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Medical Articles
Most Common Early Signs of Pregnancy
When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, it can be the start of a remarkable, life-changing experience. The first changes a woman is most likely to experience when she is pregnant are a missed period followed by a positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests, whether done at home or at a doctor's office, measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine or blood. This hormone is released when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Urine pregnancy tests can detect levels of hCG about 10 days after conception, while blood tests usually done at a doctor's office, can detect a pregnancy about seven to 10 days after conception. Testing too soon can produce a false negative result.

Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next. Some women experience many signs and symptoms very early in pregnancy, while others experience very few or even none. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy can appear in the first few weeks after conception. Here's what you might experience, missed period, nausea and tender breasts to dizziness and mood swings. To confirm pregnancy use a home pregnancy test, if the result is positive be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy can appear in the first few weeks after conception. Some symptoms show up when you have a missed period or a week or two later. In fact 7 out of 10 women’s have some symptoms by the time they are 6 weeks pregnant. If you have no track record of your menstrual cycle or have delayed periods then if following symptoms surface, you might be pregnant.

Knowing that you are pregnant the first thing that you need to do is to consult your physician. You can either consult your local medical practitioner or you can approach the gynaecologist in any maternity home and get your regular checkups done over there during your pregnancy. You can have a detailed knowledge of what services will be provided by maternity home at

Here's what you might experience, from nausea and tender breasts to dizziness and mood swings.

1. A positive home pregnancy test

The home pregnancy test taken after a missed period or after 8 to 10 days from the missed period will tell you whether you are pregnant. Remember that a baby starts to develop before you can tell you're pregnant, so take care of your health while you're waiting to find out. Once you've gotten a positive result, make an appointment with your practitioner.

2. Missed Period

A missed period is one of the surest signs of pregnancy. A missed period might make a woman wonder if she could be expecting. However, there are other reasons for missing a period. Perhaps a woman is not keeping track of her menstrual cycle, or maybe its length is irregular from month to month. Other explanations for why a woman could be late include excessive exercise, gaining or losing too much weight, stress, illness or breastfeeding, according to the National Institutes of Health. In this case, tender breasts, feeling queasy and making extra trips to the loo may be early clues that you’re pregnant.

Read in detail about all early signs and symptoms of pregnancy at or follow us on facebook at

3. Basal Body Temperature
4. Nausea
5. Tender, swollen breast
6. Fatigue and Sleepy
7. Frequent urination
8. Abdominal bloating
9. Mood swings
10. Food aversions

Apart from these common pregnancy symptoms, one may also have symptoms like constipation, diarrhoea, Headaches and back pain, spotting or bleeding, Darker areolas, vaginal discharge, Heightened sense of smell and increased thirst.

To confirm pregnancy use a home pregnancy test, if the result is positive be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Good lifestyle choices, healthy diet and proper prenatal care will give your baby the best start in life. Rupal Hospital for Woman is a one stop place for all gynaec problems and solution for all maternity related complications. Gynaecology & Obstetrics Section at Rupal Hospital have renowned female Doctors and each one of them is outstanding in their own field of expertise. We at Rupal Hospital are dedicated to providing the highest quality in women's health. Obstetrics and Gynaecology services include pregnancy (Ante-natal) care & Delivery services, specialised high risk pregnancy care, painless (epidural) delivery, menstrual disorders, endometriosis, chocolate cyst, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer, hysterectomy, fibroids removal, sterilization, polyp removal and IUD insertion. We have been a one stop place for all gynaec problems and our expertise lies in providing affordable Laparoscopic surgeries and difficult cases of infertility. The team of our doctors believe that preventive interventions are equally important as curative medicine and prevention always requires awareness and educations. We provide patients all information and counselling right from the stage of conception to delivering.

Once you have a positive pregnancy test you can contact Rupal hospital at or fix up an appointment with us at 91-261-2591130

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IVF for elderly women at Indira IVF, Udaipur
Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. As a woman ages, her eggs age with her, diminish in quantity and quality. Age is the most important factor in female infertility. After puberty, female fertility increases and then decreases, with advanced maternal age causing an increased risk of female infertility. In humans, a woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid-20s, after which it starts to decline slowly, with a more dramatic drop at around 35. The relationship between age and female fertility is popularly referred to as a woman's "biological clock". However, the exact estimates of the chances of a woman to conceive after a certain age are not clear, and are subject to debate.

