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Medical Articles
signal of stress


How do you know that you have stress and you have not been able to manage it?

Does it require the gross damage to your body? Does it require abnormality of parameters like blood sugar, blood pressure, acidity of your stomach and brand you to be a patient of diabetes, hypertension or hyperacidity respectively?


Some small aspects of your behavior can tell you that you not managing your stress properly and causing harm to yourself and others.

Suppose you ask probing and insulting questions about research work about which you do not understand anything; during an interview to a senior colleague from different background! You do not bother; even to take a look and/or understand the nature of work! You think you are a winner by humiliating your colleague!

Please understand that such arrogance, dishonesty and sadistic behavior result from mismanagement of stress; which harms you and others!

Actually you tend to ignore every signal of stress of this kind by thinking it to be “normal”! So the best way is to start stress management by at least beginning to practice NAMASMARAN without defining and waiting for any stress signal!

Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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public hospitals in india
public Hospitals
in India


Since the public services and especially public health services, affect most of us, it is essential to find out the root causes of their deficiency and try to deal with them. This is one of the intellectual measures of stress management and benefits every individual concerned.

The causes of degeneration of quality of public health services in public hospitals in India; is the prevalence of the two concepts on which these institutions work. These concepts are, free medical care and economic dependence of these institutions on the government revenue and donations.

The free medical care gives rise to parasitism, beggarly tendency, meekness and irresponsibility towards personal and public health amongst the patients.

The free medical care creates a special and extremely favorable situation and golden opportunity for the powerful, rich and famous individuals to exploit the government revenue and tax payers’ money.

The free medical care leads to zero returns and subsequent deterioration in the facilities given to patients and employees.

The free medical care associated with perpetual absence of returns leads to unjustifiably low salaries, delay in filling the vacancies, excessive working hours and duties, and delay in promotions.

This state of affairs demoralizes the sincere and dedicated employees and promotes irresponsibility, lethargy, absenteeism, corruption etc.

The public hospitals are not self-sufficient and do not have any productive/commercial projects to support them. Naturally since there are no returns either from patients or from any other source, for what is spent, the public hospitals are always in loss.

This has lead to inadequate progress in terms of inadequate facilities, inadequate salaries, inadequate employment in terms of number of employees in almost every category, protracted duty hours, worsening working conditions, worsening of staying conditions for the employees and crowding of patients due to huge patients/employee ratio.

All these factors have lead to deterioration of the quality of medical care. In fact because of this a large number of lower middle class and even poor patients turn to private practitioners, consultants and hospitals.

This deterioration can be overcome by trying to make the public hospitals self-sufficient. For this, the concept of free medical care has to be replaced by more just system of payment. This would bring adequate revenue to ensure progress in terms of adequate facilities, adequate salaries, appropriate employment which could ensure normal duty hours, improvement in working conditions, improvement in staying conditions for the employees and preventing excessive and many times [because the services are free] unnecessary crowding of patients.

One may raise the objection that this is difficult to implement in case of very poor, helpless, unsupported patients.

It is very true that no sensitive and sensible individual would think of doing it as well. These patients who are in agonies, in emergencies, or helpless etc. should be made exception and a separate arrangement can be made for them. But in most other cases the problem can be overcome by making provision for payment through “services” or soft loans.

Another way to make the public hospitals self-sufficient is by buttressing them with productive / commercial projects. One can think of more innovative plans as well.

This is important because:
A] it would inculcate a sense of responsibility towards one’s own health, towards public funds, towards public services, amongst everyone including the patients.
B] it would generate the sense of accountability, satisfaction and fulfillment amongst the employees
C] It would ensure optimal progress in medical care especially in terms of holistic approach
D] It would improve the lives of patients as well as employees
E] It would make the revenue hitherto squandered on free medical care available for other developmental work thereby facilitating national progress.
F] it would reduce the corruption born of out of injustice
G] it would reduce the crowding and degeneration of private medical care.


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On her 10th Birtday or later make your daughter protected for cervical cancer
Globally, cervical cancer is the second most
common cancer in women with approximately
5,00,000 cases annually and 350,000 deaths. Data from national cancer registries in India
indicate that cervical cancer is the most common
cancer/ cause of cancer related death in Indian
women. Approximately 1,32,000 cases occur
annually with 74,000 deaths. Indian women face a
2.5% cumulative lifetime risk of cervical cancer and
1.4% cumulative risk of death from cervical cancer.
Now every parent can gift her daughter on her 10th birthday or later the life long protection for cervical cancer with HPV vaccine.

