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Category : All ; Cycle : June 2013
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Glass Bridge will be suspended 4,000 feet above the Colorado River on thevery edge of the Grand Canyon . On May 2005, the final test was conducted and the structure passedengineering requirements by 400 percent, enabling it to withstand theweight of 71 fully loaded Boeing 747 airplanes (more that 71 millionpounds).The bridge will be able to sustain winds in excess of 100 miles per hourfrom 8 diffe..

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BE WARE OF HIV / AIDS INFECTION BY BLOOD TRANSFUSION;-- ******,07838059592AIDS OR HIV infection spread 100% by infected or contaminated Blood transfusion if a person gets Blood from a donor having infection with HIV/AIDS virus he will be assumed 100% affected by HIV Virus and such result which usually comes positive by elisa or card test after 3wks to 6 months,here positivity may ..

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FRUITS WE EAT –HOW ARE THEY SAFE ON HEALTH GROUNDS;--********@gmail.comSince ancient time Fruits are the important meal or refresher nutrient of Human as it is easily available most natural food without any toxicity or harm to our body beside its easy availability,no need of processing before eating and in rarest place like ‘VAN OR FOREST’ where human race use to live and walk ar..

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Water is an amazing substance - we can't live without it and in fact we are mostly made of it.Water is very essential for us and we should drink water but usyally not more than 1-2 litres mostly not as pure water but water in juices,food,vegetables etc is also important source of water so except very hot summer or jogging or marathon running or othe physical activities where we sweat more wate..

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DOCTORS ARE ON SALE -MAKE DOCTORs,"MUNNA BHAI MBBS" BY MONEY IN INDIA ********@gmail.comDear pri minister,health minister,madam sonia,,supreme court judges and lawyers and our respected parliamentarians sir,please look into facts DOCTORS ARE ON SALE,MBBS or MD /MS/DIPLOMA seats are on sell ,no private medical college conduct fair entrance examination for MBBS oe PG examinations,all resul..

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Dr. Avinash K M. MS (General Surgery), MRCS Ed.(UK), Mch in Neurosurgery(KEM, Mumbai). FINR (Switzerland), FMINS(Germany) Cerebrovascular/ Interventional Neurosurgeon and Stroke specialist (FINR), Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Neuro and Spine Surgeon.(FMINS) Dr Avinash is Indian born, MCI ( Medical Council of India) recognised Neurosurgeon with additional advanced fellowship &am..

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“Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”---- Einstein. Hippocrates (375-460 B.c.), stated "Askin peri ta nosimata dio: ofeleein i mi vlaptin," (Ασκείν πε&r..

Category (Neurology)  |   Views (859)  |  User Rating
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It would be nightmare to any human being to think about a lost hand, foot or an entire arm or leg or to be born with any of limb defects. How these human beings with lost limbs (physically challenged) can carry out normal activities like walking, picking objects, writing etc. To overcome this, doctor can provide artificial armamentarium called prosthesis or artificial limbs, though they are not su..

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Introduction We know the extraordinary curing power of Homeopathic medicine. But whatsoever problem is all– regarding the use of this medicine. Selection of accurate medicine from thousands of medicines –many a times, it is not possible. Moreover, in the present day– most of human being’s constitution is so much morbid, –has reached to such complicated lev..

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Continued from 'MahaPathy: Part-2' Humble offering to the Doctors Patient desiring to get opportunity of this treatment, –has to come to us through the medium of any doctor. At present, directly we are not treating any patient. We are busy, in case of preparing only medicine. In our country, there is no reliable organization for manufacturing this medicin..

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