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Dr. Amjadali Budguzar's Profile
Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive Teeth
Do you experience pain or tingling in your teeth…..
especially when eating sweets or very hot or cold foods?
You may have sensitive teeth.
Pain from sensitive teeth is not always constant; it can come
and go. Constant pain could be a sign of a more serious
problem. It is still important, however, to discuss your
Symptoms with your dentist to determine the cause and proper
In healthy teeth, porous tissue called dentin is protected by your
Gums and by your teeth’s hard enamel shell. Microscopic holes
In the dentin, called tubules, connect to the nerve, triggering
Pain when irritated by certain foods and beverages.
Dentin can be exposed by:
• Receding gums caused by improper brushing or
Gum disease
• Fractured or chipped teeth
• Clenching or grinding your teeth
• Erosion
Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend one
Or more of the following treatments to relieve the symptoms of
Sensitive teeth:
• A soft-bristle toothbrush, to be gentle on gums or a powered brush.
• A fluoride rinse or gel for sensitive teeth, prescribed by your dentist.
• A desensitizing toothpaste.
In case the above treatment is not reducing the tooth sensitivity, than you need to consult your dentist for further treatment in the clinic.

Dr.Amjadali. Y. Budguzar.
Camp, Pune.
+91 9822000805

Category (Dental Health)  |   Views ( 18918 )  |  User Rating
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How The Tooth Pierces The Heart!!!
How The Tooth Pierces The Heart!!!

Heart Attacks:

The most common strain of bacteria in dental plaque
can cause blood clots that induce heart attacks when
they escape into the bloodstream.

Studies have found the incidences of heart disease are
about twice as high in people with periodontal (gum)

Periodontal disease is an infection that destroys the
gum surrounding your teeth and also destroys the
supporting bone that holds your teeth in place.

Incidence of Periodontal Disease: Unlike most diseases
that give us early warning signs, gum disease
progresses silently, often without pain. It may
develop slowly or progress quite rapidly. More than
half of all people over 18 have at least the early
stages of periodontal disease. Even more frightening,
after the age of 35, three out of four people are
affected to some degree.

Determining Periodontal Disease:

Early Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease are

The Gums bleed when you brush your teeth.
Gums become red, swollen, or tender.
Gums are pulled away from the teeth.
Pus oozes between teeth and gums when gums are
Permanent teeth get loose or separate.
Persistent bad breathe.

Your dentist can help you better understand
periodontal disease and how you can prevent it. He can
quickly and painlessly check and monitor the condition
of your gums during your recare appointments.

Evidence is mounting relating gum disease to a
variety of health concerns, some that are life

Plaque bacteria threatens your teeth, gums,
restorative and cosmetic work; possibly even your life

By keeping regular re-care appointments with your
dentist, you help increase your chances for a long and
happy life.

Dr. Amjadali.Y. Budguzar
camp, pune.

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