Late pregnancy is becoming more common in our society.

There are several reasons why many couples choose to have baby after establishing strong relationships and achieving financial stability. Also, a growing number of late and second marriages are playing a major role in delayed pregnancy. Wide availability of contraceptives adds to it. Furthermore, there may be a delay in the search for a suitable partner, or partner may have a health problem that should be solved first. The shift in motherhood period can be attributed to the current generation of women who are more career and education oriented. Most of them prefer to settle down with a family once they have secure job and financial stability.

Impact of age on female fertility:

In very few rare cases pregnancy in women aged 50 years and above is recorded naturally or with advanced fertility treatments, the fact remains that fertility decreases with age. Reduction occurs gradually throughout the woman’s reproductive life, and it becomes faster apparently over the age of 30 years and it accelerates between 35 and 40 years so that fertility to 45 years is very close to zero. Most women can conceive and give birth to a healthy child in due time with nature, but the number of women who will suffer from infertility, miscarriages, or the development of fetal abnormalities increases rapidly after a certain age.

Learn from the specialists in assisted reproductive technology about different ART related treatment options at

The risk of miscarriage also increases with age, that is, the risk of miscarriage at the age of 40-44 years is 35%. Moreover, mature maternal age is associated with increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in children. Older women are also at risk of gynecological complications during pregnancy. From a purely biological perspective, it's best to try to start a family before you're 35 years old. Men can remain fertile for much longer than women. Even though male fertility also declines with age, it tends to happen gradually for men. The father’s age can also impact on chance of conception, time to pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and the health of the child.

Why does fertility decrease with age?

It’s well known that fertility in women reduces with age. It’s the egg, its quantity and quality reduces with aging in women.
Following contributes to the decrease in fertility in women.
1. The aging of the ovaries
2. Gynecological problems
3. Sexual function

Identification of infertility in older women

Read in detail about the influence of age on female fertility, its outcome and treatment options at

The treatment options for infertility in mature women

Assisted Reproductive Technologies play a major role in achieving parenthood for elderly women’s.

Ovarian hyperstimulation
In vitro fertilization (IVF):
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI):
Egg/Ooctye donation:

To improve the performance of IVF among older women, some clinics recommend assisted hatching, embryo transplant in the embryonic bladder, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and transplant of high quality embryos. The best option for elderly women is to use donor eggs from a young donor. The option of Embryo donation and the help of surrogate mothers using sperm of the biological father and donor eggs can also be considered.

In today’s lightning-fast lifestyle, where many couples are career-oriented and could barely manage spare time, the cases of infertility are on the rise due to excessive work-related stress, irregular eating habits and various other reasons. There are host of factors responsible for infertility. There are millions of couples who’re facing the prickly issue called infertility. Since almost three decades, Indira Infertility Clinic Specialists have helped infertile couples navigate smoothly through the often complicated process of infertility to the journey of parenthood. Indira IVF centre is the pioneer in providing affordable yet creditable infertility curation to the common people for the first time in India. We are armed with the state-of-the-art infrastructure, advanced equipments and a pool of renowned physicians. The service provided under one roof includes infertility workup, ICSI, IUI, In vitro fertilisation (IVF), Laser Assisted Hatching, Cryopreservation, Donor Program, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer, Pre Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD and PGS), Sonography, Laproscopy & Hysteroscopy and Karyotyping and Chromosomal Disorders Screening.

For age related infertility information in men and women you can consult Indira Infertility Clinic Specialists at or seek an appointment at 0 766 500 9965 to speak to us.

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We are often desperate to spread our conviction about NAMA and NAMASMARAN!
Why is this so?
This is because, even as we are convinced for years together that NAMASMARAN is the key to individual and universal blossoming, we do not have the experience of 1) the continuous universal grace of NAMA, 2) the ecstatic romance involved in NAMASMARAN and 3) most importantly its supreme and pivotal role in individual and universal blossoming.
But at some point in time, we get; 1) the glimpse of the universal grace of NAMA, 2) the ecstatic romance involved in NAMASMARAN and 3) most importantly the supreme and pivotal role of this romance in individual and universal blossoming.
At this point, we are “promoted” to the status of being romantically involved in NAMASMARAN, from the status of “understanding its importance; and practicing and spreading it”!
With this promotion we feel happy that we could practice and spread NAMASMARAN without being disheartened, cynical, indolent and escapist about it! We feel happy in the realization that while we are promoted to the status of being romantically involved in NAMASMARAN, the spread of the importance of NMASMARAN is actually multiplied, by the divine hand, without us being apparently involved in it!
We begin to get freed from our obsession, as we become aware of the infinitely more powerful mighty hand of God involved in universalization of NAMASMARAN!

