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Gone are the days when alcohol addiction was considered a character fault. People have finally started realizing that the problem is beyond that. Addiction to any substance indicates a more serious problem, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. A majority of people struggling with alcohol addiction show signs of depressive behavior. The patient experiencing psychological and physical dependency must consult the , to seek professional help.

Physical Dependence on Alcohol

Addiction can reach a stage where your body becomes too dependent on alcohol to function normally without it. This happens when you consume alcohol for prolonged periods. Regular exposure to alcohol forms a new state of equilibrium in your body. It can increase your risk of developing a mental illness in the long run.

Certain drugs, prescription medicines, nicotine, and alcohol can have a detrimental effect on your body. People suffering from physical dependency require more alcohol and drugs in their system to feel the same effect. If you experience the following symptoms, you might be suffering from physical dependency

● You are drinking more alcohol than before to feel the same effect

● You notice a sudden change in your weight and sleep cycle

● Your body shakes, your heart races, and you feel extremely uncomfortable without alcohol

● You need alcohol every few hours

If necessary, your physician may refer you to the for complete detoxification. A psychiatrist will then come up with a customized de-addiction plan to speed up your de-addiction journey.

Psychological Alcohol Addiction

Like your body, your mind may also crave alcohol. The biggest sign of psychological addiction is a feeling of relaxation when you drink alcohol. Your mind starts associating the addictive behavior with happiness. You either find happiness in alcohol or an escape from anxiety, trauma, stress, and other emotions.

Although withdrawal symptoms are not as dangerous in psychological addiction as physical addiction, they still pose a health risk. Sudden withdrawal can cause irritability, exhaustion, and sleep disruptions.

Here are a few common symptoms of psychological alcohol addiction.

● You need alcohol to fall asleep and rest.

● Your addiction is destroying your relationships with your partner, friends, and family.

● You experience anxiety, exhaustion, and abnormal symptoms when your body doesn’t get alcohol.

● You no longer find anything interesting. Even the activities you enjoyed a lot earlier do not sound exciting anymore.

● Excess consumption of alcohol has led to a devastating impact on your physical and mental health.

● You feel guilty about your extreme dependency on alcohol, but you can’t quit it.

What Causes Alcohol Addiction?

People tend to find temporary relief in alcohol. Those suffering from a traumatic experience or depression turn to alcohol to forget all worries (even if it’s for a short while). Research shows that alcohol releases endorphins, and happy hormones, which make people more confident and comfortable. People believe that alcohol has numbing effects. Every time they feel stressed or anxious, they drink alcohol to escape from these negative emotions.



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