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Category : All ; Cycle : November 2013
Medical Articles
PILES… A Lifestyle Disease
PILES (clinically known as Haemorrhoids) basically, is the swelling of blood vessels near the anal opening. The lumps are formed by increased pressure on blood vessels in the area, causing them to enlarge and swell. We understand that piles may not be a subject you feel comfortable talking about, but there is no need to suffer in silence.
Grades of Piles….
1) Symptoms are mild pain, itching sensation, heaviness where patient can be cured with medicine and diet and Healing Hands Innovative Ayurvedic Therapy.

2) Symptoms are painful defecation, recurrent bleeding, itching sensation, burning sensation, dragging sensation, and feeling of prolapse which reduces automatically after motion. This may require surgical intervention.

3) Symptoms are painful defecation, recurrent bleeding, itching sensation, burning sensation, dragging sensation, and feeling of prolapse which may require finger reduction after motion. This requires surgical intervention.

4) Symptoms worsen and the prolapse is irreducible. This requires surgical intervention.

NOTE : Only 30% of patients suffering from Piles will have bleeding, rest of the patients will have either burning, itching or constipation.

No Piles… Only Smiles..!

Innovative treatment for Piles : STAPLER Surgery

Procedure : It is a minimally invasive painless procedure that reduces the prolapsed HAEMORRHOIDAL (PILES) tissue. A unique stapling technique that is used to push the swollen blood vessels back into their normal position.

Preparation : Requires patient to take nothing by mouth about 4 hrs prior to the surgery.

Surgery : The surgery takes only about 20 to 30 minutes. It is usually done under spinal anesthesia. It is done
through a natural opening (anus), with the help of a use and throw device known as Stapler. In this surgery as there are no cuts and no stitches outside so there is no need of dressing.

Post Operative Care (after surgery care) : Patient can have full diet 4 hrs post surgery. He/she can
walk around just after 5–6 hrs of the surgery. Patient can be discharged within a span of 24 hrs. On discharge antibiotics and painkiller for7 to 10 days are advised.

Recovery : Patient normally gets discharged from the hospital within 24 hrs. The recovery period is relatively very short. Patient can resume daily routine after discharge and join work after 3 days.

NOTE : Stapler Surgery is done with any external cuts, so loss of control post surgery is a myth.

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PILES… A Lifestyle Disease
PILES (clinically known as Haemorrhoids) basically, is the swelling of blood vessels near the anal opening. The lumps are formed by increased pressure on blood vessels in the area, causing them to enlarge and swell. We understand that piles may not be a subject you feel comfortable talking about, but there is no need to suffer in silence.
Grades of Piles….
1) Symptoms are mild pain, itching sensation, heaviness where patient can be cured with medicine and diet and Healing Hands Innovative Ayurvedic Therapy.

2) Symptoms are painful defecation, recurrent bleeding, itching sensation, burning sensation, dragging sensation, and feeling of prolapse which reduces automatically after motion. This may require surgical intervention.

3) Symptoms are painful defecation, recurrent bleeding, itching sensation, burning sensation, dragging sensation, and feeling of prolapse which may require finger reduction after motion. This requires surgical intervention.

4) Symptoms worsen and the prolapse is irreducible. This requires surgical intervention.

NOTE : Only 30% of patients suffering from Piles will have bleeding, rest of the patients will have either burning, itching or constipation.

No Piles… Only Smiles..!

Innovative treatment for Piles : STAPLER Surgery

Procedure : It is a minimally invasive painless procedure that reduces the prolapsed HAEMORRHOIDAL (PILES) tissue. A unique stapling technique that is used to push the swollen blood vessels back into their normal position.

Preparation : Requires patient to take nothing by mouth about 4 hrs prior to the surgery.

Surgery : The surgery takes only about 20 to 30 minutes. It is usually done under spinal anesthesia. It is done
through a natural opening (anus), with the help of a use and throw device known as Stapler. In this surgery as there are no cuts and no stitches outside so there is no need of dressing.

Post Operative Care (after surgery care) : Patient can have full diet 4 hrs post surgery. He/she can
walk around just after 5–6 hrs of the surgery. Patient can be discharged within a span of 24 hrs. On discharge antibiotics and painkiller for7 to 10 days are advised.

Recovery : Patient normally gets discharged from the hospital within 24 hrs. The recovery period is relatively very short. Patient can resume daily routine after discharge and join work after 3 days.