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PCOD - save your ovaries with homeopathy
PCOD ( poly cystic ovarian disease)

P – poly
C – cystic
O – ovarian
D – disease

• That’s what we can call it as PCOD in medical terminology, but now a time it’s a very common for non medico people also with the same PCOD name only.
• It is common to occur in all age groups of girls to ladies
• It is also known as PCOS that’s means Pelvic Cystic Ovarian Syndrom
• Poly means more than 1 or multiple, cystic means it’s a sac filled up with fluid inside, and when this type of condition occurs inside the ovaries of either side it is called as PCOD
• It is a condition where hormonal changes, masculine changes, irregular menses and many more symptoms of menstruating girls or ladies.
• Usually following are the symptoms of PCOD
1. Irregular menses either early or delayed(commonly it is delayed in nature)
2. Increase in weight constantly
3. frequent miscarriage or positive history of miscarriages
4. unwanted hair growth all over the body
5. infertility or difficulty in getting pregnancy
6. hair problems like falling, thinning, dandruff, graying, etc.
7. skin problems like acne, pimples, dryness of skin, small eruptions of face

after a prolong time of having PCOD in body such complications may develop at the later life like.
1. high blood pressure or hypertension
2. diabetes
3. high cholesterol
4. miscarriage

remark – it is an endocrine disturbance that causes primary anovulation and polycystic ovaries due to the continued stimulation of the ovary by pituitary luteininzing hormone. Its also called as

Treatment – IN HOMEOPATHY – it is strongly recommended that PCOD is best treated in homeopathy only and there are various medicines for that few are symptomatic and few are constitutional treatments. Out of them symptomatic treatments gives immediate relieve to symptoms but constitutional treatments treats person as a whole and tries to remove PCOD from the body and will maintain that good health for a longer phase also.

Herewith we are giving some of the names of homeopathic medicines name with witch you can relieve the patients suffering but make sure do consult any of the homeopathic doctor before prescribing any medicine by self.
Ustiligo, belladona, apis mellifica, medorrhinum, lillium tig, graphites, ova tosta, pulsatila, lachesis, arsenicum album, and many more which can treat PCOD but with strict physician observation only.

#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it.

#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.

#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.

Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, complete symptoms of the patient(Mental and Physical) are taken into consideration to find the appropriate remedy which is the most similar to the patients symptoms. When prescribed according to the patients symptoms Homeopathic medicine are known to work very fast and without any side effects or complications of any kind and once cured there are no relapse or comebacks 100% cure. For more either post your complete symptoms or better to consult a reputable Homeopathic Practitioner for the successful treat ment of your ailment. Giving just the name of the disease or disorder is showing someone the tip of the iceberg what lays underneath is what you have to treat and cure. And that is the key to the success of Homeopathic Medicine.
for more informations about homeopathic medicines for the same or any other ovarian disease please log on to -

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Ayurvedic Solutions to Your Aching Back
Many of the day-to-day activities: Sitting, lifting, bending, carrying and standing for long or lying in congested places can put a strain on your back. This strain can cause severe backache. Aching back is a nightmare for those who have this. It can happen with people while sleeping on uneven bed or mattress or in wrong posture or picking an article in a wrong way. It can happen sometimes while standing or sitting in a wrong posture for a long time. It can happen with any body in any age. It is seen that it generally happens with those with sedentary lifestyle. Those who don’t exercise suffer more from this as compared to others who are exercise regularly. Youngsters suffer from this condition due to pulling or lifting heavy loads. Elders suffer from this condition due to weakened muscles or Asthi kshaya (Osteoporosis).
It is really very depressing sometimes when living with backache. However, hold your nerves and don’t panic. Before pressing the panic button here are some handy solutions:

(I) Instant remedy: Instead of going for pain killers always prefer simple remedies- rest, fomentation, dietary regulations and gentle massage with home-made hot oil. First effort should be to remove the inflammation and stiffness of back. Haridra or Haldi (Turmeric) which is present in every Indian kitchen is of great help in such conditions. Haridra is used to help in such conditions since ancient times and is recommended in Ayurveda too. 2- 3 gms of Turmeric powder taken with warmed milk is of great help. Researches of modern times have proved its excellent analgesic and anti inflammatory properties. I personally saw the good result of Turmeric powder many times. If you don’t have any back relaxing oil ready at home here is one simple recipe: Take Til Tail (Sesame oil) or Sarshapi Tail (Mustard oil) – 50 ml and add ½ teaspoon of Ajwain and 1 clove of Lashuna (Garlic), crush together to make a paste and boil this in oil, till it starts floating on surface of oil. Apply and massage this gently on whole of the back for 3 – 5 minutes till you feel the oil is vanished. Always sleep on your back afterwards and always in life.

(II) Lifestyle improvement: As I mentioned above people with sedentary lifestyle suffer more from backache than others as back muscles turn weak because of non exercising. It should be understood well that while we exercise we not only strengthen our muscles but our bones also and it is our skeleton which supports our body to live in shape. Walking is found to be the most simple and the best exercise for muscles of whole body. This is the exercise during which we move most of our muscles. You should not start long or brisk walking from first day but should gradually increase the distance and intensity. So go and buy a pair of jogging or sports shoe today and start this from tomorrow. We don’t need much infrastructure for it. Do try to start using stairs instead of escalators for up to 2-3 floors. Avoid scooter or car for nearby places. Do try to go to bed early so that you wakeup early as it will energize you and will help you to finish your morning routine in time. Drink a glass of fresh water instead of bed tea. Spare some time for Meditation as it helps to relieve stress and soothes your muscles. Start you day on a positive note.

(III) Diet: Relish your food and avoid talking or watching television. Follow your fixed schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Always eat freshly cooked food and that too when hungry as it will digest easily and properly. Stop munchies as it will suppress your desire to have nourishing food at the time of lunch or dinner. Avoid tea or coffee just before or at the time of food. Drink a glass of milk everyday and that too some time before going to bed. Eat simple, light and vegetarian food at dinner time to avoid indigestion and bloating.

(IV) Go to bed: Taking a complete bed rest is really helpful for relieving the stiffness of back muscles. Relaxing works as a remedy as your muscles will heal and come into shape during rest. Do put a pillow beneath your legs to give extra comfort to your back. If your backache happened during sleep it might be due to the uneven surface of your bed or sagging mattress. If you feel it is due to that do try to correct this cause. It is seen that soft and sagging mattress also contribute to the development of back problems or worsen an existing back trouble. So check your mattress and change as soon as possible if you find it sagging or with lumps. Try to get a mattress which is not very soft at least on surface.

(V) Rest and relax: Excessive and regular working without rest is one of the most common causes of backache. Such pain is due to continuous tightening of back muscles during our working schedules. Emotional tension to finish the job quickly or in time also causes backache. Try to take small relaxing breaks on frequent intervals as this helps to relax your back muscles. If you don’t want to leave your chair than just stretch your legs and just bend your back backwards and breathe deeply 8 – 10 times. By such small breaks you will feel energized. Small walk of 50 steps also helps in a big way as this helps your blood to circulate throughout and will help your stiff back and other muscles. Drinking a glass of water or chatting with your colleague for some moments is very soothing and relaxing after a long stretch of work. The persons with a history of frequent bouts of back ache should relax after a sitting of not more than half an hour.

(VI) Soothe your back: If you are into such a profession that you need to bend your back forward for a long time as of engineer, do try to put your arm behind your back. This will help to relax your back muscles. If you need to sit in the chair for a long period, do put a small cushion between chair and your back. This will not only comfort your back but also provide excellent support to your lower back. The chairs with claims of best back support are of no use as sitting itself is stressful for your back. You should always try to make small adjustments in the curvature, especially of your lower back as that is the part we hurt most while sitting for longer durations. The advice mentioned above also applies to those traveling for long distances, even in world’s most comfortable car. Buy a small cushion for long journeys. Putting one small cushion between lower back and your seat and leaning back is proved to be the most comfortable posture while traveling for long distances.

The suggestions made above indirectly relax and balance your body so that it is composed to face physical and mental stresses of modern lifestyle and to your aching back.

