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Best Trauma surgery Surgeon in Patna | Trauma Surgery Doctor: Dr. Ashwini Gaurav
What is Trauma?

Trauma is that the injuries suffered when an individual experiences a blunt force or a penetrating injury. You will also hear trauma named as “major trauma.” Many trauma patients are the victims of car crashes, stabbings, and gunshot wounds. Trauma may also be caused by falls, crush type injuries, and pedestrians being struck by a car.

Traumatic injuries can affect internal organs, bones, the brain, and therefore the other soft tissues of the body. No area of the body is resistant to trauma, but trauma can range from minor (hitting your finger with a hammer) to major (being hit by a car traveling at a high rate of speed or fall off of a building).

What do we do in Trauma Surgery?
In the case of severe trauma like a car crash and fall off from a building the surgery team not only includes trauma surgeons but also general surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, vascular surgeons, and other surgeons as needed. The trauma includes not only surgeons but also paramedics, nurses, anesthetists, respiratory therapists, radiographers.

Trauma physicians are highly trained to diagnose and stabilize patients who are having traumatic injuries. They have to address things in a particular order. We have to fix which of the patient’s injuries need treatment first.

Usually, the first stop the bleeding.
Then, they eliminate any contamination threat to the wounds.
Next, whether the patient is stable enough for immediate surgery or if the patient should be sent to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Traumatic injuries often include the following:
Spine fractures and spinal cord injury
Sudden amputation
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Crush injury
Acoustic trauma
Broken or dislocated jaw
Skull fracture
Severe cuts and puncture wounds
Cost of Trauma Surgery
Dr. Ashwini Gaurav is a well-known orthopedic doctor and trauma surgeon in Patna. We, not only understand the complexity of major trauma but also treat them with an advanced treatment approach.

The cost of trauma surgery depends upon the patient’s medical condition. We provide the Best and Affordable Trauma / Fracture Surgery services in Patna. Feel free to contact us, we are always there to serve you.

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Best knee Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain Specialist in Delhi - Removemypain
Knee Pain Treatment in India

Knee pain can be a source of significant disability in all age groups as it limits mobility. It can be classified into traumatic or non traumatic and based on the site of pain into anterior, medial, lateral and posterior. The common reasons for knee pain vary with age group and pain site. Pain from other sites such as hip and lumbar spine can also present knee pain. In the above 50 years age group raised BMI is an important risk factor for developing symptomatic osteoarthritis.

Genicular nerve blocks & radiofrequency ablation
This procedure is performed for chronic knee pain which may be secondary to various reasons such as osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease and persisting pain after knee replacement. It offers a safe, effective non surgical alternative to knee replacement for patients who are either not keen or are unfit or have persisting pain after knee replacement. Genicular nerve radiofrequency is performed as a day case under local anaesthesia with no requirement for hospital stay or prolonged rehabilitation.
Knee joint is supplied by branches from many nerves and these are collectively addressed as genicular nerves. The initial diagnostic procedure involves local anaesthetic injections close to the nerves supplying the knee joint. If the diagnostic procedure produces effective pain relief then special type of radio waves are applied to these nerves, which can produce prolonged pain relief (radiofrequency ablation). The procedure alleviates pain by creating a heat lesion around the nerves which interrupts the transmission of pain signals to the brain. These nerves are approached percutaneously under x-ray and ultrasound guidance with no requirement for any surgical incisions.

Cooled Radiofrequency Treatment
Cooled Radiofrequency treatment is an option for those suffering from chronic knee pain and not keen on surgery or those left with persisting pain after knee replacement surgery. It is a minimally invasive treatment done on day care basis under local anaesthesia. The treatment aims to deactivate the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals from the painful knee. It involves placing needles close to these nerves under x ray or ultrasound guidance followed by heating of nerves to reduce the pain signals being transmitted. It differs from conventional Radiofrequency as it has water circulating through the device and can create a larger treatment area increasing the chances of success. Normal activities can generally be resumed soon after the procedure. Less pain can lead to improved functionality and reduced medication requirements.

