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स्वच्छता: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
स्वच्छता: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर

स्वच्छतेवर माझा विश्वास असो वा नसो; मी स्नान करतो की नाही ह्याला महत्व आहे. त्याचप्रमाणे त्याचप्रमाणे देवाधर्मावर माझा विश्वास असो वा नसो; मी नामस्मरण करतो की नाही ह्याला महत्व आहे!

स्नानाचे शास्त्र मला कळले असो वा नसो आणि स्नानाचे महत्व मला पटले असो वा नसो; मी स्नान करतो की नाही ह्याला महत्व आहे. त्याचप्रमाणे देवाधर्माचे ज्ञान मला असो वा नसो; देवाधर्माचे मला महत्व पटले असो वा नसो; मी स्वत: नामस्मरण करतो की नाही ह्यालाच अधिक महत्व आहे.

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विस्मरणाची नोंद: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
विस्मरणाची नोंद: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर

नामस्मरणाची नोंद ठेवली जाते. तिचे फायदे अनेक आहेत. उदा. आपला उत्साह टिकून राहतो किंवा वाढतो.

पुढे पुढे जर आपण विस्मरणाची नोंद देखील ठेवू लागलो तर
१. आपले विस्मरण अथांग असून आपले स्मरण अगदीच अल्प प्रमाणात होत असल्याचे जाणवते.
२. आपल्या अंगभूत जडत्वाची जाणीव ठळक होते.
३. त्यामुळे आपल्या अपेक्षा आणि आशा आपोआप कमी होतात.
४. नामाचे महत्व अधिक जाणवते.
५. वेळ वाया जाणे कमी होते.
६. स्मरण अधिक प्रमाणात आणि अधिक समरसतेने होते
७. नामस्मरण हे मुख्य आणि इतर सर्व काही त्याच्या तुलनेत गौण आहे असे पुन्हा पुन्हा आणि अधिकाधिक प्रमाणात मनावर बिंबते.
८. कितीही नामस्मरण झाले तरी ते कधीही “पुरेसे” नसते; हे कळू लागते! पण त्याचबरोबर; आपण जीवनाच्या सार्थकतेच्या योग्य मार्गावर असल्याच्या समाधानाची जाणीव अधिकाधिक दृढ होते!

पण या सर्वावर विश्वास न ठेवता त्याचा प्रत्यय घेणेच श्रेयस्कर ठरेल!

हे लिहिताना २५ मिनिटे नामविस्मरणात गेली!

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Rural Oral Dental Care in indian Village
Discussion & awareness of home Oral Hygiene Care tips with villagers a glimpse : Gursahaiganj Dsitrict Kannauj Uttar Pradesh India.

The key to keeping a bright, healthy smile throughout adulthood is to practice proper oral hygiene. Adults can get cavities, as well as gum disease that can lead to serious problems. Throughout your adult life, it's important to continue to:Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove dental plaque – the sticky film on your teeth that's the main cause of tooth decay and inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis.

Floss daily to remove plaque from between your teeth and under your gum line, before it can harden into tartar. Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by a dental hygienist during a professional cleaning.

Limit sugary or starchy foods, especially sticky snacks. The more often you snack between meals, the more chances you give bacteria to create the acids that attack your tooth enamel.

Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups.

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NOTE: A lot of details can be possibly be added to this and a few can be dropped from this; so as to evolve a holistic curriculum for first MBBS..

General Understanding about Education
Suggestions for curriculum of Physiology
Introduction in brief to different concepts relevant to Physiology

General Understanding about Education
The fundamental aim of any and all the curriculums in general and human physiology in the first year of MBBS course; in particular; is to simultaneously achieve; holistic blossoming individual and global. This is concurrence with “आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगत् हिताय च”.
Education is a phenomenon of understanding and realizing one's real nature and manifesting it. Education involves metamorphosis of an individual from pettiness to profundity. Education can also be conceived as acquiring "freedom" to express one's innate potential. Education therefore conceptually involves physical, instinctual, emotional, intellectual, technical, artistic, scientific, cultural training and growth of an individual. Its aim is to help one explore and manifest oneself in one's respective field in the light of self-realization.

One can see that arbitrary acquisition or imparting of skills can develop an individual into irresponsible, adamant, petty and sometimes grossly antisocial yet an expert person. Such experts; highly acclaimed as professional top brats; generally do more harms to themselves as well as to the others rather than rendering service. On the other hand sometimes a student may be 'good' but lack the capacity to acquire necessary knowledge and/or skills. Hence imposing skill in such case becomes counterproductive from every point of view.

The purport of the great seers like Kabir, Tulsidas, Dnyaneshvar, brother Laurence and Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj is that, if NAMASMARAN is taught right from the early childhood in a systematic and caring manner, then the door to Inner Light and power is opened. The educational programs if oriented in this way and complemented by training in various aspects of information and skills, then the teachers, students can understand and practice what can simultaneously satisfy them and benefit the society.

This will bring new life to the places of worship and sanctity to the places of education. This will also bring nobility, generosity, selflessness and honesty to the places of trade, industry, government offices and other places of activities. This can revitalize every sphere of life and thereby establish harmony, integration and co-ordination in all parts of the society.

Having said this, we need to understand that education is basically a process of blossoming of an individual (following five domains) and the society.
(Emotional perception, experience and response)
This means the state of mind. In simple words affective domain relates to how we feel. Thus when our mind is full of alertness, attention, enthusiasm, buoyancy, affection, concern, joy, tolerance, self esteem, mutual respect, mutual trust, commitment, dedication, love, romance, confidence and victorious spirit; we would call it; a healthy affective domain. In addition; 1) the zeal and concentration; needed; in the pursuit of excellence in intellectual field, 2) tenacity and endurance required; in skillful activities and 3) patience and commitment essential; for internally satisfying and socially beneficial (conscientious) actions; constitute affective domain. The purpose of education is to nurture this domain by designing suitable curricula and syllabi.
Affective domain suffered due to,
A] Isolation of the children from their parents and their domestic environment at an early age [Making the parents also equally sad]
B] Lack of warm bonds due to huge number,
C] Cut throat individualistic and petty competition,
D] Inadequate facilities of sports, trekking, educational tours, recreation and physical development etc
E] Alienation from one’s social environment and culture
(Perception of skill, experience of skill and response in terms of skill)
This implies ability to appreciate skills and ability to perform physical and mental skills, with speed, accuracy, elegance, ease of performance etc. This may involve appreciation and performance; of skills such as surgery, playing a musical instrument, playing basket ball or doing carpentry! The purpose of education is to nurture this domain by providing sufficient practical and demonstration classes; with all the necessary equipments.
Psychomotor domain suffered due to
A] Almost total lack of opportunities to actually participate in skillful activities such as drawing, painting, sewing, sculpturing, carpentry, knitting, weaving, music, agriculture, horticulture, other handicrafts, various sports, performing arts etc.
It is important to realize that promotion of psychomotor domain is evident but in its caricature form. It has no concrete economic realistic basis. The activities have no economic incentive and no productive element.

