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Mrs. Sunaina Khetarpal's Profile
Adequate Sleep
5-12 YEARS OLD 10-11 HOURS
12-18 YEARS OLD 8.5-10 HOURS

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how to get beautiful n glowing skin
How Water Benefits Your Skin

Few things are as good as water for keeping your skin in shape.

Water keeps skin hydrated, reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. It helps cells take up nutrients and purge toxins. And water improves circulation and blood flow, keeping your skin glowing.

Selenium for Your Skin

Selenium is a trace mineral that may help protect skin cells from free radical damage. It may also play a role in skin cancer prevention.

Excellent sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, button mushrooms and whole-wheat pasta

CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant made naturally in your body. However, its production decreases with aging. CoQ10 protects skin and other body cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It's also involved in energy production and basic functioning of cells. Low levels of this antioxidant are found in many age-related illnesses. When used topically, it is reported to improve the appearance of wrinkles and the signs of aging.
Rich sources of CoQ10 include fish (such as salmon and tuna), poultry, organ meats (such as liver), and whole grains.

Antioxidants for Healthy Cells

Antioxidants prevent or slow the damage done to cells by free radicals. This damage contributes to signs of aging, such as wrinkles and dry skin.
Antioxidants can be found in all kinds of foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, apricots, beets, squash, spinach, sweet potato, tangerines, peppers, and beans

Vitamin A for Skin Repair

Want to steer clear of dry, flaky skin? Grab an orange, a carrot,and papaya. These fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamin A. Applying vitamin A to the skin appears to improve signs of aging, such as wrinkles. Topical and oral forms of vitamin A are common prescription treatments for acne and other skin conditions, including wrinkles. Other sources of vitamin A include leafy greens, eggs, and low-fat dairy

Vitamin C: Power Over the sun

Vitamin C helps protect skin from the sun. It also helps undo damage done by free radicals, which destroy skin-firming fibers such as collagen and elastin.

Excellent sources of vitamin C include red bell peppers,guava, indian gooseberry(amla) citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, greens, and brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that may help shield your skin from damage done by the sun. Vitamin E is also an anti-inflammatory and immunity enhancer.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus, olives, and leafy greens in small amounts.

Essential Fatty Acids for Your Skin

Essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s help produce your skin's natural oil barrier, keeping dry skin and blemishes at bay. EFAs are necessary fats that help leave skin smoother and younger-looking.

Good sources of essential fatty acids include olive and canola oils, flax, walnuts, and coldwater fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel

Healthy Oils for Healthy Skin

Some oils pack more than essential fatty acids. Good-quality oils like extra virgin olive oil and cold- or expeller-pressed oil are more simply processed than many commercial oils, and so they may help retain more skin-boosting nutrients.
These oils may also help lubricate skin and keep it looking and feeling healthy

Green Tea: Antioxidant Powerhouse

Green tea may be the closest thing to a magic elixir that nature can offer for your skin. Green tea helps to stop inflammation, slow DNA damage, and can help prevent the sun from burning your skin.

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diabetes and depression

These two diseases can relate to each other in some patients due to following reasons:

The rigors of managing diabetes can be stressful and lead to symptoms of depression.

Diabetes can cause complications and health problems that may worsen symptoms of depression.

Depression can lead to poor lifestyle decisions, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking and weight gain — all of which are risk factors for diabetes.

Depression affects your ability to perform tasks, communicate and think clearly. This can interfere with your ability to successfully manage diabetes.

Managing the two conditions together

Diabetes self-management programs. Diabetes programs that focus on behavior have been successful in helping people improve their metabolic control, increase fitness levels, and manage weight loss and other cardiovascular disease risk factors. They can also help improve your sense of well-being and quality of life.

Psychotherapy. Similarly, participants in psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, have reported improvements in depression, which has resulted in better diabetes management.

Medications and lifestyle changes. Medications — for both diabetes and depression — and lifestyle changes, including different types of therapy coupled with regular exercise, can improve both conditions
If you have diabetes, watch for signs and symptoms of depression, such as loss of interest in normal activities, feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and unexplained physical problems like back pain or headaches.

