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Is the Biological Energy Level high we are healthy, vital, rejuvenated. A person with a high energy level in the meridians can not be ill.

Is the biological energy level low (below 50%), we are sick, disease is the consequence, we age faster and have complaints.

Communication within and without our organism is a continual information & energy exchange via oscillating electromagnetic fields. Most likely, the entire electromagnetic effects on the organism have their origin in the extra-cellular ground substance or matrix, stimulating other systems to tune into its oscillations.

All rhythmical processes and therapies (light, movement, sound etc.) produce electromagnetic oscillations, stimulating and regulating the “bio- energy field” influencing ground substance and basic regulation, directly affecting the endocrine and the nervous systems.

Main benefits of PERTH home therapy: - More Energy on a daily basis
- Increased oxygen in the blood after 10 minutes of each session
- Immediate pain reduction
- Increased immune system activity
- Balancing and harmonizing of all organs
- Increased blood circulation
- Better blood trophic
- Better and deeper sleep
- Increased cell metabolism
- Increased waste management
- Energy boost in the morning
- Calm down and relaxation in the evening
- Anti Aging effect
- Regulation of the endocrine and nervous system
- Activating you self-healing power
- Inexpensive and for the entire family
- For prevention and therapy

According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine a good Doctor had only healthy patients, preventing disease. A Doctor with sick patients was not a good Doctor because he could not help his patients effectively so that they didn’t get sick in the first place.

Disease is never bad or good – Disease is a sign of the Body to Change!


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