(Intellectual perception, experience and response)
This incorporates; accurate perspective, perception, understanding, conceptualization, concentration, evaluation, analysis, recall, synthesis, correlation; and making appropriate policies, plans and decisions. It also includes expertise in the management, administration, etc.
Cognition suffered because of:
a] Huge number of students, in a single class making following three things almost impossible. These are i] individual attention ii] dialogue iii] discussions,
b] Lack of adequate salary, accountability, incentive and economic security to the teachers taking away; the initiative of nurturing cognitive domain
c] Increase in alienation with respect to student’s background and aptitude
d] Lack of adequate incentive to the students in the form of creativity, production and earning, service to the family and service to the nation, takes away the motivation required for building up cognitive domain
e] Lack of conviction essential in the growth of cognitive domain in the teachers and students because of outdated practical and demonstration classes, lack of interdisciplinary dialogue and in general the irrelevance of education to the realities of day to day life in as much as almost predictable consecutive unemployment at the end! The lack of conviction could be partly due to lack of participation by teachers in decision-making, policy making, development of curricula, syllabi etc.
f] Emphasis on recall and hence rote learning thereby promoting various forms of copying and favoritism; besides denying free inquiry, reading, questioning etc. thereby directly thwarting the cognitive domain

g]] Too many examinations; with irrelevant parameters or criteria of evaluation [besides being unfair in many instances] leading to misguided and in most cases counterproductive efforts thus adversely affecting the cognitive domain
h] Competitions where the manipulative skills, callousness, selfishness are given more respect, destroy the enthusiasm of growing in cognitive domain
i] Information explosion affecting cognitive domain by either causing enormous and unnecessary burden on memory or inferiority complex
j] Pressure of interviews causing constant tension and sense of inadequacy, right from the tender age,
k] Protracted hours of homework in schools denying the students their legitimate right to enjoy their childhood and make them physically, mentally and intellectually unfit to grow in cognitive domain
l] Irrelevant and unnecessary information loading in lectures in the form of monologue, leading to suppression of the spontaneity, originality, interest and enthusiasm so much required in cognitive development amongst the students,
Spiritual domain incorporates inner blossoming of an individual through introspection, heart to heart communication (not merely discussion and arguments), and mutual understanding between the teachers and students.
Productive domain empowers the people concerned with such as teachers, students, clerks, servants, sweepers and many others; such as education inspectors.
Last two domains suffered as they are almost completely neglected.
This scenario in education has lead to
1] Reduction in the dignity of labor amongst those who continue to learn, as well as reduction in the income of the concerned families and the nation
2] Lack of education, lack of employment and starvation or criminalization amongst those who are forced to drop out because the poor villagers’ children normally contribute to the earning of the family.
3] Inhuman suffering of those millions of students dropouts, who somehow manage to get into the hell of cheap child labor for subsistence; due to economic reasons.
4] Increasing number of unproductive criminals and mental wrecks or highly competitive efficient maniacs; pursuing petty goals at the cost of others!

The piecemeal approach or facilitation of petty pursuits (under the guise of development and progress) is not only useless but is in fact counterproductive and while piecemeal approaches are failing; there is no adequate awareness and promotion of holistic education, which leaves the vicious cycle of stress distorting education and distorted education creating, aggravating and spreading the stress; to continue unabated.
It has to be appreciated that no statesman, no political leader, no policy maker and no administrator can bring about change in an existing system (in democratic set up); unless, we evolve a consensus about the changes in the majority of people; whose cooperation is very vital. Some institutions and individuals, for whom we have great respect, are involved in the holistic approach to education (mainstream, formal, informal, curricular, co curricular, extracurricular as well as education of physically and mentally challenged children).
In short; the policy of holistic education; demands that every school, college, university etc must become the center of production and service, self sufficient and must aid in self sufficiency and blossoming of everyone involved in education and also of the nation. The students, teachers and others associated with education; must blossom as independent and empowered individuals; spiritually, intellectually, mentally, instinctually, physically and economically.

In practice; everyday; approximately 20 % of the time be spent in production, service (psychomotor domain and economic empowering) etc.
1. The productive domain should be an essential ingredient of education System, but no particular job should be enforced. The teachers and others should participate in the productive domain. Production and service can involve community projects such plantation of medicinal herbs, rearing of cows, home flower gardening, production of chalk sticks, carpentry, pottery, cleanliness, crafts, skills, arts and their sale according to the situations.. Working physically in different ways and earning is not a burden. It is an opportunity to grow from within. It is an opportunity to develop our self esteem. It is an opportunity to become self sufficient.
2. This leads to self sufficiency in schools. They do not have to depend on heavy fees or federal grants or donations and this way they become accessible to all; rendering the reservations redundant!
3. Through productive domain the hypokinetic stress, emotional stress of being dependent and intellectual stress of excessive memorizing is averted.
4. Due to productive domain, the dropping out due to lack of earning (as is common in case of millions of students in many parts of world) and then turning into helpless, vulnerable and cheap child labor would come down.
5. Being empowered, the students would not go through the stress of unemployment and turn into helpless, frustrated mental wrecks or criminals.
6. The emphasis on productive domain (and hence psychomotor and practical aspects) would bring down the necessity and also the capability and possibility to “copy” and associated crimes and corruption in procedures of examinations, certification, providing grants and so on!
The caste based reservation for education, jobs and promotions; responsible for social divide and strife; in many parts of the world; (especially India) can be rendered redundant and thus; peacefully and advantageously done away with, by consensus!
Most importantly; we have to introduce and incorporate examinations, which examine the actual skill, capacity or performance of the student, rather than his/her ability of repeating or reproducing things and/or copying.
20 % of the time be spent in personality (conceptual and spiritual) development and
Personality development includes affective domain, spiritual domain and embodies broadening of perspective; through various means such as; NAMASMARAN, by hearting and chanting prayers, poems and songs, guest lectures, seminars, discussions on holistic health from guests from other states, countries, languages, cultures and different religions; thereby promoting global unity. In addition it also includes; educational tours and visits to places; where the student gets exposed to the nature and society; such as farms, gardens, sea shores, laboratories, airports, government offices, share markets etc.
20 % of the time be spent on cognitive domain
Development of cognitive domain can include teaching of languages, history, geography, mathematics etc with utmost emphasis on interpretation and relevance in day to day life. Thus typical irrelevant questions in the examination of history, languages, mathematics; should be totally done away with. The subject such as; commerce, economics, psychology, civics, philosophy, logic, sociology etc must include field work and made relevant to the present society.
We must encourage maximum and daily person to person interaction and dialogue amongst the teachers and students; so that analytical, synthetic, contemplative, decision making, trouble shooting and problem solving capacities are developed optimally.
20 % of the time be spent in physical activities (essential for the development of all the domains)
Physical activities can include pranayama, sports, exercise, trekking, hiking, a variety of physical fitness training programs and methods to avoid monotony and improve efficacy. A variety of sports prevalent in every other parts of the world can make the programs more interesting, entertaining thereby promoting global unity.
20 % of the time be spent in (affective domain) entertainment
Entertainment that enriches the soul; not only should include playing musical instruments, dance, painting, mimicry, singing, storytelling, drama, movie etc. but everything that nurtures the affective domain and spiritual domain as well.

Let us realize the fact that the vicious cycle of stress distorting education and distorted education causing and multiplying stress and ill effects in individual and social life; cannot be managed effectively unless and until; a situation where millions are “imprisoned” in unproductive work and millions are forced into unemployment and inhuman cheap child labor; is eradicated through holistic education policy and its implementation; at international, national and local levels; through the laws, government rules and public awareness, consensus and participation.
The details of practical steps can be developed by interactions amongst the people active in the field of education all over the world. But we all need;

1, Perspective and conviction of Global Unity and global welfare
2. Readiness to accept and introduce physiological insights and principles in the holistic education
3. Readiness and openness to have dialogue with experts in other fields
4. Participation from the society and governments and the media including internet websites, so that holistic education activists all over the world; can have a meaningful dialogue and share views, work and experiences and may be, inspire others!
5. Administrative proficiency and due care and concern for the physical capacities of the children (normal as well as the physically and mentally challenged) and should not be painful and troublesome.
7. The opportunities for psychomotor activities and productive activities; without impositions.
8. Every kind of open mindedness and tolerance amongst teachers and students; so that better international relations can be realized.
The physical, instinctual, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and economic empowerment and blossoming; in holistic education is integral to Total Stress Management i.e. individual and global blossoming i.e. global unity, harmony and justice i.e. holistic renaissance.
With this perspective it becomes clear that the prerequisites for a fairly appropriate curriculum of human physiology in the first year of MBBS course include enabling the students to choose the medical career, with the goal to blossom with the society on the one hand and pursue the medical career, which embodies different possibilities such as teaching, practice, research, policy making and so on; on the other. This involves; building awareness about nature of duties and responsibilities and thereby remove whims, fancies and unrealistic expectations of glamour, power and/or money; and national and local policies to ensure that all careers empower a student from childhood to earn and all careers have comparable returns. This also necessitates designing of appropriate criteria and procedure for admissions to medical or paramedical courses.
Suggestions for the curriculum of human physiology in the first year of MBBS course

Cognitive domain:
Goal objective: Development of the ability to integrate the understanding of molecules, compounds, cells, organs, organ systems, human body and their dynamic interrelationship with different environments; as optimal functioning of this “whole” can achieve the basic aim of “simultaneous blossoming of and individual and the universe”! This is to prepare the foundation for the possible future role of the student as a clinician, teacher, research worker, health strategist, health educationist and policy maker. This is also to minimize stress caused by ignorance, apathy, irresponsibility and personal and social degeneration and decay.