If you think you might be depressed, seek help right away. Your doctor or diabetes educator can refer you to a mental health professional.

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My winter blues
My winter blues
For few days I was wondering why am I feeling so sad, low and somehow depressed sort…as there was no personal enmities with anyone…professionally too I am doing well….what????
Then suddenly one word came to me “winter blues”…oh yes it could be…yes I got it is winter blues ….oh no…
But I have the solution to enlighten myself and get out of this winter blues…now all of you must be wondering what I am talking about …yup…let me explain that now…
Some symptoms include depression, marathon napping, low self-esteem, obsessiveness over little things, irritability, shyness, and panic attacks. People with seasonal affective disorder may also sleep poorly (although for many hours), partly because they don't have enough serotonin to convert to the sleep substance melatonin.

Winter depression is still a mystery to scientists who study it. Many things, including brain chemicals, ions in the air, and genetics seem to be involved. But researchers agree that people who suffer from winter depression -- also known as "seasonal affective disorder," a term that produces the cute acronym SAD -- have one thing in common. They're particularly sensitive to light, or the lack of it.

As the days get shorter most of us do not feel going after a particular time say 6 p.m. we tend to remain indoors because of cold weather so as aresult most of our outdoor chores remain unaccomplished…result feel irritated…do not get time to meet friends result loneliness…

Many studies have shown that people with seasonal affective disorder feel better after exposure to bright light. It seems simple enough: In higher latitudes, winter days are shorter, so you get less exposure to sunlight. Replace lost sunlight with bright artificial light, and your mood improves….
Have your bedroom lights turn on a half hour before you're supposed to wake up.
Expose yourself to sunlight as early in the morning as you can.

Use artificial light. You can use the light box to effectively lengthen the day: use it before daylight, after the sun sets, or a combination of the two. Increasing the day length by two hours should be effective.
Get Moving

Did you know that one hour of aerobic exercise outside (even when it's cloudy) has the same therapeutic effects as 2.5 hours of light treatment indoors? This is because it raises serotonin levels, which tend to get low when you have the winter blues.

Research has proven that exercising regularly can help ward off depression. Every little bit helps--a mere thirty minutes of daily physical activity can decrease symptoms of mild to moderate depression by upwards of 50 percent.
Watch your cravings! When your serotonin levels are low, one of things your body tends to do is to crave food high in carbohydrates, especially high-sugar foods like junk food and soda, because they raise serotonin levels.

Eat wisely. This means, pushing away the leftover cake and eating sensible carbs to stimulate serotonin. Sweets and simple carbs, like white rice and white bread, quickly raise blood sugar, flood you with insulin, and then drop you in a hole. Eating wisely also means watching the caffeine, which suppresses serotonin.

Take a multivitamin containing vitamin D-3 daily. Vitamin D is created by the sun's rays on the skin, and therefore declines during the winter. Although studies on the effect of vitamin D supplements on seasonal depression have come up with varied results a good multivitamin will also help with energy levels.

Take up a winter activity

Do not be a couch potato: I know you will crave for paranthas, ladoos, panjiri and other desserts to make yourself happy….beware it will all add up calories and increase weight…so please eat healthy options like
Egg whites for omelets
Peanut butter
Prewashed veggies
Whole grain crackers and bread
Cottage cheese
If you really want to munch on…do not stuff yourself.

Tommorrow we will talk more about foods that help you in combating winter blues.

for further queries you can consult our e clinic

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how to combat sugar cravings

how to combat sugar cravings
Combat hypoglycemia, or low-blood sugar by trying the following:

Eat a breakfast that is NOT sweet, for example brown rice, or lean protein and blanched vegetables.

Have no sweets (that includes fruit, refined flour, and all sweeteners) until after 3:00 pm. After that eat either fruit or a fruit or grain-sweetened dessert rather than sweets that contained refined sugars.

Eating sweets in the morning or early afternoon tend to stimulate sweet cravings throughout the day. You might feel sick from eating sugars in the early morning

If you have the sugar blues in the morning around 10-10:30 and again in the afternoon around 2-4:00, drink 1 cup of sweet vegetable drink.

Avoid artificial sweeteners. Research has shown that artificial sweeteners cause intense cravings for sweets.

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