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Category : Allergy
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Allergic Rhinitis is also knows as Hay fever, it causes inflammation of lining of mucus membrane of nasal cavity. This inflammation occurs when one comes in contact with something that one is allergic to. This could be pollens or moulds or dust or smoke or any strong odour. This problem occurs more often in the autumn and spring season as the pollens are widespread at this time.
The common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are sneezing, running nose and watery discharge from the eyes. There is irritation in the nose which causes sneezing to start and then watery discharge from the nose begins. There is discharge from the posterior nares that drains into the throat. This is called post nasal drip. One tends to lose the sense of smell.
In chronic cases, the nose stuffs up or gets blocked. One cannot breathe through the nose easily. Such patients are forced to breathe through their mouth and keep their mouth open. Night time is the most difficult for such patients as they find it difficult to sleep. Mouth dries up as they breathe through the mouth instead of the nose. Sometimes, ears also tend to get blocked.
Homeopathy is best placed to treat all sorts of allergies or allergic disorders. The reason for this is that it does not try to treat the symptoms of the allergies. Instead, it works to root out the cause of these allergies. The root cause in allergies happens to be a hyperactivity of the immune system. This hyperactive immune system goes into an overdrive when it comes in contact with certain things. These things may be harmless in themselves. But the immune system tends to look at them as offenders and tries to react in a defensive manner. It tries to wash them off by producing excess mucous. The homeopathic medicines repair the immune system and the hyperactivity is corrected. Then the body reacts normally to the same things that used to cause the allergies.
1. Allium Cepa- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever with watery eyes
When there is watery discharge from the eyes along with running nose, Allium Cepa is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever. The watery discharge from the nose is thin and acrid. At the same time, the discharge from the eyes is bland. The eyes become red and are sensitive to light. There is burning in the nose and eyes as from the cutting of onions. This medicine is in fact made from onions and it mimics the symptoms that occur when one cuts onions. There is the same burning in the eyes that we get when onions are being cut nearby in our presence. The patient feels better in the open air.
2. Arsenic Album- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis with intense thirst
In cases where there is intense thirst and the patient feels worse in open air, Arsenic Album is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever. There is copiuos watery and excoriating discharge from the nose. There may be restlessness and anxiety with the other symptoms of hay fever. Thirst is increased though the patient drinks a little bit of water at one time. The symptoms are likely to be worse at night. There is an increased sense of weakness which is often disproportionate to the disease.
3. Natrum Mur- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis with sneezing
In cases where there is a lot of sneezing and in fact, the symptoms start with sneezing only, Natrum Mur does wonders and is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hay fever or allergic rhinitis. There is intense dryness of the mouth and the mucous membranes. The discharge from the nose is thin and watery and resembles the white of an egg. There is an increased desire to eat salt or salty food.
4. Merc Sol- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis with sensitivity to heat and cold
When there is increased sensitivity to both heat and cold and the patient cannot tolerate either, Merc Sol is very effective and is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis or hay fever. There is a lot of sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. The patient is worse even in damp or wet weather. Increased sweating is another indication of this medicine. There is profuse salivation in the mouth. At times the salivation is so much that it keeps the mouth wet most of the time. Despite this increased salivation, the patient keeps on feeling thirsty. There may be foul smell from the mouth.
5. Arundo- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis with intense itching
When the episode begins with intense itching in the palate and the nose, Arundo is very much suited to the case and is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis or hay fever. There is a lot of burning and itching in the nose, the eyes and the roof of the mouth. Sense of smell becomes diminished.
Get in touch with HOMEO CARE CLINIC to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Scope of Homeopathy Treatment in Allergy
An allergy is the hyper immune reaction of a person to many substances which are though safe for others but harmful to an allergic people. Those substances are called allergen or antigen
there are various types allergens or antigens present in the environment such as dust mites, pollens, various foods, many drugs, cold air, strong smells of various substances like perfumes, petrol, paints.
Those antigens or allergens when enters inside body our immune cells recognize them and eliminate them out. Our immune cells like T cells (T lymphocyte) and B cells (B lymphocytes) play the major role to perform this task. In a normal person when those antigen or allergen enter inside the body the immune system eliminate them without reacting anyway, but an allergic person of hypersensitive immune system reacts to those substances vigorously. A person of hypersensitive immune system, the B cells induces the inflammatory tissue reaction called allergic reaction when comes in contact to those antigens or allergens. The B cells of a sensitized immune system when detect any such foreign protein or antigen produce certain substances called IgE antibody. In our body there are some cells called mast cells. Those mast cells contain some granules called histamine and heparin. Around the surface of mast cells numerous receptor are found called FC receptors to which the IgE antibody binds. When any allergen invade the body the B cell identifies the invader and produces the IgE antibodies that flows and attach with the FC receptor of mast cell surface.
The antigen or allergen further binds with those IgE antibodies over mast cell surface. This way of antigen and antibody fixation stimulate the mast cell to releases the histamine content around the tissues. Those histamines when comes in contact to the surrounding tissue binds to the histamine receptors (H1 receptor) present over the tissue surface and starts developing allergic reactions.
The symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, redness and itching of eyes nose are nothing but the outcomes result of histamine and tissue reaction.
So for a long term curative prospect, it is required to rectify the hypersensitivity nature of the immune system of the allergic person so that when he get exposed to the same allergens does not react adversely which he was reacting earlier. Conventional treatment helps to check the allergic symptoms by histamine receptor antagonist or leukotriene receptor antagonist method. Similarly the steroid preparation helps to minimize the inflammation of the respiratory and nasal mucous surface hence reduces the symptoms. It helps to check the allergic reaction in a short term period. Again when the person exposes to the same allergens produce same symptoms and need the same medication to stop the reaction. Therefore it becomes essential to take those medications for regular basis to check allergic reaction. As we have to live in the same environment so it is quite difficult to keep away us from those allergens at all.
Scope of Homeopathy Treatment
Constitutional Homeopathy treatment helps to rectify or modify the sensitive nature of the immune system of an allergic persons so gives a long term cure
If one person’s immune system has become hypersensitive, so under the back ground there must be something that has made it such like. So what are the things that have made the immune system so hypersensitive?
Staying always in a stressful condition for weeks or even months produces cortisol, the body's stress-induced hormone. When cortisol becomes elevated and remains so for awhile, it affects the cells that comprise your immune system. So prolonged stress condition can affect your immune system to become hypersensitive. When anybody is in stressful situation he/she may react differently to the stress. Some people feels hopeless,desperate from the stress. Some people feels frustrated, anger or vexed by the situation. Some people feel to cry out loudly or even cry while sharing their mater. A homeopathy physician searches out the exact reaction what the person express or feel out of a stress and accordingly choose the medicine. This is just a single example of selection of remedy. Similarly there are many factors needed to be considered to choose a suitable remedy for that patient.
There are different types of emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, fear, apprehension. Some people constantly suppress their natural emotions due to some unavoidable circumstance and that suppression directly affect on the immune system. so here a homeopathy physician try to find out what is the exact emotional factor has been suppressed and select accordingly one constitutional remedy which helps to modify his immune system to work normally.
The constitutional homeopathy treatment offers a long term cure to the allergic patient.Besides that there are many remedies which are given to manage the acute symptoms of allergic disease.
At the time of acute crises of allergic problem there are various medicines specifically used for a specific symptoms can be given to manage the acute condition.