Hence at the end of the course, the student should be able to comprehend the physiological principles underlying not only pathogenesis, but symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. He/she should also comprehend the importance of physical health in wellbeing of the society and in turn; the importance of integration between policies in different fields in achieving individual health.

• Cause and effect relationship in the phenomena should be given emphasis. Thus electrophysiological basis of ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG is far more important than that the techniques themselves. This applies to the experimental techniques as well.
• Concept of Holistic health
• Concept of Dosha-Dhatu-Mala vidnyan (Ayurvedic concepts of Physiology
• Concept of pranayam
• Common herbs and condiments, which are part of routine Indian cuisine and aid in prevention of diseases and maintenance and promotion of health
• Concept of clapping,
• Concept of NAMASMARAN, ,
• Concept of prayer,
• Concept of bath,
• Concept of massage,
• Concept of mauna,
• Concept of walking, prayer,
• Concept of stress,
• Concept of good morning,

Affective domain
Goal and Objective:
To facilitate development of healthy i.e. unprejudiced, tolerant, broad, compassionate, buoyant and victorious mind and behavior
Practice of
• Proper history taking, communication and manners and etiquettes of clinical examination
• Prayer,
• Mauna,
• Bath,
• Massage,
• Clapping
• Walking,

Psychomotor domain
Goal and Objective:
The students are expected to develop foundation to subsequently grow into different specializations.
A program of “fitness clinics (health check up clinics)” is described in my presentations in the APPI conferences, which basically involves converting the basic departments into service departments.
1. This does not require new investment.
2. The basic departments are expected to provide basic examination and investigations to all, and guide/direct them to different specialties.
3. This way they Indian standards for biochemistry, physiology and Anatomy and also detect and document the prevalence of different problems in society, which helps in deciding socially useful research work.
4. Being service departments the basic departments can justifiably demand and get research grants for properly guided and appropriate research work.
But apart from above; in the present set up itself; there are some suggestions, which are as follows.

Exclude: Hence the all the experiments in mammalian and amphibian physiology should be excluded.
Reason for exclusion: These are actually vestigial elements in 1st year MBBS curriculum. They are carried forward for generations like blindly followed customs and traditions, without realizing that they were extremely important as research methodologies once upon a time and still constitute an important part of history of physiology, but not practical courses. This is because, these experiments UNLIKE EXPERIEMNTS IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY require extrapolation of the results to human beings. Hence keeping them as part of experimental physiology is not only redundant and unnecessary, but counterproductive as it adds to erroneous conceptualization. The examples of amphibian heart experiments validate this point.

Practice of
Clinical examination in further details; as this helps explore the body functions and develops investigative approach
The examination techniques such as oral examination, auroscopy, rhinoscopy,
ophthalmoscopy experiments as these also help in directly understanding the functioning of body
Fitness techniques such simple neck exercise, eye exercise as have been demonstrated in my over 160 videos available for free download on youtube; as this helps in appreciation of potentials of the basic knowledge of physiology in maintenance and promotion of fitness.

Productive (and creative) domain
Aim and Objective:
To enable the student to intervene at least in simple day to day health needs, which we may not call diseases
Training and practice of cultivation preservation and use of herbs such as holy basil, aloe vera, turmeric, ginger, in day to day diet for maintenance and promotion of health

Spiritual domain
Aim and Objective:
Help the student in what is holistic evolution over and above organic evolution
Training and practice of prayers and meditative techniques such as NAMASMARAN

The concepts referred to above are described in brief in PART 3.

Different concepts relevant to Physiology

In other words, the traditions arise out of enlightenment and are aimed at and expected to culminate in enlightenment. In other words the traditions are born out of holistic health and are aimed at holistic health.

However, as the time passes, the enlightenment, the wisdom and objective of the traditions becomes inconspicuous and obscure. This leads to blind and mechanical following of the traditions, which in turn results in degeneration and distortion of the traditions. These distorted traditions eventually become coercive, suffocating and disruptive and at best redundant.
One such tradition the basis of which has become obscure is clapping.
It is true that we clap on many occasions which are not religious traditions. We actually clap spontaneously to cheer as an expression of appreciation, excitement and joy!

But more regularly, we Hindus clap during musical prayers called bhajans and aratis.

Whether the clapping is thoughtfully included in prayers or otherwise, the clapping has some distinct physiological benefits conducive to development of holistic health. The hands have relatively large areas of representation in cerebral cortex. Clapping therefore stimulates the corresponding large areas of brain; and is probably useful in activating, energizing and vitalizing the central nervous system and the central nervous control mechanisms in the brain. The quantitative and qualitative aspects of clapping; on neuroendocrine, endocrine and metabolic activities; and on various psychosomatic diseases; has to be investigated. It is also logical to guess and hypothesize that clapping could benefit to some extent in cases of depression of varying degrees.

Those involved in physiology of exercise, sports, athletics and gymnastics and fitness in general can study the specific advantages of clapping from performance point of view and clapping can be advised as a part of routine workout for the their students and clients!

The investigators and the practitioners in the field of acupressure and/or reflexology can do it similarly in their field.

For rest of us we can clap enthusiastically whenever it is feasible and comfortable with great respect and gratitude for the ancestors of mankind and try to search the wisdom hidden within other traditions!

