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Dr. Kuldeepak Rajput's Profile
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that utilizes minute doses of carefully selected ingredients made from plants, mineral sources and many other natural substances, to enhance the body's natural healing processes. Its strength lies in its marked effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. Homeopathy is growing in popularity all over the world because its medicines are gentle, non-toxic aids, harmless. This makes Homeopathy safe to use when many other types of treatments may not be recommended, such as in case of newborns, children and during pregnancy. Homeopathy is a safe system of Medicine for children. Primarily, any medicine administered to children must be free from harmful effects. Unlike antibiotics and other such medicine, Homeopathic pills do not affect digestion; does not lower resistance power; does not produce allergies and does not harm even if taken for long-term. Homeopathy helps in building body resistance in children who habitually have recurring infections due to lowered resistance power. Homeopathic treatment being based on the ~Constitutional Approach~ treats the disease at the root level, hence enhancing the resistance power of the child. As a result of which the child will not fall sick frequently. Besides the below-listed conditions one must think of Homeopathy for any resistant, difficult disorder.
a) Infections: Children are prone to a variety of infections such as Cough & Cold, Flu, Ear Infections, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Skin-
boils, Gastroenteritis (Diarrhea & Vomiting), Kidney & Urinary Tract infection, and many more. Every parent should know that Homeopathy has remarkably fast acting treatment available for all above-mentioned disorders.
b) Allergies: Child-Asthma (Asthmatic Bronchitis) is becoming a universal problem in children, where they are recurrently down with attacks of wheezing, cough and
breathlessness. Every parent of an asthmatic child has lived through the agony and distress of their suffering child. Homeopathy has exceptional treatment for such suffering that helps in long-term as well as to fight effectively an acute episode of wheezing, whereby the child can be kept away from strong medicines like steroids. Besides the respiratory allergy, Homeopathy works
miraculously for skin allergy, Eczema, Urticaria, food-allergy, etc.
c) Tonsillitis: Avoid Surgery: Acute as well as recurring attacks of tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) with high-grade fever, is another common complaint found in
children. As remarkably, almost all cases of recurring tonsillitis (including suppurating tonsils) can be cured entirely with Homeopathy.
d) Mental and Emotional Disorders: Homeopathy can be proclaimed to be effective, for various emotional disorders occurring commonly in the new generation children of this century. Homeopathy has a very unique line of treatment to pacify hyperactive, aggressive or violent children, Also children with a cynical mind, innumerable passions, such as rage, jealousy, anxiety, fears, inferiority complex, timidity, lack of confidence, etc. the imprints of which are carved permanently in the delicate mind of the child, shaping the child’s character and personality morbidly, resulting in various malfunctions and behavioral problems. Behavioral Disorders such as Examination fears, any other strange fears, Anxiety, Depression, Restlessness, Nail biting, Stealing habit, Emotional disturbances, etc. can be successfully treated with Homeopathy. Various psychosomatic disorders such as Bed-wetting, Headaches, Gastritis, respond to Homeopathy as well. Some more children disorders, where homoeopathy works wonders are: Infant colic, Fever, Teething problems, Vomiting, Dysentery, Growth related problems, Convulsions (Epilepsy), Infantile Eczema, Jaundice, Brain infections (Meningitis), Fungal infections, Warts, Hair-Loss (Alopecia), Poor concentration, Arthritis in children, Psoriasis, Leucoderma (white spots), Pimples, Thyroid problems, and many more. Therefore, APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy.
Apple Clinic
SCO 258, First Floor, Sector 44 C, Chandigarh.

Category (Child Health)  |   Views ( 9295 )  |  User Rating
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Spring is in the air, and kids everywhere are getting ready to go out and play. Many children, however, spend their spring times sneezing and wheezing, problems that parents often attribute to a cold or flu. But these symptoms may be signs of something more: hay fever or asthma. "For many children, springtime is the season of discomfort,” "But it doesn't have to be." More than 14 million Indians suffer from hay fever, an allergic reaction to pollen released into the air by trees, grass and ragweed. When inhaled by an allergic person, pollen causes sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion. If your child does have a reaction, over-the-counter antihistamines (anti- allergic) and nasal sprays can offer temporary relief. Affecting up to one in nine children, asthma is a disease that causes inflammation of the airways, which leads to coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks can be triggered by cold air, respiratory infections, animal dander, exercise and pollution. In orthodox system, there is no cure for asthma, but there are different types of medicines that will help to keep it under control and relieve symptoms, leaving aside lot of side effects. These are given in the form of various broncho – dilator medicines or in the form of anti – inflammatory steroids, which are only preventing medicines. Other type of medicine can be given in the form of tablets together with steroids. Asthma and allergies are serious problems, and symptoms are often confused. Only a doctor can properly diagnose them. The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to ‘treat the patient as a whole’ or ‘patient as a person’ which is directed to heal the body – mind system from within. The constitutional treatment help the body’s own healing mechanism, enhances body’s self – recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure. "With the right help, your child can enjoy spring as much as other children." Therefore APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy.
Apple Clinic

