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Arnica Montana- Lot More than Mere an Injury Medicine!
The credit of most widely used drug by lay people and non-homeopaths should go to Arnica Montana! I have seen innumerable orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, and general physicians prescribing Arnica in 200 or higher potencies for different types of bruised and contused wounds. Yes! This is what Arnica is famous for. Only the person who has experienced the magic of this wondrous drug can understand its therapeutic efficacy.

Just recently I had a skeptic comment to one of the articles in which use of Arnica was stressed. The commentator had ridiculed its use and said it is nothing more than a placebo in keeping the patient’s hope high after its intake. Well, as usual I had ignored it! The point of telling this here is the fact that the same skeptic after a few days wrote to me, (This is what he says exactly; have taken his permission to put this in his own words), “My son aged 6 years had a contused wound made by the hit of a stone to his right index finger 3 days back. I had given him the best of analgesic but he was still wailing in despair. There was marked swelling and he couldn’t move his terminal phalanx. While wondering what to do, I remembered about the bottle of Arnica 200CH I had bought on one of the occasions on insistence of my wife (but didn’t find it useful at all in one of the instance, so had kept it aside). Gave my son 3 globules of Arnica and miracle happened. Within next 2 hours, his swelling substantially reduced and next day he was absolutely free from pain. Perhaps, I had used it in wrong place earlier; so please excuse me for my earlier skeptic comment on it”. Certainly not too many skeptics have this big heart!

In short, Arnica Montana is a darling medicine for homeopaths and non-homeopaths alike, as it rarely refuses to act positively when homeopathically applied.

However, the purpose of this article is not to elaborate on the “INJURY” aspect of Arnica Montana but the other aspects of it other than injury! Yes, it is one of the very useful polychrest remedies in homeopathic material medica that needs to be studied in depth to utilize its finest of properties.

Let’s see—

• One of the most important symptoms of Arnica one should remember is- pain in the part that is used more. It is thus not only the contused wound pain but pain in any organ that is being used a lot. The fatigue from this over-use leads to sore pain. For example- if a person develops sore throat after talking incessantly for long hours, Arnica will help him get rid of this soreness almost immediately. If there is sudden rise of blood pressure in a person who has done loads of hard work, a dose of Arnica will help lower his blood pressure and no anti-hypertensive drugs will be necessary! This thus applies to any part or organ.

• Arnica is one of the important remedies also for depression! In many cases, the remedial diagnosis comes of Arnica when a homeopath might miss out on this wonderful drug to rouse the patient from his dreaded depressive spirits. The patient dreads to be talked to, hates any sort of conversation, imagines he is suffering from some heart problem and remains frightened; alternating with the state of fearlessness when he says there is nothing the matter with him! Lots of nightmares are usually present with fearful dreams. This usually happens is people who have gone through some sort of physical and/or mental shock. The depression is almost always associated with great soreness of body, because of which he dreads the thought of touching anyone. This painful uneasiness with restlessness permeates through all Arnica patients.

• Arnica is one of the good remedies for bleeding tendencies. Bluish red spots come suddenly on skin or on mucus membranes or any inflamed part tends to bleed easily. The expectorant is dotted with tiny red blood clots at times. Urine even is bloody especially after an accident and there can be bleeding from various orifices of the body. Arnica is the remedy that helps in early clotting of blood when given at right time.

• One of the great remedies for rheumatic diathesis. Bruised lame feeling in joints is the marked feature. Usually associated with mental despair and agony. History of joint injury can be traced back as early as in childhood. Sudden turning of joints with blue-black appearance is also one of the hallmarks of Arnica.

• Also the old cases of gout with extreme soreness and enhanced sensitivity respond very well to Arnica.

• Any inflammatory condition in the body pertaining to liver, kidneys, bladder or lungs (of course irrespective of the diagnosis) with sore bruised feeling all over the body responds well to very few doses of Arnica. Never doubt the use of Arnica in such cases (for example pneumonia), as the doubt might arise because possibly Arnica has very little sphere of action on lungs. That’s the beauty of holistic medicine like homeopathy that caters any and all symptoms effectively if the remedy selected is based on Law of Similars.