NAMASMARAN embodies; remembering the name of God, Guru, great souls; such as prophets and whatever is considered as holy e.g. planets and stars. It is remembered silently, loudly, along with music, dance, along with breathing, in group or alone. Further, NAMASMARAN is either counted by some means such as fingers, rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA), or electronic counter; or practiced without counting. The traditions vary from region to region and from religion to religion.
However the universal principle underlying
NAMASMARAN is to reorient our physiological and social being; with our true self and establish and strengthen the bond between; our physiological and social being; with our true self; and finally reunification or merger with our true self!
Since individual consciousness is the culmination of every activity in life; and NAMASMARAN the pinnacle of or culmination of individual consciousness; NAMASMARAN is actually opening the final common pathway to objective or cosmic consciousness; so that individual consciousness in every possible activity gets funneled into or unified with Him!
Thus NAMASMARAN is in fact the YOGA of YOGA in the sense that it is the culmination of consciousness associated with every possible procedure and technique in the yoga that we are familiar with. It is the
YOGA of YOGA because it is the culmination of consciousness associated with all the activities in the universe, which it encompasses as well! It is YOGA of YOGA because everybody in the world irrespective of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it; in the process of liberation. Even so called non believers also would not “miss” the “benefit of NAMASMARAN as they may remember true self through one symbol or another”!
Just as NAMASMARAN is YOGA of YOGA it is meditation of meditation also! This is because the natural and ultimate climax of every form of meditation; is remembering true self or merging with cosmic consciousness effortlessly!
These facts however have to be realized with persistent practice of NAMSMARAN and not blindly believed or blindly disbelieved with casual approach!
In short NAMSMARAN is super-bounty of cosmic consciousness for every individual to realize it (cosmic consciousness)! This is truly a super-bounty because a person, who experiences it, rises above mercenary, commercial and even professional and charity planes and manifest super- transactions in his or her life!
These are just few observations to give rough idea about what is NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is an ocean of bliss. Its true meaning is beyond description in words and has to b experienced, not by one or few person sporadically; but most preferably, by billions!
The last point is; NAMASMARAN would enlighten, empower and enable at least some people; out of those billions practicing NAMASMARAN; to evolve, guide and consolidate the global conscience and thereby manifest global unity and harmony and justice, through globally benevolent policies!
Before beginning to write, I offer my prayers to Lord Shri Ganesha who is the God of realization for enabling me to express health promoting content with accuracy in this book. The meaning of the expression “God of realization” is very interesting and profound. In the nature there are various divine ‘powers’ or ‘energies’ and express or manifest themselves in different forms. Lord Ganesh is the source of experience of pure knowledge in a human being. It is therefore customary and appropriate to pray Lord Ganesh before starting any writing work.
Since the realization of truth is the prerequisite to accurate vision, decision, commensurate desire and intention to act, conviction and strength to act, accurate action, it is appropriate to pray Lord Ganesh before starting any work. These all constitute HOLISTIC HEALTH or SWADHARMA.
Hence it is said
Which means
O Lord Ganesha with beautifully twisted trunk and gigantic
body you are bright like billions of suns. Please very
work of mine devoid of deficiency and defeat.
Now I offer my prayers to the goddess of knowledge i.e. Sarasvati. Because she gives the ability to transform realization into thoughts and thoughts into language, either spoken or written. She also gives the ability to grasp various forms of art and knowledge and their expression in different forms.
Hence I pray
Which means
Oh goddess Sarasvati who is fair complexioned like flowers of KUNDA [JASMINE], moon and snow showers, clad and in white clothes with hands adorned by VEENA-the string instrument [which produces divine melodies], sitting on the white lotus being worshipped by BRAHMAA, ACHYUTA, SHANKARA and other deities and one who destroys the shackling fossilizing ignorance, please protect me [from ignorance and evils born out of it]!!
I also pray

Which means
Oh enlightening Shaarada goddess, who is fair complexioned means full of SATVAGUNA [conscientiousness], the essence of the knowledge of self realization, the source of energies encompassing the whole universe, holding the VEENA and book, destroyer of darkness of ignorance and thereby making you fearless, holding the rosary of SPHATIK beads, sitting on lotus I prostrate in front of you and offer my salutations to you.
Now I also pray the guru principle.
I refer this by the word principle because it is a cosmic principle BRAHMA or the origin of the universe which embodies all the qualities of the three deities BRAHMA, VISHNU and MAHESH representing three GUNAS viz. SATVA, RAJA and TAMA. SATVA is nothing else but crystal clear conscience governed perceptions. feelings and actions.
RAJA is ego driven perceptions, feelings and actions and TAMA means ignorance driven perceptions, feelings and actions.
This principle manifests through either human body, scriptures, through dreams and even through various manifestations in the nature! The guru principle is said to embody three deities or three gunas because a loving guru takes beyond the three gunas viz. SATVA, RAJA and TAMA because guru takes us from the ignorance to knowledge.
Now I pray goddess Gauri. I reverently offer my salutations to her and pray her to bless me for success of this book in every possible way. May she bless all those concerned with this book in every walk of life in every possible way.
Which means
Gauri, Narayani, Tryambaka are the names of the divine energy which manifests in the form of regulator of fulfilling elegance and success in every activity. I prostrate in front and salute her again and again.
After these prayers I offer my prayers to Lord Narayana who is traditionally worshipped in our family, for His blessings. He is the supreme consciousness. In fact it is He who is responsible for all this that is being written
Which means
Plants and animals have developed from NARAYANA in as much as YOGA, DNYAANA, SAANKHYA, ARTS, CRAFTS are originated from Him.
Hence I wish to pray
I offer my humble salutations, to Ananta [Lord Narayana] which means the infinite, who has thousands of forms, thousands of feet, thousands of eyes, thousands of heads, thousands of chests, thousands of arms, thousands of names and who is eternal PURUSHA [supreme consciousness] occupying thousands of billions of epochs called YUGA.
Now I pray all the yogis, saints, prophets and the rishis. They are the manifestations or incarnations of the supreme consciousness and have been enlightening, empowering and guiding the mankind for ages. I pray that they bless this book and enable it to serve the mankind
Lastly I pray for the welfare of the universe.
[Let everyone be happy, healthy and well meaning and let there be no grief in anyone’s life]
With this feeling underlying this book I offer the book with utmost reverence at the lotus feet of Lord Narayana. Many of us may have strong objection to prayers. They may feel that such praying is an indication of weakness, diffidence and dependence. According to some this can be even paranoid behavior. Even as I have no intention to change this point of view [as that can happen only through one’s experience and not by mere explanations], it is still thought appropriate to give explanation which may prove helpful to the concerned ones. However it is not expected that anybody agrees with whatever is written. It is always a healthy thing to read, think over and verify the contents rather than accepting them without scrutiny and verification.
These prayers are meant for getting strength from the infinite cosmic powers, of which we are manifestations or extensions. The cosmic energies, gods and goddesses can be compared to the powerhouses and we can be compared with the electric bulbs, which are the extensions of the electricity from the powerhouses.
In case there are blocks in the wiring, then the bulbs will not illumine adequately. In such case the only way to illumine the bulb would be remove the blocks and facilitate free flow of electricity. In case of human beings ‘blocks’ develop due to natural development of ego, pettiness and superficial values. These ‘blocks’ can be effectively removed by the prayers and also by chanting or remembering the name of God.
We can take another example. We are leaves of a life tree. Because of ego we tend to identify ourselves as isolated, alienated, disconnected, discrete, disjointed ‘leaves’! This makes us weak, petty, arrogant, diffident, cynical, depressed and frustrated. Prayers are like reestablishing the link with roots of the tree of which we are the leaves!

Oh Lord, in general, most of the great saints, sages, yogis and rishis renounce the world, live in seclusion and observe silence in search of salvation/liberation for themselves.
Since you are the only savior for my billions of brothers and since they cannot get salvation from anywhere else [in case I do not seek it from you for them], I do not want to be a mean person to seek liberation for myself alone.
So says the great Pralhada as is articulated in SHRIMAT BHAGAVATAM.
This is especially important in view of the fact that though stress [and hence conceptual stress also] is a universal phenomenon, it is not understood by everyone. Only a few fortunate ones would be able to understand and manage it. It is their privilege and DHARMA to help others in managing stress. In this regard it is interesting to note that in these days neither individual liberation nor individual stress management are possible! They are intricately and inseparably bound with the liberation and stress management of billions others, who can neither read, nor understand this book and who can not manage stress. Bhagiratha [who is said to have brought the Gangesfrom heaven to the earth] and Prometheus [who is saidto have stolen fire from the gods] to save the mankindand many others have set examples for us to follow.

