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Why Should You Have Lasik In Winter? - Lasikdelhi
Spectacles are the safe and simple solution of correcting vision but they too have certain disadvantages. Especially in winters, cold environments cause condensation on the lenses. You are forced to wipe your spectacles again and which can sometimes irritate you. To get rid of the cleaning cloths forever or wipe the lenses, again and again, LASIK is the best option for you during winters.

Certain studies suggest that LASIK can be affected due to certain environmental factors. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity have links between the success of LASIK and other corrective procedures.

Researchers concluded that the lower level of humidity and cold temperature is the best conditions for LASIK surgery. Here is why you can fearlessly go for LASIK during winters.

Reasons Why Should Have LASIK In Winters
Millions of people bid goodbye to their old poor vision with LASIK eye surgery every year. Here are certain reasons why you should go for LASIK this winter.

Gift yourself vision this New Year
Many of us thinking to give a new start to every New Year. People make resolutions to start reading books, exercising daily, travelling to dream destinations, getting pictures without glasses and whatnot. So this New Year why not includes LASIK in the list. With a clear vision, you can do anything more effectively. Gift yourself vision with LASIK and say no to glasses. It will make your new year nicer by seeing things more clearly.

Minimum risk of allergies
Spring is the favourite season for allergies. Spring is miserable for contact lens-wearing patients. The lenses become uncomfortable for patients as they cause dryness, itching, redness in the eyes. You can skip the frustration with winter LASIK and reduce the chances of extra itching that can cause other ocular allergies.

Utilize your holidays for recovery
You can utilize your winter holidays without skipping your winter outing plans. As recovery after LASIK is fast and easy. You do not need to miss your working days. The recovery period after surgery is usually 24-48 hours so why not utilize the holidays for getting a clear vision.

You can spend time with your family while recovering your vision. You can enjoy Netflix and other screens because you don’t need to stay away from them for a long time.

Need not skip your beach plans
After a month of LASIK, patients are not allowed to swim. The patient can wash and shower their face but swimming is strictly restricted. If you love to swim and plan your summer on the beach, having LASER in winter is the best option for you. You can go with LASIK this winter and can enjoy your summer on beaches.

Get rid of fogging up glasses
In winters, all the glass wearers face the fogging up glasses problem. The difference in temperature of the cold outdoors and warm indoors can cause your lenses to fog up instantly. The problem can impair your vision temporarily but here we have a great solution for this that is LASIK. LASIK can also protect you from accidents during driving in winters and many such incidents.

Solution for dry eyes this winter
Windy conditions outdoors and the use of heaters inside the houses or offices can cause dry eyes. The eyes lose their moisture in cold temperatures due to evaporation. People also experience itching and burning sensations along with dryness in winters. The solution for dry eyes is to get LASIK that allows you to rope in the snow with any discomfort or itching, dryness.

Ease of travel
While packing for a trip, keeping your lenses and glasses safe is a big task. LASIK can help you deal with the problem. You need not worry about the lenses their solutions and other accessories. After LASIK you only need to worry about your outfits and other accessories while packing for the trip.

Better recovery outcomes
Studies show that winters are suitable for LASIK surgery. Cold temperature and humidity contribute to the procedure of LASIK surgery and increase the chances of quick recovery.


LASIK is a great solution to enhance the quality of life. It will be more effective in winter. LASIK in winters has its own crucial advantages. LASIK in winters allows you to enjoy the summer and spring months without any vision-related interruptions. LASIK is absolutely safe in winters but before undergoing any procedure, one must need to consult with the doctor. Take the advice of your doctor and fearlessly schedule your LASIK eye surgery in winter.

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Smile For Spectacles Removal Delhi - Lasikdelhi

SMILE is an advanced surgery for enhancing vision and is less invasive as compared to LASIK. It is a one-step procedure and provides enhanced and clear vision.

What is the procedure of SMILE surgery?
SMILE, also known as Small Incision Lenticule Extraction which is significantly less invasive than LASIK surgery but provides the results like this surgery. Through a focused, computer-guided LASER, the surgeon makes a small incision on the cornea. With the help of this incision, a small corneal tissue is removed which results in reshaping of the cornea. With the help of highly-focused light, the surgery is done with high precision.

The procedure ends within a minute and the patient starts feeling better within 24 hours after surgery.

What are the benefits of SMILE?
Minimally Invasive Procedure:
As compared to PRK and LASIK surgery, the SMILE is less invasive. During the LASIK surgery, a corneal flap of 20 mm is created while in PRK, an incision of 8-mm is created. In the SMILE, the vision is corrected by creating only a 3 mm incision.

No formation of flap:
Although LASIK surgery is a highly safe procedure complication may arise in a few patients because of the flap creation. SMILE does not cause flap formation and thus, is safer, as compared to LASIK.

Odorless Procedure:
Due to the corneal ablations in LASIK surgery through excimer laser, the patient may smell an odor. As SMILE does not use an excimer laser, the procedure is completely free from the odor.

Fast recovery:
As the SMILE procedure is minimally invasive, the patient may recover fast and the vision is enhanced within a day after surgery. The results of the SMILE procedure are like that of LASIK surgery.

