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pediatric respiration with homeoapthy
SUBJECT – pediatric respirations

Complains like – allergic bronchitis or bronchiectasis( throat infection involves bronchii of respiratory tract)

- allergic rhinitis( frequent cold coryza involves nasal track with or without discharges from it)

- allergic sinusitis ( blockage of sinuses from cold cough causes pain of head, throat , face with chronic history of allergic rhinitis)

- bronchial asthma( recurrent bronchitis or bronchiectasis causes difficult in breathing, gasping for breath , taking long breath with mild chest tightness or pain sometimes)

- nasal blockage( chronic sinusitis or rhinitis causes nasal blockage due to that there is a blockage in respiratory passages and faces difficulty in breathing )

- difficulty in respiration( either nasal blockage or chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthama this complain is a common to occure)

- recurrent laryngitis( infection and redness of larynx due to that difficulty in speaking or eating or degluting anything with throat pain)

- recurrent pharyngitis( same as laryngitis but instead of larynx it involves pharynx and causes same throat infections and all the symptoms of laryngitis)

- recurrent tonsillitis( swelling of tonsils causes severe pain of throat with fever and bodyache. Chronic history of it will end in operation of it and removal of tonsils but with homeopathic medicines there is no need of operation of it)

- recurrent aphonia( loss of voice is might be due to overuse of it from loud voice and speaking or reading loudly gradually will end up in complete loss of voice for some time )

- pulmonary fibrosis( lungs get fibrosed and due to that infection high fever with difficult respiration and at the end lung collapsed)

- pulmonary tuberculosis( its also called as KOCH’S disease which is curable now a days with the help of regular course of AKT treatment in allopathic medications and few of the homeopathic medicines are helping in relieving symptoms and sufferings of the patients )

- emphysema( another condition of lungs involvement when disease progresses and causes more damage to lungs its get converted into emphysema this phase is also curable in early detections).

- Pneumonia( most common complain in pediatric age groups generally chronic history of cough cold coryza and bronchitis or sinusitis will end in pneumonia which is curable with some time and proper medications)


1. Avoid any dusting or fumes or pollens or smoke or any other allergic agents or polluting agents entering in your respiratory tract
2. for pediatric age group specifically they have to stop taking any of artificially flavoured or coloured food in their food habbit
3. avoid as many sweets / chocolates / ice creams / pastries / curd / cold food / cold drinks / fermented food as they can.
4. some of the pranayam or yoga tricks will help in their respiratory growth and will prevent in getting infected frequently by increasing their immunity
5. avoid direct contact with the kids or adults also who are suffering from any of the respiratory tract infections.
6. give them proper nutritional diet in their daily dieteric habbit like fruits, fruit juices, raw vegetables in the form of salads, green leafy vegetables as much as they can have it.
7. avoid mixing up two thermals at a time like heat and cold alternately in a particular time as for eg. Going directly to sun exposure immediately after having cold bath. Will affect kids and will develop allergic respiratory problems.
8. avoid damp, humid atmosphere like basements, sea shore, airconditioners , etc.
9. add some of the ayurvedic properity noramally available things in your daily food like tulsi, turmeric, ginger, etc.
10. most important is treat any of the disease in the early phase only and that too under medical practitioners observation and prescription only. So that it wont allow disease to progress further and deeper


