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It might seem a little bizarre, sitting under a laser in order to get smooth, hairless skin. How does the laser manage to remove hair follicles? And how does it stop itself from burning a patient's skin?


If you've asked yourself either of the questions above, you're not in the minority. Even those who go under the laser regularly often don't know how it works. To shed some light on the procedure, we thought we'd walk you through the process of having laser hair removal, and explain how and why the treatment works as well as it does.


How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

The principle behind permanent hair removal is simple. A specialist laser beams a concentrated ray of light onto an area of the skin. This light damages the hair follicle and retards the area enough to prevent future growth.


How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

As each laser is of a different strength, and as every body responds differently to treatment, no exact figure can be given as to how long laser hair removal lasts.

A general estimate though is anywhere between a few months to several years.


Laser Hair Removal Cost

This particular method of hair removal Isn't the cheapest around, but it is arguably the most effective. A session under the laser will cost the equivalent of $1000, and multiple may sessions may be needed to achieve long-term results.


While some clinics do offer discounts, it's clear to see that the laser is far more expensive than a wax, albeit far less painful too. It's worth taking this into account before booking a session.


Is Treatment Painful?

One of people's biggest worries when considering the procedure is how painful it will be.


Thankfully, compared to other methods of hair removal, the laser doesn't sting nearly as much as you might anticipate. Depending on your skin type and your pain tolerance, it might feel like a warm sensation or a slight snapping sensation. If you're in too much pain while under the laser, tell your health care professional. This isn't normal, and may indicate that there's a problem somewhere.


Are There any Side Effects

There are side effects to virtually everything medicinal and cosmetic. Even aspirin and make-up can have side effects when used by certain individuals. Laser hair removal is no different; although, side effects are usually at a minimum.


Warmness, redness, itchiness and dry skin are the most common post-treatment side effects. That doesn't mean you're likely to experience any of these, but it is a possibility. You can reduce the risk of any complications by following pre- and post-treatment instructions to the letter. These have been created for a reason, and exist to help you get the most out of what is usually a very effective cosmetic procedure.

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