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Are you looking for the best treatment to get rid of your unwanted hair all over your body? Don’t worry! We are here to help you with the best hair removal technique and that too in few simple steps.

Everyone feels embarrassed with their unwanted hair and so they prefer going for some temporary procedures like shaving, waxing, etc.

Laser Hair Removal in India has emerged as an amazing hair removal technique. Lasers are used to destroy the hair follicle present in the skin and thus leads to removal of hair completely.

It is a technique in which you can be relaxed with the problem and that too for a longer period of time. Apart from this, Laser hair removal is not at all painful and thus may only involve a bit of heating sensation during the process. The process is most effective on light skin with dark hair.


Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

If you talk about the benefits of laser hair removal in India, it offers various advantages. Some of them are:

·         The speed in which laser hair removal is done is really quick and thus you can get rid of unwanted hair easily.

·         The cost involved in laser is much more less than that of any other traditional technique.

·         Also, India has many best and experienced doctors who provide their patients with the best services.

·         The types of lasers used in India are advanced and thus, it provides with the best treatment.

·         The wide range of clinics in India offers laser at various costs (from mid end to high end).


How to prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Basically, Laser Hair Removal requires some preparations before going for the laser treatment. Some of those preparations are:

·         One should stay out of sun before going for the procedure as if sunburned the laser can’t be done.

·         You should also prefer and note that you do not go for waxing or plucking of the area before 5-6 weeks, where you want the laser to be done.

·         Also, you must look at the qualifications of the dermatologist you are going to for the laser treatment.

·         You must be consistent during the whole process, i.e. you must not miss any session of your procedure to get better and effective results.

·         You must be prepared that laser may not be totally effective on all skin types as they are mostly effective on light skin with dark hair. This does not mean that lasers do not work on dark skin. The advanced lasers work on darker skin types as well, but the time and cost involved may be a little more.

·         Also, make sure that you do not wax or pluck your hair even after or during the process.


What to expect during Laser Hair Removal?

To get a hair free body one should not expect a lot. The following points must be taken into consideration:

·         You won’t get immediate results. Make sure you don’t miss out any of the sessions of laser hair removal.

·         You may go through a little pain during the process. Also, you may get a bit uncomfortable during the process.

·         The process will take several sessions and will test your patience at several times. Make sure you follow what your dermatologist says.

·         The laser technique on dark skin types may not be as effective as on the lighter skin types.

·         Also, the hair may regrow after some time as the results are not totally permanent. Though the density of the new hair may be less and fine.


Risks and Recovery of Laser Hair Removal

Apart from the various benefits, preparations and expectations that one should have with laser hair removal, there are certain risks that are involved in the process. Some of them are:

·         If we talk about short-term risks, it may include rashes, swelling, redness, etc. which gets better within a couple of days.

·         Looking at the other risks, they include burns as well as discoloration of the skin in case the process is not done correctly as well as is performed without taking proper safety measures.

Recovery of these risks is not tough.

All the short-term risks may get back to normal within a few days. Though in case of long-term risks, one must consult their dermatologist as soon as possible to get cured.

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