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Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain erection of the penis throughout the sexual act. The different types of erectile dysfunction are:

1. Difficulty in initiating the erection
2. Difficulty in maintaining the erection
3. Soft and flaccid penis which makes it difficult to penetrate inside the vagina
4. Partial penetration of the penis
5. Difficulty in giving strokes
6. The penis becomes smaller inside the vagina
7. Sex is not pleasurable
8. Inability to ejaculate
9. Ejaculatory pleasure is reduced
10. Delayed ejaculation but reduced pleasure
11. Reduction in the size of the penis with erection

Sex is not a taboo !
Fast ejaculation is not a fate!
Poor erection is not permanent !
Small size penis is not your birth mark,it can be increased permanently.

Allopathic way of treatment is available with us now .

Who said there is no way for your sexual weakness?
Its not secretly, sensually,miraculously,magically you are cured but by scientifically proven methods you are taken care of in our clinic.

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