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Category : All ; Cycle : November 2009
Medical Articles
Anger Management
Anger Management

People get angry for many reasons. Feeling hurt, guilty, insecure, powerless or betrayed are just few of the underlying causes of anger. While anger may be a natural and healthy response to a given situation, holding on to it is not. It can lead to host of psychological and physical ailments, not the least of which is depression.

Anger is a powerful emotion and serves as a mask of other feelings, feelings that you would rather not examine and acknowledge. Thoughts such as inferiority or depression are less likely to surface when you are angry.

Anger may offer you a sense of identity. You need to have something to believe in, something to stand up for. Anger gives you something to feel and generates a passion for something. acy, guilt

You may believe that you need anger and a feeling of being fed up to give you impetus to take action and make changes in your life. You want to generate enough pain in order to motivate to make a change in your life.

It is the only way you believe people will listen to you or respect you. If you do not get angry, others may think that you don’t really care enough or not really serious. Examine whether your anger masks other feelings.

Anger finds it root in fear. It is impossible to be angry without first being afraid. Investigate the source of your fear. Look at it and examine it objectively. Awareness is a powerful weapon.

Once you understand the reason for anger, it loosens its grip on you.

Passion, strength and conviction are admirable qualities indeed. Channel the fire and intensity of your anger intelligently so that people respect you don’t fear you. Harsh, blustery words are not the only way to get people listen – infact every one knows bullies are coward at heart.

Show that you are in control of your actions, and cognizant of their effects. Identify with strength, passion, and courage not with anger. Learn the difference between aggressiveness and assertiveness. Learn what has made the world leaders so great and study the qualities of the people around you whom you admire most.


Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won't relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your "gut."

Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax," "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply.

Use imagery; visualize a relaxing experience, from either your memory or your imagination.

Learn to use them automatically when you are in a tense situation.

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Dear Sir/Madam

PHOENIX HOSPITAL & DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE, SCO 8, SECTOR 16, PANCHKULA hARYANA 134109 is launching a new concept and we are pretty sure you would agree, appreciate & participate that no doubt the marriage is settled in heaven & celebrated on earth, nevertheless, the health of would be couple is most important than comparing the horoscope of girl & boy. The horoscope is not going to give the details of health part of each person.

In present time & changing scenario knowing actual health details would be most satisfying & tension free at the time of wedding both for the girl’s as well as boy’s family.

Won’t you agree that just by comparing the compatibility of horoscope of both the boy and girl & thereby knowing their Gunas / Doshas does not in anyway solve the purpose except finding little solace and leaving rest in the hands of God? Such kind of compatibility does not give any kind of details of the diseases like HIV, VDRL, TB and Cardiac Problems etc. etc.

It is in the mutual interest of boy or girl and their families to know prior to nuptial knot the health picture which sometime later leads to unsavory situation and many a times divorce. By this even if need be congenital abnormality / chromosomal defects type diseases could also be known.

Therefore, PHOENIX HOSPITAL is launching


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Dr T M Aggrwal
Ph: 0172-5054321, 5011333

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A professional level, practical training course in counseling has been organized at the Heart To Heart Counseling Centre, 10 Jerbai Baug, Byculla (E), Mumbai 27. The course is a certificate course in counselling and includes practical training in the scientific, contemporary and internationally most widely accepted Methodology (Scientific technique) of Counselling based on Humanistic Psychotherapy by an international trainer. It is ideal for those who are or want to be in people-oriented professions such as Counselors, Teachers, College lecturers & professors, NGO volunteers, Doctors, HR Personnel, Leaders & Trainers in Corporate world, Therapists, Healers, Yoga Teachers, Medical, Paramedical & Psychology students, Management Trainees, and Social workers. For details contact Prof.Dr.Rajan Bhonsle on 22184528 / 9821093902., Website:

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