NOTE : Stapler Surgery is done with any external cuts, so loss of control post surgery is a myth.

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Piles Treatment in Pune
Piles is a embarrassing, problematic and a cause of major inconvenience. Hence, symptomatic care usually proves to be futile.It is important that the cure be absolute and the relief complete. This is possible via holistic and customized care involving a combination of dietary, medicinal and surgical management.

The chosen treatment modality is dictated by the severity and grading of the condition.

Grade I (marked by mild pain and itching sensation) and most cases of Grade II Piles (marked by symptoms of Grade I and recurrent bleeding) can be managed with dietary manipulation and medicines alone. Within Pune, the Healing Hands clinic and its clinical team under the leadership of Dr Ashwin Porwal has come to establish itself as the pioneer centre for care and cure of Piles and other ano-rectal diseases. HHC, Piles clinic in Pune offers one a choice to select from varied streams of medicine (Allopathy/ Homeopathy/ Aryurveda). Moreover, the in-house pharmacists prepare the management plan depending on one’s preference and individual history.

Our dedicated team of dieticians takes care of the daily dietary plans for patients to facilitate the medicinal management.

Surgical options are recommended only if Grade II piles have persisted for more than4 months or in cases of higher grades of piles where prolapse is irreducible.

HHC is also the only centre in Pune that provides piles treatment via the recommended Stapler Surgery which is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the prolapsed Haemorrhoidal (piles) tissue.

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Hernia surgeon in Pune
A Hernia is a sac formation due to weakness or tear in abdominal muscles. A Hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained. These contents, usually portions of intestine or abdominal fatty tissue, are enclosed in the thin membrane that naturally lines the inside of the cavity. Any activity that increases intra-abdominal pressure can worsen a hernia; examples of such activities are-lifting weights, coughing, or even straining to have a bowel movement.

Types of Hernia include:
• Inguinal Hernia
• Incisional Hernia
• Femoral Hernia
• Umbilical Hernia
• Epigastric Hernia

Healing Hands Clinic (HHC) is a well known Hernia Clinic in Pune that provides Hernia management via 3D mesh repair. 3D mesh repair can be done under local anaesthesia also and a minimal number of stitches are needed to secure the underlay patch mesh. This procedure has lower recurrence rate compare to other available options.

Hernia management at HHC is led by our founder Dr Ashwin Porwal who holds a Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery from EITS – IRCAD, Strasbourg University, France and has also trained inProctology under world renowned Colo-Procto Surgeon Dr. Antonio Longo at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Austria.

He is also certified in Advanced Laparoscopy, Bariatric Surgery from Genoa Medical School, Italy and Wound Management from Madeleine Flangan University of Hertfordshire, U.K.

Since setting up the Healing Hands Clinic, he has extensive experience in hernia repair and has established himself as Hernia Doctor in Pune as well as across the India. He has achieved a significant milestone of successfully treating maximum number of Hernia patients.

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how to look great on D-DAY
How to look great on the D-day….your wedding….for the brides to be and the bride’s best friends?

1. MAINTAIN A FOOD DIARY: Track your food from the spoonful of custard to the little bites of chocolates everything you taste. We do not consider these hidden calories when we consume little bites of our favorite foods of and on. Kindly keep a track on these "hidden" calories as they are easy to gloss over but can really add up. Plus, research shows that the simple act of tracking your food can help you lose twice as much weight than if you don't track at all. For example 5 numbers of almonds have the same calories as of 1 chapatti….and we eat dried fruits as if there are no calories in them. So you be aware of this fact.

2. EAT BREAKFAST. Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare and it sets the stage for your day. NEVER SKIP THIS MOST IMPORTANT MEAL. Eat a healthful breakfast to get your metabolism fired up, and then you'll be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day. Eating breakfast can help you lose weight, as studies have shown breakfast eaters tend to consume fewer total calories during the day than people who don't eat a morning meal.

3. MINIMIZE THE PROCESSED AND PACKED FOODS: What the meats, dairy and processed and refined foods do is clog up your intestines with acidic toxins that can contribute to acne. These packed and preserved foods are loaded with sugar, salt, synthetic preservatives and fats either Trans fats or hydrogenated fats. Those toxins overwhelm your organs and alter the balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines.

