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Dr. Mohan Krishna A's Profile
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Dr.A.Mohan Krishna.
M.S.Ortho., M Ch Orth (U.K).
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy & Trauma Surgeon
Apollo Hospitals, Jubille Hills,
Fehmi care Hospitals, Yousufguda,
Bone & Joint clinic, Yousufguda.
PAGE HITS0014503

When you get injured casts and splints help to protect the broken bone and injured soft tissues. Doctors manipulate the fracture to align the broken bone and to stabilize they apply cast or splint. They hold the bones in place while they unite. They also help to reduce pain, swelling and muscle spasm.
In some instances following surgery splints and casts are applied to immobilize bone or joints.
Splints are nothing but “Half casts” and offer less stability than the casts. But splints can be malleable, adjustable and can be accommodated according to the type of injury, swelling etc.
Doctor decides which type of support suits according to the situation.
Cast is custom made as they must fit according to the shape of injured limb. They can be made from Plaster of Paris or fiber glass.
Plaster of Paris or fiber glass can be moulded according to individual needs to make custom made splints. Now a day’s readymade splints of various sizes and shapes, with Velcro straps are available which are comfortable and easier to use.
Recently thermoplastic material is available which has advantage of light weight, good cosmetic appearance, from which casts and splints can be made.
Plaster of Paris: Plaster bandages are the traditional material used to make casts and splint. Plaster can be moulded better than fiber glass for some uses and cheap. Disadvantage is it is heavy and weaker than the counterpart.
Fiber glass: It is lighter in weight, strong enough to hold the weight of patient, and easy to apply.
Initially after a fresh injury splints are applied, as the swelling subsides, full cast can be applied if necessary. Before application of cast or splint it is necessary to give a protective layer of soft cotton padding and extra padding to bony prominences.
Both the materials are available in strips or rolls which are dipped in water and applied over the padded area. Splint or cast must fit the shape of the injured limb and also covers the joint above and below the broken bone.
In some instances as the swelling comes down cast may have to be reapplied. In some rare case the as the swelling comes down and fracture may loose the alignment, then it may be necessary to realign and reapply the cast.
In some cases when the fracture is healing the cast may be replaced with splint to facilitate rehabilitative exercises.
In the first 48 hours to 72 hours you may experience a sense of tightness inside the cast or splint which is caused due to injury. In case of splint doctor can help you to adjust the splint.
In order to decrease the swelling it is advised to keep the injured limb elevated, do some active movements in the toes or fingers.
You should not wet, cut or insert any objects into the plaster. In the case of lower limb splints or casts you are not advised to walk on them.
In case if you want to have bath protect the cast or splint with a plastic cover or the waterproof plaster covers that are available in the market.
Report immediately to your doctor if you observe any of these
•Increased pain and the feeling that the splint or cast is too tight.
•Numbness and tingling in your hand or foot
•Excessive swelling below the cast.
•Loss of active movement of toes or fingers
Your doctors will advice on the time of removal of the cast.
After the removal of the cast skin may be dry, and there will be layers of peeled off dead skin. These can be removed off with good wash with soap and application of moisturizers. You may also feel stiffness of the joints and some wasting of the muscles around the joint, which can be addressed with physiotherapy exercises after the removal of casts or splints.

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……..Oooch my back hurts Mom
There is a myth that we don’t get back pain till we grow and most of us think it is a disease of tired bone. In contrast kids and teenagers do get back pain. Many studies had shown that nearly half percentage of school going children are prone to have a sore back.
Because of the myth that back pain is very rare in children it is often over looked and labelled as growing pains. In fact, back pain in children needs even more careful evaluation and warrants examination by a specialist as chances of serious pathology is much more common in children than that in middle aged people.
Kids are least prone to put stresses on their back than the teenagers or adults and are less prone to Mechanical Back ache. On the other hand, teenagers who tend to be more aggressive in their activities, sports testing the limits of their bodies commonly get mechanical back symptoms.
What are the causes of back pain in kids and teenagers?
Spinal defects like minor defects in the vertebrae (spondylolysis), gross defects in some cases of spina bifida may cause back pain.
Back pain caused by placing abnormal stress and strain on muscles of the vertebral column. The most common causes are poor posture, heavy school bags, poorly-designed seating, incorrect bending and lifting motions, exercises (not doing enough or over doing) and obesity.

