problems arising from trauma and cancer. Dental Implants are in fact replica of tooth root, which is placed in your jaw during a small surgery. These are inert metal screws made of a special metal called as Titanium. These screw shaped titanium are placed at a pre-determined location for the tooth inside the bone. Later on once the bone anchors this metal screw, artificial tooth is placed on this screw. This kind of implant-supported tooth is completely similar to original tooth in terms of structure, esthetics and function. Titanium is a well-known metal for its biocompatibility. It is being used for more than a century now for orthopedic purposes. This kind of implant can also be used for supporting multiple teeth or complete denture. Implants have an edge over the conventional fixed prosthesis that in this procedure, preparation of adjacent teeth is not required. The only disadvantage is that the implant is costing little above twenty thousand per teeth and which is out of reach for most of our population. There is good news that the efforts are on to devise indigenous implants in India. Once this project is over, the cost will reduce significantly and common man will be able to afford it.

The most striking advancement in this branch is related to Maxillo-facial Prosthesis. In which we can replace missing facial parts and reduce or hide the disfigurement. We commonly see the patients of trauma and cancer of head and neck area with significant disfiguration and visible defects on face. With the recent advances, implants are now being used for supporting other devices and maxillo-facial prosthesis. Now with these advancements it will be possible to hide such deformities and defects. In this technique, missing part of the face is fabricated with the help of acrylic resin and over this a covering resembling skin is given, which is made of a special material called as silicone. This gives resemblance to remaining skin and the defect is repaired.
Patients contemplating dental implants or major changes in their appearances with the use of crown, bridges, smile designing and ceramic laminates should consult with a Prosthodontist to assure that they are gaining the best possible care for their dentition.
Dr. Vinod Chandel MDS. (Prosthodontics) AIIMS New Delhi
Advanced Dental Care,Prosthodontic and Implant Centre
SCO 157/1 Sector 37-C, Chandigarh
Phone no. 2691001, 09815131898

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