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Category : All ; Cycle : January 2013
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Surrogacy Mumbai Surrogacy Mumbai India,IVF Surrogacy India,Gestational Surrogacy India More and More Overseas IVF Patient, couples, singles from abroad are coming to India to have children that are legally theirs and avoiding the hassles and costs involved with adopting or having a surrogate in the U.S. ,UK, Canada, Australia. Surrogacy Mumbai at Rotunda Clinic offers Surrogacy progr..

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Life is about making choices. Making informed choices is what brings you success.In fertility treatment, success is your happiness. Informed choice here leads to your happiness. So lets know today all you need to know about gay same sex surrogacy. Children are integral part of anyones family life and today there are many options available to have them for people who got fertility issues and ..

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Jan18 The male experiences three types of dysfunction: 1. Erectile dysfunction 2. Premature ejaculation 3. Retarded ejaculation The female has: 1. Dyspareunia 2. Vaginismus http://coimbatoresexologist.com3. Orgasmic problems

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Jan18 A ‘wet dream’ is the involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep. This happens when the man does not ejaculate in sex or by masturbation for a short period. This happens with an erotic dream and in pleasurable partially. But the man wakes..

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What are the common causes for erectile dysfunction? The capacity of the spongy tissue may be diminished due to several factors like: 1. Ageing: Beyond 55 years, it reduces naturally for a person without any diseases 2. Frequent/Rare sexual acts or masturbation 3. Organic di..

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Is masturbation wrong? No, masturbation is the only harmless act in the single and separated men. This act relieves the sexual tension. However, masturbating frequently, more than two to three times a day affects the erectile tissue and semen co..

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Jan18 Yes, when the male suffers from erectile dysfunction, the penis reduces in size by ½ to 1 inch in the erectile stage. This happens after 6 months to one year of erectile dysfunction. This can be reversed by counseling and proper treatment.http://coimbatoresexologist.c..

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Jan18 If a patient is getting proper erection with Sildenafil/ Tedalafil, then is he required to consult a Sexual health specialist? Why?The very fact that a person is getting erections with Sildenafil etc shows that he has no vasculogenic cause and has mostly psychological factors. This is a major reason for the patient to be referred to a Sexual healt..

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Jan18 For healthy life from age 18 we recomend to use romance penis booster and Vital capsules one a day life long. It will keep you physically,mentally,emotionally and sexually healthy.

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Jan18 Inability to control ejaculation and continue sex act until the female partner attains orgasm is called premature ejaculation. This orgasm period may extend between 2 to 10 minutes depending on the female partner’s needs and the foreplay techniques ..

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