Fewer complications:
The patients undergoing SMILE procedure have fewer chances of complications as compared to LASIK surgery. There is less risk of halos or glare complications and have less incidence of dry eye syndrome.

Who are good candidates for the SMILE procedure?
SMILE procedure is effective in those patients who do not meet the criteria for LASIK surgery. These candidates include patients with a thin cornea, suffering from dry eye syndrome, and are involved in contact sports.

What is the difference between LASIK and SMILE?
Both procedures are used to correct the eye vision and to remove the spectacles and contact lenses. However, SMILE is safer as compared to LASIK surgery. The recovery period in the SMILE procedure is also less as compared to LASIK. SMILE surgery is less invasive and there is no creation of a flap in SMILE procedure.

SMILE is developed by using the traditional system of vision correction with the advancement in reducing the side effects. Experienced ophthalmologists should do SMILE surgery.

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LASIK Technology Use For Lasik Surgery In Delhi - Lasikdelhi
LASIK Technology - Lasik Surgery In Delhi
Any LASIK procedure consists of two steps:



now we shall discuss the above two points in detail…
creating a corneal flap.

Corneal flap can be created either using a blade or using a laser called femtosecond laser. We at BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE use the best of technologies for both of the techniques. In BLADE LASIK we create a flap using not a surgical blade but an instrument called automated computerized microkeratome. For flap creation with microkeratome we use the world’s best and trusted MORIA ONE USE PLUS SBK microkeratome which has a capability of producing very thin flaps measuring equivalent to 90 microns. This technique is called SBK LASIK (sub bowmans keratomileusis ). The thinner flap in the range of 90 microns ( 1 mm is equivalent to 1000 microns ) has obvious advantages.

More residual cornea is left behind thus leaving a thicker residual cornea for a lifelong normal functioning.

Since the flap is cut at a superficial level it results in a lesser dry eyes postoperatively allowing the patient to resume all his activities no sonnertha the next day onwards.

Moria one use plus microkeratome produces very smooth flaps almost equivalent to a femto second laser, thus the post operative vision is very good.

Thinner flaps settle down very quickly with no corneal folds and swelling thus the patient recovers vision almost immediately that is within 15 to 20 minutes postoperatively… a wow factor for SBK lasik. In BLADELESS or BLADEFREE LASIK we are using the most advanced ZEISS VISUMAX FEMTOSECOND laser machine and we take pride in having the first installation in whole of north Delhi for this.

Advantages of FEMTO FLAP on ZEISS machine… hundred percent blade free lasik. Painfree. Very precise and accurate flaps. Fast… IT takes only a few seconds to make a flap. Least expected complications which may occur on other technologies besides Zeiss platform. Flap related complications associated with microkeratomes are minimized or absent with the femtolasik, as it is more precise and more accurate. Femto flaps are more stronger in nature and fit more snugly to the base cornea comparatively.


Here the cornea is reshaped according to the refractive status of the patient. various profiles currently in use are…

Planolasik it is the basic correction which corrects the spherical and cylindrical components of the refractive errors. The disadvantages include post operative glares and haloes especially in higher numbers, the advantage being it is cheaper.

Customised lasik ( clasik ) here a customization is attempted to be done according to patients corneal and total irregularities called abberations ( higher order abberations …HOA’S). however the drawback in most of the systems is that they are unable to pick up the abberations accurately and after treating them may land up in further abberations and problems caused by them.

Wavefront optimized aspheric lasik….this is supposedly the best technology, here the normal prolate shape of the cornea is maintained even postoperatively which mimics the preoperative shape. Advantages include absence or minimal postoperative glare and haloes which are a part of standard lasik. At BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE we use an advanced profile of aspheric wavefront optimized lasik at ZEISS MEL 80 platform, a GERMAN technology which are the world leaders in opto electronics.

Contoura lasik: this is just a form of topography guided correction lasik and not much different from conventional lasik.

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PRK and EPI - LASIK Surgery In Delhi
What is PRK?

PRK ( photorefractive keratectomy ) is a type of laser vision correction procedure to correct the refractive errors that is… myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. PRK was one of the earliest laser eye surgery vision correction procedures and has been performed longer than LASIK which has become more popular than PRK now. Similar to LASIK and other types of LVC procedures corneal reshaping is done using an EXCIMER LASER thus allowing the light rays to properly focus on the retina and achieving a clear vision without spectacles.

In both the techniques the laser used is same and corneal reshaping is also the same but the difference lies in the FIRST step. In LASIK in the first step a flap is made either using a microkeratome or a laser , the thickness of the flap varies between 90 to 130 microns and after the procedure is over this flap is repositioned back. In PRK the flap is not made, instead most superficial layer of the cornea called epithelium ( only 45 to 50 microns thick ) is scrapped /removed to expose the deeper corneal layers which is then treated with excimer laser to reshape the cornea. The epithelium regrows and repairs itself within a span of 3 to 4 days 1after the surgery. So PRK is a flapless technique and since the flap is not made, the tissue saved adds to the residual corneal stromal bed thickness thus making PRK a very safe procedure in terms of long term corneal biomechanical stability.

