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Dr. Sachin Kuber's Profile
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CENTER for EXCELLENCE of hernia repair is here to offer you best choice of operation. EXCELLENCE IS IN PREVENTING THE RECURRENCE AND GUIDING THE PATIENT TO CHOOSE OPEN OR LAPAROSCOPIC HERNIA SURGERY. MANY PATIENTS DON'T KNOW THE ADVANTAGES OF PARTICULAR SURGERY.... WE TELL THEM PROS AND CONS OF OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPY SURGERY... Hernias are particularly common disorders, especially in men, and can only be successfully treated by surgical repair. But the past requirement for prolonged time away from work and exercise following surgical hernia repair no longer applies today. The team at the Hernia clinik are widely experienced in all forms of hernia repair including keyhole and the more traditional surgical techniques. We provide a friendly, welcoming approach with full attention to patient privacy and the service offered is courteous, rapid and efficient. Information regarding hernia repair options is available freely on request. To see an electronic version of our brochure, please


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nformation about hernias and hernia repair.

What is a hernia?

A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening. Think of a ruptured tyre. When the tyre wall separates the inner tube can seep through the opening. Similarly when a hernia occurs tissue protrudes through the abdominal wall. As the hernia enlarges it forms a sac. Internal organs such as the intestines can fall into this sac creating one of the major hernia symptoms - a bulge.

A hernia induced bulge is most often visible when standing. Lying down allows the tissue in the sac to return to its proper position and the bulge temporarily disappears. While hernias occur throughout the body, 95% are in the groin area.

A hernia is a weakness or defect in the abdominal wall. It may be present from birth or develop over a period of time. If the defect is large enough, abdominal contents such as the bowel, may protrude through the defect causing a lump or bulge felt by the patient. Hernias develop at certain sites which have a natural tendency to be weak; the groin, the umbilicus (belly button) and previous surgical incisions.

How do I get HERNIA?
Hernias can be present at birth or occur over time due to stress and strain on the abdominal wall. Most hernias become apparent later in life because it takes time for the hernial sac to enlarge enough for tissue to fall into it.
What are my options?
Without surgery you simply tolerate the hernia. Wearing a truss or binder may temporarily alleviate symptoms but will not cure the hernia. Only surgery corrects the defect in the belly wall.

Why should hernias be repaired?
Once a hernia has developed it will tend to enlarge and cause discomfort. If a loop of bowel gets caught in the hernia it may become obstructed or its blood supply may be cut off. This could then become a life-threatening situation. Since hernias can be repaired effectively and with minimal risk most surgeons therefore recommend that hernias be repaired when diagnosed unless there are other serious medical problems.

How are hernias repaired?
The standard method of hernia repair involves making an incision in the abdominal wall. Normal healthy tissues are cut until the area of weakness is found. This area, the hernia, is then repaired with sutures (stitches). Usually a prosthetic material such as nylon is used to strengthen the area of weakness. (A nylon mesh patch or plug). Finally the skin and other healthy tissues that were cut at the beginning are stitched back together to complete the repair.

How does the laparoscopic method differ?
With the laparoscopic repair the defect in the abdominal wall is repaired from the inside of the abdominal cavity. This method is usually only used for groin hernias. Instead of closing or patching the repair from the outside the patch is secured in place from the inside. This eliminates the necessity of cutting the skin and normal tissues of the groin to get down to and repair the hernia.

What causes hernias?
Hernias are caused by congenital (defects at birth) or age-related weaknesses in the abdominal wall. In males they are caused by an improper closure of the abdominal cavity during the body's development in the womb. They can also be caused by an increase in pressure within the abdominal cavity due to heavy lifting, straining, violent coughing, obesity or pregnancy.

Signs and Symptoms
Lump in groin area when standing/straining and disappears when reclining

Pain at the site of the lump especially when lifting a heavy object

Swelling of the scrotum

Excruciating abdominal pain (if you have strangulation)

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and pain (if intestinal obstruction occurs)

Do you have any of these health problems?