This article in nutshell:
- Rest for immediate relief.
- Switch over from sedentary to active lifestyle as early as possible.
- Exercise regularly to make you back muscles strong.
- Sleep on even surface with a moderately hard mattress.
- Avoid sitting for long in same posture while working.
- Eat freshly cooked, nourishing food and always on time.
- Regulate your working schedule to spare some time for relaxation.
- Always sleep on your back and try to avoid pillow.
-Avoid bending forward and picking or lifting articles.

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Natural ways to healthy weight loss....
I am so fat. My life has changed since I gained weight. There is almost a universal anxiety about weight. Even if you have a family history of obesity, for instance, don’t accept your obesity whole heartedly.
If you tried and failed, you are not alone. But that doesn’t mean you will not succeed this time.
Are you obese?
Pay a visit to your mirror as this is the best diagnostic tool. Look at yourself honestly without holding in your stomach. If you dislike what you see, you need to slim down. If you wish to be genuinely honest use caliper for a proper and more objective evaluation. If you don’t have it, try to pinch your waist. If you can grab more than an inch, it may be time to seriously think of loosing weight.

Workable diet:
The first step in successful dieting is developing right and positive attitude. Diet is a way of limiting the number of calories you consume every day. It is a tool that assists you in reaching your desired weight. This tool should not be treated as a punishment for crime of being overweight.
Second step in successful dieting is to selecting the right diet. Sometimes it is seen that people who want to shed weight quickly go for a very low calorie diet. Initially they do loose some weight quickly, but than they run into trouble. After prolong starvation they stop loosing weight. The question arises here that why it happens? It is believed that if you drastically cut down on diet. Your metabolism slows down and your body doesn’t burn those calories you feed in. The most hazardous factor of this is that you loose muscle instead of fat. But if you go off the, diet you gain weight back more quickly and that too in the shape of fat not as muscles. And after some time you are fatter than before, you may look older also. So forget crash dieting as too few calories cause the metabolism to rebel and after going of it will cause bingeing.

Foods to limit: Precaution is always better than cure, so first we will discuss the dietary ingredients which should be avoided-

Fats and fried food: It is normally seen that common man who is weight conscious always tries to find substitute for sugar when he really needs a substitute for fat, as fats are the highest source for calories. So the intelligence is to reduce fat content from diet, not the sugar.

Sugar and sweets: you probably are aware that sweets are fattening. Sugar based foods are poor source other nutrients. If we assess it technically, these are empty calories. Simple sugars just stimulate secretion of insulin and thus they stimulate our hunger. Since insulin is related to hunger so you will be hungry in less time.

Protein in diet: The issue regarding protein consumption is a bit confusing all over the world. It is a fact that protein is just required to repair and to build new tissues. It should be kept in mind that we don’t need much protein in routine as we think. It is a proven fact that excessive protein consumed turns into fat. It is observed that it should not be more than 12 to 15 percent of total food intake.

Alcohol: Most of the alcoholic beverages are high in calories. This statement should always be kept in mind. But it is more harmful because of it is an appetizer. That is why people eat abruptly after consumption of alcoholic drinks.

Increase intake of these: There are certain edibles which help us in keeping weight under control. So start eating them quickly-

Fiber rich food: This is the one content of food we don’t relish to have. But it is a super food. Recent researches have proved that it can fight against diabetes, heart disease, cancers of intestines, tooth decay, constipation and obesity. Persons who are non-vegetarians should immediately start switching over to vegetarianism as you are not eating fiber at all. The fiber present in wheat floor gives feeling of fullness as it starts swelling due to tendency of absorbing water. And this fiber present not only helps to control tendency of habitual constipation but helps to smooth evacuation. So it is wise to go for foods which are high in fiber content: bran, peas, brown rice and cleaned but unpeeled potatoes and apples.

Fruits: It is always wise to pacify your craving for sweets with fruits and other foods which are naturally sweet. Natural sweets are low in calories and high in nutrients. Fruits are also a good source of natural fiber and micro nutrients essential for well being of our system. So avoid toffee, chocolate bars, burfy, rasgulla, gulabjamun, jalebi and other popular Indian sweets.