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Homeopathy Cures allergy and its Complications
It is difficult to distinguish between allergy symptoms allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. This is no small problem. Of all the chronic diseases from which we suffer, allergic rhinitis is the most common. Approximately 30 million Indian or 15% of the Indian, population suffer from allergic rhinitis. Sinusitis, on the other hand, is one of the most common complications of allergic rhinitis. The problem with differentiating these two conditions occurs, because allergic rhinitis and sinusitis may both present with the same symptoms, such as fatigue, runny nose, chronic cough, congestion, post nasal drainage, headaches, facial or teeth pain, loss of taste or smell, and difficulty sleeping. Asthma, the other major complication of allergic rhinitis, is a lower airway lung disease that may present with cough, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, and in some studies, up to 40% of patients with allergies, have asthma.
Think then of a triangle: with allergic rhinitis on the left, causing sinusitis on the right, and both conditions causing asthma on the bottom. All three conditions can occur separately, but are closely interconnected. Remember that sinuses are simply empty cavities that surround the eyes. Air must be present in the sinuses to allow the linings of the sinuses to breathe and this is accomplished via small openings from the sinuses into the nasal passages. These openings also allow mucous from the sinuses to naturally drain into the nasal passages. If anything causes a blockage of the openings, the lack of air causes linings to use up the surrounding air supply, and like a vacuum, the resulting negative pressure will draw fluid out of the sinus linings. Fluid may then collect and fill the sinuses, which allows for bacteria to grow and cause infections. This can lead to facial pain, infected post nasal drainage and headaches. With increasing inflammation and thickening of the sinus linings, swollen tissue may round up and form nasal polyps that may cause and lead to loss of taste and smell. Allergic rhinitis and common viral colds are the leading causes of sinusitis, and the history and physical examination will help your provider distinguish the two conditions. Allergic rhinitis may be seasonal, lasting weeks, months or even year round, and is caused by pollen, dust mites. Fever and discolored nasal drainage are uncommon, unless sinusitis is also present. Conversely, typical viral colds last 3-7 days, so any fever, discolored drainage, sore throat, headache or fatigue lasting longer that 7 days is very unlikely to be a simple viral cold, and is most probably sinusitis. On physical examination, patients with allergic rhinitis and sinusitis may both have dark circles under the eyes (shiners), swollen, pale nasal tissue, congestion and discharge. Patients with sinusitis, however, may also have discolored discharge. Studies have shown that greater than 50-75% of allergic adults and children with asthma have abnormal sinus, and asthmatic symptoms did not improve until the sinusitis is treated completely.
Most patients 10-20% of the population with sneezing, congestion, runny and itchy nose rhinitis, postnasal drip and itchy, red eyes during spring and fall have allergies to seasonal pollens. A high percentage of allergic individuals will be children. Whether someone will develop

Allergies depends on two factors: (1) Hereditary - Is there a family history of allergy?
(2) Environmental- Is the individual old enough and been exposed to enough pollen? Symptoms due to allergies may be severe enough to cause a loss of time from work and school.

Interestingly, a percentage of patients with classic symptoms will be absolutely and unequivocally negative on skin testing. Allergy injections are not indicated and not possible, because these patients are not allergic. And yet patients are just as symptomatic, and just as miserable as the rest of us. How is this possible and what treatment is available?
Definition and Pathophysiology
The diagnosis of rhinitis without positive skin tests is divided into two subgroups. One subgroup, non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia, presents with allergy symptoms in addition to conditions such as nasal polyps and nasal eosinophilia, asthma and frequently sinusitis. The other subgroup, vasomotor rhinitis, presents with symptoms, especially congestion, but lacks other associated conditions.

The nasal mucosal lining has a rich blood supply that is under the control of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system. Nonspecific stimuli such as rapid changes in weather, temperature and humidity, drafts, exposure to chemicals, odors, perfumes, smoke and dust, emotions or stress may increase blood flow to tissue, resulting in swelling, congestion and rhinitis. A significantly deviated septum may induce changes in the mucosa, worsen the non-allergic or vasomotor rhinitis and cause more nasal congestion and drainage. Hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, hypothyroidism and oral contraceptives may cause symptoms of chronic non-allergic rhinitis.
Clinical Features
Patients complain of chronic nasal congestion, rhinitis, postnasal drip and sneezing. Congestion and blockage may alternate from side to side and are usually constant, though seasonal weather changes may trigger symptoms that mimic dust allergies. Symptoms may be worse upon awakening in the morning. Examination reveals marked pink or pale nasal swelling obstruction and thick nasal secretions. In all cases, skin tests are negative. Patients with non-allergic but not vasomotor rhinitis will have eosinophils present in nasal secretions and frequently nasal polyps complicating the obstruction.
Sinusitis is an infection or inflammation of sinuses. Sinuses are the air-filled pockets or spaces found in the bones of face, around eyes and nose. They produce mucus, which, under normal circumstances, drains into the nose. Normally the sinuses produce about 1.5 litres of mucus a day and the quantity increases during allergy, inflammation and infection and this also changes the character of the mucus. Infection of sinuses is one of the common health care complaints.