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Through years of NAMASMARAN one realizes that:
Bhakti is an experience which is like fruition in case of a tree. It cannot be experienced by voluntary efforts!
It is an entirely personal experience and possibly cannot be even imagined by others! It can be expressed, but indirectly and only partially, in words. This is why bhakti is an immensely misunderstood phenomenon.
It appears to be a whim, a fancy or some kind of fad of an individual. It often appears paranormal. It appears useless or even counterproductive, in view of the day to day problems and rational approach to them.
But in reality, bhakti is the sign of the ultimate culmination of the holistic evolution of an individual. It is the pinnacle of human development!
Why do we say so?
Because, unlike most of our subjective feelings and their limited role in life, bhakti is an experience which is the objective source of revitalization for the whole universe! Bhakti is nothing else but the phenomenon of the flow of universal blessing through an individual for the rejuvenation of the entire universe forever!

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There is an ongoing process of individual consciousness being dissolved into cosmic consciousness. This is called holistic evolution. The fact that holistic evolution is an ongoing process is a great reassurance to all of us!
We the individuals are actually the indivisible parts of cosmic consciousness. But as we are oblivious to it; we are rendered isolated from this “whole” the cosmic consciousness! This isolation deprives us of the supply of vitality and wholesomeness! Moreover; being in isolation; we enter into conflict with the “whole”; the cosmic consciousness; even as we are only part of it! This conflict makes us restless!
Those who are one with the “whole”; guide, inspire and empower us to reestablish our oneness with the “whole” through the universally acceptable and practicable process of NAMASMARAN!
It is remembering the name of God.
What is God?
God is actually the same as cosmic consciousness or the “whole” that simultaneously occupies our internal and external universe!
NAMASMARAN is the opposite of being oblivious to God, the “whole”; the cosmic consciousness i.e. the true self!
In other words; being oblivious to true self is the root cause of stress and being in NAMASMARAN is; being one with the “whole” in harmony; and conquering the stress!
Interestingly; the true self of ours is not accessible to our ordinary and superficial states of consciousness and that is why we are isolated, we are in conflict and we are in stress! This is why and this is how; our “ego” is conflict with our true self; and NAMASMARAN is the freedom from the “ego” and freedom from the conflict! Hence it is the panacea for stress!
Hence; a firm conviction and latter the experience of the victorious power of NAMASMARAN is the key to true and holistic positive thinking!
In absence of this; we remain shackled in our ego and in conflict with “whole”! Our attempts towards positive thinking are born out of ego; and remain subjective, feeble, unrealistic and hence pathetic! Alternatively; “our positive thinking” is actually heinous and fanatic and is viciously “negative” to the majority!

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Sir, Why don’t you emphasize on value education; instead of NAMASMARAN?

In general; the values are inculcated through an interaction between; our innate core and what we see, hear and experience! Hence exposure to universally accepted values is useful; in as much as exposure to universally condemned values is harmful.

The idea of value education rightly aims at blossoming of the students along with the teachers! Blossoming essentially involves the opportunity and assistance to grow from within and bloom! But every individual has different personality with different qualities. Every individual has different family background; different socioeconomic condition; different culture and different political atmosphere. Every individual is different in several other respects; such as geographic and historical backgrounds also!

Considering this; it is obvious that the values have to be adopted with their relative feasibility! NO value is an absolute truth!

In such a scenario; the efforts to “impart” certain values; with uniformity; can be in conflict with one’s culture, religion, ideology, race, and nation and amounts to regimentalization!! It is subtly coercive and dictatorial.

If I possess a value that is condemned or if I dispossess a value, which glorified, I may develop guilt complex and conversely; if I possess a value that is adored and don’t possess a value that is condemned, then I may begin to feel proud and arrogant, which in both cases; is unhealthy!

