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Category : All ; Cycle : April 2020
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This article is a complete guide from the RCT Specialist in Paschim Vihar on root canal treatment, a procedure performed to rectify broken or decayed teeth. Who needs a root canal treatment? A tooth consists of two parts – a crown and roots. The crown is the enamel above the gum, while the roots are below the gum and hold tight the crown to the jawbone. There is pulp inside the crown and r..

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It’s a well-known fact that walking for just 30 mins a day can significantly improve your health. Walking can improve circulation, heart health, digestion, boost immune system, strengthen bones… the list is endless. However, people who have been suffering from acute knee pain, long walks might not be beneficial. On the contrary, it might worsen the pain significantly over time. There..

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What is dermatology? Dermatology is that field of medicine which deals with problems related to the skin. In the past dermatology was not a field which was given a lot of prominence, but in the modern day it has become by far one of the most competitive fields of medicine, because of the inclusion of cosmetology into it. This sis because the modern day society places a lot of importance on the ne..

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It’s your chance to have a fresh lease of life. There are many factors that may cause irreparable damage to the liver, and marginalize it’s ability to perform regular functions. Liver cancer, Hepatitis (B, C, D) and some lifestyle habits like excessive consumption of alcohol is a major cause of liver failure. In such cases, Liver transplant surgeon may advice liver transplant, post a..

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Know all about donating a portion of your liver for transplant Donating a part of your liver, either to your loved one, or to a stranger, or simply without any recipient, is a life-giving decision and a very personal one. At Liver Helpline India, we can help you understand the entire process of having a liver transplant in Delhi, and guide you through it, so you can decide peacefully. Benefits ..

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Introduction Liver cirrhosis, if not treated, may lead to life-threatening consequences. The conditions are caused due to the development of scar tissues inside the liver impacting liver efficiency. It the patient is suffering from advanced liver cirrhosis and liver transplant is the only option, he should consult with the best surgeon for liver transplant in Delhi. What Is Cirrhosis? Liver cir..

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Thoughts in the Time of Corona It is hard to live peacefully for the so-called modern human civilization. Everyday we are earning fresh problems regarding social, political, economic and various other sectors. Along with this, nature is also organizing natural surgical strikes and making the whole situation imbalanced. In that list, the latest addition is Corona virus. Falling behind all the ..

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Inflammation of liver cells is known as hepatitis. The condition is commonly caused due to viral infection. The other reasons for hepatitis include autoimmune disease and exposure to toxins and medications. Drinking a huge quantity of alcohol may also cause hepatitis. Some people do not have symptoms while in others the condition presents certain symptoms. What Are The Types Of Hepatitis? ..

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