Sinusitis occurs when the mucus-producing lining of sinuses become inflamed and block the opening of the sinuses. Due to this, foreign material cannot get out, oxygen levels drop within the sinus and bacteria in the nasal cavity slither into the sinuses causing the sinus walls to swell and fill with pus. If the infection does not subside, the body sends in disease-fighting cells to kill the bacteria, which in turn can do considerable damage to the sinus walls. These defender cells can damage the cilia, the hair-like structure in the sinuses that help expel foreign matter. In addition, scarring can be caused which can result in the formation of sores.
Causes of Sinusitis
Infection due to bacteria, virus, fungi
Allergy: Most commonest causes are dust, animal dander, smoke, food and pollutants
Upper respiratory tract infection such as common cold or flu
Nasal polyps
Nasal Septum deviation
Chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis
Climatic factors like sudden temperature changes
Swimming in infected water
Low immunity
Dental causes like an abscessed or badly decayed tooth, following dental treatment
Diseases like diabetes and HIV can create a predisposition to sinusitis
Symptoms of sinusitis
Nasal congestion leading to nasal obstruction, difficulty breathing through the nose
Thick nasal discharge (may be yellowish or greenish in colour in case of infection)
Sensation of fullness in the face
Sensation of pressure behind the eyes
Postnasal drip
Cheeks feel tender and pain may be similar to toothache in upper jaw
Mild fever and headache over one or both eyes (if frontal sinuses are affected)
Headache is usually worse in the mornings and made sharper by bending forwards
Sore throat
Foul smell in nose
Nasal sounding speech
Possibly, pus-like nasal discharge
Dry tickling cough
Asthmatic Attack
In the initial stage there is an asthmatic aura sometimes sneezing, flatulence, Drowsiness or restlessness irritability will be present. There can be a dry cough along with wheezing breathlessness these are some of the symptoms before the actual asthmatic attack.
Sense of oppression in the chest suddenly in the middle of the night is experienced.
There is a sense of suffocation and the patient leans forward fighting for his breath; or he may go to the open window to relieve the suffocation.
Anxiety, perspiration, cold extremities and cyanosis might be present.
Wheezing is present and can be heard from a distant.
In severe airways obstruction airflow maybe so reduced that the chest is almost silent on auscultation.
Inspiration is short and high pitched while the expiration is prolonged. On auscultation there are plenty of rhonchi and rales heard.
Termination is spontaneous or due to medication. As the bronchial spasm is less the patient is able to breathe and he can also cough which brings out viscid sputum which relieves him.
The duration of the attack varies from a few minutes to hours. The attacks can last for many hours in paroxysms this state is known as Status asthmaticus. In this state the patient has to be admitted to the hospital so that he can be supplied with oxygen and other auxiliary methods of treatment
For many patients with asthma, the concern that this “reversible” though serious, potentially life-threatening persistent lung disease may progress into emphysema, is real and worrisome. After all, asthma along with emphysema and chronic bronchitis, the latter two conditions known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD), all have inflammation with airway narrowing, mucus production and airway obstruction. Homeopathy Management

Suppression of colds by high doses of conventional medicine leads to recurrent attacks. When you use a groom to clean your room, do you push all the dust in a corner of the room or collect it and throw away? It is a common sense that if you push to the corner of the room, in due course the dust will spread in the entire room again and make it dirtier. Same is the case with the disease affecting your body. If you suppress the disease, where will it go? It will remain in dormant state inside the body and express itself again when the body meets any of the allergic triggers. The homeopathic medicines however through the principle of “like cures like” stimulate the vital force and immunity in order to enhance the body’s capacity to repel further allergies and infections. The constitutional medicines that are found by considering the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual can only lead him on the road of permanent recovery from those allergic spells. Not only these medicines cater the problem of allergy but also impart great health on all planes, as it treats the patient as a whole and not just his disease.

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Empowering Patients
There is an old Chinese saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

From times immemorial, the practice of medicine has been a closely guarded secret. The physician is the “know all” and the patient is the “ignorant recipient” who was expected to blindly follow the orders. The medicinal concoctions were a secret. The prescriptions were in Greek or Latin.

I strongly feel that being a doctor-patient team and enabling patients is a better method of caring, curing and healing.

I deal with asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease which will stay with the patient. It can be controlled but it can’t be cured.

In chronic diseases, if a good outcome is desired, the doctor and the patient have to work as a team. The role of the doctor is more about teaching and less about doctoring. It is about empowering and enabling the patient to manage the disease himself/herself. Power must lie in the hands of the patient !!

Enabling patients does not make the doctor weaker. In fact he becomes stronger.

Can all patients be enabled and empowered ? Do all patients want to empowered ? Can all patients even comprehend the concept of empowerment? The answer is NO. Not all.

Some patients shy away from taking this responsibility. They like the doctor to hold their hand and lead the way. They do not want to be or find themselves incapable of being a part of the decision making process. Some may even think that the doctor is unsure/incompetent to be asking and wanting to know the patient’s preference.

I had a previous patient of mine bring her old mother from a village to come and see me for her medical problem. On my asking her “ Mataji, what is your problem” her response was “that is for you to find out”. And the look said it all: “You said he is a good doctor, but he seems to be an idiot. He’s asking me what the problem is.

Patients who claim they want to be empowered also become shaky when it comes to the crunch. I remember reading a very interesting study from the Mayo Clinics. They asked 100 healthy women in the age group of 50-60 years that if they were to be diagnosed with breast cancer, would they like the treatment modality (surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy) be explained to them and then they themselves decide what they want or would they like the doctor to decide what is best for them. As expected, a majority said they would like to decide for themselves. Another 100 recently diagnosed breast cancer patients were also posed the same question. Surprisingly, when the cancer was actually there, a majority of the women wanted the doctor to be the one to take this final call.

So, even though notionally the concept of self empowerment is attractive, when push comes to shove, many patients may still entrust this responsibility with the doctor.

No two patients think alike. So a doctors job is not only to diagnose the patients ailment, but also diagnose how mush to empower the patient. Herein lies the art and joy of medicine!!