Every one of us has stress. Thus a student may have stress of examination or competition and a doctor may have a stress of treating a difficult disease. A farmer may have stress of drought and a mill worker may have stress of lay off. A Prime Minister of a country may have stress of a crucial decision making such as nuclear testing, dealing with religious sentiments or flak from media etc.
It has to be appreciated that just as the causes of the stress vary, just in the same way the implications of the stress also vary. Thus the adverse effects of the ineffective management of stress in individual life as well social life vary. Thus the student may avoid appearing from examination, the doctor may shirk from his duty, the farmer may commit suicide and the mill worker rendered jobless may be forced into illegal underworld activities. The wrong decision of a Prime Minister may influence not only his life but also that of the generations after generations of one or more countries, in adverse ways.
This clearly illustrates that the adverse effects of stress are not restricted to one’s own body and one’s own family. The ineffective management of stress by political leaders, industrial leaders, union leaders, media leaders, religious leaders and in general people involved in decision making can adversely affect various walks of life and even the future generations directly or indirectly. This is comparable to most dangerous and rapidly spreading pandemic infectious disease. The patient suffering from such infectious disease, if does not undergo proper treatment, then he/she would harm himself/herself as well as the others.
Effective management of stress [and conceptual stress] therefore, is vitally important for one’s own well being and that of the society as well.

Holistic health in adult human beings is nothing else but ongoing movement towards increasingly accurate perception, appropriate feelings and precise actions, with increasing pleasure, power, prosperity and profundity. Perception, feelings and actions are also expressed by terms Cognition, Affect and Conation respectively.
1] Cognition In short, cognition means processing [appraisal] of a huge variety of sensations impinging on us. You can appreciate the importance of this faculty if you consider the two important facts viz. 24 hours of the day and twelve months of the year, every one of us gets sensory inputs in the form of physical, instinctual, emotional and intellectual stimuli, which may be painful or pleasurable in the form of a variety of personal, familial, social, national and international events. Cognition involves sensing, interpreting, memorizing, questioning, pattern finding, analyzing, correlating, synthesizing, contemplating, understanding, appreciating and hypothesizing on the basis of this information input.
2] Affect Affect means the effect of the variety of stimuli which, may impinge on us. The affect is in a way, “sandwiched” between cognition or perception of stimuli and the conation or response.
In general it involves the activity of various parts of nervous, endocrine and metabolic changes. The affect is usually experienced as a] confidence, enthusiasm, pleasure, happiness, love, attraction, patience, comfort etc. or b] sadness, jealousy, hatred, depression, inhibition, diffidence, loneliness, listlessness, impatience, discomfort etc.
3] Conation or action i.e. response Conation is the response of an individual. This includes speaking, writing, listening, watching, and other interactions usually referred to as behavior.
In traditional parlance this was called fulfillment of four PURUSHARTHAs, viz. DHARMA, ARTHA, KAAMA and MOKSHA through practice of SWADHARMA. DHARMA refers to accuracy in perception, affect and conation. This leads to ARTHA i. e. acquisition of material gains, followed by KAAMA i.e. satisfaction of the mundane desires [DHARMA AVIRUDDHAH KAAMAH i. e. the desires which are not against the DHARMA i.e. principles of global welfare.]. KAAMA is followed by MOKASHA i.e. liberation from all sort of bonds.
In short it must be appreciated that for most of us holistic health refers to ever increasing and appropriate satisfaction of physical, instinctual, emotional, intellectual needs and fulfillment and happiness arising from it.

According to some, the time from 2.30 a.m. to the sunrise and according to some, the period of two hours before the sunrise constitute BRAHMAMUHURTA. As the name suggests this time is the best time for conceiving, understanding, experiencing or merging with BRAHMA, the eternal truth, the eternal purity and the eternal bliss. This is the time of liberation from the shackles of every kind. It is not a matter of belief for those who have experienced the joy of getting up fresh from the bed at this time!
There is a Sanskrit shloka [verse], which depicts the subclassification of this enchanting period.
It means:
55 GHATIKA after the sunrise of previous day the USHAH KAALA the time of USHAA begins. After 57 GHATIKA, the time of ARUNODAYA and after 58 GHATIKA the time of PRAATAH begins. The remaining time till sunrise is called the time of SURYODAYA. [The day is constituted of 60 GHATIKA. GHATIKA is approximately equivalent to 24 minutes.]
It is with the grace of mother earth that this fortune is granted to us. We walk on her body in a mindless manner throughout the day. So there is a tradition to be grateful to her before we start our day by praying the mother earth. This wisdom helps us unite with the forces of which we are extension and thereby empower ourselves and also be humble and environment-friendly.
Oh goddess earth, who is clad in the beautiful attire of oceans and the mountains are whose bosoms and who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I offer my grateful salutations to you and ask for forgiveness as I put my feet on you [touch you with my feet].
This prayer orients us appropriately in such way that it opens up our hearts to the glorious bounties of earth and her love towards us. It starts nourishing us as well as gives us the perspective of loving our mother earth, which is so much essential for awakening our responsibilities towards her.
Then we pray
The meaning is At the tips of the hand there stays Laxmi the goddess of prosperity
At the middle stays the goddess of knowledge Sarasvati.
At the root of the hands stays Lord Govinda i.e. Lord Vishnu Hence [I] always watch my hands with reverence!
This is such a wonderful prayer! It helps us to reveal and establish the connections between the deities, which are the sources of our power. It helps us explore the potentials of prosperity, profundity and fulfillment in our life and thereby helps us develop respect for ourselves. Such respect as you know, is essential for taking due care of our body while simultaneously directing it to do things in life which would help us in gaining holistic health.
There is one more and simple prayer in SHUKLA YAJURVEDA. It is as follows.
I pray that my arms and my all organs be strong and my soul and my heart be the healers.

It is interesting to see how speech reflects the mind of a person and in turn how regulation of the process of speech has beneficial influence on mind!
One of the shlokas says,
It is because of diseased mind with utmost lowliness and jealousy that the speech becomes scalding with no concern whatsoever for about the welfare or otherwise of the listener.
In Geeta it is said,
-GEETA 17.15
Speech which does not humiliate and thereby hurt [the listener], thus which is true and pleasant and beneficial is really the product of penance involving the entire neuro-physiological and neuromuscular processes of speech and articulation respectively.
There is another shloka which advocates silence during certain physiological acts. It is as follows.
During defecation, urination, removal of secretions of nose, skin, ear and eyes [dirt], during bleeding, during sexual intercourse, cleaning of teeth, during SHRAADDHA [ritual performed to commemorate the death anniversary of an individual] and while eating food one should observe silence i. e. speechlessness.
During defecation usually there is breath holding and contraction of abdominal muscles. This is essential for building adequate pressure in the abdomen so as to move the feces towards anus. Due to talking the breath holding ceases and the abdominal muscles also relax. This would create difficulty in smooth defecation. One can also consider the distraction [due to talking], which can be disturbing to defecation.
Urination also involves increase in pressure in the abdomen and also in the urinary bladder. Talking can alter these pressures and hence the urinary flow can be disturbed. When we are removing the secretions from nose [respiratory secretions], skin, ears and eyes we should be careful to remove the dirt carefully so as to avoid trauma to these structures
In general, all the excretory processes, viz. defecation, urination, respiratory secretions, sweating, secretions in the ear and eye involve autonomic nervous activity linked with reticular formation in the brain. Talking can alter respiration, activity of reticular formation, and activity of mind, autonomic nervous activity, and endocrine and metabolic activity and also the excretory activity.
Sexual intercourse invariably involves autonomic activity and hence it is strongly recommended that silence is observed during sexual intercourse. It is important because the intensity of the emotional integration and depth of ecstasy are apparently hindered due to talking during sexual intercourse.
Bleeding can either be physiological bleeding as in case of menstrual bleeding and it can also be due trauma [injury]. The process of bleeding and arrest of bleeding are tremendously influenced by cardiovascular activity, which in turn is influenced by autonomic nervous activity. Hence talking that disturbs autonomic activity is recommended to be avoided.
During cleaning of the teeth there is a prayerful attitude with respect to the plants or herbs used in the process. So talking is avoided. But from practical point of view, talking during cleaning of teeth and gums can cause inadvertent biting of fingers or injury to the oral cavity. During SHRAADDHA silence is probably advised solely for maintaining pious atmosphere, which is understandable.
During eating the silence advised to avoid vulgar and even mundane thoughts being articulated [thereby hindering the sanctity of the eating] on the one hand and to avoid accidental regurgitation of food in the trachea on the other.
It can be seen how thoughtful were our ancestors; with respect to understanding of life. It has to be appreciated these are relatively superficial aspects of keeping silence.
Learning to keep silence in terms of avoiding talk is a very preliminary process of achieving real silence. It is the achievement of this silence, which is called KARMANI AKARMA in Geeta [4.18]. This is full of peace and full of activity. It is very real and deepest personal experience and also the cosmic phenomenon that links one with the universe.
-GEETA 17.16
Inner harmony associated with vocal silence that emanates life-giving joy are indicators of pure existence and referred to as MANASAM TAPA.
If we keep quiet for some time, then we can easily observe the turbulence of thoughts, which keep on crowding our minds. This observation tells us that the thoughts are neither our creation nor are restricted to our body. They are the link, between, the cosmos and us and illustrate the continuity between an individual and the universe.
Keeping silence has a humorous and practical implication also.
It is because inappropriate [too long, too harsh, stupid, meaningless, too enticing] speech is a cause of slavery, imprisonment or other type of losses. Ability to remain silent is extremely beneficial. This is clear from the examples of SAARIKA and parrot, which are caught and kept in cage whereas crane is free! Hence while negotiating in business or in politics or even playing cards, silence can play a pivotal role!