Saphenous nerve block & pulsed radiofrequency
Saphenous nerve is a sensory nerve which supplies the medial (inner side) of knee joint and leg. This nerve can get entrapped or injured high up in the thigh leading to groin and inner thigh pain or lower down causing knee and calf pain. Trauma and surgery are common reasons for injury especially of the infrapatellar branch of the nerve.
Most patients present with pain, increased sensitivity along the inferomedial aspect of knee although it is not uncommon to see pain involving most of the anterior knee. A nerve block can be easily performed under ultrasound guidance as a diagnostic test followed by radiofrequency treatment to produce long term pain relief.

Ultrasound guided knee joint, bursa injection
An ultrasound scan of the knee can help in identifying knee pathology and help guide the injection into the desired location. The injected drugs vary depending on the pathology being treated. The options include local anaesthetics, steroids, Hyaluronic acid or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Injections around the knee joint can be either
Directly into the joint
Into the tissues surrounding the joints - such as bursa
Into the muscle or localized tender points
Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the cartilage and the synovial fluid that lubricate the joints. In people with osteoarthritis, injections of artificial hyaluronic acid into the joint can help in reducing pain and improving mobility.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections
Platelets are one of the blood components. They help in clotting and contain growth factors which promote the healing process. PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets. PRP therapy is an attempt to utilise body’s natural ability to heal itself. Growth factors released from the platelets influence and accelerate the repair of tendon or ligaments. The procedure involves collecting a blood sample from the patient which is then placed in a spinning machine to separate different blood components. The component containing high platelets is separated and then injected under ultrasound guidance. Most people require 1-3 injections at 4 weekly intervals.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Total Knee Replacement
Pain in the knee and hip can occur due to an injury or a serious trauma you might have experienced a few years ago. The pain could also occur due to natural aging. Depending on the severity of the disease, your doctor might recommend a complete knee or hip replacement surgery.
Usually, they recommend a combination of medication and a few therapies to reduce swelling and pain around the affected area, but if nothing works, surgery seems the only viable option to reduce pain. But, before you go for a surgical procedure, check out the commonly asked questions around the surgery.
What is the Right Time to Go For Knee Replacement?
There is no one formula to decide the best time for getting a knee replacement. As a general rule, you should discuss your health with the orthopedic surgeon in Thane. They will run an X-ray and MRI to get a clear picture of the issue. Most patients consider surgery when the condition worsens and the pain becomes unbearable. If you are struggling with regular movements, it might be a sign you need a complete knee replacement.
Is There a Way to Avoid Surgery?
Before recommending surgery, the knee specialists in Mulund will try some non-surgical and cost-effective procedures. Sometimes, non-invasive treatments work wonders for patients. The non-surgical treatments include a proper weight loss plan, steroid injections, anti-inflammatory medicine, physical therapy, acupuncture, and more.
These non-invasive procedures could work well in most cases, but if the pain gets out of control, you may need a total knee or hip replacement surgery. So, a surgical procedure can be avoided, but it must not be delayed for long. The longer you delay the operation, the more complex the surgery will be. Plus, the outcomes are usually not favorable.
How is Surgery Done?
The surgery starts with a 6-10 inches long incision around the affected area. The professional shifts the kneecap and removes the bone along with the cartilage. They use metal and plastic materials to replace the damaged cartilage. These plastic components imitate the movements and functioning of your knee. A majority of knee replacement procedures are over within 90 minutes.

Status of Pain After Surgery
You will experience some pain in the operated area, but the medical staff will give you the medications and therapies to reduce swelling and pain after the operation. However, the pain is a lot less than the same you experienced before the surgery. Besides, it is manageable.
What to Expect After Surgery?
The patient feels a bit confused and sleepy after waking up from the surgery due to anesthesia. The doctor might elevate the knee to control pain and inflammation. The surgeon might also cover the affected area with a bandage and insert a drain to release fluid. You might be asked to wear a sock around your knee to improve blood circulation. Upset stomach and mild pain are common after surgery, and you will be given the medication to eliminate the discomfort.
Check out the Knee surgery cost in Mulund and get knee replacement surgery for improved mobility and knee functioning.

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How to Know if You Need a Joint Replacement Surgery To Relieve Knee Pain?
How to Know if You Need a Joint Replacement Surgery?

Have you tried every possible non-surgical treatment to get rid of the chronic joint pain only to discover that there’s no relief in your joints? Are you wondering if it is high time you should consider the joint replacement surgery? Well, a majority of the patients consider the idea of joint replacement intimidating. But it is worth to note that nothing can be worse than having to deal with critical joint pain for the rest of your life. Perhaps, this is the reason why there is around millions of joint replacement surgeries performed in the United States annually.