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एलर्जी से होगा बचाव, करें ये उपाय
एलर्जी से होगा बचाव, करें ये उपाय
एलर्जी या अति संवेदनशीलता आज की लाइफ में बहुत तेजी से बढ़ती हुई सेहत की बड़ी परेशानी है कभी कभी एलर्जी गंभीर परेशानी का भी सबब बन जाती है जब हमारा शरीर किसी पदार्थ के प्रति अति संवेदनशीलता दर्शाता है तो इसे एलर्जी कहा जाता है और जिस पदार्थ के प्रति प्रतिकिर्या दर्शाई जाती है उसे एलर्जन कहा जाता है l
एलर्जी के कारण –
एलर्जी किसी भी पदार्थ से ,मौसम के बदलाव से या आनुवंशिकता जन्य हो सकती है एलर्जी के कारणों में धूल ,धुआं ,मिटटी पराग कण, पालतू या अन्य जानवरों के संपर्क में आने से ,सौंदर्य प्रशाधनों से ,कीड़े बर्रे आदि के काटने से,खाद्य पदार्थों से एवं कुछ अंग्रेजी दवाओ के उपयोग से एलर्जी हो सकती है सामान्तया एलर्जी नाक ,आँख ,श्वसन प्रणाली ,त्वचा व खान पान से सम्बंधित होती है किन्तु कभी कभी पूरे शरीर में एक साथ भी हो सकती है जो की गंभीर हो सकती है l
स्थानानुसार एलर्जी के लक्षण -
1. नाक की एलर्जी -नाक में खुजली होना ,छीकें आना ,नाक बहना ,नाक बंद होना या बार बार जुकाम होना आदि l
2.आँख की एलर्जी -आखों में लालिमा ,पानी आना ,जलन होना ,खुजली आदि l
3.श्वसन संस्थान की एलर्जी -इसमें खांसी ,साँस लेने में तकलीफ एवं अस्थमा जैसी गंभीर समस्या हो सकती है l
4.त्वचा की एलर्जी -त्वचा की एलर्जी काफी कॉमन है और बारिश का मौसम त्वचा की एलर्जी के लिए बहुत ज्यादा मुफीद है त्वचा की एलर्जी में त्वचा पर खुजली होना ,दाने निकलना ,एक्जिमा ,पित्ती उछलना आदि होता है l
5.खान पान से एलर्जी -बहुत से लोगों को खाने पीने की चीजों जैसे दूध ,अंडे ,मछली ,चॉकलेट आदि से एलर्जी होती है l
6.सम्पूर्ण शरीर की एलर्जी -कभी कभी कुछ लोगों में एलर्जी से गंभीर स्तिथि उत्पन्न हो जाती है और सारे शरीर मंक एक साथ गंभीर लक्षण उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं ऐसी स्तिथि में तुरंत हॉस्पिटल लेकर जाना चाहिए l
7.अंग्रेजी दवाओं से एलर्जी-कई अंग्रेजी दवाएं भी एलर्जी का सबब बन जाती हैं जैसे पेनिसिलिन का इंजेक्शन जिसका रिएक्शन बहुत खतरनाक होता है और मौके पर ही मोत हो जाती है इसके अलावा दर्द की गोलियां,सल्फा ड्रग्स एवं कुछ एंटीबायोटिक दवाएं भी सामान्य से गंभीर एलर्जी के लक्षण उत्पन्न कर सकती हैं l
8.मधु मक्खी ततैया आदि का काटना –इनसे भी कुछ लोगों में सिर्फ त्वचा की सूजन और दर्द की परेशानी होती है जबकि कुछ लोगों को इमर्जेन्सी में जाना पड़ जाता है l
एलर्जी से बचाव -
एलर्जी से बचाव ही एलर्जी का सर्वोत्तम इलाज है इसलिए एलर्जी से बचने के लिए इन उपायों का पालन करना चाहिए 1.य़दि आपको एलर्जी है तो सर्वप्रथम ये पता करें की आपको किन किन चीजों से एलर्जी है इसके लिए आप ध्यान से अपने खान पान और रहन सहन को वाच करें l
2. घर के आस पास गंदगी ना होने दें l
3. घर में अधिक से अधिक खुली और ताजा हवा आने का मार्ग प्रशस्त करें l
4. जिन खाद्य पदार्थों से एलर्जी है उन्हें न खाएं l
5. एकदम गरम से ठन्डे और ठन्डे से गरम वातावरण में ना जाएं l
6. बाइक चलाते समय मुंह और नाक पर रुमाल बांधे,आँखों पर धूप का अच्छी क़्वालिटी का चश्मा लगायें l
7. गद्दे, रजाई,तकिये के कवर एवं चद्दर आदि समय समय पर गरम पानी से धोते रहे l
8. रजाई ,गद्दे ,कम्बल आदि को समय समय पर धूप दिखाते रहे l
9. पालतू जानवरों से एलर्जी है तो उन्हें घर में ना रखें l
10.ज़िन पौधों के पराग कणों से एलर्जी है उनसे दूर रहे l
11.घर में मकड़ी वगैरह के जाले ना लगने दें समय समय पर साफ सफाई करते रहे l
12. धूल मिटटी से बचें ,यदि धूल मिटटी भरे वातावरण में काम करना ही पड़ जाये तो फेस मास्क पहन कर काम करेंl
13. नाक की एलर्जी -जिन लोगों को नाक की एलर्जी बार बार होती है उन्हें सुबह भूखे पेट 1 चम्मच गिलोय और 2 चम्मच आंवले के रस में 1चम्मच शहद मिला कर कुछ समय तक लगातार लेना चाहिए इससे नाक की एलर्जी में आराम आता है ,सर्दी में घर पर बनाया हुआ या किसी अच्छी कंपनी का च्यवनप्राश खाना भी नासिका एवं साँस की एलर्जी से बचने में सहायता करता है आयुर्वेद की दवा सितोपलादि पाउडर एवं गिलोय पाउडर को 1-1 ग्राम की मात्रा में सुबह शाम भूखे पेट शहद के साथ कुछ समय तक लगातार लेना भी नाक एवं श्वसन संस्थान की एलर्जी में बहुत आराम देता हैl
14. जिन्हे बार बार त्वचा की एलर्जी होती है उन्हें मार्च अप्रेल के महीने में जब नीम के पेड़ पर कच्ची कोंपलें आ रही हों उस समय 5-7 कोंपलें 2-3 कालीमिर्च के साथ अच्छी तरह चबा चबा कर 15-20 रोज तक खाना त्वचा के रोगों से बचाता है, हल्दी से बनी आयुर्वेद की दवा हरिद्रा खंड भी त्वचा के एलर्जी जन्य रोगों में बहुत गुणकारी है इसे किसी आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक की राय से सेवन कर सकते हैं l
सभी एलर्जी जन्य रोगों में खान पान और रहन सहन का बहुत महत्व है इसलिए अपना खान पान और रहन सहन ठीक रखते हुए यदि ये उपाय अपनाएंगे तो अवश्य एलर्जी से लड़ने में सक्षम होंगे और एलर्जी जन्य रोगों से बचे रहेंगे एलर्जी जन्य रोगों में अंग्रेजी दवाएं रोकथाम तो करती हैं लेकिन बीमारी को जड़ से ख़त्म नहीं करती है जबकि आयुर्वेद की दवाएं यदि नियम पूर्वक ली जाती है तो रोगों को जड़ से ख़त्म करने की ताकत रखती हैं l
Dr.Manoj Gupta-
Ansal Palam Vihar,Gurgaon