We must know that 66 % of the body weight is constituted by water.
Out of this about 66 % i. e. about 28 liters is in the cells called intracellular fluid and about 34 % i. e. about 14 liters is outside the cells called extracellular fluid. The water is so much important for the body but what alas, its importance is hardly described in textbooks of physiology or even preventive or curative medicine.
Right in the beginning it must be appreciated that water is essential for the saliva to form and give amongst other things, us the ability to taste. Formation of saliva would be tremendously compromised if there is inadequate availability of water. It is common experience that drying of mouth is associated with sensation of thirst as well as speechlessness, besides developing bad odor to breath [halitosis], oral infections and caries of teeth..
Water is also required for the formation of gastric, pancreatic, intestinal and bile juices. Water is required amongst other things for temperature regulation through formation of sweat.
It is by getting dissolved in water, that the nutrients can reach different parts of body. It is the water that various chemical reactions take place so as to generate energy and also to build different body tissues, from the nutrients consumed. The water is also required for dissolving and carrying away the waste material from the body cells.
Water is very much required for removal of waste products through the rectum and urinary bladder.
The dry feces can be extremely painful and harmful and dry urine [oligouria, anuria] can be fatal. This probably does not require further elaboration as most of us have experienced the burning micturition and dry feces during fever and/or due even mild deficiency of water due to one reason or another. But in addition water is also required for removal of toxic gases like CO2 by forming [CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3- + H+] NaHCO3. In fact, it is required for dissolving, neutralizing and detoxifying several substances from all the body cells as well as specialized cells like those of liver. It is worth noting that some individuals develop allergy to some substances including some drugs. In such situation, drinking large quantities of water is found to be beneficial.
It is also important to note that many of those who get dehydration and head ache can get relief by drinking lot of water. This is because of lot of water is consumed for metabolism of alcohol leaving the body dehydrated.
It is interesting to note that the gastrointestinal tract is nothing else but the internalized skin! It is therefore natural that this tract has lot of sensory receptors in as much as it has various glands and muscles. Therefore apart from everything else, mentioned above, the first thing that happens after we drink water is that we feel fresh! Secondly it cleans various secretions of no consequence or those with injurious effects. Thirdly it would also stimulate movements of the stomach, intestine, small intestine etc. as a result of which there is facilitation of movement of feces towards the anus. This helps in relieving constipation. This is like internal bath.
Drinking of water can be beneficially used for many of those who wish to control habits such as tea, coffee or tobacco, alcohol etc. Since water has the paramount quenching effect it does allay the anxiety and restlessness which is developed because of abstinence of these substances and helps overcome these habits [though other measures may also be required depending on the severity of an individual case].
Some people viz. the advocates of “water therapy” advise as much 1.260 liters of water to be drunk at a time. They claim that a variety of diseases, are actually prevented and cured by such water drinking
In view of all the above, the custom of drinking water in morning is called USHAHPANAM. [Actually this is a general and nonspecific term. Ushaa means the time before the sunrise and paanam means to drink.] is very beneficial.
Water is life giving. Hence water itself is called life [JEEVANA]. It is very interesting to note that n India there is a custom of offering jaggery and water to the visitors. Water is served right in the beginning even in restaurants.

The concept of bath is more profound than is usually considered to be. The bath in neither a mechanical and meaningless religious ritual nor it is a physical procedure that merely involves cleaning the body and simply refreshing the mind.
It has to be appreciated that bath has direct influence on the activities of all the cells of the body through its effects on central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, immune system and metabolic activities. It is true that the details of the effects are not described in the text- books of physiology as they have are not studied or even thought over adequately. In addition, there is a tendency amongst researchers to rely on experiments and not accept [or even consider] what appeals to reasoning unless substantiated by experiments, ven if it is obvious. This is somewhat similar to increasing reliance of clinicians on gadgets and investigations. This has prevented us from understanding and appreciating the benefits of bath described in the following shloka.
The meaning is
Oh gentleman! The bath is beneficial in ten different ways.
It improves physical state of existence. It is to be appreciated that ROOPAM does not mean mere appearance. It includes all the physiology. This is why ROOPAM and NAMA are sometimes compared and contrasted. ROOPAM is everything that is identified by all the terminology [NAMA] in the physiology.
It improves the TEJAM i.e. all the activities that generate energy. In modern parlance this refers to formation of ATP [Adenosine Triphosphate] and CP [Creatine Phosphate].It improves BALAM. BALAM refers to the actual power, endurance and working capacity of an individual [through efficient formation ATP and CP].
It imparts SHAUCHAM i.e. purity. SHAUCHAM is not merely physical cleanliness of the skin. Bath stimulates the circulation and helps wash away all the waste products likely to be accumulated in and around the cells present in nook and corner of the body.
It gives AYUSHYAM i.e. life. AYUSHYAM is defined as PRAANALAKSHANA VAAYUNAA YOGAH, which means availability and utilization of oxygenation by all the parts of the body. This is achieved through stimulation of central and autonomic nervous systems as well as through their stimulation, stimulation of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, which are vital in reaching the oxygen to the body cells. But that is not all. It also stimulates the endocrine, immune and metabolic activities.
It improves AROGYAM, which is defined as DHAATUSAAMYAM, which means right proportion of everything in body so as to give power, pleasure, profundity, peace and so on for prolonged time!
It gives ALOLUPATVAM, which means capacity rise above gravitating, enslaving, depressing, and frustrating forces in life. This is important in every sphere of life. In fact ALOLUPATVAM refers to the state of mind which is invincible.
DUSVAPNAGHAATASH means one, which destroys bad dreams or nightmares. Bath can achieve this through achieving a state of alertness by overcoming the unsteady, imbalanced state of mind, which causes bad dreams and nightmares.
TAPAH is of three types [Geeta 17.14, 17.15, 17.16] involving roughly speaking body, intellect and emotions. The TAPAH is also further classified [Geeta 17.17, 17.18, 17.19] into divine, mundane, and devilish. TAPAH means coordinated and controlled activity at an individual level, in the best interest of the universe, which is made easier through bath. Bath taken thrice a day [TRIKAL SNAANA] in itself, is a difficult accomplishment and involves all three types of TAPAH!
MEDHAA means enlightened intelligence. The bath involves not only physical cleanliness but it shifts the level of consciousness. This is particularly important because with such shift in consciousness, the perceptions, desires, aims and actions become increasingly more accurate.
Prayer of Ganga
This prayer when recited before actual SNAANA, helps in more than one way. It links us with the river Ganga [who has been worshipped by our ancestors], thereby it links us with the land and our culture and it links us with our history and our forefathers. This very prayer has thus tremendous potential to help us get rid of isolated, alienated, lonely existence.
The diabetics may try bathing thrice a day and verify the beneficial effect of bath. Like bath cleaning of mouth after getting up in morning is also probably universal in nature. In India it is called MUKHA MAARJANAM [MUKHA means mouth and MAARJANAM means cleaning. Another term used is DANTADHAVANA. DANTA means teeth and DHAVANA means to purify. It is usual to clean nose, eyes, ears and whole face along with mouth and teeth.
In modern dentistry it is advised that the teeth be brushed at bedtime. This is in view of preventing accumulation of food particles trapped in dental crevices. There is nothing wrong about it. But some of us tend to think that brushing teeth in morning is not necessary, since nothing is trapped in the teeth as nothing is eaten during sleep!
This is due to the misconception that this is merely a cleansing [shaucha] procedure. Actually the use of the tooth powder as is traditional in India involves rubbing tongue, gums and palate and is useful in terms of causing stimulation of salivation and circulation in the areas surrounding the mouth [especially] in and around the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. In addition this procedure stimulates the pertinent areas of brain and hence refreshes the mind.
Alternatively a stick of about nine inches of a banyan or a neem tree, by biting it at one side is used.
The following prayer is recited before or while cleaning the oral cavity, gums, tongue and the teeth.

