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Pines &pain – woes of the Pilonidal sinus

A less known about and even more rarely discussed is a condition experienced mainly young men in their 20s and 30s – some of them develop a small painful swelling just below the spine or between the buttocks. Most ignore it or opt for self medication only to experience reoccurrences and episodes of pus discharge. The truth is that these signs and symptoms are not sporadic but develop as a part of the Pilonidal disease where a sinus of pus discharge. The truth is that these signs and symptoms are not sporadic but develops from the source of infection in this anatomical region. Infection in this area develops because of the presence of ingrown hair; the risk also increases in cases of sedentary occupation (a norm nowadays) , local irritation and trauma.


Surgery is the only option


Excision & primary closure (plastic surgery)   

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