Change your habits: If eating less and exercising more were easy tasks, perhaps everybody has done this. In Practical life, it is seen that these are the habits we grow gradually over a period of 6 to 10 years and if we wish to change them overnight, is very difficult. But if we decide once to change these gradually, is possible. Here are some simple suggestions:

- Good eating habits, proper food and good exercise, all three are equally important.
- Identify first of what triggers your desire to eat. Start ignoring that.
- Avoid buying your favorite dish and keeping in your refrigerator.
- Gradually try to neglect favorite food article or try to avoid for some time or days.
- Stop buying ready to eat food, go for the food which needs cocking.
- Don’t eat while watching, reading, talking and playing as it will land you in overeating.
- Eat small bites and chew longer and let your taste buds to experience the real taste of it.
- Try to avoid sitting in the same place every time as it aggravate your hunger.
- Don’t clean your plate. Leave some for birds and pets.
- Be focused and add some more dos and don’ts to this list to be a winner this time.
- Drink a glass of water or eat salad of mixed vegetables before lunch or dinner.
- Don’t eat when you are extremely hungry, go for a walk instead.
- Talk to others who also are struggling to loose weight.
- Reward yourself if you are slimming down. Buy new outfit or go on vacations.
- Manage your stress as people under stress eat more to relieve it.

Start exercising: Exercise may be as important to weight loss as diet control. Begin to exercise as this is a major element in losing weight. Researches of modern times have proved that exercisers can lose weight without even dieting. Exercise provides the tools you need in day-to-day life as it helps counter emotional triggers. Think positive, behave positive and stay positive. Always remember that it is better to increase physical activity to control excess calories than to reduce energy intake. And of course, the most obvious benefit of exercise is that it burns calories.

Choose the right exercise: There is one exercise everyone can try without investing much and that is walking. You don’t need any expansive equipments or gadgets and without joining a health club. Simple walking burns sufficient amount of calories required for losing weight and body shaping. This is effective for all age groups of men, woman and children. You can gradually increase the distance and speed as per your stamina to get desired results. If you are not interested in it opt for cycling or swimming. Another way to get more exercise is to make part of your daily routine. Start using stairs instead of escalators, avoid car for short distances, park your car in far corner and take your dog for a run. All is up to you, once you decide to infuse exercise in your life.

Yoga: Join nearby group or contact some expert and start practicing yoga postures as they also help to reduce that unwanted flab from your tummy. Deep breathing techniques are also useful to control weight but should be learned well under expert’s supervision.

This article in nutshell:
- Obesity is not accepted even if you have a family history of it.
- Your mirror is best diagnosing tool, that you are obese.
- Start controlling yourself from eating your favorite food items.
- Want to eat sweets. Eat fruits as they are more nutritious.
- Manage your stress. Stressed people eat more.
- Start exercising as early as possible. Walking is good option.
- Exercising is better than diet control. Too few calories are not good in long term.
- Eat slowly, chew completely and enjoy your food fully.
- Increase fiber intake to get good results from your same diet.
- Start walking for small distances and than gradually increase the distance and speed.

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Stress and Young Professionals: How to deal with it?
Stress is a fact of today’s life. It can affect any one, anytime. You can also be affected by it. Managing stress effectively is a constant need in today’s society. Stress situations are constant feature in today’s life, whether traffic jams, deadlines at work, or coping with family demands.
Stress is the way you react physically and mentally both to change. These changes can be positive and negative. All individuals feel it in different amount and react differently. Stress is an unseen ailment which disturbs equilibrium. Stress should not be taken lightly as it has become an established medical problem affecting both body and mind. Our personality, behavior and lifestyle influence our stress levels. Constant excessive demands in life, lead to an inability to cope with stress, which result in physical exhaustion, fatigue, poor concentration, impaired attention and stress related illnesses like: high blood pressure, heart attack, insomnia, hair loss, rashes, bowl disturbance, ulcer, depression etc. it also disturbs the mental state of person leading to anxiety, anger, boredom, restlessness and frustration.
Stress becomes harmful to our body when we are not able to control or modify our reaction to the simple or tricky situation. Overcoming stress successfully in daily life plays a key role not only in our survival, but also in leading a successful life. Here are some tips which I found helpful in dealing with stress before it becomes distress.
Develop a positive attitude: One of the finest ways of tackling it is to looking on to the brighter side of life, as it will give you mental strength and determination to take stress as way of life. Start enjoying the situations which are not in your hands or are caused by others to make things difficult for you as there is not much you can do about it. Try to smile in tough situations as it relaxes all the major facial muscles. Have a good laugh as deep as possible.
Socialize more: Discuss your stress situations with your family members, friends and colleagues who are positive and supportive. Socializing regularly, participating in conversations and sharing of deep feelings and thoughts always help to reduce stress to a great extant.
Be more organized: Try to plan a realistic schedule of daily activities that includes: time for work, sleep, recreation, relaxation and to take care of personal relations and hobbies. Hobbies are good stress busters.
Don’t panic: It is always good to reduce time urgency. Don’t check your watch frequently. Try to take things a bit slower or let them come on their own. Plan your schedule ahead of time.
Don’t be extremely competitive: No one can always win. Adjust your approach to an event according to its demand. Every situation in life doesn’t require you to win or lose.
Diet and exercise: Always eat balanced meals and that too on time and don’t ever skip any meal as it will regularly give you energy you will need during the day. Exercising is found to be the best stress buster. Try to develop a regular exercise programme. Stop smoking forever.
Relaxation: Take small breaks from work, deep breathing, Sit down or get up and go for a small walk. Practice Yoga and meditation as they are really effective. Learn them from experts before starting. A good sleep at night or small nap during the day is really relaxing.
The advantages of managing stress well are: You look better, enjoy life to full, feel happy, stay active and more over everybody would love to come close to you to talk and you will be in better control of your life and path you wish to take.