Gone are the days when joint replacement looked overwhelming. In today’s technology-driven world, this surgical procedure is considered one of the safest and effective treatment options for patients struggling with arthritis. Do you still think joint replacement is a severe and intimidating surgery? Well, read on this post to get a clearer view of what this surgical treatment actually is.
All You Should Know About Joint Replacement

Before discussing whether or not you need the joint replacement surgery, let’s first understand some basic details of this surgery. First of all, joint replacement surgery is not limited to the knee or hip replacement, instead, this surgical procedure can be performed on human’s elbows, ankles, wrists, and shoulders too. However, the research suggests a majority of the surgeries are either performed on hips or knees.

The practitioner removes the damaged bone or cartilage from the affected part and recreates a new joint with the help of prosthetic pieces. The best part about these prosthetic pieces is it completely feels like your natural joint. As soon as the patient’s recovery period is over, he/she can experience the natural range of motion and healthy mobility. What else? Some people still consider it an overwhelming surgical treatment but to their surprise, it is considered one of the most common surgical procedures across the world. Joint replacement surgery lasts for 3-4 hours and can be performed in the hospital or an outpatient surgery center. The patients need one-day stay in the hospital and that’s it! They can go home the same day or the following day.
Who Needs Joint Replacement Surgery?

If you have already followed the non-surgical medical treatments and couldn’t find any relief, an orthopedic may recommend you to have joint replacement therapy to fight off pain. But the recommendation of surgery doesn’t always mean you have to get your joints replaced, instead, there are different surgical treatments that may realign your joint or remove the damaged joint. Based on your physical condition, the severity of the pain you are experiencing in the joints, and type of arthritis, the doctor will recommend you to get the permanent solution for this unbearable pain i.e. Joint replacement surgery. To determine if you need Joint replacement surgery, you must meet the following conditions:

You are physically fit and in a good health condition (except for the joint pain caused by arthritis).
You have a high level of chronic and nagging joint pain.
You are struggling with a damaged or problematic joint.
The pain you have is caused by osteoarthritis rather than any casual inflammatory condition.

Basically, the non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy, medication, weight loss, lifestyle changes, and more are available for arthritis patients. But these treatments are not effective when it comes to aligning your problematic joint or removing the damaged one. If you have been experiencing the symptoms of arthritis, it is the high time you consult with an Orthopedic Surgeon and get a Joint replacement surgery. Are you still in doubt whether the surgery is the only option for your sore joints? Here are some questions you should ask yourself to confirm if you are fit for the joint replacement surgery.

Is there any possibility I can endure the severe joint pain for the rest of my life?
Are the symptoms of arthritis worsening over time?
Am I physically and mentally fit for this surgery?
Am I able to finance the surgical treatment?
Can I face the recovery period?

Though joint replacement surgery is a common procedure for surgeons, getting your joints replaced is completely your decision. Make sure to consult with a joint replacement surgeon to get your joint issue diagnosed at the earliest possible time. The sooner you get the treatment, the faster your recovery. Hope this post helped you to learn everything about joint replacement surgery. Good Luck!


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How to maintain your bone & joint health while in a lock-down Scenario
The covid-19 virus has brough the whole world to a lockdown. India is no exception to this and we are now in a lockdown. Which means no going out of your home for except for essential things which is long time which can adversely affect the human body, if proper precautions are not taken. So we at bone and joint care thought of suggesting some tips and precautions to help you maintain your physical health while in the lockdown.


Cooking or cleaning utensils requires standing for a long period of time this can put immense load no the hip and knee joint leading to joint pain. Hence, when cooking or cleaning always try to shift your weight between legs while standing
Avoid bending forward and sweeping rather use standing position and use long broom. Bending forward and doing this activities take toll on back muscle and make it prone to injuries.

If you intend to be the couch potato this lockdown or going to sit in front of the PC while working from home, try to get up from sitting position every 40-45 minutes and if you can muster the courage stand up and perform some simple stretches. as shown below


Get your daily dose of Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential to maintain bone & joint health Staying at home means minimal to no exposure to sun at all. Sunlight is essential to maintain the Vitamin D levels of the body. If possible, Try to get some sunlight for atleast 15-30 mins. If you have joint pain this is essential… you can also consult an orthopaedic for vitamin D supplements. Be warned – self-medication and overdose can cause complications.