1. ACONITE – hoarse, dry croupy cough, labored breathing, shortness of breath, larynx sensitive cough worse at night and after midnight. Red dry constricted throat with numb, prickling, burning, stinging pain inside. Tonsils swollen and dry. Allergic rhinitis with runny watery discharge and sneezing and nasal blockage is there. Fever with all the respiratory complains
2. BARYTA CARB – very peculiar medicine for recurrent tonsillitis and throat infections. In any case of tonsillitis this is the first medicine to prescribe. Who catches cold very easily and got throat infections so frequently with total loss of voice due to swelling of tonsils.
3. CAUSTICUM – aphonia, cough with scanty expectorations coryza with hoarseness, nostrils ulcerated. Majority of public speakers or singers gets infected with this kind of complains then we can think of causticum immediately
4. BLATTA ORIENTALIS – specific medicine for asthma of any age especially when associated with bronchitis. Cough with dyspnoea in bronchitis and phthisis. Much pus like mucus.
5. DULCAMARA – dry coryza. Complete stoppage of nose. Coryza of the new born baby. Cough worse in damp weather or in basements or humid atmosphere. With free expectorations, tickling in larynx. Cough hoarse, spasmodic, whooping, dry, winter, teasing. Asthma with dyspnoea. Loose rattling cough especially after physical exertion.
6. GELSEMIUM – dryness of nasal fossae. Swelling of turbinates. Watery excoriating discharge. Acute coryza with dull headache and fever. Slowness of breathing, with great prostration. Oppression about chest. Dry cough, wit sore chest and fluent coryza. Aphonia, acute bronchitis, respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm.
7. HEPAR SULPH – sore, ulcerated nose with catarrhal troubles. Sneezing every time he goes into a cold, dry wing, with running from nose, later thick, offensive, discharge. Stopped up easily. Quinsy , with impending suppuration. Hawking up of mucus. Loses voice and coughs when exposed to dry cold wind. Cough troublesome when walking. Cough excited whenever any part of the body gets cold or uncovered or from eating anything cold. Chocking cough, rattling, croaking, suffocative cough with anxious wheezing moist breathing, asthma worse in dry cold air
8. IPECAC – coryza, with stoppage of nose and nausea. Epistaxis. Dyspnoea, constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Continued sneezing. Wheezing cough, cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Suffocative cough, whooping cough , with nose bleeds, croup, rattling cough. Heamoptysis from slightest exertion.
9. KALI BICH – snuffles of children, especially fat, chubby babies. Pain and pressure at the root of nose, with sticking pain in it. Septum ulcerated. Fetid smell. Discharge thick, ropy, greenish-yellow. Loss of smell, much hawking. Inability to breath through nose. Dryness. Coryza with obstructionof nose. Violent sneezing. Profuse, watery, nasal discharge. Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with stopped up sensation. Fauces red and inflamed. Dry and rough parotid glands swollen. Uvula relaxed, oedematous, bladder-like. Diphtheria. Voice hoarse, metallic hacking cough. Profuse yellow expectorations, very glutinous and sticky coming out in long stringy and very tenacious mass. Tickling in larynx. Cough with pain in sternum, extending to shoulders, pain at bifurcation of trachea on coughing
10. JUSTICEA – highly efficacious medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract (used in the beginning). Dry throat, pain during empty swallowing, tenacious mucus. Dry cough from sternal region all over chest. Hoarsness, larynx painful. Paroxysmal cough with suffocative obstruction of respiration. Cough with sneezing. Severe dyspnoea with cough. Asthamatic attaks, cannot endure a close , warm room. Whooping cough.
11. LEMNA MINORA – a catarrhal remedy. Acts especially upon the nostrils. Nasal polypi, swollen turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis. Asthma from nasal obstruction, wore in wet weather. Loss of smell of nose either putrid or offensive. Crusts and mucopurulent discharge very abundant. Post-nasal dropping. Reduces nasal obstruction when it is oedematous condition. Dryness of naso-pharynx.
12. MEPHITIS – a great medicine for whooping-cough. Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough, cough so violent, sudden contraction of glottis, false croup.

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PCOD - save your ovaries with homeopathy
PCOD ( poly cystic ovarian disease)

P – poly
C – cystic
O – ovarian
D – disease

• That’s what we can call it as PCOD in medical terminology, but now a time it’s a very common for non medico people also with the same PCOD name only.
• It is common to occur in all age groups of girls to ladies
• It is also known as PCOS that’s means Pelvic Cystic Ovarian Syndrom
• Poly means more than 1 or multiple, cystic means it’s a sac filled up with fluid inside, and when this type of condition occurs inside the ovaries of either side it is called as PCOD
• It is a condition where hormonal changes, masculine changes, irregular menses and many more symptoms of menstruating girls or ladies.
• Usually following are the symptoms of PCOD
1. Irregular menses either early or delayed(commonly it is delayed in nature)
2. Increase in weight constantly
3. frequent miscarriage or positive history of miscarriages
4. unwanted hair growth all over the body
5. infertility or difficulty in getting pregnancy
6. hair problems like falling, thinning, dandruff, graying, etc.
7. skin problems like acne, pimples, dryness of skin, small eruptions of face

after a prolong time of having PCOD in body such complications may develop at the later life like.
1. high blood pressure or hypertension
2. diabetes
3. high cholesterol
4. miscarriage

remark – it is an endocrine disturbance that causes primary anovulation and polycystic ovaries due to the continued stimulation of the ovary by pituitary luteininzing hormone. Its also called as

Treatment – IN HOMEOPATHY – it is strongly recommended that PCOD is best treated in homeopathy only and there are various medicines for that few are symptomatic and few are constitutional treatments. Out of them symptomatic treatments gives immediate relieve to symptoms but constitutional treatments treats person as a whole and tries to remove PCOD from the body and will maintain that good health for a longer phase also.

Herewith we are giving some of the names of homeopathic medicines name with witch you can relieve the patients suffering but make sure do consult any of the homeopathic doctor before prescribing any medicine by self.
Ustiligo, belladona, apis mellifica, medorrhinum, lillium tig, graphites, ova tosta, pulsatila, lachesis, arsenicum album, and many more which can treat PCOD but with strict physician observation only.

#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it.

#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.

#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.

Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, complete symptoms of the patient(Mental and Physical) are taken into consideration to find the appropriate remedy which is the most similar to the patients symptoms. When prescribed according to the patients symptoms Homeopathic medicine are known to work very fast and without any side effects or complications of any kind and once cured there are no relapse or comebacks 100% cure. For more either post your complete symptoms or better to consult a reputable Homeopathic Practitioner for the successful treat ment of your ailment. Giving just the name of the disease or disorder is showing someone the tip of the iceberg what lays underneath is what you have to treat and cure. And that is the key to the success of Homeopathic Medicine.
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