It will be important for your doctor and specialist to know if you have any health problems prior to recommending surgery. In particular your doctor will wish to know from you Any current illnesses

Any past health problems

Any previous operations

Any medications taken

Any allergies particularly to medicines

Any breathing difficulties or anaesthetic problems

Whether or not you smoke

Treatment options
Learn more about how surgeons are diagnosing and treating inguinal hernias and the latest techniques being used to treat this health problem. At The DR KUBER Hernia clink surgeons are performing and evaluating several methods of hernia repair. All groin hernia procedures performed at Shriyash Hospital are subject to strict quality control.

Why should I turn to specialist?
A recommendation for surgery for the treatment of an inguinal hernia should only be given after a comprehensive assessment and under strict guidelines to assure the most successful outcome. Today new advances are being made but the procedures are still being refined at The Dr.Sachin Kuber Hernia Clink; research has been initiated to evaluate the outcome for utilising differing types of surgery for the successful treatment of inguinal hernias. With this research at The Dr.Sachin Kuber Hernia Clink surgeons are evaluating how long the results will last, who will benefit or who will be at the highest risk for complications.

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Stichless Hernia Surgery
There are new and innovative things always coming up in medical scene.

Here at our hernia surgery clinik we try to give latest technology benefit to patients.

Dr sachin kuber is happy to introduce whole new stichless surgery for hernia patients.

Features of stichless surgery done by Dr. Sachin Kuber!

1. Small cut for the hernia surgery

2. Absolutely no stiches after surgery

3. No dressing after surgery patient can have shower from next day after surgery.

4. Patient can move around home without any special precaution |

5. No ugly scars for post surgical period

6. No hassle of removing stiches

7. No mark of incision remains on body

8. Looks like no surgery has been done good for patients in show business

9. No trace of any bruise or mark on body.

10. Good for women who are cosmetic concious

11. Automatic healing of wounds of surgery

12. No issue of pain and marks at the site of surgery

13. No chance of getting pus or inflammation

14. No chance of foreign body reaction to stiches

15. So, forget the old days of stiches and staplers!
Welcome to Hernia Surgery Clinik! Here at specially designed center for hernia surgery we lookout to hernia in a unique way! Our aim is always to prevent recurrence in a hernia which is very dreadful. Thousands of patients have benefited from our way of doing hernia surgery till now. Many patients had previous hernia repairs done from other doctors many times. But were having again same problems. So after the repair of hernia in our center they are never embarraced by hernia again! It's true. Many patients are coming to our center from all over india. Dr. Sachin Kuber has till now repaired many difficult hernias.
Success in hernia surgery is his passion!
Recovery after Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Inguinal Hernia Surgery is sore! Don't believe anything different! Most patients will be comfortable for the first evening after surgery because we use a long acting local anaesthetic to control post-operative pain. As this wears off you will find the area becomes more uncomfortable. Discomfort is easy to control with oral analgesia which will be prescribed for you at the time of you operation.

You may experience a minor degree of swelling around the operation site, and often some minor bruising.

You will not be covered to drive your car by your insurance company for 48 hours following a general anaesthetic.

You can drive when you feel confident that you can safely perform an "emergency stop". This is usually between 7 and 10 days.

You can return to work when you feel able to. This may be in as little as 5 days but often is longer at 14 to 21 days.

You should not lift anything heavy following your repair for at least 6 weeks. This doesn't mean you can't lift anything, you just need to exercise a degree of common sense!

Recovery after Epigastric and Umbilical Hernia Repair

Most patients will recover very quickly from these operations. Discomfort is easily controlled with oral analgesia and the majority of patients should be able to return to work within the week following surgery. Driving is not usually a problem with this repair. However, if you hernia is big enough to require a mesh, then you may find your recovery is slightly longer.

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