Try Simple Exercises for 20-30 minutes every day or atleast alternate days to maintain your joints and muscles. You don’t have to go all pro like the celebrities or follow any regime. Just even simple exercises, even the ones taught in school PT classes should suffice.

If exercise is not your piece of cake Just Walk in your house or the building compound from one end to the other 30- 60 minuses will keep your health in check until the lockdown ends. (maintain proper distance and sanitary precautions like a mask and alcohol rub is essential)

This long lockdown period is going to take toll on your mental health aswell. Hence, try to do yoga or meditation to keep your mental health in check. So keeping your mind well exercises is as important as your body.
Yes it’s just that simple to maintain your health while in the lockdown. We hope that by following these simple steps will help you get back to normal life after lockdown without any joint pain.

So keep smiling..


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Back pain treatment in Delhi
In simple words, low back pain can be defined as pain experienced in the bottom region of spine (between lower margins of ribs and the gluteal folds). It may remain localised to back or radiate to the legs.

Sciatica is a term used for pain radiating down from the lower spine to the legs. Most common cause of sciatica is irritation or compression of the nerves as they exit the spine on their way to the legs. It may be accompanied by numbness, tingling and weakness in the distribution of the affected nerve.

Globally low back pain (LBP) is one of the leading causes of disability. LBP is an important cause of limitation of activities, absence from work with resultant economic implications. In industrialised countries lifetime prevalence of non-specific low back pain is estimated at 60–70%.Despite the high incidence and intensive research into this area, pain generators are not easy to identify and the diagnosis Nonspecific Low Back Pain is used commonly. This is different from situations where a specific cause such as fracture, infection, neoplasm etc. responsible for pain generation can be identified.

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Knee Replacement Surgeon Orthopedic Doctor Dr Shailendra Patil
In the previous three decades, there has been sensational increment in bones and joints issues in light of the absence of activity,sumptuous way of life and inappropriate eating regimen propensities.

The therapeutic science has made a fantastic improvement as of late. Today we have a considerable rundown of non-careful, and obtrusive/negligibly intrusive careful choices.

Be that as it may, it is similarly essential that the specialist who plays out these medications is a specialist.

Dr Shailendra Patil (MBBS, D.Ortho, D.N.B. Orthopedic) is a notable orthopedic, arthroscopic and Joint substitution specialist in Mulund.

He gives consultancy at the Bone and Joint Care Center — Human Touch Clinic in Mulund. He is a meeting specialist in Currae Specialty Hospital Thane and Sterling Wockhardt Hospital Vashi also.

He performs regular and explored tasks utilizing the best in class methods to give all out help in joint and bone issues.

About Dr Shailendra Patil

In his facility Bone and joint consideration, Dr Patil plays out the a wide range of medical procedures, e.g., parallel and fractional knee substitution, medicinal compartmental knee substitution, Unicompartmental knee substitution patellofemoral substitution, etc.

Persistent surveys and input demonstrate that he isn't just a specialist however a certified individual who dependably thinks for profiting patients.

Plumes in his top

Dr Shailendra Patil is viewed as a standout amongst the best Orthopedic specialist Mumbai who performs arthroscopic and orthopedic medical procedures consistently. He is a main joint substitution authority also.

He has the special qualification of playing out the principal incomplete restorative compartmental knee substitution in Navi Mumbai territory.

Dr Patil's capacity in performing knee supplanting with tissue protecting methodology places him unmistakably among orthopedic specialists.

He is an individual of Arcus sports facility discussion Germany in Sports Medicine (Joint Arthroscopy) and Joint Reconstructive Surgery.

His specialization

· He plays out the total scope of knee substitution medical procedures, i.e., negligible line all out knee substitution, effortless knee substitution, Golden knee substitution, fractional knee substitution, etc.

· He performs anatomical all out hip substitution and shoulder substitution activities.

· He is capable in ACL Reconstruction medical procedure and Arthroscopic medical procedure.

Dr Shailendra Patil conveys a significant involvement in the treatment of bone and joint issues utilizing obtrusive and non-intrusive strategies.

