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Constipation is often one of those topics, very few people like to discuss. It occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom related to a family of diseases generally classified as defecation disorders.

How do you know?

If you suffer from a chronic constipation:

The following self assessment can help you determine whether or not you may suffer from constipation.

·          Fewer than three bowel movements in a week.

·          The need to strain at least 25% of the time during bowel movements.

·          A feeling of not being able to complete your bowel movements at least 25% of the time.

·          Hard or lumpy stools at least 25% of the time.

If you have experienced at least two of the above symptoms for at least three months, you may have chronic constipation.

If you have obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS)-a type of chronic constipation:

If you have chronic constipation and also have one or more of the following symptoms at least 25% of the time during bowel movements, you may have ODS:

·          Multiple trips to the bathroom

·          Prolonged straining

·          Incomplete elimination, and/or prolonged time to have a bowel movements.

·          Routine use of laxatives or enemas


·          The need to press around your gentiles or anus to have a bowel movement.

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