Posted by Dr. Dewat Ram Nakipuria on Wednesday, 13th July 2011
Sex is a part and parcel and basic need of lifeas we feel hunger,thrist, air water,food ,money,pleasure so we require sex.Sex is the basic important factor behind the fact that that whole humanity is grown up because of this only.But,still in our society or any advanced society Sex is always considered as a subject of shame,disgust or embarrsement,something to hide or discussed openly in group or family members or society,any aberration in its performance either changing partner or male to male,female to female with desire and consent voluntarily or on payment or other entucement or without consent with force or under influence of some drug / alcohol or bad condition or using different postures and sites for sex pleasure than normal sex organs sites is taken into very bad sense and we start critising SEX in a way as it is an oofence and crime to perform sex.As crime is a crime whether it is done in Sexual act or in our normal day to day working for any reason,our legislators as of every country of world have dealt it in our Constitution and court is the highest temple to address it.Our purpose is simple, to encourage normal socially accepted SEX and to highlights its benefits in our day to day life.
In a recent survey conducted by kinsley institute of America's Indiana University over 1000 people 0f 1-51 yrs realotinship of different countries found that Woman gets more pleasure by Sex than by cuddles,kisses especially more when children are grown .This shows that how much is the need of Sex and especially in preor postmenopausal period in female where in oir country it seems as sin to talk sex in this age group in females but study shows something else,pleasure and demand are something which our social value cannot vanish but remains persist and gets fullfilled under cover of society .Male,although openly established as demanding partner in this study, gets satisfication by cuddling,kissing and huggging or watching sex on tv / Internet or Cinema but Females considers its of no better pleasure and accepts SEX ias only satisfying medicine.
Major benefits of Sex in our Life is as follows:-------------------------
These beefits are not anecdotal or hearsy AS "DADA-DADI KAHANI" but facts tested scietifically on our physical body and psychologically on our mind ,our vitl recordings as pulse,Bp,ECG,EEG,temperature,Respiration rate,sweating, shivering, change in voice,uttering of sounds our muscular activities as per different recordings on different instuments and now on PET SCAN and our behavioural changes to ourself, partner,family and in society recorded on many scales have established its benefits.
1. Sex Relieves Stress & Strain,calms and pacify us:
A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations -- such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic -- and noted their blood pressure response to stress.
Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained.
Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.
2. Sex Boosts Immunity and power of reactions to protect us:
Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.
Those in the "frequent" group -- once or twice a week -- had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups -- who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.
3. Sex Burns Calories reduces our fat and weight:
Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.It doesnot mean we have to do sex for such a long period continuosly but theme is that if we undergo Sex regularly and practice it in good sense then casual approach of performing sex for 02-05 min.withut any preexiciting partners,simple or mere its performance by discharge is no mor good .as we do pray or Puja taking all precautioned ,the same way sex should be planned and executed with a full preparation and with idea of a long duration so that more energy is burnt beside getting fullsatisfication and pleasure by both partners.
"Sex is a great mode of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.
4. Sex Improves heart & brain ,prevent heart attack & stroke:
While some older folks may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, that's not so, according to researchers from England. In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20 years.
And the heart health benefits of sex don't end there. The researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.It is said that a good Sex after proper excitement of both partners being conducted for a good time works as treadmill test to judge our coronary or cerebral arteries to challenge then to high delivery of Blood at rapid rate and to see how effective thes are? And simply putting them to such exercise regulary will increase their capacity to deal stress situation more effectively or other means of making them more stronger by regular excersises.
5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem,confidence & performance:
Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex, collected by University of Texas researchers and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.
That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Mass., although she finds that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better. "One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about themselves," she tells WebMD. "Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it."Sex is only tool of judging one's performance,many studies have shown that one who either lacks desire or erection,erection for good time,strengthened and tight long penis oe ejaculation or discharge after playing for some time or minutes/ hrs or unable to penetrate,tightening of pelvic floor Muscles and Vagina and erection and congestion of breasts and hotflushes,warming,vaginal lubrications ,abnormal sounding and cry and muscular movements ,hugging etc in Females ,it is being stated either in alone or by opposite partner that he is not a good man or she is not a good partner and so good sex makes you more self relied,more self confident and more energetic it it lacks then self despairness,frustation and depression is a rule and often leads to many psychosomatic diseases that neither Doctor asks such questions of sexual pleasure nor patients states them openly before a doctor as sex is understood as less to talk and reveal openly.
6. Sex Improves Intimacy,personal togetherness & bonds;
Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina evaluated 59 premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands and partners ending with hugs. They found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels.
"Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond," Britton says.Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.In early puberty or adloscent life we know how partners are made for each other ,they can break any norm ,any relation any bondage against their meeting.but even later in child bearing and rearing ages in single or joint families or in older,premenopausal or postmenopausal period Sex is very important if one practices it regularly will be very attractive and soothing for his her partner always and those who donot practice it but feels desire for it surely in their mind and reacts often violantly or otherwise if donot get chace to perform it by desire or undercompulsion.
7. Sex Reduces Pain of Body,head and Pelvic part & back:
As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapor and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.
8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer/Vag. cancer Risk
Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. When they followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s.
But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.
Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.Similiary well planned reular sex with pre and post sex hygeine reduces chances of Vaginal cancers too.Makes person more caustioned to take precautioned against Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS/HIV,use of condom,HPV Vaccine etc are adapted and more consultations for any abnormality in sexual organs are asked for resulting in early intervention and cure for these Diseases in those who practice it regularly than those who practise it occassionally under a shade and hide disease associated with Sex for a long .
9.. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Musclesor muscles of Genitilia:
as we know if we perform regular exercise we develop our muscles or stregthen them but if we donot do regualr exercise our muscles become puffy and swollen up and we feel pain and other problem so reguar exercise or warming is must for them.Similiary our pelvic Muscles or muscles controlling activites of our Genitilia need warming or exercise for better performance but even these are not utilised then a lot of somatic and psychosocial abnormality starts developing as our many hormones which rgulate or body,satisfication are not liberated in full leading to above discrepancies.
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.
To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.
10. Sex induce better Sleep,relaxing our mind & body:
The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research.And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.Sex also induces sleep very fast and such sleep are often non rapid eye movement sleep as our body and minds have relaxed but it is only when a good sex giving full satisfication has been performed.
Abnormal organ sites,abnormal methodology, abnormal partners ,abnormal enviornment and surroundings, compulsion, force,entucement,abnormal behaviors and acts never achieve such benefits but rather harms our body physically and mentally and some time we move for a second mistake /crime to cover first one and makes ourselves more entangles in it.
Therfore a good sex in good enviornment with an interesting partner with full consent in full consciousness with well planning with enough time with good arousal or excitement or four play and without interrupting session of sex with fully relaxed and comfortable mind is the prototype for such benefits.
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