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Rhinoplasty, or more commonly referred to as a nose job, can be an invasive surgery, leaving recovery a painful process. As with any plastic surgery, it is important to be educated on the risks and what to expect after the surgery. Every person has a different experience when recovering from any procedure. It is a good idea to talk to individuals who have had the surgery to find out various points of view of what you might expect the days and weeks following rhinoplasty. These are some paramount tips on how to recover from the Rhinoplasty procedure.

Expect At Least 72 Hours of Discomfort

There will be a moderate amount of pain at the surgery site for up to two days after the procedure. The doctor will often prescribe a low-grade pain medication to control the pain. Bruising and swelling are also a common side effect of the process. The swelling and bruising usually increased on the second day after surgery but then quickly begins to decrease after that point. You may also feel a sensation of stuffiness as if you had a terrible head cold; breathing from your nose during this period may be impossible. If, after 72 hours, any of the symptoms continue to get worse or pain increases, contact your physician immediately.

Be Reasonable With Expectations

The side effects from Rhinoplasty should begin to diminish completely around the two-week mark. However, don’t expect to see the final results at that time, rounding of the nose may make it larger and wider. The projected period to see the full results and have all side effects be completely gone is about one year. This may seem like a long time, but you will begin to see the finished project way before, just be reasonable with your expectations and remember these types of procedures take time to heal fully.

Have Someone with You For The Surgery

This type of procedure will require anesthesia; therefore you will not be awake. Anesthesia often takes upwards of eight hours to completely exit your system, and there are risks involved during that period. Make sure to have someone there to drive you home, assist in your care, and watch over you for at least the first couple of days. Pain medication can also impair your judgment and ability to operate a vehicle, if you need to travel or feel that you need assistance, let a friend, relative, or your physician know immediately.

It Is Never As Bad As You Imagine


Going into surgery it is common to imagine the worst case scenario in your head. Rhinoplasty has been reported to be not as painful as you would expect. The first day is uncomfortable, and often slightly painful, but the doctor will make sure you are set up to be as comfortable as possible. Do not be ashamed to ask your doctor for pain medication, anti-nausea medication, or anything you may need to stay stress-free. Attempt to not let anxiety overwhelm you before and after the procedure, stress can hinder a quicker recovery and often make you feel worse than you should. Stay calm and communicate with those around you what your needs are.

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