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Hair Care- The Ayurvedic Concept
Ayurveda- The Indian traditional system of health care believes in a holistic approach to health care and hair care is one of the vital parts of it. Ayurveda believes that just external application and precautions are not sufficient to keep it full of life, strength, luster, sheen, color, vitality and healthy life long. This issue is discussed in almost every classical text in detail which shows that our Rishis (sages) were also aware of the importance of this field. Ayurvedic Ahara-Vihar (Diet and Lifestyle) concept are two major factors that influence whole body and the health of the hair as well. Irregular dietary habits, Poor diet, Illness and Deficiencies of any particular Vitamin and Mineral affects the quality of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning hair, early baldness, premature graying, spoil the hair quality. In an individual the condition of the hair is the reflection of the complete constitution of his physical state. If the person is not healthy then the bad health will reflect from the hair. Ayurvedic classical literatures thrust upon overall regulation for hair care. Basic guidelines one should follow in life for wellbeing of hair are as follows:

(I). Massage scalp regularly: Topical application of medicated hair oil improves nourishment to the scalp which helps to keep your hair long, lustrous, strong, shining and thick. The warm oil head and scalp massage, especially when done with oil infused with Keshya (hair-friendly) herbs, nourishes the hair and scalp, alleviates dry scalp, enhances circulation. Coconut oil or Sesame oil, infused with herbs like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) or Japa (Hibiscus), helps maintain the color and luster of hair. Ayurvedic herbal hair oils contain a blend of hair-friendly herbs. If you can massage two or three times a week preferably in morning (1-2 hours before bath) for nourishment. Apply Narikela (coconut) oil or Sarshapi(mustard) oil (depending upon availability and suitability) at least three times in a week. Use of Classical Ayurvedic Medicated Oils like: Bhringraja oil, Neelibhringadi oil, Mahabhringraja oil and Brahmi-Amla oil helps to control complaints related to the scalp and hair.

(II). Regular cleansing of scalp and hair: Always keep your hair and scalp clean to avoid clogged hair follicles and itching of scalp. Cleanse with a gentle herbal shampoo or baby soap or soft home made herbal based shampoo. Over or excessive shampooing, especially with a harsh shampoo can lead to dry out the scalp and damage hair. Use lukewarm or fresh water to wash your hair, and follow with a natural conditioner. Let the hair dry naturally rather than blow-drying it. Trim hair regularly to take care of split ends and natural wear and tear. Regularly cleaning and brushing the hair is very important. When the hairs are brushed, oil-producing glands in the scalp get stimulated. This natural oil makes the hair glossy and healthy. To give extra shine to the hair, after washing rinse the hair with some lemon juice mixed in a cup of warm water.