Massage is MARDANAM.
The dry DHATUS [weakened body matter] becomes stronger if oiled and massaged. Even the AGNIBALAM [i.e. fire principle in body i.e. the metabolic activity] is rejuvenated and the PRNAS [i.e. peripheral, autonomic and central nervous and neuromuscular activity] is also strengthened.
One whose body has perspired because of exercise and massaged by feet becomes so strong that just as timid deer do not come even nearby a lion, similarly the diseases do not come even in the vicinity of him/her.
There are different types of massage which improve circulation in almost every nook and corner of your body. In the evenings the head massage is especially useful. You can do it yourself. You can use Brahmi oil and get the additional advantage. Massage eyes, face etc. Once in week whole body massage can do wonders to your health. You can use Narayan oil for additional benefit. It is useful to massage the feet twice or thrice a week. The best time to massage the feet in the evenings. Feet take all the burden of the body. But they are not enough attention. Callosities, corns, scaling, fungal infections, bruises are common on feet. This is especially so in case of those who do a job where standing for long time or walking is required. Ill fitting shoes, allergies to synthetic shoes are also common problems. They keep an individual nagging and disturb one’s peace of mind. Regular massaging ensures flexibility of the small joints and adequate circulation and microcirculation in the feet. This is especially useful in diabetics who are more to develop vasculopathy and resultant damage in the feet, in the form of necrosis and gangrene. Massage when given with love and care c be far more soothing and healing than when given by a professional [who may be indifferent
Massage is very useful. I have discussed it here because it has an inseparable element of emotional soothing.
There are different types of massage. All of them help you to improve circulation in almost every nook and corner of your body.
In the evenings the head massage is especially useful. You can do it yourself. You can use Brahmi oil and get the additional advantage.
Massage eyes, face etc.
As far as body massage is concerned, it may not be feasible to take it every day. But at least once in week whole body massage can do wonders to your health. You can use Narayan oil for additional benefit.
It is useful to massage the feet twice or thrice a week. The best time to massage the feet in the evenings. Feet take all the burden of the body. But they are not enough attention. Callosities, corns, scaling, fungal infections, bruises are common on feet. This is especially so in case of those who do a job where standing for long time or walking is required. Ill fitting shoes, allergies to synthetic shoes are also common problems. They keep an individual nagging and disturb one’s peace of mind.
Regular massaging ensures flexibility of the small joints and adequate circulation and micro-circulation in the feet. This is especially useful in diabetics who are more to develop vasculopathy and resultant damage in the feet, in the form of necrosis and gangrene..
Massage when given with love and care can be far more soothing and healing than when given by a professional [who may be indifferent].

According to Mahatma Gandhi walking is the best exercise.
Locomotion is a characteristic of most species. But in human beings this characteristic has almost disappeared and is replaced by mechanization, mechanized motion, automation and automated motion! Most of the time we are sitting in chairs and our legs are idle, neither supporting nor balancing our body. They either hang from the chairs passively or are r

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How to avoid Sleep while Studying?
Sleeping is a common process, our body needs it naturally. But it is very important to consider when to sleep? where to sleep? and how much time to sleep? .

If you sleep at School / College, you loss Studies

If you sleep at Church / temple /mosque, you loss Blessing

If you sleep in Bus, You will miss your destination

If you sleep during Driving, You will meet Accident

Sleeping is necessary for a healthy body. But sleeping in unnecessary times spoils our health, wealth and studies. Sleeping at improper timings may lead for obesity during the students days.

What you understand from the above examples ? Sleeping is good but sleeping in wrong place, at the wrong time is absolutely wrong.
For example if you sleep while driving you would meet an accident.

What is the reason for sleep during studies ?
There are three factors determines our sleep in right or wrong times.

1) Health
Health is the first factor which decides our sleep. Daily 5 to 7 hours sleep is enough for a normal student. If you are a student with alergy, asthma you need to sleep more. So that you should not waste even a single minute and use your healthy times effectively. Over weight also cause some sleep disorders. Using the time effectively, they too can improve their study habits. Some students have sleep disorders they should use the available time effectively for studying. If your are a student who doesn't have the above said problems you are healthy and you can follow all the tips given here.

2) Food
If you are studying in morning, take some light breakfast and some light snacks if it is evening. Avoid eating heavy meals as they can make your body and brain sluggish. During your study hours take juicy fruits like grapes and oranges.

Have proper lighting in your room. Keep your properties like bag, books, pen, notes etc. organized. Don't study with a fan blowing on your face as it dries your eyes and make you sleepy.

Scientific reason for sleep while reading or studying.

Mostly of us, in our student life, whenever we sit to read, we used to sit in a relaxed position. It prevents physical activation, This causes stagnation of lactic acid in the cells. Since the lactic acid is a high oxygen absorbing agent, it quickly reacts with the oxygenated blood to reduce the flow of the blood to brain. Lack of oxygenated blood causes the brain to get tired. This automatically make us sleepy while studying.

Psychological reason for sleep while studying.

Psychologically, you will feel sleepy whenever you try to study something you are not interested. You will not understand if you try hard to study that subject.

Tips to avoid sleeping while studying:

a) Sit in a straight position(Sit on a chair with flat back). Always try to sit on a uncomfortable desk. Comfortable cushion chair or bed may invite you to sleep.

b) Strictly avoid lying positionas it instructs your brain to do two contrary tasks to sleep as well as to study. Finally, the instruction to sleep will win.

c) Take notes while you read. It will give some physical work to your body and keep your brain afresh.

d) Change your topic if you feel sleepy. Read some interesting subjects whenever you feel sleepy.

e) Change Your Sitting positions frequently. It will stimulate your concentration level. Whatever the position can be but do not lean from your straight pose.

f) Walk and study for some time. The physical activity caused by this will keep afresh your brain.

g) Read loud whenever possible.

h) Avoid reading continuously with out break, which will cause semi consciousness ( a hypnotic effect) and you can not understand anything in this process. After every one hour relax yourself for at least 5~10 minutes.

i) Avoid keeping your eyes too much close to your books. It will lead you to fall asleep.

j) Do some easy exercises if you feel sleepy

k) Drink some hot drinks in your study breaks.

l) Take a cold shower if your health is normal or Wash your face with some cold water.

m) Drink water eventually, so that you have to hit the restroom often. It will avoid sleepy mood. And water is good for health.

n) Study in groups to avoid sleep, it really works. If you are in hostel, join with the students who study sincerely. It will keep you away from sleep.

o) If you are feeling sleepy so much and could not control yourself, take a short time sleep (cat nap)Sleep for 10 mins to 20 mins. Use a good working alarm clock for your help.