Who are the best candidates for PRK?…in other words what are the indications for PRK
Patients having relatively thin corneas where lasikcan not be done. In patients with thinner corneas making a flap ( in the first step of lasik ) may weaken the cornea later on thus it is better to avoid lasik in these patients and PRK is a preferred procedure.
All those patients who are into contact sports etc , here a possible later trauma to the flap is theoretically avoided.

Because there is no flap made here in this technique unlike lasik ( flap consists of both epithelium and the deeper corneal tissues ) more corneal thickness is available for treatment and also more corneal tissue is left behind, benefitting thin corneas, resulting in safety.
Since there is no flap there are no flap complications which may occur in blade lasik

PRK recovery is slower than lasik. Though one is able to see clearly within a week’s time it takes at least 4 to 6 weeks before the final visual recovery takes place. It is because it takes a few days for the new epithelial cells to grow and fully cover the surface of the eye.
Postoperative recovery period is more painfulas compared to lasik
Slightly more risk of eye infection in postoperative period, however it is minimised with the usage of proper antibiotic eye drops.
There is a minimal risk of postoperative corneal haze postoperatively, however it is minimised with the concurrent use of an intraoperative drug called mitomycin-c.

How is PRK performed?
During PRK, a central approx. 8 to 9 mm area of the uppermost layer of cornea called the epithelium is removed either mechanically or using an alcoholic solution. This is followed by usage of excimer laser rays which very precisely reshape the corneal curvature. This is done by removing corneal tissue in microns the amount of which is proportional to number of glasses in diopters. A drug called mitomycin-c may be applied for few seconds to some patients if indicated to prevent postoperative haze. A soft contact lens called bandage lens is applied for about 3 to 4 days to promote healing and minimize pain and later on removed.

What is the recovery process with PRK?
Patients are advised to rest for a short while after which one can go home. some body must accompany to drive you back home. Post operative antibiotics and anti- inflammatory drugs are applied and prescribed to minimize post operative pain and discomfort and to accelerate healing process.

Patients are followed up the very next day, then on the 4th day to remove the bandage contact lens. Frequent follow ups are required to monitor the progress and to avoid any post op complications.

It takes a bit longer in PRK to recover fully, sometimes to the tune of 10 to 12 weeks. Till then one is very comfortable in carrying out the routine activities. One is able to drive within a week or two. It is important to protect the eyes from direct sunlight ( u v rays ) and one should wear a good UV protecting sunglasses.

The results obtained after PRK are quite similar to LASIK with most of the patients achieving 6/6 vision unaided postoperatively. Glasses are required to read when one crosses the 45 years age barrier due to a natural process called presbyopia.

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Smile Eye Surgery in Delhi - Lasikdelhi
Smile Eye Surgery
SMILE is an advanced surgery for enhancing vision and is less invasive as compared to LASIK. It is a one-step procedure and provides enhanced and clear vision

What is the procedure of SMILE surgery?
SMILE, also known as Small Incision Lenticule Extraction which is significantly less invasive than LASIK surgery but provides the results like this surgery. Through a focused, computer-guided LASER, the surgeon makes a small incision on the cornea. With the help of this incision, a small corneal tissue is removed which results in reshaping of the cornea. With the help of highly-focused light, the surgery is done with high precision.

The procedure ends within a minute and the patient starts feeling better within 24 hours after surgery.

What are the benefits of SMILE?
Minimally Invasive Procedure:
As compared to PRK and LASIK surgery, the SMILE is less invasive. During the LASIK surgery, a corneal flap of 20 mm is created while in PRK, an incision of 8-mm is created. In the SMILE, the vision is corrected by creating only a 3 mm incision.

No formation of flap:
Although LASIK surgery is a highly safe procedure complication may arise in a few patients because of the flap creation. SMILE does not cause flap formation and thus, is safer, as compared to LASIK.

Odorless Procedure:
Due to the corneal ablations in LASIK surgery through excimer laser, the patient may smell an odor. As SMILE does not use an excimer laser, the procedure is completely free from the odor.

Fast recovery:
As the SMILE procedure is minimally invasive, the patient may recover fast and the vision is enhanced within a day after surgery. The results of the SMILE procedure are like that of LASIK surgery.

Fewer complications:
The patients undergoing SMILE procedure have fewer chances of complications as compared to LASIK surgery. There is less risk of halos or glare complications and have less incidence of dry eye syndrome.

Who are good candidates for the SMILE procedure?
SMILE procedure is effective in those patients who do not meet the criteria for LASIK surgery. These candidates include patients with a thin cornea, suffering from dry eye syndrome, and are involved in contact sports.

What is the difference between LASIK and SMILE?
Both procedures are used to correct the eye vision and to remove the spectacles and contact lenses. However, SMILE is safer as compared to LASIK surgery. The recovery period in the SMILE procedure is also less as compared to LASIK. SMILE surgery is less invasive and there is no creation of a flap in SMILE procedure.

SMILE is developed by using the traditional system of vision correction with the advancement in reducing the side effects. Experienced ophthalmologists should do SMILE surgery.

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