• Some gastric symptoms are very prominent in Arnica that one should never miss. There is marked aversion to meat, broth, and milk! Many inflammatory conditions in abdomen respond well to Arnica including appendicitis. Dr J T Kent says, “It is only deplorable ignorance that causes appendicitis to be surrendered to the knife. You need not run to a surgeon for every case of appendicitis if you know Bryonia, Rhus tox, Belladona, and Arnica!”

• Also, nightly diarrheas with very offensive smell respond well to Arnica with offensive eructation and flatus. Stools are usually mixed with blood with soreness of anus.

• During pregnancy, Arnica is one of the chief drugs to be thought of when the pregnant lady is overtly sensitive to carrying her fetus within her womb. Uterus, abdominal viscera and surrounding organs feel bruised and movements of the fetus worsen the soreness. After long labor, when the woman has dribbling urination, Arnica is one of the amazing drugs. Usually associated with coldness of the body with hot head.

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Ankylosing Spondylitis and Homeopathic Management
Joining or stiffening of the vertebrae is termed as ankylosing spondylitis in short. It results in inflammation of vertebral bones of spine. Degeneration of spine, pain, loss of motility are some of the problems that crop up in a person suffering from AS. Though in majority of patients, we see degenerative changes in the spine, there are also many cases where AS has affected the hip joints.

Causative factors of AS-

(1) Idiopathic- that means the exact cause still remains unknown.
(2) Autoimmune- Various studies and evidences point to the fact that ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune disease.
(3) Hereditary- Though definite evidence is lacking, many studies suggest that positive family history makes the person more vulnerable to develop AS.

Signs and Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis-

(1) Usually the onset of development of pain and motility affections is insidious.
(2) Gradually pain and stiffness in back, buttock region, hips, etc develops
(3) Undue fatigue is many times presenting symptom in these patients.
(4) Usually the patient complains of morning stiffness that gets better ad the day advances or once he begins moving around
(5) Weight loss has been observed
(6) Anorexia, malaise, etc can develop with more and more stiffening
(7) One can elicit tenderness over the sacro-iliac joint
(8) Restricted movements over the period of time
(9) Patient walks with bent back
(10) Chest expansion limited
(11) Rigidity of spine and joints results in curved spine gradually if left unattended
(12) Rarely in very advanced cases, aortic incompetence due to valvular calcification and recurrent respiratory (chest) infections are noticed
(13) On X-ray spine, one can see narrowing of joint space, haziness of joint margins, and eroded and sclerosed margins.
(14) In unattended cases, one can see ossification of intervetebral discs, squaring of vertebrae, bridging of joint cavity, and new bone formation.

Homeopathic Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis-

As we have seen earlier, homeopathy is an individualistic and holistic science. It acts wonderfully in patients of AS, especially when they are considered as unique individuals with characteristic signs and symptoms. Treating ankylosing spondylitis just on the basis of common signs and symptoms of the disease homeopathically is a disaster. In this treatment module, you might get some initial relief of symptoms but as no long term goal is set, the symptoms will most probably relapse, perhaps with much more intensity.

That’s why it is must to consider the totality of symptoms in every individual and treat accordingly. No wonder many stalwart homeopaths discourage the use of patent homeopathic remedies for treating ankylosing spondylitis. The patents usually contain group of remedies thought to be useful for AS. However, this certainly does not go along the lines of homeopathic principle. And unless homeopathic treatment is given along the lines of its principle, it will not give desired results. Therefore, complete history of the patient should be taken including the important causative factors behind his problem, his mental sphere of looking at the disease and otherwise, and then the treatment should be started depending upon the totality.

