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HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY: What to Do and What to Expect? Why to Worry?
High-risk pregnancies sound daunting. It is common in women with a medical history, a chronic illness, substance addiction, and other mental or physical health conditions that put the mother at a higher risk of miscarriage or pre-term labor. So, what exactly is a high-risk pregnancy? Does it mean you are supposed to seek help from the best obstetrician-Gynecologist in Thane West? Does it mean your child is at risk of abnormalities after birth?
Causes of High-risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most beautiful yet unpredictable phase in a woman’s life. But, things get pretty complicated for those diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy. To protect yourself and the child, you need to be extra careful with your medication, diet, health, and lifestyle. But, what exactly causes high-risk pregnancy, and who is at a higher risk?
● Women above 35 years
● Alcohol or drug addiction, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle
● Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, irregular thyroid levels, kidney diseases, heart diseases, asthma, or an existing infection
● Complications during pregnancy, such as abnormal placenta position
● Women carrying twins
● Prior pregnancy complications, such as a history of miscarriage or premature birth
Some women might have a healthy pregnancy in the first trimester but may experience complications later. So, it is important to stay in touch with the gynecologist to monitor your blood sugar level, blood pressure, and thyroid levels. In addition, regular health checkups every few weeks are highly recommended for pregnant women.
How Can You manage High-risk Pregnancy?
High-risk pregnancy doesn’t mean you cannot have a healthy pregnancy or a healthy child. It, generally, implies you need special care and regular health monitoring. Here are a few things to consider to manage high-risk pregnancies.
Plan Your Pregnancy: A planned pregnancy can save you and your child from many pregnancy complications. It isn’t only for women exposed to high-risk pregnancy, but every couple trying to conceive should visit the maternity care in Thane to discuss their health with the gynecologist before getting pregnant. The doctor will recommend health supplements, especially folic acid, so you can gain weight before you get pregnant.
Get Regular Prenatal Care: Prenatal care is important for pregnant women, in general. But, it is a necessity for women with a high-risk pregnancy. Your gynecologist may refer you to a specialist to monitor your and the fetus’s health.
Avoid any Harmful Substance: Alcohol, drugs, and smoking increase your risk of miscarriage and pose a health risk for your child. Your gynecologist will give you a list of the items you need to avoid during and after the pregnancy to keep your baby safe. These mainly include alcohol and drugs. You should also aim to follow a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious and balanced diet.
Are Special Tests Necessary?
The doctor recommends additional tests for women with a high-risk pregnancy. It includes:
● Targeted ultrasound
● Prenatal screening
● An ultrasound for cervical length
● Lab tests
● Invasive genetic screening
● Biophysical profile
Note that certain pregnancy tests, like amniocentesis, should be taken only if prescribed by a gynecologist.

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Navigating the First Trimester: Essential Gynecologist In Thane Advice for Pregnancy Care
The first trimester of pregnancy is a critical and exciting time for both expectant mothers and their growing babies. During these initial 12 weeks, numerous changes occur in a woman's body to support the development of the fetus. To ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy journey, it's crucial to follow the expert advice of a gynecologist in Currae Hospital in Thane. In this article, we will explore the essential guidance and care recommendations offered by gynecologists during the first trimester.
Understanding the First Trimester
The first trimester marks the period from conception to the 12th week of pregnancy. During this time, a woman's body undergoes significant transformations to accommodate the developing embryo. Common symptoms experienced during the first trimester include:
1. Morning Sickness: Many women experience nausea and vomiting, often referred to as "morning sickness." This can occur at any time of the day and may vary in severity.
2. Breast Changes: Hormonal changes lead to breast tenderness and swelling as the body prepares for breastfeeding.
3. Fatigue: Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can cause extreme fatigue, prompting the need for more rest.
4. Frequent Urination: The growing uterus can put pressure on the bladder, leading to more frequent trips to the bathroom.
5. Food Aversions and Sensitivities: Changes in taste and smell can result in aversions to certain foods or heightened sensitivity to odors.
Expert Thane Gynecologist Advice for the First Trimester
1. Prenatal Care: Schedule an appointment with a gynecologist in Thane as soon as you suspect you're pregnant. Early prenatal care is essential for monitoring the pregnancy's progress and addressing any potential complications.
2. Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in nutrients is vital during the first trimester. Gynecologists often recommend prenatal vitamins, folic acid, and a diet comprising fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
3. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and alleviate the effects of fatigue.
4. Morning Sickness Management: Discuss options for managing morning sickness with your gynecologist. They may recommend dietary changes, ginger supplements, or prescription medications if necessary.
5. Rest and Exercise: Maintain a balance between rest and light exercise. Gentle activities like walking or prenatal yoga can help alleviate fatigue and promote overall well-being.
6. Avoid Harmful Substances: Gynecologists emphasize the importance of avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs during pregnancy, as they can harm the developing fetus.
7. Stress Management: High stress levels can negatively impact pregnancy. Gynecologists may suggest relaxation techniques or stress-reduction strategies.
8. Regular Check-ups: Attend all scheduled prenatal appointments to monitor the baby's growth and address any concerns promptly.
9. Genetic Testing: Discuss the option of genetic testing with your gynecologist to assess the risk of certain genetic conditions.
10. Emotional Support: Gynecologists acknowledge the emotional aspects of pregnancy and may provide resources or referrals for emotional support and counseling.

In conclusion, the first trimester of pregnancy is a crucial period that sets the foundation for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Following the expert advice of a gynecologist is essential to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby during this transformative time. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so open and honest communication with your gynecologist is key to addressing your specific needs and concerns.

Dr. Sujata Rathod, renowned as Thane's premier gynecologist, combines expertise with compassion. With years of experience, she's dedicated to women's health, providing top-notch care. Trusted by countless patients, Dr. Rathod is committed to nurturing new beginnings.

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