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Allergic rhinitis is one of the most commonly diagnosed health disorders among children. AR affects up to 20 percent of children. Boys are twice as likely to get allergic rhinitis as girls. The median age of onset of the condition is 10 years old, meaning that equal numbers of children develop the condition before and after age 10. Half of children develop the condition before age 10, and half after that time. Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic disease in children. About one in five children has symptoms by the age of 2 or 3 years .A study in found that 42% of children were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis by the age of six. Commonly called hay fever. Allergy symptoms can have a profound effect on a child’s health, behavior and ability to learn. Left untreated, allergic rhinitis also can lead to a host of other serious conditions, including asthma, recurrent middle-ear infections, sinusitis, sleep disorders and chronic cough.
The present study is undertaken to study the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. 100 cases were studied. Out of which 55% recovered ; 35 % improved & 10 % did not improve.

Allergic Rhinitis presents with the following symptoms:
1. Nasal allergies typically feature a clear nasal discharge with sneezing.
2. There may be itchy, watery eyes & / a dry cough.
3. Parents often notice a “rabbit nose” – A child crinkling her nose to relieve the itchy sensation inside.
4. “Allergic shiners” – dark circles under the eyes, have long been associated with allergies, but are less predictive than the other symptoms.
5. “ Allergic Salute” – A common habit of children which consists of rubbing their nose upwards. This is usually because the nose is itchy & this practice can lead to a small crease in the skin of the lower part of the nose.
6. Mouth breathing often leads to dryness & cracking of the lips & children are often very thirsty & may wake at night for a drink of water.

Types Of Allergic Rhinitis:
The two categories of allergic rhinitis include:
1. Seasonal - occurs particularly during pollen seasons. Seasonal allergic rhinitis does not usually develop until after four years of age.
2. Perennial – occurs throughout the year. This type of allergic rhinitis is commonly seen in younger children.
• Allergic Rhinitis in children is a commonly prevalent condition all over the world.
• Every year millions of people use over the counter (OTC) products to relieve nasal stuffiness & conditions like sneezing, running nose, sore throat & cough. The common causes of these symptoms include allergic rhinitis (Hay fever).
• Allergic rhinitis, which occurs during a specific season, is called “Seasonal allergic rhinitis”. When it occurs throughout the year, it is called “Perennial Allergic Rhinitis”.
• Allergic rhinitis in children is a common clinical condition we encounter in our OPD & the fact is that, Homoeopathy can deal with this state effectively.
• In such a common clinical condition, the conventional system of medicine has a limited scope & treat this clinical condition with antihistamines, decongestants, topical & systemic steroids, which in addition to sedation, can produce dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, tremors, dry mouth & poor concentration. Occasionally blood dyscracias have been reported & sensitization can occur with urticaria & eczema.
• Allergic rhinitis in children if left untreated may lead to chronic sinusitis, otitis media, allergic bronchitis etc.
• Homoeopathic medicines have been found to be having good scope in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. Hence there is a need for a systematic & scientific study.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to fulfill the following objectives:
• To study the pattern of presentation of allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the miasmatic background and its implication on allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the Homoeopathic management of allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children.

Material and Methods:
The subject for this study were taken from A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, OPD/IPD and village health camps.


Following is the inclusion criteria fixed for the study:
Subjects from 0-12 years and of both the sexes irrespective of socioeconomic status.
Following is the exclusion criteria fixed for the study:
• Subjects with active treatment for any other chronic disease.
• Subjects with worm infestations having high eosinophil count.
Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion & exclusion criterias. A detailed case history was taken with clinical presentation.
Patients were reviewed on every seventh day for the first two months and later every 15 days for the remaining period of study.
No sampling procedure was adapted.
All the cases of allergic rhinitis were taken for the study, between the periods of December 2005 to 30th June 2008. (No new cases were taken up for the study after June 2008). Total Number of cases = 100.

(A) Subjective: General condition; Appetite; Thirst; Bowels; Sleep; Itching.
(B) Objective: Sneezing; Nasal discharge; Nasal obstruction.

Conclusion: The following valid conclusion can be drawn from the study.
1. The maximum incidence of the patients suffering from allergic rhinitis is in the age group of 2-10 years.
2. Males were found to be more prone to allergic rhinitis compared to females in this study.
3. The constitutional remedies which gave maximum benefit to the patients were mainly Ars Album, Nux Vom, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Nat Mur, Kali mur, Silicea, Calc carb, Natrum sulph & Kali bich.
4. The constitutional remedies gave maximum relief to the patients. The patient improved faster after the administration of constitutional remedies.
5. The miasmatic and constitutional approach of treatment was only successful when they were integrated. This study gave me a better idea in my attempt to treat cases of Allergic rhinitis.
6. Homoeopathic Management of Allergic rhinitis is able to annihilate the disease and helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of the episode of Allergic rhinitis.
7. There is a better scope in Homoeopathic for the treatment of Allergic rhinitis, since the treatment is based on holistic and individualistic approach.
8. Homoeopathic remedies not only annihilate the disease but also prevents the complications associated with it. However further studies need to be carried out to understand the finer menaces of the disease.
9. This was a modest effort on my part to find the role of Homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of different types of Allergic rhinitis and the response in this study is quite satisfactory. Dr. Nahida M.Mulla.M.D.
Vice Principal.
Professor of Repertory & PG Guide.
HOD Paediatric OPD.
A.M.Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Nehru Nagar, Belgaum – 590010.
Mobile – 9448814660.