Obviously, for acute pain management, a homeopath might need a few remedies to look into, during the course of constitutional therapy. Here is a list of important remedies one should remember while treating AS-

1. Calcarea phos-
- Rheumatic pains in neck and lumbar region
- Dullness of head brought on by slight drought of air
- Right to left pain in neck, crampy variety
- Least effort brings on backache
- Upper back pain associated with sharp pains in sacrum and coccyx
- Soreness in uterine region
- Thin spare subjects with tall frame
- Shining bright eyes
- Anemic
- Worse by cold, wet winds, mental exertion, loss of fluids
- Better by lying down

2. Silica-
- Stiffness of nape of neck with occipital headache
- Indurated feeling and actual swelling in axillae, groine, back, below chin, etc (lympthatic swelling)
- Stitching pains between hips
- Coccyx painful as after a carriage ride
- Painful to pressure
- Weak, paralytic pain in back, lumbar region
- Curvature of vertebrae
- Nervous, irritable patients with pale face, lax muscles
- Tendency to catch cold that stiffens the back too but warmth causes burning in back
- Lots of sweating
- Deficient nutrition
- Worse by draft of cold air, change of moon, night, mental exertion, checked foot sweat
- Better by warm wraps, profuse urination

3. Rhus tox-
- Stitching tearing pain in back and lumbar region
- Always sore lumbar region, slightly better after walking
- Paretic muscular states
- Spinal ligaments are affected and fibrous joints
- Restlessness associated with pain; cannot sit in one position for long
- Sensation of dislocation in spine
- Crawling sensation in back between shoulder blades
- Pain in back causes numbness and pricking pains in limbs
- Pain in lumbar region and coccyx almost always associated with pain in thighs
- Legs feel as if made of wood
- Dreams of huge labor, work; wakes up fatigued
- Worse by rest washing of parts, uncovering, after midnight
- Better by continued motion, wrapping up the part, rubbing

4. Kali carb-
- Early morning aggravation of pain in back or lumbar region (typical 3am aggravation)
- Whatever happens in body, first thing to get affected is back; usually develops some kind of dull pain
- Stabbing pains in lumbar region
- Back and legs give way, paretic states
- Heavy feeling in back and legs
- Edematous swelling of foot (especially left) with lumbar affections
- Fixed ideas, absolutely conscientious and trustworthy person
- Wakes every day same time in early morning around 3am
- Worse by cold, loss of fluids, exertion, winters
- Better by warmth, sitting with elbows on the knees, open air

5. Symphytum-
- Etiological factor may lie in some kid of fall or fractured bone, etc
- Pain in back ‘since that last fall’; also from sexual excesses
- Psoas abscess
- Actual caries of spinal bones
- Pricking pains in lumbar region and coccyx
- Pain of nervous origin
- Worse from any type of injuries

6. Hypericum-
- Nerve injury or pain leads to spinal pain and then gradually the bones are involved
- Extremely painful, sore parts
- Painfully sensitive spine
- History of injury or surgery (spinal anesthesia) may be there
- Changes in spine noticeable after delivery of child
- Cannot sit for long, legs feel lame
- Furry feeling in feet with lumbago
- Aching in bones
- Limbs feel detached
- Worse by jar, exertion, motion
- Better by bending back

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How to get rid of recurrent mouth ulcers? (Aphthous ulcers or stomatitis)
Painful eating is the presenting symptom usually when a person gets ulcers in the mouth. This apparently casual condition can be extremely troublesome and painful in some when occurs recurrently.

Causative factors-

(1) The major cause behind recurrent aphthous ulcers bad oral hygiene. The patient usually says that he has these types of ulcers since long, may be since childhood. Dental caries may accompany.
(2) Nutritional deficiency can also be a very important cause in patients from underdeveloped areas. Also bad eating habits and lack of vitamin rich food are the reasons. Especially in children, these types of ulcers are found frequently due to their eating fads.
(3) Gastric upset is also regarded as one of the causes for recurrent stomatitis. The bloating, belching, and constipation contribute to the trouble, though direct relation has not been verified.
(4) High doses of antibiotics are often associated with mouth ulcers, unless coupled with B-complex vitamin supplementation.
(5) Allergic reaction to certain toothpastes, mouth washes, dentures, etc are also blamed.
(6) Emotional stress is often found to exaggerate the symptoms of aphthous ulcers. (psychosomatic)
(7) Some women have been typically seen to have excessive ulcers prior to their menses, when it may be considered as the part of PMS.
(8) Some conditions like ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease are also associated with mouth ulcers.

