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Never Avoid Your Sex Problems Other Wise Your Partner Can Avoid You.
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Would you rather run 75 miles or have sex three times per week for a year? Research shows that both activities burn the same number of calories. (7,500 to be exact)

We often think that some thing what feels good cannot possibly be good for us. Now it is time to think again

Sex in a loving, intimate relationship and has numerous health benefits. In women, for example, the sexual act triggers the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin promotes the feelings of affection and triggers that nurturing instinct. In men, sex encourages the flow of testosterone, which strengthens bones and muscles and helps transport DHEA hormone that may be important in the function of the body’ immune system.

Regular sex is regular exercise and has similar benefits, including improved cholesterol levels and increased circulation. Sex, like exercise, release endorphins. Endorphins contribute to the runners high and diminishes pain levels.

Sex therapists remind us that frequent sex is a form of exercise. Other benefits of having regular sex include:
Increased blood flow
Sex helps increase the blood flow to our brain and to all other organs of the body. Increased heart rate and deep breathing accounts for improvement in circulation. As fresh blood supply arrives, our cells, organs and muscles are saturated with fresh oxygen and hormones, and as the used blood is removed, the body also remove waste products that cause fatigue and even illness.

Stress reduction, relaxation and improved sleep
People have frequent sex often report that they handle stress better, so the normal stresses of living do not become distress. The profound relaxation that typically follows lovemaking with orgasm for women and ejaculation or orgasm for men, may be one of the few times people actually allow themselves to completely let go, surrender and relax.

Maintaining ideal body weight
There are 3500 calories in a pond of fat. For every 3500 calories we burn, we will lose one pound of fat. Sexual intercourse burns approximately 150 per half hour.

Lower cholesterol
Lowering of cholesterol is another of sex as exercise benefits. Sex helps as exercise benefits. Sex helps lower the overall cholesterol level. Perhaps more importantly it tips the HDL/LDL (good/bad) cholesterol balance towards the healthier HDL side.

Sex as pain reliever
Through the touch magic of sex the hormone oxytocin is secreted in our body which in turn causes the release of endorphins. Because of these natural opiates, sex acts as powerful analgesics, elevating the pain threshold and helping to relieve the aches like arthritis, whiplash and headaches.
In fact, studies indicate that intimacy plays a key role in the health benefits of sex. A promiscuous sexual relationship may actually produce an opposite effect by introducing a sense of anxiety and fear.

Word of caution

It is always advisable that you should always avoid pre-marital and extra-marital sexual activities, try to maintain the loyalty towards your spouse and stay away from STD’s and aids.

Sex therapists say sex acts on the principal of “use it or lose it”. So, for your heart, mind, and soul, the best advice may be to “just do it.”

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Divorce happens and there can be many irreconcilable differences. Many divorces take place due to so many reasons but here we are going to discuss a one major reason for the breakdown. If we can understand this problem while we are still married than maybe we can somehow save the relationship or find adequate professional help. In this article I will attempt to discuss this reason for divorce.


Sex has always been the one of the major reason for the marriages to breakdown. It’s either no sex, to little sex, or too much sex, lack of knowledge concerning sex, or sex with the wrong person. It still amazes me how many people get married and have very little comprehension concerning sex. This doesn't mean people need to experiment before marriage to be able to please their partner. It means they need to read and discuss it with each other find out what pleases the wife and she find out what pleases her husband.

Fear and not knowing can cause problems in the marriage. Also, forcing the one partner to perform in a way which they dislike or are just not into it. The one thing that will help in this area is to communicate with each other. I suggest that each partner should discuss the matter with each other and read the book "The Act of Marriage" by Tim Lahaye.
So if any body of you or both of you are facing any type of sex problem kindly try to solve it mutually, if your efforts are not working to solve it then never hesitate to take professional help from a good qualified sex therapist.

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Premature Ejaculation (The Most Common Male Sexual Disorder)
Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would like. As long as it happens infrequently, it’s probably not cause for concern. However, if you regularly ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish, you should think about it. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder. Estimates vary, but it is expected that it affects as many as one out of three men. Even though it’s a common problem that can be treated, many men feel embarrassed to talk to their doctors about it or seek treatment, but the man who wants to save his married life and dares to talk about this with a doctor comes out of the problem. Earlier it was being taken as purely psychological; but now studies have cleared that physical factors also play an important role in premature ejaculation. In some men, premature ejaculation is related to erectile dysfunction also. You don’t have to live with premature ejaculation, treatments including medications; psychological counseling and learning sexual techniques to delay ejaculation can improve sex for you and your partner. Signs and symptoms: There’s no medical standard for how long it should take a man to ejaculate. The primary sign of premature ejaculation is, ejaculation that occurs before both partners wish in the majority of sexual encounters, causing concern or distress. The problem may occur in all sexual situations, including during masturbation or it may only occur during sexual encounters with another person. Causes: Psychological causes: In some patients early sexual experiences may establish a pattern that can be the cause of difficulty in your sex life, such as: (1).Situations in which you may have hurried to reach climax in order to avoid being discovered. (2).Guilty feelings that increase your tendency to rush through sexual encounters. Other factors that can play a role in causing premature ejaculation include: Erectile dysfunction: Men who are not able to sustain erection and try to hold their erection during sexual intercourse, may form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate. Fear of losing your erection may cause you to rush through sexual encounters. Anxiety: Many men with premature ejaculation also have problems with anxiety either specifically about sexual performance, or caused by other issues. Physical causes: A number of physical factors may contribute to premature ejaculation, including: (1).Abnormal hormone levels. (2). Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. (3). Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system. (4). Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra etc. Rarely, premature ejaculation is caused by: (1). Nervous system damage resulting from surgery or trauma. (2). Withdrawal from narcotics or few drugs used to treat anxiety and other mental health problems. (Don’t stop taking medicines without consulting your doctor). Although both physical and psychological factors likely play a role in most cases of premature ejaculation, experts think a primarily physical cause is more likely if it has been a lifelong problem or the problem from quit long period with the same sexual partner. Other factors: Various factors can increase your risk of premature ejaculation, including: Impotence: You may be at increased risk of premature ejaculation if you occasionally or consistently have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. As many as one in three men with premature ejaculation also have trouble maintaining an erection. Health problems: If you have a medical concern that causes you to feel anxious during sex, such as a heart problem, you may have an increased likelihood of hurrying to ejaculate. Stress: Emotional or mental strain in any area of your life can play a role in premature ejaculation, often limiting your ability to relax and focus during sexual encounters. Certain medications: Rarely, drugs that influence the action of chemical messengers in the brain (psychotropic) may cause premature ejaculation. When to seek medical advice: Talk with your doctor if you ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish during most sexual encounters. Please do not self medicate, it can increase your problem or the medicine which you take without consulting the doctor can create serious side effects. Kindly consult with qualified doctors only because your health is vary precious.