Category (Allergy)  |   Views ( 14562 )  |  User Rating
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Helping asthma patients breathe easily with homoeopathy
If you or a family member has asthma, you know how frightening an asthma attack can be. Being diagnosed with asthma doesn’t mean an end to an active, healthy lifestyle. The truth is, although asthma is a serious and chronic illness, it’s also a very manageable one. “Asthma shouldn’t keep people from daily activities like taking the kids to the park, bringing the groceries up the stairs or walking at a shopping mall.” When you have asthma, the airways in your lungs, called bronchial tubes, become inflamed and swollen. These narrowed passageways cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Some people suffer only mild symptoms while others have such severe attacks, the results can be fatal. Unfortunately, adult asthma sometimes goes undiagnosed until an emergency arises. That’s because the symptoms of asthma can be easily confused with other illnesses, mainly respiratory infections, allergies and bronchitis. But any time you experience a cough that won’t go away, a cough that keeps you up at night, wheezing, tightness in the chest or shortness of breath, you should see a doctor. These are all possible symptoms of asthma. As far as what triggers an asthma episode or attack, the list of possibilities is long. Some of the most common asthma triggers are: colds and flu, cigarette smoke, air pollution, allergens (such as pollen, grasses, molds, dust), pet dander and saliva, changes in temperature or cold air, cockroach particles, exercise and physical activity, strong smells, such as fragrances, deodorizers, candles, paints, gas and propane. In orthodox system, there is no cure for asthma, but there are different types of medicines that will help to keep it under control and relieve symptoms, leaving aside lot of side effects. These are given in the form of various broncho – dilator medicines or in the form of anti – inflammatory steroids, which are only preventing medicines. Other type of medicine can be given in the form of tablets together with steroids. The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to ‘treat the patient as a whole’ or ‘patient as a person’ which is directed to heal the body – mind system from within. The constitutional treatment help the body’s own healing mechanism, enhances body’s self – recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure. Every patient of Asthma is evaluated as an individual case and treated as such. Therefore, APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy.
Apple Clinic

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Uterine fibroids are tumors, which grow from cells forming the muscle of the uterus (womb). It can grow on the uterine wall and push into the bladder, bowel or intestine. They can also grow within the uterine wall. No one is certain what causes uterine fibroids, but changing estrogen levels seem to play a part in their growth. For example when estrogen levels are high, as a result of pregnancy, the rate of fibroid growth increases. Many women never know they have uterine fibroids. Most uterine fibroids are found during a routine internal examination when your doctor notices a lumpy or irregular uterus .The main symptoms of uterine fibroids are: painful periods, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding which may lead to iron deficiency or anemia; frequent urination caused by pressure on the bladder; feeling of fullness or heaviness in the lower abdomen; pain in lower abdomen; backache; constipation; infertility; miscarriage. In other system of medicine generally the treatment for uterine fibroid is done either through Hormonal pills or surgery, which may cause lot of bad effects on your Health. Homoeopathy can save you from surgery and can treat it from the root cause making your life healthier. Therefore APPLE CLINIC has best solution for it.

MOB: 9915235141 PH. NO. :0172-5049975

Category (Women’s Health)  |   Views ( 10641 )  |  User Rating
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Psoriasis can be a nuisance or a nightmare. Homoeopathy can help smooth your skin
Human skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is also the most visible. Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by overproduction of skin cells that results in flaky and patchy raised areas on the skin’s surface causing silvery scales. The exact cause of psoriasis is not known. Psoriasis occurs when faulty signals in the immune system cause skin cells to grow too quickly – every 3 to 4 days instead of the usual 30-day cycle forming ‘plaques’, which are red, flaky, and scaly patches that are often itchy and uncomfortable. In addition to this it causes a great deal of pain for some patients and also emotional impact on the patient’s life. Psoriasis can be mild – localized just to knees and elbows. The milder forms are probably the most familiar to people. It can also be severe and cover 80-90% of the body. It can make the skin inflexible. The hands and feet won’t operate. You cannot type or walk. It can also be on the buttocks area. People can’t sit down. If it is on the soles of the feet, they can’t stand for long periods of time. If it itches intensely, which it can be in number of people, it becomes impossible to sleep, which makes functioning in the day difficult. It can also cause severe bleeding and splitting of the skin. Also it interferes with intimacy. It affects the entire body, so it may become difficult to have sexual contact. The most common affect of psoriasis is embarrassment. People are very aware of being looking at. They are very concerned about how people are going to react to their skin. Because of this fear of rejection is there. For this reason many people pull back from society, and from intimate relationships. Psoriasis is associated with increased risk for melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma (forms of cancer). About 15 percent of people with psoriasis have joint inflammation that produces arthritis symptoms. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis.
Homoeopathy is truly holistic system of natural medicine. In any disease condition homoeopaths seek to understand state of the individual that allows the condition to exist. For a homoeopath it is necessary to know all the hereditary, medical, environmental and personal details that make the person, and the condition from which they suffer. The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to ‘treat the patient as a whole’ or ‘patient as a person’ which is directed to heal the body – mind system from within. The constitutional treatment help the body’s own healing mechanism, enhances body’s self – recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure. Therefore, APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy. Apple clinic is a super specialized homoeopathic clinic treating more than 500 chronic patients successfully. It is an organization run by 3 doctors (Dr. Kuldeepak Rajput, Dr. Gurvinder Singh Kalra and Dr. Gunjeet Kalra). Mainly we are specialized in Psoriasis, skin allergies, Hair Loss, Asthma, White Patches.


PH: 0172-5049975,9915235141

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