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It happens every year when the climate gets scorching. You begin to expend more time outside on the grill, mountaineering and running, or flinging around the baseball with your children in the lawn. You await the commencement of summers. But each year, you forget about one less pleasing feature of warmer climate i.e. mosquitoes. They are an annoyance to anybody who spends time outdoors, particularly in moist and misty regions across the globe. Apart from being irksome creatures, mosquitoes tend to carry numerous diseases that are undesirable at best. Maximum of us are familiar with dengue and malaria. Both of these are caused by mosquitoes but are somewhat poles apart in nature. Find out how!

Dengue fever

Dengue fever essentially comes from four diverse viruses. Normally, Aedes mosquitos carry this form of infection. With dengue fever, a malicious cycle befalls when a mosquito bites a septic individual, then becomes infected and bites more folks. Dengue fever is normally categorized by symptoms like severe headaches, fever, nausea and vomiting and discomforts in the joints or bones. Some might mistake dengue fever for a bad instance of the flu. The treatment likewise is heaps of rest and fluids. In some circumstances, your physician may recommend drugs to bring your fever down. Commonly, patients recuperate within two weeks.


Malaria is a renowned mosquito-borne infection. Symptoms consist of fever, chills, muscle pains, exhaustion, nausea and vomiting. Patients with malaria may also mistake their symptoms for flu indicators. Regrettably, if not treated, malaria can result in other ailments including anemia and jaundice. Once bitten, it might take numerous weeks before a person starts unveiling symptoms, thus this is one mosquito borne disease that is challenging to diagnose. Malaria is most often related with traveling to foreign nations with large inhabitants of Aedes mosquitoes. Luckily, there are countless treatment choices for patients with malaria. However, tactlessly malaria is a very severe and deceptive disease. Even after recuperating, some patients might find their symptoms reappear several months or years post-treatment.

Protecting yourself from mosquito-borne diseases

While most of this info sounds pretty appalling, the good news is you can basically protect yourself from mosquito bites. While you may not be able to avert every bite, you can lessen the risk for contracting a mosquito-borne disease. Common defensive measures include:

·         Using chemical repellants or pesticides to keep parasites in your lawn at bay.

·         Use of a mosquito repellant encompassing DEET. There are family methods that contain less DEET that are safe to use on fledgling kids.

·         Wearing long pants and sleeves when out in pest-ridden areas. Mosquitoes are also more common at sunset, thus it is a worthy idea to wear long-sleeved outfits and spray your clothes when out in this atmosphere.

·         Using citronella candles and other natural insect repellants.

·         Keep grass clipped short to daunt mosquitoes.

·         Avoid permitting any water to stand for more than a day in your lawn or around your house as mosquitoes incline to breed in standing water.

Read to know How to differentiate between dengue and viral fever in detail.


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