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Category : All ; Cycle : September 2013
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The anorectal fistula (fistula in ano) is an abnormal communication between the anus and peri anal skin. Fistula can occur spontaneously or secondary to peri anal or perirectal abscess. Cause: · Infection-Anorectal Abscess (pus) · Unhygienic condition of anal region · Trauma near anal region · Constipation Symptoms: · ..

Category (Gastroenterology)  |   Views (1047)  |  User Rating
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Systematic approach to constipation: Defecography(scanning of evacuation) is a magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) study of defecation, a diagnostic test that shows the rectal and anal canal as they change during defecation(having a bowel movement).this test is used to evaluate disorders of the lower bowel that are not evident by tests such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Who may have to go for thi..

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Treatment option; Most of the time, chronic constipation can be relieved using a combination of diet, exercise, medication and pelvic floor physiotherapy. If these approaches do not relieve your chronic constipation, you should discuss treatment options with a procto surgeon as you may be suffering from a type of chronic constipation known as obstructed defecation syndrome(ODS) Diagnosis: MRI d..

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Constipation is often one of those topics, very few people like to discuss. It occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom related to a family of diseases generally classified as defecation disorders. How do you know? If you suffer from a chronic constipation: The following self assessment can help you determine whether or not you ..

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Innovative treatment for piles: stapler surgery Procedure: It is a minimally invasive painless procedure that reduces the prolapsed hemorrhoidal (piles) tissue. A unique stippling technique that is used to push the swollen blood vessels back into their normal position. Preparation: Requires patient to take nothing by mouth about $ hours prior to surgery. Surgery: the surgery takes only about 2..

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Piles (clinically known as Hemorrhoids) basically, is the swelling of blood vessels near the anal opening. The lumps are formed by increased pressure on blood vessels in the area, causing them to enlarge and swell. We understand that piles may not be a subject you feel comfortable talking about, but there is no need to suffer in silence. Grade of piles: Grade 1: Symptoms are mild pain, itching s..

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