Despite the fact that he is a capable specialist, his methodology is to treat the issue by non-careful strategies first. He underscores the adjustment in way of life, exercise and diet change. Medical procedure is viewed if all else fails by him.

Orthopedic treatment provider
Dr Shailendra Patil
Knee And Hip Surgeon In Thane, Mulund, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
MBBS, D.Ortho, D.N.B. Orthopaedic
Bone And Joint Care Clinic
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Getting Rid of Frozen Shoulder Pain
Many people that suffer from frozen-shoulder pain are living in desperation because of the constant pain and discomfort, but also because the pain and lack of movement has altered their life. Frozen-shoulder Mumbai sufferers must learn to adapt a life where use of their affected arm is impossible and extremely painful. This can lead to lifestyle changes that affect jobs, family and cause emotional distress as well.

People have turned to over the counter pain medications as well as stronger prescription medications to deal with the constant, never ending pain. Others have just "learned" to deal with the pain and stopped doing the things that they have loved to do in the past...virtually giving up.

This pain occurs because of many factors. For one, a shoulder that is frozen has very tight and unyielding soft-tissue that when moved causes a lot of pain and discomfort. When soft-tissue is restricted as it is with a shoulder that is frozen, moving the joint or attempting to move the joint causes a very painful response in and around the joint. Another factor is the musculature in and around a frozen shoulder stops functioning as it once did and should. When muscles virtually "fall asleep" attempting to use them becomes painful. The body sends signals of distress to the brain and the body tried to protect itself. One of the ways it does this is to signal pain.

The question becomes, "can I ever get rid of my frozen-shoulder and live without pain?" The answer is in most cases, "yes." Finding frozen shoulder treatment in Mumbai or a comprehensive frozen shoulder elimination program that covers getting back all normal range of motion, flexibility of all musculature, and strengthening is essential. Also, a plan that includes a good targeted soft-tissue program is important as well. Working on all of these areas is the best case scenario for "curing" a frozen shoulder.

A good program will also simultaneously combat frozen shoulder pain. Having a large amount of pain will ultimately stifle progress.

Curing a frozen shoulder and getting rid of frozen shoulder pain is possible. The first key is finding a good, comprehensive program that includes all of the components listed above.

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Delaying knee replacement fearing a long recovery time? Know the reality!
There are several reasons people delay the knee replacement surgery. One is because people consider that knee pain is a minor problem. Mostly, it is considered an ‘aging effect’.

People avoid consulting a doctor and depend on homely treatment or over-the-counter ointments or painkillers.

When the situation turns into severe trouble in walking, they consult a specialist. By the time they get proper consultation, there is no choice left other than undergoing the knee replacement surgery in Navi Mumbai.

Thankfully, there are many super-specialty clinics in the town that offer state-of-the-art knee replacement surgery facilities ranging from conventional methods to the modern, minimally invasive procedures.

The risks of delaying knee replacement
A delay in undergoing surgery (intentional or unintentional) may result in several complications.
• Losing mobility completely
• Unbearable pain in the knee joint
• Deformities in the joint (internal and external)
• The weakness of muscles and ligaments
According to knee specialists, the cost of knee replacement is quite reasonable if the surgery is performed during the initial stage of the problem.
Typically, the Knee Replacement Surgery @Rs.99,000 in renowned hospitals such as Bone And Joint Care Clinic. However, it is applicable when the problem is in the early stage. The cost increases with the complexity of the matter.

Do you think it takes a long time to recover after knee replacement?
If you have been delaying the knee replacement procedure so far just because you thought it takes a long time to recover?

Well, you must not do it. The recovery is a step by step procedure. It becomes easy if the patient cooperates in the method with a positive mind.

The first stage is immediately after the surgery. The patient has to stay in the hospital for a few days. If you have chosen a package for it, then the cost of hospital stat is included in the knee replacement surgery cost in Navi Mumbai.

After returning from the hospital after two-three days, the person has to follow the medication routine and exercises recommended by the physiotherapy expert.

The pain subsides by six weeks. There could be clunks or clicks felt in the knee which is quite normal. Some precautions need to be followed during the recovery period.

Therefore, don’t avoid knee replacement because of the fear of longer recovery. It is possible to return to normal life within six to twelve weeks post-surgery. It is indeed quite a long time!

Visit Bone And Joint Care Clinic for the best treatment
Click the link to know more details:
contact 8369026337,02225690799 Get Free Instant Quotes.

