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Most of us know better than to drain the oil from our car and let the motor run. The heat from the friction would soon cause it to seize, destroying it in minutes.


 Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is another example of what happens when protection against friction is removed. It is an ageing process and occurs when the cartilage, the smooth tissue covering the ends of bones where they meet at our joints, breaks down and wears away. The bones rub together, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness. Bone spurs develop, permanently changing the joint's shape.


 Osteoarthritis is not a disease it is an ageing process and hence there is no cure, and no cure can be expected in the foreseeable future. Still, advances in medical technology and research have made inroads both in treatment and prevention.


 While osteoarthritis is simply wear and tear on joints, genetics and lifestyle are factors in predicting who may experience osteoarthritis. Trauma to joints from sports and occupations can break down cartilage.


 People contemplating joint replacement may be reluctant to consider it because of past experiences by friends and relatives. They may want to take another look; a lot has changed, even in the past 10 years.


 But even then those who are candidates for Joint Replacement should not be forced into surgery. They should be explained about the surgery and its benefits in great detail and the final call on surgery should be taken by the patient themselves, not their relatives or the surgeon. This is the mantra for a 100 % success rate.


 People who were advised to delay replacement because the joints wear out now can expect them to last 20-25 years. And the surgery techniques of Osteoarthritis surgeons in Mumbai have improved significantly. "We are delivering joints through smaller incisions, which are less invasive," Petrow said. "When you combine that with improved technology we're entering a golden age of what we are able to do."


 "The nuts and bolts are the same but we have better instrumentation to make more accurate incisions, and we've improved our techniques."


Technology and improved methods help, but the skill and experience of the surgeon remain the most critical considerations for people seeking joint replacement, or Arthroscopy  surgeon in Mumbai or Arthroscopy surgeon in India.


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