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When Your body Screams No! or you can say when your protective force (Immune System) is unable to protect you became less or no caring for you or
When your immune system turn on itself, there is a war within the means the proteins in the form of B and T Lyphocytes of your body or mixture of Antigen Antibody complex with complement complex becomes allergent to you ,a protein or an organ is no more tolerated by our body or Immune system and it cecomes hyperactive to it itself or on provocation of some external allergens ,it causes Autoimmune Disease and as it mostly involves connective tissue like muscles,joints,Blood vessels etc it is also called as Connective tissue diorder.
As we know this protective Immune system by making either B lymphocytes or Tlymphocytes protects us when ever an acute (Viral fever,Bacterial infection-skin ulcer,pharyngitis, diarrhoea,jaundice)or Chronic infection (TB,Leprosy)invade or attacks us ,they self contain the offending agent either by killing it immediately or converting a protective Antigen Antibody complex making it is totally unharmful for our body.But here this immune sytem which is broken by HIV infections or make less reactive using Immunusupressants like Steroid,Mycopholate,,Tacrolimus,Cycloserine,like medicine in Asthma,Transplant surgery or treating patients with anti cancer drugs which kill Blood cells or lymphocytes the Sanik of our Immune system or Diabetes or any other chronic infection or old age or child age where our Immune system is less reactive leads to somany opputunistic infections to us or our Body cannot control the infections and infections turns into septicaemia leading to more morbidity and mortality.
But in this order this system or its complex antigen antibody becomes injurious to us and produce a variety of diseases,few of them has been enumerated below.Just like a Police officer attacks you instead of protecting you? Or if, instead of getting the bad guys behind bar to protect you, he decides to put you behind bars?
This is exactly what happens when your body's immune system mistakenly turns on your own healthy organs and attacks them, resulting in autoimmune disorders. When the attack is on a single organ system such diseases are called 'organ-specific' autoimmune diseases (e.g., type 1 diabetes), whereas when the attack is more widespread and affects many organs the diseases are termed as 'systemic' autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis). Your immune system may also react to a foreign substance that it normally would ignore (akin to a cop arresting an infant) resulting in an immune reaction commonly termed as an 'allergy'. Here are some major autoimmune disorders and how to cope with them.
Diagnosing this disorder can be complicated as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) symptoms tend to vary from patient to patient, are unpredictable, and follow an up and down course.
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease wherein your body's immune system attacks various organs including the joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart and lungs, making it a potentially life-threatening illness. "While lupus is quite rare (affects 1 in 40,000 people), it is a dramatic disease..
“Lupus affects young women between 13 and 40 years. "Environmental factors, family history, exposure to oestrogen and smoking, and viral infections are other common risk factors.”
These include arthritis, kidney problems, low platelet and WBC counts, psychosis (manic episodes), rashes on face, especially after-sun exposure, mouth sores, and swelling of the lung and heart lining.Rash bilaterl on cheek is diagnostic when localised to this area is also called DLE otherwise SLE when other organs like muscle ,Joints,Lung, Liver, Kidneys and Blood vessels are affected.
This is difficult to diagnose. Doctors will order blood tests to measure your blood cell count, ESR, kidney and liver functions, and the presence of anti-nuclear antibodies (indicative of an autoimmune disease) as well as urine tests to detect increased protein or red blood cells. A false-positive syphilis test may also be indicative of lupus.
“About 10 to 15 years ago, the 5-year mortality rates were 80% . But with improved treatment options, 90% of patients survive for 20 years,.Treatment includes immunosuppresants and immunomodulating agents like steroids. "There are many side effects of steroid use, so it is a matter of balancing the side effects of the drug and the disease symptoms,”.
Although joint pain and inflammation are the most visible symptoms, this disorder affects every organ in the body; treating it early and aggressively is the best way to tackle the disease.
"The name is a misnomer," . Although classified as an autoimmune musculo-skeletal disorder with most visible symptoms like joint pain/inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects every organ in the body. 'We have outstanding medication to treat RA nowadays." low-dose methotrexate (LDMTX) is the 'central anchor drug' for the treatment of RA.
Although the cause is unknown, RA is more common in women. Among the confirmed risk factors are gum disease (periodonitis) and affects children too and Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis is a seriuos as adult one.
Early diagnosis is very crucial. "Symptoms to watch out for include: joint pain and swelling, long-lasting early morning stiffness, fever, weight loss and fatigue.”
Diagnosis is arrived at after clinical examination of the patients and blood tests to detect
presence of rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti- CCP) antibodies. A negative result for rheumatoid factor is not indicative of lack of the disease as this factor is detectable in only 75 to 80% patients.
There has been a “quiet revolution" in treating RA, a. Besides LDMTX, other drugs prescribed may include non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), steroids, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS), and immunosuppresants.
“An exciting new discovery is that smoking is a trigger for autoimmune genes to become active”
This condition is characterised by relapses (when new symptoms appear) and remissions (when symptoms improve on their own).
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which your body's immune system destroys the protective covering on your nerves. This interferes with the communication between your brain and the rest of your body. This ultimately causes irreversible damage to the nerves themselves, which interferes with the functions that are controlled by the nervous system vision, speech, walking etc.
“Women are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to get the manifests itself in younger people between 20 and 30 years of age.”Asian people are less at risk; it typically affects North Europeans." Genetics, infections, and the presence of other autoimmune conditions are also risk factors.
These include loss of vision in one eye, weakness/paralysis of legs, arms, head and neck muscles weakness, tremors, fatigue, and difficulty in swallowing or speaking.
The availability of the MRI has revolutionised diagnosis and treatment. "You can spot lesions in the brain very early in the disease" . Other tests include electrical tests that document the velocity of impulses from various parts of the body to the brain and a spinal tap.
In many cases, minor symptoms resolve themselves without any treatment. Treatments to control symptoms include immuno-modulating drugs like interferon and glatiramer which slow down the appearance of symptoms and steroids and mitoxantrone to suppress the immune system. However, interferons are very expensive (Rs 25,000 to 30,000 a month) and therefore not accessible to many. Currently, many drugs are in trial and the outlook is optimistic.
Although most common in children, this form of diabetes (also known as juvenile onset diabetes) is not easily recognised.
Type 1 diabetes is a condition where your pancreas produces very little or no insulin, the hormone needed to process sugar to produce energy.
Risk factors include family history, genetics, geographical location, exposure to certain viruses, as well as dietary factors like low Vitamin D levels. This disorder is commonly seen in young children (peak age of onset is 12 or 13 years) and in women.
“Onset is more dramatic, and if not diagnosed, this condition can potentially be fatal.In a lot of cases, the diagnosis is made when the child presents acute complications. Stay vigilant for symptoms like weight loss, excessive urination, hunger, blurred vision, fatigue, etc.
Diagnosis is primarily done based on patient history and age. Abnormal blood sugar levels show up in a random blood sugar test and a glycated haemoglobin (A1C) test. Specific blood tests to confirm diagnosis include checking for the presence of GAD antibody, islet cell antibody, and insulin auto-antibodies.
Life-long treatment with insulin is the only option available currently. Patients are also advised to eat right, exercise, and diligently monitor their blood glucose levels.
This autoimmune disorder is characterised by chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland leading to either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Thyroiditis is a condition wherein the immune cells attack the thyroid gland causing inflammation. This chronic inflammation leads to thyroid cell damage. Depending on the rapidity of the damage, a patient can develop hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Various factors including heredity, gender (women are more susceptible), age (middleaged women), and viral infections playa role. "There is a 50% concurrence in
identical twins indicating that the trigger is 50% genetic and 50% environmental.
Generalised symptoms may include fever, weight loss, puffiness and joint pain. Typical hypothyroidism symptoms include constipation, weight gain, lethargy and dry skin. Typical hyperthyroidism symptoms include cardiac problems, weight loss, diarrhoea and tremors.
Thyroid function tests and blood tests are normally done.
Hypothyroidism is treated with synthetic thyroid hormones. Treatment for hyperthyroidism includes drugs to reduce the effect of excessive thyroid hormones. For example, beta blockers may be prescribed to reduce the impact on the heart. Surgery or radiotherapy to destroy the thyroid gland is also an option.
What are allergies?
Allergies are another form of immune system error which occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance (allergen) such as pollen, dust, food, or any other allergen that it would otherwise typically ignore. The resulting symptoms can range from minor irritation to a potentially life-threateninq emergency.
Common allergens
• Dust, pollen, mould
• Penicllin-based antibiotics
• Insect bites (bees, wasps)
• Eggs, nuts, dairy products, wheat
• Skin test
• Blood tests
Avoid the allergen
Take steroids, antihistamines, decongestants to relieve symptoms
Purified allergen shots
Epinephrine shots in emergencies
Backed with HLAB 27 gene in blood here both Sacroiliac joints gets stiff and rigid and gradually whole spine like a bamboo,affects more male than female ,anti steoid analgesic and physiotherapy is only help.
Psoriatic Arthritis
here a skin infection leading to multiple presentation starting from a bullae to keratineous hypersclrosis with most debilitating incurable skin disease needing stroid and immunosupressants for control with joint and muscleinvolvements need physiotherapy.
Sjogren's syndrome
here all saliva producing glands and lacrimal glands are involved ,patient doesnot have tear or salive in mouth leading to dryness of eye demanding repeated infections and severe xerostomia where digestion of food and deglutation becomes very problematic.
Here mouth and skin of patients becomes thickened as antigen antibody comples settles at subcutaneous tissue leading to a very small stoma of mouth and skins become dry,unstrchable producing ulcers and gradually lung,oesophagus is involved leading to sever respiratory distress and severe dysphagia.
here multiple ulcers develops in large colon and lower part of small gut producing severe diarrhoea with pus and mucus in early stage which becomes fatal gradually and can develop internal fistulae or cancer too.
Good pasture Syndrome
here antigen antibody comples settles at nephrons and damaging them leading to renal failure.
therefore these are few Autoimmune Diorders enlisted beside this now a days Antiphospholod Syndrome where Cardiolipin Antibodies appear agains Phoshpholipid of cell wall and produce arteritis,still birth and miscarriage in pregant mother and involves Liver,Kidey,Muscles and joints in adult leading to Heart and lung failure.
More and more research will establish new and new facts more diseases likeAlzehmier and Psychosomatic diseases are also previewd in this category as more research will define Immune system more clearly and its complex agents and factors will be discovered more and more our understanding of Immune system will establish when we shall see that many cancers too will be attributed due to its falacy,so this subject is very vast and this century will establish its more clearly to us and more treatment inform of Gene and Stem cell therapy will come beside good immunosupressants medicines.

