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Category : Otolaryngology
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Review of book by prof. Manish Munjal Otology is an intriguing subdiscipline of otolaryngology –head and neck surgery, which during our formative years appears glamorous but later only the hardened few, i.e. those who have mastered the anatomy of the ear on either side of the tympanic membrane survive, to practice otology. The authors have painstakingly produced a comprehensive at..

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Review of book by internet journal 'World article in ENT' Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases by Dr Mubarak M. Khan and Dr Sapna R. Parab 'Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases 'written by Dr Mubarak M. Khan and Dr Sapna R. Parab(published by Jaypee Brothers) represents a state-of-the-art update in the..

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REVIEW IN “ANNALS OF OTOLOGY, RHINOLOGY & LARYNGOLOGY” Color Atlas of Ear Diseases is a first edition comprehensive review of commonear diseases. The pictorial narrative of more than 250 photographs includes variations ofnormal otoscopic anatomy. Khan and Parab use minimum prose..

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I was delighted to go through the “Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases” authored by Dr. Mubarak Muhamed Khan and Dr. Sapna Ramkrishna Parab. The book is very well conceived and presented with clear illustrations and descriptions. A range of topics have been covered and the authors have taken great pains to make the book user friendly. The book will be a useful addition to every medical..

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Dr. Mubarak Muhamed Khan and Dr. Sapna Ramkrishna Parab of Talegaon Dabhade- Pune, have authored a medical book entitled, “Endoscopic Color Atlas Of Ear Diseases”. The atlas was recently released by Jaypee Medical Publishers on 25th September 2010. This atlas consists of high quality color clinical 271 photographs obtained using exclusive endoscopic techniques. Dr. Khan is an Associate P..

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Primary cartilage tympanoplasty: our technique and results.(Dr Mubarak Khan,Pune) Am J Otolaryngol. 2010 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]Primary cartilage tympanoplasty: our technique and results.Khan MM, Parab SR.AbstractCartilage has shown to be a promising graft material to close tympanic membrane perforations. However, due to its rigid quality, doubts are raised regarding its sound ..

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Case report "Simultaneous involvement of larynx and middle ear in pulmonary tuberculosis" By dr Khan, dr Parab & dr Ghaisas is published in international Journal The Laryngoscope. The link is :" Simultaneous involvement of larynx and middle ear in pulmonary tuberculosis - Parab - 2010 - The Laronlinelibrary.wiley.comParab, ..

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Dear friends I wish to share about the hearing aids with you. Over the last 5-7 years, the hearing aids have undergone a sea change. There are two types of Hearing Aids . The old model called ANALOGUE HEARING AIDS and the modern one called DIGITAL HEARING AIDS. The analogue use simple electrical circuit and are slow in processing the hearing.More over , the use of analogue hearing aids causes d..

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