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What emergencies can be tackled with Homeopathy?

In my last twenty eight years of practice the following are the emergencies that I have come across while treating my regular patients.

Fever: The most common of emergencies particularly in children and infants.  Homeopathy has best answer to these fevers.  The fever can be because of tonsillitis.  It can be because of exposure to cold drinks or cold weather.   Fever coming on with cough in the early stages of pneumonia.  Conditions like measles and chickenpox which were common but have reduced considerably these days.  Typhoid fever or fever coming after getting wet in the rain etc.  All the above types can be very well treated with homeopathy and that too in a reasonably good time.  As homeopathy has no side effects and are easy to adminster the children take them without any fuss and also respond to the treatment in very short time.  Many feel that homeopathy is only for chronic ailments.  But sadly this is not so.  It is one of the best tool in the hands of a good homeopath.  I have seen under homeopathic care during these fevers the children hardly loose their appetite, and also they are playful during the fever.  So there is no nagging around and the parents feel happy when their children respond to homeopathy.

Asthma: This is another emergency mostly seen in children and can be very well treated with homeopathic medicines.  Children respond very well to homeopathy.  This is where there is difficulty in breathing, with cough cold and coryza.  There are different medicines in homeopathy which can be safely and surely used will lead to complete cure of the Asthma. During the treatment if the case is really a chronic one then the bronch-dilators cannot be stopped immediately.  Slowly as the improvement sets in under homeopathic treatment then these bronchodilators should be withdrawn.  Children dependent on steroids require lot of time and real patience on the part of the parents to see the improvement.

Epileptic seizures:  In these types of cases the medicines if started earlier these patients respond very well.  But we cannot stop the ongoing medicines viz. the anti epileptic drugs.  Slowly as the patient starts improving under homeopathic care the anti epileptic drugs can be withdrawn.  But this takes time but ultimately I have seen patients improving on homeopathy and also it stops the further need of anti epileptic drugs.  But during the seizures unless an expert is treating it is better to resort to the anti epileptic drugs.

Profuse menstrual bleeding: This is again an emergency.  We have to evaluate the reason for the same but given proper homeopathic medicines the bleeding can be stopped.  Mostly seen in cases of fibroid uterus where usually it is advised to remove the uterus.  In my many years of practise I have treated all my cases with homeopathy and it has never let me down.  All the cases have resolved nicely under my care and this has helped to avoid hysterectomy (removal of uterus).  This is again an emergency as the bleeding is profuse and the patient is bed ridden.  But has an answer in Homepathy.

Accidents: All Accidental cases also can be treated extremly well with homeopathy if treated in the initial stages.  There are medicines which can prevent the clotting and also absorb the clots and also to prevent the internal bleeding.  Wherever mechanical aid is needed has to be given, surgery if needed has tobe performed, in cases of fractures they have to be set right by the orthopedic surgeon, but simultaneous administration of homeopathic medicicnes will definately help to restore health much faster then only with the aid of allopathic medication. 

Cancer pains: Again here the patient is suffering tremendously and if proper symptoms are taken and remedy prescribed in most of the cases can give immediate relief to the pains of the cancer and palliate the patient to a comfort level.

All other acute pains like pain in abdomen, pain anywhere in the body where it is not being relieved also the pain of kideny stones, gall stones, can be treated homeopathically.  Acute inflammations like tonsillitis, sinusitis where the patient is tremendously suffering will respond extremly well under homeopathic care.  Most of the emergencies if given a chance to treat with homeopathy will respond extremly well under a masters hand. The patients faith in the doctor and the system is of utmost importance as without these any system will fail.


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