4.EAT FRESH: Try to eat fresh foods. Do not consume the left overs for a while as the left overs causes the bloating also they have minimum nutrient contents. Secondly when you eat left overs you are not satisfied with what you eat and you tend to eat some snack that is either a pack of noodles, bhujias, biscuits or any other which tend to add extra calories.

5. DRINK WATER: Drink lots n lots of water as it will remove toxins from the body. As winters are here and we tend to drink lesser water but we need at least 1ml of water for each 1 kcal we consume. So try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Drink at least 35ml/kg body weight of water every day.

6. GOOD NIGHT SLEEP: WEDDING DAY SHOPPING…NEW DREAMS….STRESS….ALLL THESE WILL TAKE UP YOUR SLEEP ….it happens as most of the brides do forget what sleep is after they get hitched! But remember that sleep is the only time when your body recovers from all the stress your body goes through during the day. A good sleep is an important ingredient in your process of weight loss as well. It stabilizes your hunger hormones, which help you control appetite. . Your mind and calendar may be full of to-dos, but is "plenty of sleep" on your agenda each day? It should be. Too little sleep can hinder your weight-loss efforts, increasing cravings and leading to poor choices. Staying organized will help, but do you best to stick to a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for at least 7-8 hour hours per night—including weekends.

7. ACTIVE LIFESTYLE: Be active… yes the most important mantra of weight loss is in being active. If you can motivate yourself and go for a good brisk walk for an hour, well and fine. But if you are not able to do it at home it is better for you to join a gym, dance class, etc. An hour of exercise is a must to help you burst your flab and to look fab. . Maintain an active lifestyle. Try short workouts and find simple ways to turn downtime into active time. When you exercise, you help flush toxins out of your body. You also improve your circulation, bringing more blood to the surface of the skin. This not only gives you a healthy glow post-exercise, but it also keeps your skin cells healthier in the long run.

Try yoga, hiking, biking and running— whatever feels best for your body! Do something that you love so you’ll feel as if exercise is something you get to do, rather than one more chore. If wedding planning is stressing you out, you need the exercise to release some of that anxiety. You’ll get glowing skin, boost your mood, and be able to think more clearly with a little physical activity. All of these things will help you look beautiful, calm, and happy on your wedding day. You can also try pranayams at home. Deep breathing exercises also help you to lose weight. Yes the fun loving thing is to dance and make others dance as well.

8. NO SALT PLEASE: No Sodium! Avoid or minimize salt, it might sound difficult but it is certainly a small sacrifice for a slim body. Just flavor your food with other herbs and spices instead. Try to take one meal without salt and in others you can have lesser salt. Salt tends to cause water retention so beware….







Olive Oil

Green tea


10. MANAGE STRESS: It is a big day for you …yes so many emotions will be flowing through your you have to start a new life….but stress will take the charm of your face on the wedding day…try to keep yourself relaxed and calm. Do some meditation or call a close friend and discuss with her. Do pranayams or go out for a walk…try to spend maximum time with your family as this will keep you relaxed…remember the childhood…cherish the moments you spent with your siblings…and have great fun…as we cannot predict our future so live this day and enjoy.


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When and Why should you see a Fertility Specialist?
For millions of women, the road to pregnancy can sometimes be difficult. The idea of starting a family and becoming parents is the most exciting dream for many couples. But that dream begins to fade when they repeatedly experience the pain and heartache of not being able to conceive. They slowly lose hope, fearing continual disappointment. If you've been working with your family doctor or OB/GYN while trying to get pregnant but haven't had success, it may be time so see a fertility specialist or fertility doctor. That’s why it’s important to know when to see a fertility specialist and how this doctor can help you.

Fear of failure, concerns about cost and stories you have heard about other couples’ difficulties in conceiving can be discouraging. The majority of couples — 65% — who seek fertility treatment succeed in having children after being treated with fertility medication or surgical repair of reproductive organs. More than 95% of infertile couples in treatment do not require in vitro fertilization (IVF).

If you and your partner have concerns about fertility, the most important step you can take is to talk to a fertility specialist. Learning about fertility issues will help you feel more positive about testing, fertility treatments or other support that you may need to get pregnant and start your family. You don't need to wait — the sooner you see a fertility specialist, the sooner a fertility problem may be diagnosed and treated.

What does the term Fertility Specialist mean?