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Spring is in the air, and kids everywhere are getting ready to go out and play. Many children, however, spend their spring times sneezing and wheezing, problems that parents often attribute to a cold or flu. But these symptoms may be signs of something more: hay fever or asthma. "For many children, springtime is the season of discomfort,” "But it doesn't have to be." More than 14 million Indians suffer from hay fever, an allergic reaction to pollen released into the air by trees, grass and ragweed. When inhaled by an allergic person, pollen causes sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion. If your child does have a reaction, over-the-counter antihistamines (anti- allergic) and nasal sprays can offer temporary relief. Affecting up to one in nine children, asthma is a disease that causes inflammation of the airways, which leads to coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks can be triggered by cold air, respiratory infections, animal dander, exercise and pollution. In orthodox system, there is no cure for asthma, but there are different types of medicines that will help to keep it under control and relieve symptoms, leaving aside lot of side effects. These are given in the form of various broncho – dilator medicines or in the form of anti – inflammatory steroids, which are only preventing medicines. Other type of medicine can be given in the form of tablets together with steroids. Asthma and allergies are serious problems, and symptoms are often confused. Only a doctor can properly diagnose them. The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to ‘treat the patient as a whole’ or ‘patient as a person’ which is directed to heal the body – mind system from within. The constitutional treatment help the body’s own healing mechanism, enhances body’s self – recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure. "With the right help, your child can enjoy spring as much as other children." Therefore APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy.
Apple Clinic

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Nasal Rinsing for asthma, sinusitis, chronic nasopharyngitis, and cough
Nasal rinsing ( Jal Neti) has a long history amongst Yoga, meditation and breathing exercise enthusiasts. Many people consider routine nasal rinsing to be as much a part of their personal hygiene as teeth brushing and bathing. The constant exposure to air pollution, secondhand
smoke, breathing bacteria, and mucus-forming diets makes this form of personal hygiene particularly important today. I see a number of patients with asthma, chronic cough, frequent URT infections every day in Chennai. This simple procedure ( that costs nothing!) can provide huge relief & even eradicate mild conditions. Please share this with all your patients to breathe free to a healthy life.

Chronic low-grade infection in the nasal passages and sinuses is very widespread today. Japanese medical research has associated this with a wide range of health problems. Aside from the obvious respiratory system afflictions like sinusitis, chronic cough and asthma, nasopharyngitis affects the body through a number of mechanisms:

1. Chronic focal infection can eventually become systemic and cause inflammation and/or weakness of soft tissue (fascia, ligaments, tendons and muscles) throughout the body. Soft tissue dysfunctions as wide ranging as sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, TMJ, diaphragmatic
problems and fibromyalgia have been successfully treated in part or completely through long-term cleansing of the nasopharyngeal system.

