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Category : All ; Cycle : July 2018
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Elobixibat ,a new medicine, provides relief for chronic constipation Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Elobixibat, a minimally absorbed inhibitor of ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT), is safe and effective for treating chronic constipation, according to results from a phase 3 trial."This new medication actually enhances a natural l..

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Lasik surgery in India Lasik surgery is the best approach one can opt for. This surgery helps to correct the vision of eyes. People suffering from Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, Astigmatism, etc. can be treated by this surgery within minutes. So, what are you waiting for? Just get your clear vision by Lasik surgery. After all this, question arises where one should get his/her Lasik surger..

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Lasik surgery in India Lasik surgery is the best approach one can opt for. This surgery helps to correct the vision of eyes. People suffering from Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, Astigmatism, etc. can be treated by this surgery within minutes. So, what are you waiting for? Just get your clear vision by Lasik surgery. After all this, question arises where one should get his/her Lasik surger..

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FDA approves the first drug with an indication for treatment of smallpox Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved TPOXX (tecovirimat), the first drug with an indication for treatment of smallpox. Though the World Health Organization declared smallpox, a contagious and sometimes fatal i..

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First-ever colour X-Ray performed on a human in New Zealand Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 In a major scientific breakthrough, a team of scientists has performed the first-ever 3-D, colour X-ray on a human.According to Europe's CERN physics laboratory, the team relied on a new imaging technique that promises to improve the field ..

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First-ever colour X-Ray performed on a human in New Zealand Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 In a major scientific breakthrough, a team of scientists has performed the first-ever 3-D, colour X-ray on a human.According to Europe's CERN physics laboratory, the team relied on a new imaging technique that promises to improve the field ..

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First-ever colour X-Ray performed on a human in New Zealand Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 In a major scientific breakthrough, a team of scientists has performed the first-ever 3-D, colour X-ray on a human.According to Europe's CERN physics laboratory, the team relied on a new imaging technique that promises to improve the field ..

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SC DIRECTED "FAMILY PHYSICIAN" TO MCI,HEALTH MINISTRY TO START 'FAMILY MEDICINE" DEPARTMENT Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 FAMILY PHYSICIANS of India moved Supreme court to sought a direction to establish a separate department of Family Medicine/General Practice in every medical hospital across India or make it mandatory for ..

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Informed Consent For Any Sugery Must As No Surgery Have Zero Risk Of Death Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Now a days,few court judgements have made hospitals and doctors to pay lacs as compensation as Hospital or Doctor didnot take extensive consent explaining risk involved in an operation or procedure and it's comparis..

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Modern Stethoscope "Handheld, Wireless Ultrasound Device" connected to Mobile available Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the handheld ultrasound device, SONON 300L, for use by primary care providers (PCPs). The device is indicated for ultrasound echo imaging, measurement, and an..

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