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Chemical Peeling

Skin peeling is an age old, scientifically proven, safe method of skin rejuvenation. Skin Peeling is a medical procedure, which consists of application of certain products, after cleansing and degreasing face.

Peels are carefully chosen for your skin type and concerns. Peels can be used to treat various skin problems with different application methods.

Chemical peeling is useful in: Melasma,(dark circles), Skin Discoloration like Pigmentation due to Sun exposure (photo), Pregnancy, Birth control pills, Drug reaction, Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, Superficial scars as a result of Acne, Freckles and Lentigenes, Fine wrinkles, Dilated pores.

Chemical peels can:

Improve depressed pits

Improve deep wrinkles

Gently polish the skin surface

Diminishes scar, acne marks and stretch marks

With Chemical Peels, a solution of one or more exfoliating agents is applied on the face to remove the rough upper layer of skin and to stimulate rejuvenation of new skin cells. The result: tighter, smoother skin that is relatively free of lines and blemishes.

Peel is applied over the treatment area (face/neck/back etc) with the help of brush or bud in a specific pattern. With every sitting, time of application of peel and concentration of peel is increased.

Aim of a peel is to remove the upper dead layer of the skin and unclogging the clogged pores, thereby giving a smooth, fresh, rejuvenated, young looking flawless skin. Peelings which are done for cosmetic purpose are superficial in nature. Deeper peels are done to remove the deeper layers of skin (epidermis and / or upper dermis) and are utilized in deep seated pigmentation, acne scars and for Anti-Aging purpose. Peels are extremely safe, if done under supervision of a trained dermatologist and are US FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Approved.

There are various types of peels:

To name a few, different agents used for skin peeling are:

Glycolic Peel (20%, 35%, 50%, 70%):  Which is synthetic sugar cane product. Glycolic is classified under alpha hydroxy acid (AHA)
Glycolic is derived from sugar cane with excellent anti-aging properties. Rich in vitamins, minerals, vegetable hormones and sugar with an important capacity for collagen creation stimulation, encourages skin cell regeneration. In the cell renewal process, Glycolic Peels favor elimination of toxins from the skin helping to oxygenate and energize.

Salicylic Peel (20%, 30%) : Which is a Beta Hyroxy peel is very superficial in nature. It peels off the upper dead layer of the skin and opens up the clogged pores and thus helps in reduction of acne/pimples. It also helps in minimizing the oiliness in the skin which is very common in acne patients. It is highly recommended peel for Acne /pimples of any grade and gives extremely good results in just 2 to 4 sittings

Tri Chloro Acetic (TCA) peel:  It commonly used for pigmentation: Can be used in many concentrations, but it is most commonly used for medium-depth peeling. Fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigment problems are commonly treated with TCA. The results of TCA peel are usually less dramatic than and not as long- lasting as those of a phenol peel. In fact, more than one TCA peel may be needed to achieve the desired result. The recovery from a TCA peel is usually shorter than with a phenol peel.


Lactic Peel: This acid from sour milk or yoghourt has high hydration power. The secrets of this recipe dates back to the days of Cleopatra. This non-irritating peel treats small wrinkles and skin photo aging. It also simulates new collagen and elastin fiber formation. The Lactic Peel reduces solar damage; dryness improves texture, skin tone/aspect and general activation collagen and elastin. Lactic acid whitening properties help achieve a more uniform skin tone giving back lost luminosity reducing small blemishes of melanic origin.

Phenol Peels

Cosmelan and Dermelan Peels

Easy Phytic Peels

Retinol or Yellow Peels

Combination Peels like SM (Salicyclic Mandelic Peel)

At Riyaanz Aesthetics, we have range of skin peels like Glycolic, Salicylic, Lactic, TCA, Yellow, SM Peels which will be selected depending on individual skin condition

Time Taken: 20mins

Time Interval between two peels: 2-4 weeks
Treatment Area: Face, Neck and Back




Riyaanz Aesthetic,

Skin Hair & Laser Clinic

Address: 8-2-686/C/6/5-102, Road Number 12, Banjara Hills, Ministers Quarters, Hyderabad.


Contact: 04065531888, 9989174576, 9985601457





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