There cannot be dictates and/or a blue print for blossoming!

NAMASMARAN, which is like water, oxygen or electricity, stimulates inner growth and development; and grooms the potentials; without arbitrary commandments. It helps us to grow naturally so as to break the shell nonviolently and get freed; from the “egg of ego” we are otherwise confined to! It sets us free from our pettiness and sectarianism, which are the basic cause of discord, antipathy and strife, in side as well as outside!

Hence I prefer NAMASMARAN; to value education and prefer to practice, promote and emphasize NAMASMARAN; in fact; to everything else!!

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HRUDGAT: (A Heart to Heart Dialogue with newly admitted Medical Students) Dr. Shriniwas J. Kashalikar,
HRUDGAT: (A Heart to Heart Dialogue with newly admitted Medical Students)
Dr. Shriniwas J. Kashalikar,


I salute my Guru, who is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh called Gunamaya i.e. the penultimate truth; and the Parabrahma; i.e. the ultimate truth.

Teacher: Dear friends! Hearty welcome to this prestigious and ambitious institute of medical sciences and research center! Medical career is crucial to health, happiness and progress of an individual as well as the society.
Students: Thank you very much sir! Sir, what is your advice for us; as the beginners in the medical career?
Teacher: The advice is simple! Make the most of life you may; life is short and wears away! Life is very precious! Make use of it to the best of your capacity! This is true for every one of us, but especially for you all, who are young, full of energy and full of dreams and aspirations! This is a great opportunity to express your vitality and potentials in a creative and constructive way and blossom together!
Students: Sir, are there any practical suggestions?
Teacher: Yes! The first and the foremost; is to keep meeting and interacting with your teachers, other staff members and colleagues. Ask questions and share your difficulties and problems! We all are at your service. In short, help us to help you. Let us all progress happily and together!
Students: Sir, but we often feel shy!
Teacher: That is natural. But the best way to; overcome shyness is to begin somewhere to open up and be bold! Many of you already seem to be bold! This way; you would enjoy every moment of your life here; and would never repent!
Students: Sir, we have apprehension about hostel life!
Teacher: Being away from your family you may be uncomfortable initially. There could be some problems regarding the food and day to day requirements also. But you are sure to get new friends, well wishers and caring people around; during your hostel life, which would make you comfortable and there would be improvement on other fronts also! Everybody here is busy in making your life better in every way!
Students: We have heard that the medical career is tough!
Teacher: Medical career is not very easy but it is rewarding in every possible way! Moreover; we all are here to make it easier and enjoyable! In fact; everybody here is busy in the mission of blossoming together and to groom you into excellent medical graduates!
Students: Is there any practical way to make this career easier?
Teacher: Well! One simple but important thing is to buy a Medical Dictionary. When you start understanding the medical terms, the medical subjects become not only easier but also; more enjoyable. It is essential to also buy English into Marathi (or your language) dictionary; if you already don not have one. This makes it further easier as well as interesting. This is essential even as the teachers keep trying to explain everything in your language, besides English!
Students: What about our daily conduct?
Teacher: You are all cultured and good students. You know the value of being moderate; in eating, sleeping, exercise, sports, extracurricular activities; and above all; respecting yourself and the others! Moreover you need to be disciplined and punctual so as to improve your efficiency.
Students: Sir, many of us have fear of failures!
Teacher: It is true that some students take longer time than others to cope up with the studies. But in case of fear of failure as well as actual failure; you should seek the support/guidance without any hesitation; from your teachers. They are always eager to help you.
Secondly; always remember that irrespective of failure; there is enormous potential in all of you! You can come out of even the worst situation and achieve the best! (Of course; this does not mean that you should be complacent, reckless or careless)!
Students: Sir, what should be our ideal?
Teacher: I think, our deal should be; individual and universal blossoming!
Students: Can you elaborate on this?
