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Category : All ; Cycle : July 2018
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If you are one among the sufferer of knee pain, and you don’t remember when you walked calmly and freely, then believe me you are one of the victims of chronic knee problems arthritis or osteoporosis. The first and the initial treatment option will be medications, physical therapies and bit narcotics medicines too, but if they also don’t soothe your pain for the longer duration, then i..

Category (Orthopaedics)  |   Views (539)  |  User Rating
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QUOTA OF MBBS STUDENTS ON RELIGION IN PVT MEDICAL COLLEGES THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Many pvt medical Colleges which is run by a religious body wants that maximum number of students should be admitted in these colleges of their religion only.Christian Medical college Vellore didnot fill up its..

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MANY PVT MEDICAL COLLEGES & HOSPITALS MISUSE TAX RELIEF FORMING "TRUST" Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Trust are those institute which do charity and Income tax department provide them tax relief but it has been misutilised by many who added name of trust to save income tax as reported first bY CAG and now Parliamentary commi..

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EXORBITANT FEE OF PVT MEDICAL COLLEGES UGC FORMS PANEL TO CONTROL ITDr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Many pvt Medical Colleges are charging their own exorbitant fee in the name of being attached to Deemed University which was rejected recently by highest court of our country and ordered them to follow fee structure being determined ..

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MELANOMA A METASTATIC SKIN CANCER CAN BE EARLY DETECTED BY BLOOD TEST Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Melanoma,the deadliest form of skin cancer if detected early and that too by a blood test than it will save many lives.According to a new study published this week, an experimental blood test can potentially find melanoma skin ..

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May of times patients complain about the pain in their back, neck and wrist while driving bike. This happens because the wrong driving habits and the poor condition of your muscles physical fitness and the broken roads. When ever you drove the bike in a broken road your body gets big amount of pressure on all your upper body that include your wrist joint back and neck and repeted shock makes your ..

Category (Physiotherapy)  |   Views (632)  |  User Rating
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IS 12 HRS OPD FOR DOCTORS IN HOSPITALS JUSTIFIED ? Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550 Our politicians and Bureaucrats always think that if the people and public are not getting good health service in Hospitals, is because of Doctors,they have a strong believe that Doctors donot work for sufficient hours in hospitals as they stay i..

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The question of whether alcohol intake affects male reproductive function is controversial. In a new Andrologystudy, moderate alcohol intake was linked with higher semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count. In the study of 323 men patients, 9.6% were abstainers, 30.0% drank <1-3, 30.3% drank 4-7, and 30.0% drank ≥8 alcohol units per week. (1 unit = 125 mL wine or 330 mL beer ..

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Many of our old age patients thinks that "getting older means having many health issues". Many of them just looks at what gives them pain, stiffness. And just treating this pain and stiffness is not good enough for them because they need more than that. At this stage of life most of the patients have many physical challanges like short breath, pain in joints, stiffness in joints and might be over ..

Category (Physiotherapy)  |   Views (484)  |  User Rating
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The goals of physical therapy are to decrease back pain, increase function, and teach the patient a maintenance program to prevent future back problems. Common forms of physical therapy include: 1.Passive physical therapy (modalities), which includes things done to the patient, such as heat application, ice packs and electrical stimulation. For example, a heating pad may be applied to warm up the ..

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