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Marriage and sex problems: why should we take it seriously?
From vary long time in India, sex in marriage is often something which is brushed aside and joked about. But now we have to take this matter seriously because this is deeply related with our marriage, love, health and vary important for a healthy vibrant relationship.
Marriage and sex problems can easily arise in a marriage where these things are not given the priority they deserve. How much importance is placed on them depends in part on each partner's views and personality. For some people the idea of a sexless marriage is unthinkable. For others, it may be a trade off in an otherwise happy relationship. The key of course, is making sure that both partner’s views are in synch.
Sexual problems in marriage should never be waived off or made fun of. Your spouse may be self-conscious of the issue already, and highlighting it unnecessarily will not help resolve the problem. Instead, married couples need to work together to create solutions and, if necessary, accept reality.
However, some people who experience sex problems like erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, loss of desire due to a temporary condition (such as illness or pregnancy), inability to achieve orgasm, premature ejaculation etc, find the impetus to maintain their marriage very difficult.
Having an active, sexy marriage helps couples to feel connected at a deeper level, beyond words and ideas and day to day problems. Having difficulties in the bedroom is definitely something to talk about and should be resolved as quickly as possible.
In the-fast changing social scenario setting out new standards for man-woman relations, the Honorable Supreme Court of India on 21 March 2006 ruled that a wife can seek divorce for husband’s sexual incapacity and his failure to consummate the marriage due to such a physical handicap.
However, if you are having problems, you may want to seek professional help, so need not to worry about this because, now a days a few good sex clinics are there, those are giving all the services like consultation, examinations, diagnosis, sex counseling for couples and singles, sex therapies and treatments of sex problems to get you out of these sex problems and have the best possible sex life.
Further more, statistics show that most people who attend some kind of sexual therapy from qualified doctors can actually improve their marriage as well as their health. Almost 93% of those who have undergone sexual therapy have significantly improved their married life.
Marriage experts agree that healthy sexual activity can save marriage from divorce (divorce due to sex problems). Getting sex help isn't something you need feel embarrassed about, especially if it leads to the best possible sex life.

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Loss of Libido
Decreased sexual appetite does affect both sexes. There are many factors that can influence a loss of desire for both men and women. However no matter which partner is suffering from decreased interest in sex, loss of libido can wreck havoc on any intimate relationship. Recognizing Loss of Libido : Loss of libido is no longer having a desire to have sex. It is not having sex not because you cannot, but because you do not wish to. You may be experiencing a loss of libido if you can answer “yes” to a majority of the following:- Does you intimate touching only take place in the bedroom? Does sex no longer give you a feeling of connection and sharing? Is one partner in your relationship always the initiator and does the other feel pressured or obligated perform? Do you no longer look forward to having sex? Does your sex life feel mechanical, routine? Do you no longer ever have sexual thoughts about your spouse, or anyone else for that matter? Do you no longer have sexually explicit dreams? Do you have sex only once or twice a month at most? Causes of Lack of Libido in Women : For both men and women, lack of libido has either physical or emotional causes. Some physical and of course many of the emotional causes can over lap, but the specific physical causes for loss of sexual desire in women can be:- Anemia, Post-baby issues, Hyperprolactinaemia, Hormonal Issues. Contrary to popular belief menopause does not cause a lack of libido in most women. In fact many women report a much more satisfying sex life after menopause. Again while there are certain emotional causes Such as: A past rape, Problems in the relationship, Problems in the household, Self-esteem issues. In Men : As with women there are “cross over” causes for lack of desire in males, but there are also specifically male causes for lack of libido. Erectile Dysfunction – ED or impotence is not the same thing as lack of libido, but the inability to perform can lead to a man’s lack of desire to have sex. Other forms of sex problems such as pre-mature ejaculation, or performance anxiety can have the same effect. Other causes: Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Diabetes, Cancer, Tranquilizers and few antidepressants, Emotional, Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Overwork. Treatments for Lack of Libido: The good news is that once the cause is determined usually loss of libido can be reversed. So, if you feel you are experiencing a loss of libido discuss the condition with a Qualified Doctor because this is the problem where both of you suffer due to one’s problem.

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