Trauma or injury:
Often due to repetitive minor injuries like in sports or one major fall or accident.
It is one of the causes in both kids and teenagers. Even though it is less common nowadays due to better nutrition, it is still a major problem. When the child is suffering from fever associated with sudden or repetitive back ache, swelling over the back, failure to thrive in kids, weakness in one or the other limbs suggest the possibility of infection in spine.
Any abnormal growing mass from the soft tissue, bone or nerves in the spinal column can cause back pain both in kids and teenagers.

Scoliosis and kyphosis are the 3 dimensional deformities of the spine. Unless they are gross they often get missed till late. This is because generally they are not associated with significant pain contrary to one’s expectations.
Growing aches and pains are more common in teenagers than in kids and to be dealt accordingly.

If a child is suffering from back pain regularly appropriate management should be initiated. The threshold to investigate is much lower in kids as the chances of a serious pathology is higher in kids compared to the adults. But when pain seems to be due to mechanical reasons, attention to ergonomics in the school and avoidance of some sports etc are important. Now a days the problem is getting compounded due to obesity in children. Appropriate exercises to suit the individual child and swimming are always beneficial.
Red flag signs

 Patient under 20 years of age, more worrying under 4 yrs
 Symptoms persisting beyond 4 weeks
 Generally unwell, weight loss, failure to thrive
 Sudden pain & swelling on the back, with fever
 Night sweats
 Pain worse at night or over thoracic / whole spine
 Unsteady feet, numbness or pins / needle sensation of limbs
 New curvature/bends of the spine with pain
 Children on immuno suppression
 Trauma / injuries to back

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Low back ache is one of the most common complaint in our practice. Obesity by itself may not cause back pain but if a heavy person gets back pain the suffering would be more and the response to the treatment may be sub optimal. More over the medical team may find it difficult to manage back pain in an obese person with the likes of physiotherapy or surgical treatment. Obesity compounds back pain as these people may also have problems with other joints, especially those of lower limbs as excess fat in the body contributes to the inflammation of the joints. According to the American Obesity Association, back pain is prevalent among 1/3rd of Americans who are under obese category.

What cause back pain in over weight individuals?

The extra weight in the mid segment of the body pulls the pelvis forward and strains the lower back resulting in back pain. In order to compensate for extra weight, the back bone can become tilted and stressed unevenly. As a result, over the time, the back may lose its support and an abnormal curvature of the spine may develop. Overweight also causes early wear and tear in the small joints of the spine and may enhance the rate of disc degeneration which may contribute to back ache. In addition, sciatica and symptoms of pinched nerves may result when nerves get compressed in the spaces between the bones of the lower back.

How much excess weight causes back pain ?

People who are of ‘ideal weight’ as well as people who are heavy, both suffer from back pain. Hence we cannot say what percentage of back pain is purely due to obesity as there are no established scientific studies. Those patients who carry more weight around their midsection are at greater risk of developing pain in the back.

How can you reduce risk of back pain?

“Keep your back fit and maintain a good posture”
The main emphasis of management is to “ loose weight, loose weight & loose weight” which in turn will help you and your back to become fit. A fit back and a good posture are even more important for people on desk jobs with long hours of sitting.
Analgesics and other medications help to reduce the soreness of the back which are generally used only for short durations.
Physiotherapy: Regular aerobic activities that don’t strain your back can increase strength and endurance in your lower back. Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. Flexibility in your hips and upper legs allows for proper pelvic bone alignment, which improves back pain.
• Walking is usually helpful – start slowly on flat ground, building up to longer walks and gentle slopes.
• Swimming is an excellent exercise – do back or front crawl instead of breast-stroke which can strain your neck.
• When your back pain has settled, using an exercise bike is a good way of getting fit. Keep the saddle at correct height to keep the natural curves in your spine.
• Proper shoes also may help a little.

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