Try your best !!!

Dr. Subin Vazhayil
Roots & Routes Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre
East Kottaparamba, Calicut
Contact: 9746010510

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Missing teeth
This paper presents a case report of a nineteen year old male patient who reported to the dental clinic with a chief complaint of pain in his upper left back tooth. The patient was in good health and his prenatal and post natal history was uneventful. The child was born to non consanguineous parents. His medical history was non-relevant. There was no history of extractions or any oral surgical procedures. The dentition of the parents and sibling were normal. Details of family history revealed absence of any sign, symptom or disease in his cousins/relatives.A complete medical examination was done to rule out any systemic abnormality. The general and physical examination of hair, nails, sweat glands, eyes, and cheeks showed no positive findings. No significant abnormality was revealed in extra oral examination. Upon intra oral examination, the entire mucosa appeared apparently normal.
The hard tissue examination revealed certain findings. The maxillary arch showed the deciduous molars are retained on both the sides and the upper left third molar is visible only as a slight single cusp. On clinical examination, retained deciduous maxillary left first molar (64) and right second molar (55) with dentinal caries were found. There was no evidence of mobility with retained deciduous molars. The other teeth present in the oral cavity were of normal size, shape and color. The clinical photograph of mandibular arch showed retained deciduous molars only on the left side whereas on right side there was normal eruption of the premolars.

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Review on Vertical root fractures of teeth
Vertical root fractures are often being misdiagnosed or remain unrecognized because of either lack of specific signs and symptoms and/or typical radiographic features. Reaching to a correct diagnosis of the condition, thereby, planning an appropriate treatment becomes a responsibility of a dental practitioner. The clinician must be able to interpret the subjective and objective findings that suggest a ver¬tical root fracture and be able to make a prediction as to the eventual potential of healing. The use of current developments in various disciplines of dentistry has made it possible to treat these fractures more efficiently than before. The long-term prognosis has yet to be proven in those cases where successful outcomes have been claimed. This article reviews various etiologic factors, simulating clinical and radiographic conditions, and an appropriate diagnosis of vertical root fractures along with their treatment modalities.

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Caries potential of Dry powder Inhalers
Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are commonly employed in the management of asthma and other diseases with airway obstruction. A causal relationship of DPI use and occurrence of dental caries has been speculated. The present case-control study was therefore designed to examine the potential link between dental caries and specific use of dry powder inhalers in patients with bronchial asthma.

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Inhalation therapy and Oral health
Inhalation therapy has been employed as the mainstay of the treatment in chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Beta-2 agonists, anticholinergic bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and sodium cromoglycate are often used alone or in combination in an inhaled form. Studies have shown that inhaled drugs used in the treatment have some adverse effects on the oral health based on their dosage, frequency, and duration of use. Several oral conditions such as xerostomia, dental caries, candidiasis, ulceration, gingivitis, periodontitis, and taste changes have been associated with inhalation therapy. Since the prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases is rising, it is important to provide optimal oral care to the individuals receiving inhalation therapy. This article will review the influence of inhaled drugs on the oral health of individuals and adequate management and prevention of the same.

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Things You Really Need to Know About IVF Before Using It
In vitro fertilization is a popular option for women who are looking for help conceiving, but there's a lot that comes along with the fertility treatment. That’s why it’s important to have all the IVF treatment facts ahead of time. You must speak with your obstetrics and gynecology or reproductive endocrinologist or our IVF experts at our reproductive Center to share
information to help prepare for your future.

Start with a fertility test first.

Whether you want to get pregnant now or wait a little longer, it’s a good idea to know where your fertility levels stand. Fertility doctors suggest a simple test called Anti-Mullerian Hormone Blood Test (AMH), which is a good indicator of egg reserve and grades your fertility levels between high, medium, and low.

IVF isn’t always a first option.

Many women think IVF is their first option if they want it, but the truth is most fertility doctors will tell you to try natural pregnancy first. If you’re 30 to 35, you should try for at least six months and if it’s not working, then you need to do a work-up to see what procedure to target. Even after that, our Infertility doctor will try oral or injectable fertility medication before IVF. Of course, there’s always exceptions and those include a low score on your AMH or if you’re 40-years-old or older. If there’s a small sperm count you have to go straight for IVF or if a woman has tubal blockage, recurrent miscarriage (like three or more) or if there’s potential for certain genetic disorders, then you can start off with IVF.

IVF works best when you’re younger.

Fertility experts says though we might think IVF is a treatment option when we’re older, the truth is, it actually works better if we’re younger. IVF doesn’t really fix the age of your eggs so you have to think about that early. Unfortunately, along with fertility, IVF success rates or successful pregnancies decline as women get's older.

IVF Treatment - It comes at a cost.

You’ve likely heard that IVF can be expensive. It’s true. There are affordable and economical fertility clinic to make treatment more accessible, like ours.

Be patient - During IVF Treatment

One of the biggest misconceptions about IVF is that it works right away. It’s very common you’ll need to do it more than once. In younger patients it may be a little less (if you’re not pregnant in the first cycle, you’ll likely get pregnant in the next), but if you’re in your forties the average is like three cycles. This is only an indicative figure and will vary from person to person and case to case basis. Please consult our experts for more on this.

You can have IVF using donated eggs and/or sperm

For some, the hope of having children is diminished by unforeseeable circumstances, such as developing cancer or finding out that you or your partner have low ovarian reserve or low sperm count. In such situations, fertility clinics offer donor conception, which uses sperm, eggs or embryos donated by someone else for your fertility treatment. The use of donor eggs and sperm is becoming more common today.

You are more likely to fall pregnant with a multiple pregnancy through IVF than natural pregnancy

It's true with assisted reproduction treatments, such as IVF or egg donation. This is because fertility clinics will often use a process called double embryo transfer when carrying out IVF, as traditionally, it was deemed to increase the chances of pregnancy.

It’s not 100 percent successful.

The most important fact to know about IVF is that it’s not 100 percent successful. The process can take time, money, and even an emotional toll on your life, and in the end, it might not work. Thats where choosing the correct IVF clinic will help you a lot in evry single step of the fertility treatment process.

Despite the fact that IVF success rates are on the incline because of constant advancement in Assisted Reproductive Technology, it is still important for women and couples who are seeking IVF treatment to take age into consideration. This is because the success of an IVF cycle is very much determined by the age of the embryo and sperm that is being implanted, for example the younger the embryo or oocyte, the greater the chance of conception.

There’s a significant emotional drain on the couple and the relationship. We encourage couples to find alternative outlets like exercise, counseling therapy to find balance throughout the treatment process. There are so many errors built into conception and things we can’t control due to genetics. Most IVF failures are not something that a couple can fix, even if a woman has a good, healthy diet and exercises—those are important, but it’s very age dependent.

Support during the fertility treatment is absolutely vital...infertility treatment can be such a solitary experience otherwise. Counselling can provide emotional support before, during or after fertility treatment. If dealing with infertility leaves you struggling to cope with everyday life or causes you to revisit past problems, counselling can be very therapeutic.

You can contact the team of IVF experts at Blossom Fertility & IVF Center in India - Surat Gujarat at or you can fix up an appointment with us by calling on +91 261 2470333. Get started today by contacting us today for all further info on infertility treatments like IVF, ICSI, IUI, IMSI, Surrogacy or at and gather all information to attain happy parenthood.

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