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Due to their busy schedules, today's population is looking for quick results in all areas, including surgeries. The success rates of the most recent surgeries are rising while their duration is decreasing. The time required for surgeries has significantly decreased with the development of the newest technology in the medical industry.


Surgery has gotten so much simpler for surgeons. They used to perform 3 procedures a week, but now they perform them all in one day. Surgery for hair restoration is advised for patients 25 and older.


Due to the low cost of there is a scope of hair transplant in Mumbai, India we see a large number of international patients from almost every country. They also enjoy unique privileges. We are showcasing the most recent trends in this blog in hair restoration.


Benefits of Hair Restoration 

Increase a person's confidence after the hair restoration.

Permanent remedy: Hair restoration is a long-lasting remedy that provides comfort.

Self-confidence: You can enjoy and are free to socialize now that the bald spots that once prevented you from doing so are gone.

Once the hair follicles begin producing hair, the hair restoration procedure requires relatively less maintenance. It is essentially the same as maintaining natural hair.

The results are worth the one-time cost you incur. Once your new hair starts to grow, you won't need to see a doctor as frequently.

All hair transplant surgeries have a good success rate. Patients choose hair transplant procedures for this reason.


 Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

An extremely sophisticated surgical procedure for hair restoration is called follicular unit extraction (FUE). Younger patients who prefer short hair are more likely to benefit from this procedure because there is no linear scar left behind. On the back of the head, hair follicles are removed and then implanted in the bald spots. In this procedure, local anesthesia is used. Depending on the recipient area, it takes 8–10 hours. In general, depending on the balding area, 4,000 grafts are required for permanent hair restoration. The newly transplanted hair needs 5 to 10 days to become rooted. It is normal for the newly restored hair to shed at first. Then, permanently growing new hair begins to grow from the transplanted hair follicles. 


Follicular unit transplant (FUT)

The most effective, established, and widely used surgical method for hair restoration is follicular unit transplantation. In this procedure, a healthy strip of sparse hair from the donor area is removed and implanted in the bald spot. Healing takes six to twelve months. The newly transplanted hair begins to grow and fill in the bald spots on the scalp as soon as the healing process is finished. This operation takes 4 to 8 hours to complete. You must come back the following day for another session if the balding area is significant. To numb the scalp, local anesthesia is administered to the patient. Each person's recovery process takes a different amount of time. After the procedure, the results are apparent between 12 and 18 months later. the newly inserted hair begins to grow together with improved thickness and texture.


Platelets-rich plasma hair transplant (PRP)

PRP injections stimulate the growth of new hair. The blood supply to the hair follicle and the thickness of the hair shaft are both increased to maintain hair growth. There are three main steps in this process:

Step 1: A patient's arm is used to draw 8–12 ml of platelet-rich plasma.


Step 2: The blood is transferred from the syringe to the centrifuge machine, where it is separated into three layers.


  •            Platelet-poor plasma
  •            Platelet-rich plasma
  •           Red blood cells


Step 3: The patient's scalp is treated in the third step by being directly injected with platelet-rich plasma that was taken from the centrifuge into the syringe.

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