(III). Regulate dietary habits: Irregular or unhealthy eating habits affect over all performance of all of our systems. Healthy eating is just as important for effective digestion and absorption as the healthy diet itself. Food should be fresh and whole and prepared lovingly. Ayurveda advocates that every one should have food in properly ventilated, calm, quiet corner and should not do any other job at the time of having food like watching your favorite television show or talking and discussing any business issue. Eat with your attention on the food, in a calm and serene frame of mind, and one should chew food properly before swallowing. For a good digestion a healthy person should not drink too much water during meals, few sips of water in between bites is fine, otherwise proper watering time is half an hour after food. One should drink luke warm water if oily, spicy and non vegetarian food is consumed. Dinner should always be light. All of such restrictions are important if you wish to keep your body free of Ama (toxins). Toxins build up in the body obstructs nutrients from reaching the cells and tissues of the body. The food articles and bad habits which one should get rid off are discussed also. They are as follows: Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and smoking should be avoided. Eating too much fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods is always harmful. Chemical or synthetic medicines should be avoided. Low blood circulation, anemia, general weakness after disease, stress, anxiety and mental tension should be treated by improving dietary habits and routine. Diseases like typhoid fever, jaundice and hormonal imbalance cause excessive falling of hair and aggravate the incidence of dandruff.
Especially after the age of forty, it is important to undergo periodic internal cleansing to flush away Ama (toxins). Triphala (mixture of equal quantity of fruits of Amalaki - Emblica officinalis, Vibhitaka – Terminalia belerica and Harad – Terminalia chebula) is a very popular, gentle, non- habit forming cleanser that can be taken frequently to regulate the digestive system.

(IV). Nutritious diet: Ayurvedic concept of way of life strongly is of the view, that healthy and nutritious food improves body of hair, so a balanced assortment of nutrients is necessary to prevent premature hair loss and early graying.
List of beneficial hair foods include white Sesame seeds, fresh Coconut, Green vegetables, whole Grains, Dates and Raisins, Dadhi (curd), Sprouted mixture of beans, Nuts and Seeds and healthy fats such as Ghee or Oil. Ayurvedic system of medicine advises to cook food with spices and aromatic herbs as they improve digestion and detoxify our body tissues. Ayurveda advocates for regular intake of Haridra (Turmeric), Maricha (Black pepper), Methi (Fenugreek), Dhania (Coriander) and Jeera (Cumin) are both flavoring and Agni (digestive fire) enhancing. Herbs like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Hingu (Asafoetida), Bhringraja (Eclipta alba) and seasonal fruits especially citrus fruits help to improve digestion and immunity for all age groups and all Dosha types.

(V). Sleep Sufficiently: As per Ayurvedic concepts: Sleep is as important as nutritious food for well being of human body. Improper or irregular sleeping schedule causes disturbance to our body clock. Sleep is the phase when our body repairs tissues and reorganizes systems. One should retire to bed before 10 p.m. and should finish dinner two hours prior to sleep. Light dinner with less spice followed by a glass of milk (an hour after dinner) is always found to induce good quality sleep. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to poor health of hair.

(VI). Stress management: Everybody faces high levels of mental and emotional stress due to fierce competition in day to day life of modern times. Living regularly in such state of stress can lead to excessive falling, premature graying, dry, dull-looking, lifeless appearance of hair. Herbal tea enriched with any one or more of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Mandookparni (Centella asiatica), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) supports natural ability to manage stress. Always spare time to rest and relax and practice relaxing yoga techniques and meditation to keep stress under control. Massaging scalp with medicated herbal oils is found to be helpful to mental relaxation and to control mood swings.

*Ayurvedic hair cleanser - Blend together coarsely grinded Amalaki (Embilica officinalis) – 50 Gms., Shikakai (Acacia concinna) – 30 Gms. and Arishtaka (Sapindus trifoliatus) – 20 Gms and Water – 1.5 Ltrs. make a decoction by boiling contents so that the water is reduced to 1 Ltr. and keep after straining it for washing the hair, but application of oil is always advisable prior to it. This should be made fresh .This a quantity of ingredients in this formulation is for reference only; quantities should be adjusted as per one’s daily requirement. Use of freshly made hair wash solution is always advisable.