Teacher: This ideal is incorporated in the following Sanskrit verse from the great text book of Ayurvedic Medicine; Ashtanga Hridaya (The core of the eight aspects of Ayurveda); by the great genius Wagbhat.
Roughly; this means:
Blessed be the doctor/healer, who is well behaved, who is well versed with complete science of healing, who has achieved expertise and skills in clinical practice and research; and above all; who yearns individual and universal blossoming!
Students: This is really inspiring! Can you elaborate further; sir?
Teacher: In short, BHISHAJA: SADHUVRUTTANAM BHADRAM AGAMSHALINAM means; blessed be he/she, who studies human life, suffering and the preventive, curative and rehabilitative ways; from different angles and varied approaches.
Students: Do you mean that we have to study Ayurveda, Homoeopathy etc also?
Teacher: All the systems of Medicine are not included in the present curriculum Further, in a limited time frame; it may not be possible to study different systems of Medicine. But it is good to keep mind open; and get introduced to the principles of different systems as an extracurricular activity; and try to appreciate the interdisciplinary complementarity in healing and the health promotion. For this, it is important to get rid of our subjectivity, sectarian attitude and prejudices; and be as much objective as possible. The unbiased, unprejudiced and impartial nature and purity and innocence of heart are essential for accurate learning and appropriate decision making in medical career, even though this is true for other fields also.
Students: How to be objective?
Teacher: The best way to be objective; is to practice NAMASMARAN, more about which you can find in my books and articles available for free download on internet.
Teacher: Blessed be the one, who undergoes necessary training in techniques of prevention, examinations, investigations, treatment, rehabilitation and research.
Students: This is easy to understand. What is the meaning of BHADRAM BHADRABHILASHINAM?
Teacher: BHADRAM BHADRABHILASHINAM means; blessed be he/she, who yearns for individual and universal blossoming!
Students: Thank you sir! We appreciate this. But don’t you think that in this world of cut throat competition; we would be failures if we pursue such “noble” and probably “unrealistic and impractical” ideals?
Teacher: This is really an honest and frank question! Actually, we are trapped in cut throat competition and chaotic, confused and illusory pursuit of mirages! It is deceptive! Hence whether successful or otherwise, most of us are unhappy and hence add to the unhappiness of others! Most of us are disturbed and add to the disturbance of others! Most of us are under stress and add to the stress of others! This is a vicious cycle!
On the other hand; the pursuit “individual and universal blossoming” sets in a wellness cycle! It is like nurturing roots of the “life tree” of which we are a part. It is full proof and infallible!
In the present rat race; whether we succeed or fail, we land up becoming maniac or failures or suicidal; respectively. This is detrimental to us and/or others!
In the pursuit of individual and universal blossoming; we are sure to be in “win win” situation and increasingly fulfilled and never repent!
Students: Please elaborate; how this pursuit would be beneficial to us as well as the society.
Teacher: This pursuit embodies the natural principle of homeostasis, in which every constituent part nurtures the whole system and vice versa. Thus it involves contribution of every individual from different fields of life; to the health and happiness of the society as a whole, which in turn ensures the blossoming of different fields and the individuals therein!
Today; this happens to some extent; as a consequence of ongoing holistic evolution (and not merely biological evolution) by virtue of the spiritual legacy of our great and enlightened ancestors! But this would happen far more extensively if, we, the would be doctors, doctors, industrialists, agriculturists, engineers, artists, scientists, bureaucrats, politicians and so on; are increasingly freed; from tubularity of vision, sectarian attitude, fragmented thinking, fanatic tendencies, bigotry, prejudices, rigid biases, petty selfishness, and vested interests.
Students: But how to get freed from these?
Teacher: As I said earlier the simplest and universally accepted way (which I know) to conquer the subjectivity and pettiness of every kind; and be increasingly objective and broad, is the practice of NAMASMARAN.
Students: What is the meaning of NAMASMARAN? Can you please tell more?
Teacher: NAMASMARAN (From Sanskrit: Name = a (divine) name; smaran = remembrance); means remembering the name of God, which implies the true self, either loudly or silently. This is called jaap, jap, jikra in Hindi and Urdu respectively. It is also called simaran and sumiran.

