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Body, Mind and the Soul

A living body is constituted by innumerous living Cells and there is a continuous process of cell division / cell cloning (birth of new cells) and old cell dies out by autolysis within our body.

There are also innumerous bacteria, Virus and Parasite living inside our body, in complete harmony.

All these living cells (our cells and also the bacterias, Viruses & Parasites) have a life span and hence they are all Souls. From the time of birth in the womb of the mother we start growing/ metamorphosing/ by cell cloning into an embryo, then into a foetus, then takes birth as a baby outside the womb. After this we slowly metamorphoses through different stages of child, adolescent age, adulthood, youth, old-age and finally dies in old age. During these stages of development many thousands of new cells are cloned from each mother cells and many thousand cells dies and during each death of cells, the soul (energy and wisdom) transfers from old cells to new cells and also new souls (energy & wisdom) are coming inside our body by way of our food, water, respiration, light, heat etc.

Hence the flow of Soul (Energy and Wisdom) is a continuous process at each moment from all ways and every ways (from within and also from outside into the body) at all time and we grow until all the cells finally dies altogether (Final death) and finally all the souls are liberated from the body, leaving behind only material dead body and there after the dead body has got no mind in it and the body starts decaying.

The transfer of Soul (energy and wisdom) from one cell to another cell can be simulated similar to making of innumerable copies of a single file stored in the computer.

Here I am trying to comprehend Soul.

Quesion: If a man asks to himself: Which part of the body represents me?
His Answers will be
My body represents me. Or
My soul represents me. Or
My mind / intelligence represents me.
But when he dies
We say, this is his dead body.
We say, may his Soul rest in peace.
And that means he is not there now!!!
That means after death there is nothing like his Soul & Mind or Intelligence representing him, within his body.

Hence what I comprehend is:
1. I am incomplete without the Totality of My (Body, Mind and the Soul).
2. I am nothing but a collection of Souls.
3. The Soul is likewise a preserver since without this the body starts decaying.
4. The Soul keeps the mind inside the Body.
5. We can find this totality in God {Eternal Time + Eternal wisdom + Eternal energy + Eternal space +Eternal Mass) and Soul is nothing but (Eternal wisdom + Eternal energy).
6. The Eternal wisdom & Eternal energy constitute the Soul that flows from all ways and every ways (from within and from outside) into the body at all-time.
7. And Soul is the abode of God and it manifests through beautiful minds, where there is compassion, love, respect, care, service to the sufferings.

Please share

s.s.venkateshwarA&N islands


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