Dr. Dharmesh Fumakiya
Male, 40 Years from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Practice Details:
Dr. Dharmesh Fumakiya is Consulting Homeopath by profession, and one of the leading practitioner in Gujarat (INDIA). He did his graduation from S.P. University, and then after his specialisation in homeopathy from research centre at bombay. Then after he was appointed as In-charge medical officer of research centre at Ahmedabad (Gujarat-INDIA) Branch. He did his specialisation in practice in child care dirorder like, AUTISM, A.D.H.D., DYSLEXIA, LEARNING DISORDER, ASPERGER SYNDROME, Psychiatric Disorder, Depression, O.C.D., Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Neurological Disease, Behavioural Disease or any Paediatric Disorder. Apart from this he has also carried out research work in SKIN Disease (Psoriasis, Vitiligo or leukoderma, Lichen Planus, Allergic Complain, Eczema, Pigmentation Disorder),
Location:Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Zip Code:380007
Year of Birth:1983
Age:40 Years