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It is important to manage stress when you have diabetes

Stress is a natural occurrence in day-to-day life and everyone has his/her own techniques to relieve stress. When handled properly, stress does not cause any major health concern. However, chronic or long-term stress can lead to various health conditions, some of which do not show any symptoms early-on. When it comes to diabetes, stress can aggravate the symptoms for diabetics, while those who do not have diabetes are now under the risk of developing it


It is well known that stress can cause physical and mental changes, such as headaches, muscle tension, mood swings, negative thoughts, changes in sleeping patterns as well as eating patterns, irregular heartbeats, etc. One can also feel tired or fatigued, depressed and less able to cope with the challenges of daily living.


What are some safe and healthy ways to deal with stress?



  • Exercise: Lowers stress hormones and blood glucose levels.
  • Journaling: Research shows that getting stressful thoughts and feelings on paper reduces harmful stress levels.
  • Talk with a trusted friend or counselor: This is another excellent way to release stressful, worrisome thoughts and feelings out in the open.
  • Laughter: There’s nothing like a funny movie or a cheerful time with friends or family to get your mind off difficult thoughts and feelings  and it could change your physical response as well. It is well known that laughter reduces stress hormones in the blood and can help to reduce blood glucose levels.
  • Meditation and prayer: Connecting with any religious and/or spiritual beliefs or calmly reflecting can be a positive source for stress reduction.
  • Relaxation exercises: Progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, visualization and gentle stretching exercises like yoga, meditation provide a welcome respite from chronic or acute stress.

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