NAMASMARAN; by virtue of its almost universal acceptability, simplicity, non-technicality and inexpensiveness; is the key to individual and universal blossoming i.e. Total Stress Management, irrespective of age, sex, occupation, socioeconomic stratum, race, religion, culture, ideology, nationality and other variables! This is especially so, because; NAMASMARAN does not involve any stringent rules, coercive regulations or crippling bindings. It does not interfere with the customs or belief systems.
NAMASMARAN, which is focusing on NAMA, gradually frees us from our individualistic and selfish shackles and reorients us to our own true selves. It revitalizes and rejuvenates us and catalyzes the evolution and implementation of holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and achieve individual and universal blossoming!
Students: Will you please explain these terms further?
Teacher: Yes! It is interesting as well as essential to understand them! PRERANA is the inspiration and SATPRERANA is the inspiration to realize truth. DHARANA is the conviction and SATDHARANA implies the conviction in the truth. VICHAR is thinking and SADVICHAR means thinking that enables us to realize the truth. BHAVANA is feeling and SADBHAVANA is the totality of our feelings, which lifts us to reach the truth! PRAVRUTTI is convergence of our inclinations, aptitudes, fixations; and SATPRAVRUTTI is; this bent of our mind to realize truth. VASANA means instincts. SADVASANA means the evolving and directing the array of our passions, to merge with truth! ICCHHA means desire and SADICCHHAA is a convergence of all desires in realizing truth. SHAKTI means power and SATSHAKTI is the power - the might involved in SADACHAR. SANKALP means synthesis and crystallization of our perspective, thoughts, feelings and instincts into a specific well defined pursuit and SATSANKALP means directing this towards individual and universal blossoming inherent to the realization of truth! KARMA means action and SATKARMA reorienting every different activity reaching us to to truth. ACHAR means transactions and SADACHAR means the transactions in different fields; at personal, family and social level, conducive to merging with truth (called NAMA by the practitioners of NAMASMARAN)!
Students: This appears promising!
Teacher: The practice of NAMASMARAN is a life line in every circumstance and forever! The best of everything in the world and of course; in the medical world; springs from the blissful enlightenment inherent to NAMASMARAN and in turn; culminates into it as well!
For example, in the pursuit of this ideal; if you become a health minister, then the whole nation would be healthier and happier; by virtue of your holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and their implementation! The healthier and happier nation in turn, would provide all the needs to every individual in different fields of life; including you, for healthier and happier life. In such a case; won’t the parents, teachers and alma mater be satisfied and proud of you? Won’t they cherish your legendary association with them? Hence this HRUDGAT is the best gift we can offer you; on this memorable occasion! I would however request you not to accept or reject this HRUDGAT casually; but verify it for yourself!
Before ending; it may be noted that, over 45 books, 600 articles and 200 videos in English, Hindi and Marathi on physiology, health, stress management and NAMASMARAN; written and demonstrated by Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar are available for free download on internet on; over 300 free sharing international websites including

Let all of us be happy through empowerment for universal perspective, vision, thinking, feeling and working for simultaneous individual and universal blossoming through freedom from suffocating superficiality and petrifying pettiness

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Different methods of Fertility Preservation
Fertility preservation is the cryopreservation (freezing) of human reproductive tissue to be used later for in vitro fertilization (IVF) therapies or intra uterine insemination (IUI). With the use of liquid nitrogen, human tissues such as semen, oocytes (eggs), and embryos (fertilized eggs) are frozen at temperatures exceeding 350 degrees (Fahrenheit) below freezing and stored in specially designed tanks. When the patient is ready to begin a family, the tissues will be shipped to an IVF clinic, thawed, and used in a procedure by a licensed IVF doctor to impregnate the woman.

Fertility Preservation is typically used by patients concerned about their future fertility. Fertility can be affected by a number of different factors, including disease, lifestyle, career, or age. The ability to preserve reproductive tissues is a great option and often recommended by doctors for cancer patients, military personnel, high impact athletes, and transgender clients. Fertility Preservation (FP) services can provide women, men and children an opportunity to conceive later in life after they overcome health or personal issues that may affect their fertility. These complications may include disease (i.e. cancer, lupus, etc.), reproductive problems (i.e. ovarian cysts), or side effects caused by treatment (i.e. chemotherapy). Others may look to fertility preservation to prolong or defer their ability to conceive for a variety of reasons such as concerns about age, carrier, lack of a life partner, or a family history of early menopause.

Regardless of the causes of infertility, cryopreservation and cryostorage are advances in the medical field that allow patients another attempt at having a family, an option that is priceless to many who have practically given up on raising children. Fertility preservation treatments must be tailored to the individual circumstances and integrated with the treatment regimen. Close coordination between the treating physician and the reproductive endocrinologist is the key to preserving family-building options for infertile patients.

The Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre based in Surat, Gujarat, India offers advanced reproductive technologies specific to fertility preservation that include egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation), ovarian tissue harvesting, embryo freezing or sperm banking. The clinic also considers and has the facility for oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Find new options for men and women to preserve their fertility with fertility specialists at

Each patient is unique. The impact of a given treatment on fertility can vary and so can the time available before starting life saving treatments. Patient age, marital status, personal wishes, religious and cultural constraints and prognosis may all affect decision making. Fertility preservation treatments must be tailored to the individual circumstances and integrated with the treatment regimen. The treating physician, reproductive endocrinologist and the patient must work as a team before opting for fertility preservation options. If you are at risk for infertility from cancer treatment, it's important to take the time to think about the significance of parenting to you. Consider whether you want to be a parent some day. If so, think about whether having a child genetically related to you is important. Understanding how you feel about parenthood will help you decide whether to pursue preservation options or not.

Following treatment options for Fertility Preservation for women, men, and children are available.


Embryo Freezing
Egg Freezing (Ooctye cryopreservation)
Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation - Option for Pre-Pubscent Girls
Ovarian Transportation - Option for Pre-Pubscent Girls

Learn in detail about female and male infertility, its treatment and all about different ART Procedures and preserving fertility at


Sperm Banking/ Cryopreservation
Testicular Sperm Extraction
Testicular Tissue Freezing - Option for Pre-Pubscent Boys
Radiation Shielding

Preserving Fertility In Children Diagnosed With Cancer

Parents of children diagnosed with cancer often do not think about Fertility Preservation. The majority of children treated for cancer can now expect to be cured. Recent advances in assisted reproduction have focused attention on the long-term fertility outcome for these survivors. While many of these procedures are still considered experimental, over the years the results will be encouraging. The advancements today are occurring at a rapid pace. In boys and girls testicular tissue and ovarian tissue can be preserved for future fertility options.

It is important that discussions regarding Fertility Preservation begin at diagnosis. The procedures listed above have varying risks and side effects. Some options may not be recommended for certain types of cancer or disease. There may also be treatments available that have a smaller risk of infertility. It is important to discuss these procedures with your physician and your insurance provider since they may be expensive and not covered by insurance.

The decision to pursue fertility treatment is never easy. That is why you need a fertility center with the proven ability to succeed – a trusted partner that delivers results to thousands of patients every year. The Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre is committed in helping parents achieve parenthood with the help of all the latest ART technology including IVF, ICSI, TESA, MESA, Assisted Hatching, Egg donation, sperm donation, egg and semen cryopreservation, Embryo freezing and Surrogacy. Our expertise in fertility treatment and cutting edge technology has helped majority of our patients achieve pregnancy.

If you are thinking about fertility preservation, you can visit our website at or fix up an appointment with one of our fertility specialists at +91 261 2470444

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Modified osteotome sinus floor elevation using combination platelet rich fibrin, bone graft materials, and immediate implant placement in the posterior maxilla
The osteotome technique is more predictable with simultaneous implant placement when there is <5-7 mm of preexisting alveolar bone height beneath sinus. Proper combination of platelet rich fibrin, mineralized freeze-dried human bone allograft, and autogenous bone has been recommended for this situation. The purpose of this article was to describe the proper method and materials which can grow >10 mm bone with osteotome technique and grafting materials where the edentulous posterior maxilla radio-graphically showed less bone between the alveolar crest and sinus floor.

