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In a unique procedure, a renowned Chinese plastic surgeon Dr Guo Shuzhong at Xi’an Jiaotong University has grown a artificial ear on a man’s arm and transplant it successfully. The man, whose surname was given as Ji, underwent a complex hour long procedure. Mr Ji (patient) lost his ear in 2015 in a accident which also left him with serious injuries to the right side of his face.

Mr Ji earlier underwent several operations to restore his cheeks and facial skin, but doctors were unable to restore his ear. “The accident not only took his ear, but also destroyed most of the blood vessels and skin around the ear.Therefore, conventional artificial ears cannot work for him. We decided to grow a new ear on his arm in advance,” Dr Guo informed the media. To restore his ear hearing, Dr Guo first stretched the patient’s skin on his arm with the use of a skin expander before cartilage from his ribs, which was cut into the shape of an ear, and placing it under the skin flap in his forearm.

After the successful surgery Mr ji said, “I lost one ear. I have always felt that I am not complete,” reports Independent The doctor told a Chinese local Daily that blood is flowing into his patient’s new artificial right ear, which spent several months growing on his arm. According to the Doctors patient will remain under medical supervision in Hospital for around two week.

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