Fertility specialists are doctors that focus on diagnosing and treating male and female infertility. Fertility doctors study Reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI), a branch of medicine that identifies and treats infertility in both men and women. Fertility doctors are gynecologists who have received advanced, specialized training and certification in fertility problems and solutions. These fertility specialists have undergone the extensive advanced medical training necessary to accurately diagnose and treat the many complex conditions that can cause infertility. Fertility specialists specialises from the initial diagnosis in the male and female to the most complex assisted reproductive technology procedures. Fertility specialist are actively involved in the management of in vitro fertilization cycles and master the administration of FSH, cycle monitoring, retrieval, culture and transfer.

When its time to see a fertility specialist?

If you've been working with your family doctor or OB/GYN while trying to get pregnant but haven't had success, it may be time so see a fertility specialist. One might want to see a fertility doctor sooner if you have a history of irregular or painful periods, pelvic pain, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), repeated miscarriages, or if your partner has a low sperm count or a history of testicular, prostate, or sexual problems. If age is a concern then also it is better to seek assistance of fertility specialist earlier.

What is the role of a fertility specialist?

A fertility specialist diagnoses and treats problems related to infertility. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year (or six months if you are over 35) and natural conception is not working, a fertility specialist can diagnose and treat the infertility problems like Endometriosis, Problems with ovulation, Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Abnormalities of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and/or uterus

Also, if you have had two or more miscarriages, a fertility specialist may diagnose the cause of the miscarriages. The specialist would then guide you in selecting procedures that may help prevent miscarriage so you carry the baby to term.
If you are over 35 or if you want to benefit from assisted reproductive technologies (ART), like in vitro fertilization (IVF), a fertility specialist can guide you in using the ART process, along with other high-tech procedures. A fertility specialist may be the most qualified doctor to help you overcome infertility and finally get pregnant.

Should we plan the visit to see the fertility specialist along with the partner?

Its always important that both the partners make visit together. The reason of infertility can be from either side male or female. If you are not sure why you are having trouble getting pregnant, then may be your partner is struggling with male factor infertility. It’s important for you both to see a fertility specialist. Men with low sperm count or sexual dysfunction may be referred to a urologist or doctor that specializes in male infertility. A urologist who specializes in andrology may be the most highly qualified professional for all aspects of male infertility. Usually a semen analysis is performed before a couple proceeds to other infertility treatments.

The questions to be discussed with Fertility Specialist.

Befre you visit a fertility doctor you should have set of questions prepared to disuss with him. That will save lot of time and will help you in deciding about fertility doctor. The set of questions are discussed below.

What specific tests would you recommend to diagnose my infertility? How much do they cost?
Based on the results of those tests, what are my fertility treatment options, and how much do they cost?
How many ovulation induction (OI) cycles do you recommend before moving to in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
How many embryos do you transfer per cycle?
What is the success rate for IVF in terms of live births per embryo transfer for this facility?
If necessary, can you help me access donor egg, embryo or sperm donor?
How will I communicate with you during this whole process?
Does your clinic provide emotional counseling, or can you refer me to a counselor who deals with fertility problems?
What can I expect in terms of time commitments and how many visits do you anticipate will be necessary?

Choosing the right specialist

It’s important to find the right specialist for you. This may be based on a location convenient to you or by reading the specialist profiles to understand their areas of expertise. Once you have found the right doctor for you, take your first step and make an appointment and personally visit the doctor. Make sure you and your spouse are comfortable with the specialit and there clinic. You should develop a trust in him. Then only proceed.

Lastly, follow your own instincts. You know your body, and if you are trying month after month and can’t get pregnant, go ahead and make an appointment to see a fertility specialist. Remember, if you're under 35 and have been trying for more than a year, or are 35 or older and have been trying for 6 months or more, then you should should see a fertility specialist right away. This can give you a peace of mind immediately—and hopefully a baby in the near future.

For intended parents trying to conceive it is always advisable to take consultation from the infertility specialist rather then to beleive in the said things.Today on average, of the 1.5 million assisted reproductive cycles performed worldwide.

With today's advanced reproductive technology, You can always find a solution to all the fertility problems.You must meet an expert in the infertility field.One such clinic is Rotunda,which offers the entire range of fertility services, all under one roof. At Rotunda, we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of fertility treatment-- as predictable and comfortable as possible.For couples facing more difficult challenges, we have ART programs,which ranks amongst the best in the nation.You can contact us at or or email at or at simply call on +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26390044

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