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Migraine In Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Perspective of Migraine and its management
Migraine is one of the worst headaches a person can experience. It is described as a throbbing or pulsating pain that can be on one side of the head.It can begin in a specific area and then spread while it builds in intensity. A migraine is associated with nausea and vomiting. The person will also be
sensitive to light, sounds and even certain smells. Sleeping can be difficult and many people become depressed. They can last for a couple of hours or for several days. The symptoms of Migraine almost simulates with the condition “Ardhaavabhedaka “ which is one among the 11 types of Shiro rogas explained
in Ayurvedic classics .Lets discuss about the causative factors, pathology and management of Migraine in Ayurveda.
General Pathology
Vagbhata in the Ashtanga Hridaya explains the causative factors of Shiro ruja (Different types of head aches) as Air pollution, too much exposure of sun, cold, over use of water activities, too much sleeping or less sleep, sweating of head,
stress and related conditions, holding of tear, too much water intake, alcohol over use, infections, blocking natural urges, not being tidy and clean- both internally and externally, reduced oil application on body, use of computer or similar activities where the person has to look downwards for a longer period of time, digestive disturbances, talking on loud voice for longer time etc. Because of these factors, the Doshas are vitiated with the dominance of Vata, reaches head to create the pathological process. There is a migraine "pain centre" or generator in the brain. A migraine begins when hyperactive nerve cells send out impulses to the blood vessels, causing them to clamp down or constrict, followed by dilation (expanding) and the release of
prostaglandins, serotonin, and other inflammatory substances that cause the pulsation to be painful. The hyper action of the nerve cells and expansion and dilation of blood vessels are caused because of the Vata vitiation due to the above factors. This further vitiates Pitta and Kapha Doshas in our body, which
causes the inflammatory process. Charaka also mentioned that if this condition left untreated, it can lead to blindness or deafness.
Management in Ayurveda
Ayurveda has a variety of efficacious procedures and medications with no drawbacks and incidence of recurrence in the treatment of Migraine. Internal preparations, external treatments and Panchakarma (purification) treatments
are adopted for the management. This is done after a detailed diagnosis according to Ayurvedic methods. History of the disease with duration, previous disease history, mental state, pattern of sleep, appetite, food habits, activities, analysing the sense organs, analysing the pulse, character of stool and urine,
menstrual history, etc are examined in detail. This helps to get knowledge regarding the involvement of Dosha and the intensity of the disease. Treatment is done according to these two factors. First phase in the management of Migraine (Ardhavabhedaka) is Nidana Parivarjana (avoiding Triggering factors). Ayurveda enlists various nidanas (Reasons) which includes aharaja (diet born), vihaaraja (lifestyle related), manasika (mind and emotions related) factors. Most of the nidanas mentioned in Ayurveda go in similarity with migraine triggers, which has an active part in the diagnosis as well as in planning the treatment modalities.
Therapies Generally Used.---
External treatments along with the internal preparations are very effective in chronic conditions. Panchakarma helps to remove the accumulated toxins and help to strengthen the nerve system. Involvement of other systemic disorders is also taken into account before deciding the treatment protocols.
1. Thala pothichil : Various kinds of paste (grinded mixture of selected herbs in suitable liquid media ) over the forehead / entire head help for the sudden relief from the ache. The preparations help to normalize the hyper action of the nerve cells and regulates the blood circulation towards the brain
2. Thalam : Special herbal powders suitable to reduce the Dosha vitiation, are selected and mixed with suitable liquid media(oils/ghee) and this medicated herbal paste is applied lukewarm over the crown of head (Anatomically over the Bregma point on skull). (Dur 25-45min).
3. Shiro abhyanga : Head Massaging with Oils suitable for the Dosha vitiation, helps to increase the blood circulation towards brain and also helps to relax the spastic muscles on head. Special care is taken to massage the Marmas or the Vital points on head which have marvelous results.
4. Nasya : Nasya (application of herbal preparations through nostrils) is one of the treatments which directly acts on the nerves and removes the toxins accumulated in the sinuses. Mucus lining inside the nostrils are one of the areas where numerous nerve endings are exposed. The medicated oils applied through Nasya directly acts on these nerve endings and help to pacify Vata Dosha in disturbed nerves and control the abnormal impulses gernerated by these nerves. The special preparations used for Nasya drains the mucus deposited in the sinuses there by the pressure in this area is relieved. The
medicinal contents of the oils administered, stimulate the higher centers of brain which have actions on regulation of endocrine, nervous system and circulatory functions.
5. Shiro dhara : Shiro dhara with Takram (medicated butter milk) is also another important therapy which is used to control the vitiated vata kapha doshas localized head.(Dur 25-75min) Other Panchakarma treatments like Vasti (a course of medicated oil and decoction enemas), Virechana (purgation) also helps to put the toxins out from the body.
After the Panchakarma therapies, special preparations called Rasayana (immuno regulatory) is administered. Rasayana preparations improve the immune system further improving the perception of sense organs. Migraine due to other systemic involvement like psychological problems, digestive problems,
blood pressure, ophthalmic problems, immune problem, improper menstruation, etc will be relieved when treated according to the specific treatment told for these diseases.

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