2. Unresolved infection chronically stresses many of the coping mechanisms of the body, resulting in fatigue of and imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. For example, Physicians in Japan have successfully treated illnesses involving autonomic nervous system
imbalance such as essential hypertension and depression by resolving chronic nasal and sinus infection through the rinsing program described below.

3. Sinus congestion puts pressure on the sphenoid bone, which in turn can affect pituitary functioning and, with this, the entire hormonal system (the pituitary gland is one of the control towers of the body’s hormonal system).

At the very least, a routine nasopharyngeal rinsing program will provide you with improved sense of smell, improved sense of taste, a heightened clarity of thought, and increased sense of vitality.

Required Materials:
A Nasal Rinsing Device (dropper or netty pot), Bancha tea or echinacea and goldenseal combination, sea salt.
Preparation of Nasal Rinsing Solution:

Prepare a rinsing solution with a pinch of sea salt for every quarter of a cup of strong green tea (Bancha tea).

The point is to create

a hypertonic solution so that water does not cause swelling of the tissues. Salt content can be adjusted, as you become familiar with the procedure. Bring the solution to body temperature, by cooling it or mixing in some cold water.

The Rinsing Procedure:
- Fill the nasal rinsing device with the solution.
- Hang your head over a bathtub or sink.
- Place your thumb over the large hole on the rinsing device.
- Rotate your head 90 degrees to the right.
- Plug your left nostril.
- Insert the tapered hole of the device into your right nostril.
- Release your thumb from the large hole.
- Allow the solution to drain by gravity (do not inhale) into your nose.
- The solution will eventually work its way to the back of your throat (this may not occur the first time, but when it does, spit the
solution out)
- Perform this procedure with at least two rinsing device volumes through each nostril.
- After each volume, gently blow out through the rinsed nostril to expel loosened material (plugging the opposite nostril while you do this)
Frequently Encountered Problems / Concerns:
Depending on how congested your system is, you may find it takes several times before the procedure runs smoothly. It may take several times before encrusted material is moistened and dislodged. Do not force things. Be patient.

The rinsing procedure may produce uncomfortable burning sensations and headaches the first few times you try this. You may need to adjust the salt content. You may need to ensure you are not using chlorinated tap water. But be patient. After a few days, these problems will pass and you will be on to a brighter and clearer experience. Do not stop at the first signs of discomfort.
You can perform this with water and sea salt but the green tea is found to have an antibacterial effect. Some people also use 10-15 drops of Echinacea tincture (or equal proportions of Echinacea, Goldenseal and Dandelion) with the sea salt.

It is important to eventually run the solution through your nostril to the back of your throat.
It is important not to inhale when allowing the solution to drain into your nostril by gravity.
To obtain lasting and maximum benefit, it is very important to commit to this procedure 4-5 times a week for up to 2 months at a time

Some additional information for Doctors


Traditionally, the upper respiratory system is the first system in the body to be attacked by external pathogenic factors. These “attacks” will mostly present as ENT (ear, nose throat)
infections, acute common colds and/or the flu. If the pathogenic factor is not treated, it may proceed and invade the inner layers of the body, influencing and disturbing all systems1. In some cases, when the invading pathogenic factor is not sufficiently treated, the patient may appear healthy from a symptomatic point of view but some pathogenic bacteria, virus and/or
fungi may remain alive and they will reside in a hidden location which the initial (sometimes partial) treatment did not reach. This focal infection2 can reside in the body for years, weaken the immune system and erupt every time the body is stressed and/or weakened. In this case,
the upper respiratory system (usually the sinuses, oropharynx and the nasopharynx) may be the
origin of many systemic disturbances.

Upper respiratory system disorders may be caused by and, in turn, cause a multitude of systemic imbalances. For example, the liver may be disturbed by a chronic cough or visa versa;
a swollen liver pressing against the diaphragm might cause a chronic cough. Before treating
specific points for disorders such as asthma, cough or sinus infections, one must find and treat
the underlying causes for the upper respiratory system weakness. Often this weakness stems from the nasopharynx.

According to Shinsaku Horiguchi, M.D., Ph.D. the chronic disturbance of a latent (or hidden) infection at the nasopharynx may cause a multitude of local and systemic problems such as asthma, dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, autonomic nervous system disturbances as well as digestive system disorders, etc.
The chronic swelling of the nasopharyngeal lymph
nodes (pharyngeal tonsil) may press against the first
and second vertebrae (Illustration 67) and cause neck
and shoulder pain as well as chronic headaches,
problems with the upper limbs, etc.

This chronic swelling may also cause an exhaustion of
the immune system resulting in recurring episodes of
common cold and the flu as well as recurring sinus and
ear infections.

Deviation of nasal septum - This condition may be one
of the causes of chronic nasopharyngitis as well as
create a susceptibility to recurring sinus infections
(which, in turn, weakens the immune system).


The nasopharyngeal rinsing is a very effective method to eliminate the focal infection and the disturbance field associated with it. This physical treatment of the nasopharynx washes pollutants, pollen, bacteria as well as fungus away and keeps the tonsilar tissue in this area from swelling as well as reduces the possibility for infections. Dr. Horiguchi used to cauterize the
nasoparynx with special instruments dipped into a solution of 1% ZnCl. He used two procedures
for this cauterization, one entering through the nasal cavity and the second through the mouth. In
an acupuncture practice, a sea salt, echinacea and golden seal mixture or a sea salt and Bancha
tea mixture are recommended. The proportions are as follows: In a 1/4 glass of luke-warm water,
one pinch of sea salt should be mixed with ten to fifteen drops of echinacea and goldenseal
tincture8 (one can also use an equal mixture of Echinacea, Goldenseal and Dandelion). A quarter
glass of strong Bancha tea with a pinch of sea salt mixed in it can be used as well.
A dropper full of the above-described mixture should be inserted into the nostril while keeping the head up so that the solution can run through the nose into the throat (Illustration 68). Once the solution is in the throat the patient should spit it out.
Two droppers full are used in each nostril, twice a day. The patient should be reminded that it is very important for the fluid to pass through the nose into the throat.
The following page is an example instruction sheet given to patients who should be on the nasopharyingeal rinsing protocol.
Shinsaku Horiguchi, M.D., Ph.D., used a special instrument to reach the nasopharyngeal area (Illustration 69). His treatments consisted of swiping the nasopharynx with a 1% zinc chloride solution. He would treat a patient twice or three times a week for several weeks until the symptoms associated with chronic nasopharyngitis would disappear.

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