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OUR Oxytocin levels can determine the length of your relationship,mostly we think during act of love or during outcourse like kissing,hugging,touching breast,genitilia,body,neck,back,foot or cross leg or hairs swaying or eye contacts or playing with genitilia,it is our mood and interest which drive us but recently the theory that such act also lasts on one's will or interest but supported on fact that how much LOVE HORMONE OR OXYTOCIN is present in them.
Couple-oxytocin, According to a recent study the level of oxytocin or the “love hormone” in your blood can determine the length of your relationship!
Researchers found that partners who have higher levels of oxytocin in their blood stick together longer than couples who have lower levels of oxytocin. For their study, the team measured levels of oxytocin in people who had recently begun relationships. Six months later, the couples with the higher levels of oxytocin tended to be together. “These findings suggest that oxytocin in the first months of romantic love may serve as an index of relationship duration,” they reported. The study also shows that at a biological level, the process of becoming attached to a new partner may be similar to the process of bonding with a new child, they added.
A previous study had found that a nasal spray of oxytocin could improve interactions between couples.
The hormone oxytocin is also involved in maternal relationships and a recent study actually indicated that it made irritable monkeys kinder.
Oxytocin is known to break down normal social barriers. The hormone is currently being evaluated as a therapy for autism, schizophrenia and other disorders that are marked by an apparent lack of interest or caring about others. It seems to give patients increased trust and better social skills, but not much is known about how that process works, or whether the effects would be consistent over the long term.

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