Treating mouth ulcers with Homeopathic Medicines—

Here, the foremost thing one should understand is that unless the causative factor is dealt with, no treatment is going to be of help. Therefore, steer clear of bad oral hygiene, dental problems, nutritional deficiencies, etc. There are certain innate tendencies also those need to be addressed while treating anyone homeopathically for mouth ulcers. Even one may have tendency to have mouth ulcers in families.

The homeopathic medicines act in 3 steps to cure the problem of recurrent mouth ulcers—

• Alleviate the pain and suffering
• Improve oral health
• Prevent recurrence in future

The major medicines useful for the problem of aphthous ulcers are Merc sol, Kali chlor, Belladona, Hepar sulph, Sulphur, Phos, Lachesis, Natrum mur, etc. Apart from these, any other medicine may be indicated depending upon the constitution of the patient and his totality of symptoms of aphthous ulcers. Especially for chronic cases, homeopathy renders amazing cures and the patient feels blessed to be free from this troubling problem!

Auxiliary Treatment—

This is of prime importance in any such case and the homeopathic physician must educate the patient about these points.

(1) Maintain good oral and dental hygiene.
(2) Do not neglect any eruptions in mouth and consult your physician immediately
(3) Have nutritious diet and include sprouts, legumes, green vegetables in the diet so that one gets natural supplement of all vitamins and minerals.
(4) Drink adequate quantity of water. (at least 10 glasses per day)
(5) Take care of your gastric health and steer clear of hyperacidity, flatulence, constipation by seeking apt expertise.
(6) Do not consume high doses of medicines haphazardly without doctor’s advice.
(7) Have positive mindset and exercise regularly!

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Why Skin Diseases Find Perfect Cure in Homeopathy?
Do you know that many people still feel that homeopathy is the therapy module to be chosen for skin diseases? When it comes to nasty skin conditions, even eminent skin specialists refer their patients to homeopaths recognizing the ability of aptly chosen homeopathic remedies to cure the malady. Why is it so? Why homeopathy is considered as the best dermatologic treatment, whatever the disease may be? Let’s see.

Skin, the largest organ:

Skin is the outer covering of the body and constitutes the biggest organ. It is the organ that absorbs and emits maximally. All the internal vital organs are protected by this coating. And skin is the organ that reflects the health of internal organs. As is well said, skin is the reflection of mind. But frankly speaking, skin conveys the affections of all vital organs most clearly than any other organ; just it needs perfect perception on part of the examiner.

Psychosomatic illnesses show themselves on skin:

What are psychosomatic illnesses? These are the problems those crop up due to deranged mind, emotions, and their correlation with physiology of the functioning body. No wonder being the reflection of internal organs, skin is the first to notice imbalances on mental plane. That is the reason, most skin diseases (like psoriasis, acne, lichen planus, etc) get aggravated when one is emotionally disturbed. That is why homeopathy believes that unless the skin disease is treated internally, one cannot get lasting relief. The mental symptoms associated with skin ailments are therefore of utmost importance while treating any patient homeopathically.

Why external application is regarded harmful in homeopathy?

As we saw, any skin disease must be treated internally. If one applies steroid ointment externally on the lichen planus patches, the patient may be relieved temporarily. The itching will be lessened and the skin will be cleared. But the disease will remain in the body in dormant state to appear in fullest possible force in due course. Moreover, according to nature’s principles, when the skin eruptions or patches of any kind are merely suppressed, they will subside only to affect some other vital organ inside your body. Does that make any sense? Suppress your eczema and succumb to asthma! That will happen with any skin disease being treated merely with external application or stronger chemical medicines. So, homeopathy disregards external application in cases of skin maladies.

How the action of homeopathic medicines helps you get rid of skin problems?

The minutest possible doses of potentized homeopathic medicines eradicate the disease at its root cause. The deranged internal organs are put back in order only to find glowing skin devoid of any problems. The skin diseases like psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, allergic rashes, urticarial rashes, varicose veins, ulcers, skin discolorations, itching, and several other skin diseases find a perfect cure in aptly selected homeopathic medicines.

Well, certainly it is a great idea to get rid of any disease from inside out than in reverse way!

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