This article in nutshell:
- Shape or condition of your hair is reflection of your internal health.
- Good quality sleep relieves stress which is one of the causes of bad hair health.
- Following healthy food habits is always beneficial for wellbeing of hair.
- High protein diet improves condition of hair, controls excessive falling of hair.
- Crash dieting, hormonal imbalances, anemia and low blood circulation cause hair falling.
- Regular milk intake, sesame seeds, almonds and dry fruits help to make hair full of life.
- Application of Sesame oil or Coconut oil or Mustard oil is always good for healthy hair.
- Regular shampooing with undiluted shampoos should be avoided as it will damage hair.
- Hair oils enriched with Keshya (Hair friendly) herbs are always beneficial for hair.
- Regular maintaining of scalp hygiene is of prime importance to control hair disorders.
- Brushing naturally dried hair stimulates circulation to the scalp and hair follicles.
- Cleaning with hard water should be avoided, as it makes hair dry, rough, messy and dull.
- Always dilute shampoo by adding 100 times soft or mineral water to it.

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What is an EHR/EMR?

Simply put, the EHR is an electronic record of a patient’s medical history. This electronic record includes important information like test and imaging results, medication history, Emergency department visit summaries, doctors’ notes and general health history – from childhood allergies to surgeries.

All of this exisits currently, (in most hospitals).But, in paper charts and in some cases in databases behind applications that do not talk to each other .

An EHR ultimately replaces the paper chart currently used to store the same information. The electronic version of the record can be made available to the patient’s caregivers in different locations, more quickly and efficiently. And when done well, it minimizes data redundancy (the need to enter the same information over and over) . So for instance, information captured during an emergency visit can be retrieved by an inpatient care giver, if the patient goes on to recieve care as an inpatient.

How does EHR help hospitals ?

The EHR can help hospitals and health systems make improvements in three major areas.

1. Improved quality of medical decision making

It provides doctors with immediate access to a patient’s health information.Whether it is an Emergency Physicain, or a nurse that needs to phone an on-call physician in the middle of the night, the patient’s chart can be accessed to support important treatment decisions. In addition, in most cases the EHR is connected to a robust library of medical information that can help physicians in making diagnoses and treatment plans based on the latest research.In some cases, it can generate automatic reminders by mail or e-mail to notify test result availbility, critical values and other useful medical information.

2. Improved Patient Safety

Because doctors’ orders and prescriptions are entered into a computer rather than in handwritten orders, pharmacists and other caregivers have no trouble interpreting the information. This greatly reduces the possibility of transcription errors and other medical mistakes. Thereby reducing adverse drug events and increasing patient safety.

3. Improved efficiency

Caregivers will no longer need to search or wait for your patient chart. In addition, lab results and X-rays can be sent electronically to your doctors as soon as they are completed, for immediate analysis, diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to the major areas listed above, there are other advantages including cost savings from an EHR implementation. EMR can help reduce medical malpractice insurance premiums, reduced downcoding and even revenue gains by participating in pay for performance time programs.

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Ayurvedic & Unani Services,
Uttarakhand Government.

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General Guidelines For Healthy Eating
The way in which you eat your food is even more important than what you eat. Even foods that usually cause imbalance will be digested reasonably well, if the proper rules are followed.

Likewise, if you eat the correct foods in the wrong way your digestion will be compromised, and gas, indigestion and the formation of ama will follow. If you follow these food habits and choose the correct foods then your digestion will be maximized, and you will experience optimal digestion.

Chew your food until it is an even consistency before swallowing.

Do not eat while being distracted by television, excessive conversation or reading.

Do not drink cold drinks just prior to eating. This weakens digestion.

Do not drink large quantities of liquid during meals, as this also weakens the digestive fire. A half-cup of room temperature water is about right, on the average. Dry meals may require more, and moist meals, like soup, require none at all. It is okay to sip a little wine during a meal.

Eat only food prepared by loving hands, in a loving way. The energy of the cook is always in the food. Avoid eating food prepared with resentment. We take in not only the food, but also the emotions of the chef.

Make eating a sacred ritual. Pause for a moment, relax, and say grace before you start.

Following your meal, relax for a short while to let your food digest before going on to the next activity.

Eat at a moderate pace until you are three-quarters full.

Allow three hours between meals to allow your food to digest.

Digestion is strongest around noon, when the sun is at its peak.

The body's rhythms mirror those of the universe. Therefore, it is best to eat your largest meal at noon. The morning and evening meals should be lighter.

Take all water and drinks at room temperature or warmer. Cold drinks destroy the digestive fire and decrease digestion. This is true not only at mealtime, but all day long.

Allow three hours between meals for food to digest. This allows most people three to five meals per day. Those with a vata nature or imbalance should eat four to five times per day.


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