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Arthritis Reversed # 2..... Arthritis Types and Risk Factors
The term arthritis means joint inflammation, and the most common types are known as Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Arthritis is a complex family of musculoskeletal disorders consisting of more than 100 different conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and other connective tissues, hampering or halting physical movement and causing pain.
While arthritis is not a single disease, its symptoms are often universal and are largely experienced as stiffness, soreness, inflammation and pain. Over time, the cartilage between the joints can begin to wear down, exposing the joint to friction. When two bones rub together, inflammation and pain can take place. Redness and swelling of the joints and loss of joint function soon follow.
While the most common form, osteoarthritis, is a result of external factors like physical injury or wear and tear of joints through overuse, this is not the case with rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, despite advances in science, the exact causes of RA are unknown but certain risk factors have been identified:- genetics, age, weight, injury, occupational hazards, sports, illness or infection, stress, etc.

Now we will go through two most common types of arthritis: osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Osteoarthritis most commonly type of arthritis which is caused by poor lifestyle. It is degeneration of the cartilage that cushions the area where two bones meet to form a joint. When the cushion wears out or cracks, the bones rub together, causing intense pain. In severe cases, the joints can develop calcifications. This means that calcium builds up on the bones and soft tissues, making them stiff and painful to move. The pain of osteoarthritis gradually worsens with use over the course of the day.
This type of arthritis occurs slowly over time and is the type that many runners, martial artists and construction workers begin to feel by middle age due to over-extreme use of joints.
Prevention is always the best medicine. However, reversing damage already done is also essential.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a chronic disease of the autoimmune system that causes inflammation of the synovial membrane (joint lining). This causes destruction and deformity of bone, cartilage, ligaments and muscle tissue.
RA commonly called crippling arthritis is a systemic disease. Besides the tissues around the joints, other areas RA affects include the glands of the eyes and mouth, the lining of the lungs and the pericardium. When inflamed, the tissue lining between the joints becomes red, painful and swollen. The frequency and duration of these flare-ups vary widely. After repeated episodes, chronic inflammation begins to cause damage to the surrounding tissue, cartilage and bone. Eventually this damage can lead to loss of cartilage and weakening of bones, resulting in painful and permanent destruction and deformities.
The second study offers even more hope as to the healing power of green tea for RA sufferers. Green tea, supplementation and relaxation techniques are powerful solutions for this disease.
Juvenile Arthritis
The autoimmune trigger of RA also affects children causing Juvenile arthritis (JA). Actually, JA is a term used to group the various autoimmune disorders affecting children 16 and under. While JA affects the joints, it also can affect the eyes, skin and gastrointestinal (GI) tract as well.
JA, while similar to RA, is more easily diagnosed. Again, this autoimmune disease is not precise in how, or whom, it affects, but inherited genes and external factors can trigger it in a child. If you have a family history of RA and your child shows red inflammatory joints.
The natural solutions and plan for JA are the same as for RA. The difference is that usually a parent or adult will have to manage the lifestyle changes in the home and keep the child on course with the plan.

There Is Hope!
People think that because they experience excruciating pain today, they will experience it tomorrow and keep experiencing it for the rest of their life. It is as if the trajectory of arthritis, to them, is inevitable, and therefore there is no hope. This does not have to be the case. Nothing about arthritis is inevitable if you understand the condition and take steps to control it.
People suffering with arthritis do not believe anything can be done to help ease their pain. Why? Because the drug-based therapies they have been following are not useful in providing a change to the condition only symptomatic relief. Yes, immediate relief of pain or stiffness or inflammation is a good thing and drugs are the fastest means for that relief. However, there are two problems with relying on synthetic drug therapies over the long term.
Problem 1: The drugs and cortisone injections are toxic to the system, causing in some cases damage to the liver and stomach lining, weakening of the joint cartilage and the immune system, and GI tract issues.
Problem 2: Drugs do not change the course of the condition and thus, as the arthritis worsens over time, drugs that are more potent are needed, causing more toxicity and potentially damaging side effects.
The good news is that a multi-pronged approach to arthritis can do wonders, and even feel like a miracle to those suffering its nasty symptoms. Because there is no cure, it is extremely important to become proactive in managing, treating and slowing down the condition

Dr Wilkhoo H S

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